[F] I let a teacher, that I hated, fuck me just to pass his class..

I did it back in school, and I didn’t enjoy it… yes maybe I got wet or so because it was still a dick fucking me but I hated the man and I was so un attracted to him but back then it felt like my only chance to pass..

But doing it, and using my body to gain benefits kinda started a trend in my life that I don’t really enjoy … like whenever I had issues with someone or needed to gain something I would think back at how easy it was when I let him use me … and I would give in a take the easy route of letting someone use me for benefits …

I did it with few teachers , I tried it in a lot of job opportunities or any promotion or in cases where It could help me escape trouble or so…

Whenever I felt like the man in front of me can be persuaded by me letting him use me .. that I can gain something or it can be alot easier if I let him… I just do it

Of course it didn’t always work.. I would get ignored or sometimes they wouldn’t catch the hints… or even sometimes they use and still not follow up on their promises because they are pricks..

I just end up letting those men that I dislike or find unattractive or just find weird , I let them use my body in order to gain benefits… and I feel disgusting after , I lose self respect and I don’t think any of them have respect for me either …

But i can’t stop myself from taking the easy route after already doing … it’s like what’s the harm of doing it once more

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/q7ysj8/f_i_let_a_teacher_that_i_hated_fuck_me_just_to


  1. We typically don’t realize the harm we are doing to our self image until it’s already embedded in how we identify with ourselves. The question you need to ask yourself is “ What kind of person will I become if I keep allowing myself to be used like this”. There are healthier ways to deal with this kind of stress.

  2. That sounds awful, I’m sorry that that’s a part of your life. Is a subreddit mostly used for titillation really where you want to talk about this though? I mean, there’s nothing wrong with it if so, but I wouldn’t want to post something like this to a place largely used for masturbation personally. Also, sorry, to be a nuisance, but please, *please,* learn to use punctuation correctly.

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