How taking a platonic bath turned into taking an erotic bath among friends [FM]

Hey all!
I [M] just discovered this beautiful subreddit today and immediately thought that I’d like to contribute a story here as well.

This happened a couple years ago already in my mid 20s. Had a very good female friend that just landed her first job after university and thus moved from her shared flat into her first very own flat. It wasn’t too big or in any form luxurious but key fact: It had a bath tub. Before I dive deeper into my story, I have to say that this was a purely platonic friendship. We found each other attractive, seen each other naked already when we went to a spa/sauna or skinny dipping in summer, also made out at a party one time but it never got in any way serious.Our friendship was always platonic and just about fun.

Anyways, she gave me a flat tour before she moved in and when we passed the bathroom with the tub, we started joking that we should order pizza and get drinks once she’s moved in and take a bath together. I didn’t take it serious at all but a month later – two weeks after she moved in – one thing led to another and we ordered pizza, poured ourselves drinks and took a bath on a Sunday afternoon. Again, undressing in front of each other and slipping into the bathtub together wasn’t a big deal at all for us at that point. We’ve seen each other naked before and it was just about having fun without any second thoughts. It began pretty mild as expected, so we just talked, had our drinks and pizza, listened to music. However, the bathtub was rather normal-sized and while we were sitting in front of each other, it was inevitable that parts of our bodies were touching each other. Again, we didn’t make a big deal out of it because it was inevitable anyways and we both didn’t want to make it too awkward, so just let it happen.
Some time into our bathing session, I realized though that the whole situation was arousing me: Her legs always touching mine, her wet boobs peeking out of the water now and then, her pussy and butt that I could take a glimpse at whenever she was moving around. I couldn’t help it while feeling how my cock got stiffer and stiffer. At first I tried to act normal and just hide it and was quite actually successful because of all the foam floating around. However, it began to dissolve and eventually she discovered my erection that I unsuccessfully tried to cover with my hands/arms. Her eyes got big for a second and then she started grinning. My face turned red and I tried to save the situation because the last thing I wanted was turning this into an awkward scene. I stuttered and mumbled that I’d be sorry but she immediately told me that it’s alright while still grinning at me. It got silent for a minute, my cock still rock hard, trying to cover it with the remaining foam again.
Suddenly I could feel her foot moving up my right leg and then her toes first touching my balls and then my cock. I wanted to say something but her look told me that I just shouldn’t. My cock started to twitch while her foot slowly moved around it and I just couldn’t stop myself from moaning a little. Eventually she got up on her knees in the bath tub, came close to my ear and whispered something like “I’m just doing you a favor, nothing more, nothing less, ok?” and I could just nod while breathing heavily. Immediately afterwards she grabbed for my cock and began stroking it. She really meant what she said though because she neither let me kiss her during the handjob, nor let me touch her. She enjoyed it – that’s what she also told me later on as well – but for her it was definitely just about finishing me off, which was definitely fine for me though!
Eventually I could feel how the orgasm was building up and that I couldn’t last much longer which she also realized because my moaning and breathing got louder. Right in that moment, she pulled my pelvis up a little so that the tip of my cock was out of the water. She immediately enclosed my tip with her lips and began stroking harder than before and after just a couple seconds, I shot my entire load right into her mouth. Exhausted I sank back into the bathtub while she grabbed her glass and just spit my cum into it. She grinned again and just said something like that she had no other choice because she didn’t want to ruin the bath water. We just laughed it off and I thanked her.



  1. That is such a hot story! I love that idea of platonic friends being able to help each other out in that way. Did it affect the friendship in any way?

  2. “…And I said cool, but I’m keepin my pants on, cause I’m kinda goin with someone…”

    The Ballad of Dorothy Parker – – Prince

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