Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF Part 15-1



*** ***Chris*** ***

Alana immediately texted Laura to not even dare go out to dinner with me. Bella has rounded the corner by this time and stalked the grounds towards me, practically foaming at the mouth. Dear god, I’ve made a mistake…

“You just tried to set up a date with Laura?!” Bella growled at me. I could see the fire in her eyes and her well-corded arms pumping red with blood. “You motherfucker, you… fucking motherfucker! How dare you! How fucking dare you!? Get out, get the fuck out!”

I did not see this outcome, like at all. I couldn’t get a word in. She is so angry that I was afraid that if I say anything, ANYTHING, it would further set her off. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her this angry, and frankly I am terrified. I am literally terrified and I am not feeling any other emotions. She started shoving me, hard and I damn near fell over. Alana ran up to her and held her, long enough for me to slip by.

I was joking around. I wasn’t planning on actually going out to dinner with Laura or anything. I texted her beforehand to let her in on the joke, to act interested in my advances. Of course, neither Bella nor Alana saw me send the text out because I was doing it from behind the counter. I’m honestly shocked that Bella is this mad, but I guess I touched a nerve.

So I ran to our room and grabbed a few things. I took a duffle bag that I kept secret in my closet, a few changes of clothes, and some office wear. As I was leaving, I looked at them as they enjoyed their nacho. Neither Alana nor Bella looked at me. I sighed and I took the keys to my new car and left.

I drove over to the boxing gym that I used to go to a while ago. Honestly, it’s been about 5 years since I’ve been here. It’s owned by a crotchety old man, and I heard he had a fighter win a big fight a couple of weeks ago.

“Chris, it’s been years. What brings yer lousy carcass over?” his gravelly voice floated over to me as he grinned.

“Girl problem, you know how it is,” I answered back.

“Yes, yes. Well, yer always welcome here to work out yer stress. Have Eve over there show ye a free bag.”

Eve is a lovely girl and I think she’s somehow related to the coach. She showed me over to an empty bag and went off on her own. I didn’t need her to show me, though, this gym has been my haven for a good portion of my teenage life.

When I was a kid, about 11 or so, my dad took me here to work off some steam. I was a rambunctious kid and I was just all over the place. The old man disciplined me, taught me self-control and how to control my anger. He also taught me how to throw hooks and jab, and for 8 years that’s what I did. Whatever the fighters did, I did as well. Whatever their workout menu is, I followed. I never got into a professional fight or anything, but when people needed a sparring partner I usually stepped up.

I took my old boxing gloves from my duffel bag and a pair of white hand wraps. Putting them on felt natural, I didn’t need any reminder of it, and the feeling of my fist colliding with the punching bag feels so satisfying that I didn’t even realize that a few hours have passed. I gave the old man my thanks, promising to return every once in a while, and drove back home.

*** ***Bella ******

Honestly, what the fuck was he thinking? Did he think I was going to let that slide? Did he think that just because I’m letting the girls have sex with him that he can just disrespect me like that?

“Um, Izz-baby, I think you went too far there,” Alana said as she brushed my arm.

“No, he’s going to have to think about boundaries and why they need to be respected,” I countered but Alana didn’t believe for a second that was the reason why I got mad. The fucking audacity, setting up a date in front of me. How dare he. How fucking dare he cheat on me! On me!

And she’s right. I got mad because old anger flared up. My boyfriend was going to go out with Laura. It felt like 2013 again when Joey cheated on me with Laura. My mind started going back to that time and now I’m regretting it. I even put my hands on him! What have I done?

I hear a knock on the door and I went over and opened it to find Laura and Saleen. “Where is he? What did you do!?” she asked me hastily.

“What the f— I mean, what do you mean what did I do!? You two were about to go out on a date, that was not part of our agreement!”

“Izzy, it was a joke! Did you get mad and kick him out? Is that what you did?”

She showed me a text she received from him a minute or two before he called her.

***”Hey, just play along okay? I’m going to call you, Bella’s got me pretty angry but I’m gonna play a trick on her.”***

I felt like an idiot. I felt like I needed to die right there and then. I had just kicked out possibly the best partner I’ve ever had and I just realized I don’t know enough about him to know where he would be at a time like this.

I realized I don’t know a whole lot about him, even though I love him dearly. I don’t know where he goes if he’s stressed out, whenever he’s mad or if he’s feeling sad.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. It’s him! It has to be him! I unlocked it to find Raissa is calling me.

“Bella? You are there? Victor has been trying to call you, but you are not answering!”

“What? What’s wrong? Why is Victor calling me?”

“*Sua cabra estúpida,* Chris was in an accident! Go to the hospital now!”

I felt my heart drop. I felt my world just crumble around me. No, please God, no! I’m able-minded enough to change into something more appropriate and I rushed over to grab the keys.

I drove. I wasn’t crying, I wasn’t hysterical, but I drove to the hospital with Alana in tow. I didn’t even realize I was walking up to the hospital doors until Alana forced a mask on my face to wear.

I got to the security desk, checked myself in, got a visitor pass and rode up the elevators to the second floor. Alana has been talking, I can hear her, but I haven’t been able to respond to whatever it is she’s yapping about.

I got to his room to find him with his leg wrapped up in an ace bandage with a splint and his arm in a sling.

“Oh… baby!” I cried out as I approached him, but he held out his hand. “What’s wrong?”

“Isabella, let me get my piece in.”

Oh no. He took a deep breath and centered himself. “I’ve been doing some thinking and I realized that you’re still the same girl that I met back in that restaurant.”

“What do you mean? What do you mean I’m the same girl -”

“Bella, please let me finish.”

I-I don’t like his tone. I don’t like it one bit. I nodded and I took a chair from against the wall, placed it near him and sat. I took his right hand in my own and looked at him.

“What I mean is that, you’re still that girl. That girl that was kind, and caring but then as time went by you turned into the girl that I knew for a year and a half. The girl that has unresolved issues and she would take it out on me.” He took a deep breath and fidgets around with his finger, rubbing it against mine. He looked at me again, and I can see the tears starting to form.

“What? What are you saying?”

“Isabella, what I’m saying is that you’re starting to regress. You’re beginning to go back to that same girl that terrified me for 18 months.”

“Chris, I swear I’ve changed! I really changed!”

“I know, Isabella, I know. But you’re also going back to how you were. I mean, that blow up you had tells me that I’m still going to have to walk on eggshells around you. I don’t know what’s going to set you off. You were like this before, but it was over smaller things. You’d get angry if I let your hand go when we’re walking, or if I’m slow in my reply.”

“Chris, please! I don’t — can we talk about this when you’re better and at home please?”

“Isabella. I’m breaking up with you. I love you, I really love you, but I don’t know if I want to wait another year to see if you changed or not. You put your hands on me earlier, and I don’t want to find out if the next time it’s your fist or something else.”

The five words I didn’t not want to hear. The five words I thought I wasn’t going to hear. I broke down in front of him, bawling my eyes out in that hospital room. Alana went inside and fetched me, and I held onto Chris’ hands for as long as I can while tears streamed down my face. He rubbed the top of my palm with his thumb, but then he loosened his grip as it slipped away.

*** ***Bella*** ***

“Bella, what did you do? What happened?”

That voice. I haven’t heard that voice in a long time. Chris and I have broken off 2 months ago now, and every night I cry myself to sleep. I guess I’m starting to loose it now.

“Bella, didn’t I ask you to take care of my Honey for me while I was gone?”

She’s sitting in the darkness, wearing a sundress of ivory and a pretty, white sun hat that seems to emit it’s own light. She’s shorter than I am, a foot shorter I think, but she seems so familiar. “You? What the, am I dreaming or something?”

“Call it an intervention,” she said plainly as she pats the seat next to me. “I don’t get to talk to you often, you know, because I thought you started really changing for our Honey, for the better.” She adjusted herself so she could look at me better, and gave me a short smile but then a disappointed shake of her head. “I’ve been sitting back and watching all the good times you’re having. I was enjoying myself, but then you started messing everything up and even hurt him! I thought you changed, Bella? If I knew that the videos I made for you wasn’t going to help, I would have just not made them and let Chris break up with us, so he can find someone else to love.”

“I did! I did change!” I implored her but she only shook her head, her long hair wildly swaying behind her.

“Did you? Did you really change? Or did you change just enough so he would stay?”

I sank back into my seat and sighed in defeat. “I guess I have some pent up anger. I just saw red and I guess I didn’t want to hear what he had to say. But why didn’t he fight for me? Why did he just give up so easily?”

“So easily? Bella, he’s seen the movie and he didn’t want to stay for the sequel.” She laid her hands on my thigh and looked at me again, with pity clear in her eyes. “Bella, sweetie, I hope for your sake, for our sake, you can learn from this.”

*** ***Chris*** ***

Thankfully, it was a pretty minor fracture and my leg is fine after about 10 weeks. I’ve gotten my own place apart from Isabella, she can have that apartment even though it’s really nice. Victor and his friends have been kind enough to help me move out, and Raissa is sad that me and Bella aren’t together anymore.

Oh, and my new Civic was totaled. Fuck! I really liked that car, and it was a nice color too. Thankfully, I wasn’t at fault for it and the insurance paid it off, but now I need to get a new car.

I’ve been regularly hitting the gym. The old man has me running drills again and I think he’s trying to get my mind off my problems. So much so that he even had one of the fighters, Trevor, try and train me in MMA. All in all, it was a great stress relief and Trevor has been giving me hints on my ground game and submissions. I’m fairly proficient in striking, though.

I thought I can move on from her pretty fast, but I find myself looking for her in other people. It’s too early to start dating anyway. Alana and Laura has been texting me, asking how I am and frankly I didn’t bother answering them at first. But I’m so lonely, though, so I started answering back.

I could tell that Alana wanted to swoop in and take me for herself, but she’s far too loyal to Isabella that she see’s it as a betrayal. Laura is on the same boat, she didn’t want to damage the relationship she’s managed to salvage. They kept it friendly enough with me, but not too friendly. I understand, though, and I needed space from them anyway so I stopped contacting them.

Victor invited me to a party he’s having in his home. I needed time away from my shitty apartment anyway, so I agreed.

The usual suspect is here, as well as a couple of people I didn’t know.

“I saved you that night, you know,” Victor said with a sly wink as he took a sip of his soda.

“What do you mean?” I asked, obviously not know what he meant.

“Look, we have a nurse at nights that would fuck patients. I mean, we’d report her to HR or something but the hospital is severely understaffed because most nurses decided to go and do travel nursing. Guess what, she was assigned to you in one of the nights that you were in the hospital. I basically asked her to stay off of you.”

My mind quickly turned back towards during my hospital stay. Indeed there was a nurse that took care of me. Young, athletic body, very attractive and she lingered in my room just a bit longer than usual. There was even unnecessary bed bath’s that I assured her I didn’t need help with, but she insisted in helping me and her hands would hover over my dick. Victor looked at me as soon as I figured it out and he gave me a knowing wink.

“She’s really good looking, but why though?”

“I don’t know, I just didn’t want you to catch feelings for her because you’re my friend, and I don’t want you to get hurt again. She’s still young and I guess she’s really doing her sleeping around now instead of later on when she’s married.” He gave me a nod as he slinked back into the party.

I wasn’t feeling the party. Sure, there are people here that I know but I just wasn’t feeling up to it. I sank back and surfed the wall until I ended up near one of the rooms. I groaned as another set of EDM started playing and went into the room. I know his house pretty well, this was a room that they kept for guest and such.

It was quiet, and the music wasn’t as loud. I sighed in relief as I searched the wall for the switch. I flicked it open and turned to see a familiar face.

“Hi,” Bella said with a hint of shock in her voice. She’s sitting on a chair tucked away in the corner, looking out the window with a glass of wine in her hand. She’s wearing that old yellow sundress, I guess that became her favorite, and a yellow hairband to keep her hair off her beautiful face.

“Hey,” I said awkwardly.

~End of Part 15-1~



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