My fuckbud’s [M] free use high fucktoy [F]

Weed makes me horny like really fucking horny like wet thighs fuck me now kinda horny.

One thing about me is that when I get SUPER high I get really quiet. It’s not that I’m uncomfortable or anything but just because I’m on another planet. Usually when I get like that I want dick more than you could even believe. I can feel that shit in my soul but I get so into myself that I can’t even get my ass to move and I don’t talk much. You know when you take a huge hit and 15 minutes later it smacks you? Getting dicked when you come up like that is the ***beeeeest***

So I told this to one of my fuckbuds I smoke with a lot. I told him if we’re smokin out and I get really quiet like that just fuck and play with me. Fuck asking and just go for it. It’s fine. Just fuck my brains out. Use lube if you wanna fuck my ass but go for it.

It is probably some of the most intense sex I’ve ever had. When I’m totally zoned out and into whatever I’m doing and depersonalized it is the most intense emotional and physical feeling. It is hard to describe. It’s like I’m super into myself but also so far away. My entire world is just him taking off my clothes and fucking me. My face always gets crazy hot and I feel like I’m going to pass out cause it feels so fucking good. I love how much power he has over me and how used I feel. Like we are just these animals and all I am is this bitch getting fucked. He tells me I’m such a good girl and it’s like getting mind fucked twice over.

Honestly always look forward to it when we hang.



  1. Hell yes! Getting fucked while you’re totally zonked is incredible. It’s like scratching an itch you didn’t even know what there till you scratched it

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