Always the scrawny one [MM]

I was always the scrawny one. Growing up with this usually didn’t bother me. Then I got to college and I was determined to bulk up as much as I could. I figured the girls would find me more attractive if I was more muscular. I had no idea how big I could get but in my mind I could imagine myself getting very muscular. Like most colleges and universities the gym was free. So I made the most of it. I had no idea what I was doing. I fumbled with the weights and almost injured myself. I was lucky when Jake helped me. He was taller and quite muscular. He caught the bar when I could not handle it. I thanked him. Six days a week we would meet at the gym and he would help me. He made me switch to much lighter weights because I could lift them easily. He said I should start with really light weights and do more repetitions. He brought me a protein shake. He had a different shake. When I asked why he gave me a different one he said it was because I was a beginner. Time went by. I didn’t think I was gaining any muscle. Jake kept telling me to be patient. He handed me the shake and I drank it down. I found myself feeling horny. It wasn’t unusual for me to feel horny, but this was horny on a whole new level. He suggested we take a short turn on the treadmill. I wanted to say no but I somehow could not. We jogged side by side. After that was over, I was embarrassed that I was jogging with an erection. Jake said I should come back to his dorm to shower. I didn’t want to but I could not bring myself to say it. I went along.
When we got back to his dorm, he stripped down right when he entered his room. I wasn’t gay but I could not help notice his enormous cock and it wasn’t even erect. He told me to undress. I didn’t want to be naked in front of him. My uncircumcised cock looked puny compared to his. But I found myself sliding my shorts off. Fully nude, he looked me up and down. “Cute,” he said. I reached down and pulled my foreskin back, which I always did when I got undressed. That seemed to make him unhappy. He said I had to return the foreskin over the glans. He told me to get in the shower and he joined me. I felt like it should feel strange but I felt natural being in a shower with his muscle hunk.
Jake reached over and grabbed a razor. “Let’s get you shaved,” he said. He knelt down and started shaving my legs. My mind was a little fuzzy. I didn’t move as he shaved my legs clean. Then he continued and shaved my pubes. He told me to turn around and bend over. My mind felt like it should freak out but I obeyed. I felt the razor doing its work between my cheeks. Next he did my armpits. He passed his hand over the freshly shaved areas and seemed pleased.
We got out of the shower and he handed me a towel to dry off. I did so, inspecting my clean shaved body and I was pleased. Why did I like this?
Back in his room, Jake put on some music. It felt contemporary yet eerie. I couldn’t quite figure out what was strange about it. Jake said some words to me but I had no idea what they meant and my mind said not to pay attention. It was like hearing words in a dream but not knowing what they were saying. Each time he said the words, my cock surged and I felt a tingle in my ass. This was a totally new feeling. Never before had I felt something like that and I had no idea what it meant. My body was boiling and my cock was extremely hard. I reached down and grabbed my cock but Jake put a stop to that. He told me to touch his cock instead and I obeyed. It was warm and a little rubbery. He said some words again, which I heard but felt I should ignore. The more I touched his cock, my cock felt pleasure. I tried to reach for my own cock but somehow I could not.
Jake told me to stroke his cock and he moaned as I did. Jake said some words to me again and I had no idea what he said but my cock surged more. I sort of felt like I was going to cum but I was not even touching my cock. Jake grabbed my head and pulled it down. He didn’t need to say anything. I kissed his cock and I felt electric. I took it into my mouth. It was the first time I had ever done that. In fact, before that moment, I had never even considered doing anything like that. Jake pumped his cock in my mouth, moaning. I felt him throb and he started shooting cum. I felt my cock twitch as it shot cum which oozed out the tip of my foreskin. I had no idea a man could shoot that much cum. It flooded my mouth and for a moment my mind wanted to panic but I let his cum stay in my mouth and when I took a second to experience the taste it was one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted. I could not swallow his cum fast enough. The best part was how excellent I felt because I got him off. I was the cause of that orgasm. I made it happen. “Very good,” he said.
The next morning I woke up wondering if that had been a dream. I wasn’t gay. Why would I have a dream like that? Then I felt my smooth body. I threw the covers off and looked down. Yes, my legs were completely hairless and my pubic hair was gone. I found myself smiling. I liked that smooth feeling. I headed to class. After class I went back to my dorm and took a shower. I never did that. In my shower I noticed a brand new pack of razors. I took out a new one and shaved my entire body again. It was like instinct. All I could think about was that Jake would be pleased.
I met Jake at the gym and he acted like everything was the same. I felt very self conscious that someone would notice my shaved legs but no one seemed to notice. Jake seemed to mumble something to me. I did not understand what he said but felt no desire to find out. I could not take my eyes off his crotch. All I could think about was his cock in my mouth. Our workout was about the same except Jake made me do less weights. He said I was not going to gain any muscle as he wanted me to keep my slim shape. When we were done we went out to get food. Jake ordered a beer and I said I would have the same. Jake interrupted. He said beer was for men. I ordered a pina colada and he seemed pleased with that. The waiter brought my drink in a delicate glass with a cherry. I sipped it a little at a time. Jake reached over and took the cherry.
We went back to his dorm. He told me to get undressed and I did readily. We got in the shower and cleaned off the workout sweat. He soaped me and I felt his hand between my ass cheeks searching for my hole. Instinctively I bent over to give him better access. I felt his finger toying around the hole and then he poked it in. I had no idea that this could feel so good.
We dried off and went back to his room. He playfully pushed me onto his bed, then he positioned me with my ass in the air and my head on the bed. He lubed me, fingering my ass. I moaned. Then he put his cock to my ass. I felt the head touch and I braced, not knowing what would happen next. He just left it there, barely trying to enter but not forcing it. Then he moved back and forth, not pushing in, just bumping the head of his cock on my tight anal opening. My mind was going crazy. I wanted him in me. I wanted him to be pleased with me. I wanted to be the source of that pleasure.
He continued his cock bump on my ass, barely pushing in. I could tell I was feeling looser and his head seemed to push in a tiny amount. He held it there. I could feel his hands all over my back and ass, massaging and caressing me. “Relax. Let me in” he said. I felt my body relax and his cock head inched in. My ass was spreading and opening now. “Relax” Jake said. Again my body complied and it became loose. And I felt my hole stretch and his cock slid in more. “The head is in now” he said as he held his position. Jake eased back and forth a little, never withdrawing and each time pushing just a tiny bit deeper. He made longer strokes. A feeling washed over me. The best explanation I had was warmth but it was more than that. Jake pushed deeper and it got a little uncomfortable. I wanted to reach back and push him off me at the same time I wanted him deeper. I wanted to get the intruder out and I wanted it to invade me completely. He held his position. The cock rocked in me some more. Sliding back and forth. “It’s not even halfway in” he said. Yet to me it felt like he was fucking my brain. On one hand it was uncomfortable and on the other it was pleasure like I never had before. My hands were gripping the pillow, my ass way in the air, filled with Jake’s thick circumcised cock. He continued to press deeper each time until his body was up against mine and could go no deeper. Jake fucked my ass for an eternity. The uncomfortable aspect eventually went away. Jake’s muscular body tensed and his cock surged as he shot his cum into my ass. The feeling of him cumming was exquisite.
“You had an orgasm.” Jake said.
I didn’t even notice but there was a puddle just below my penis.
Jake cleaned up and sent me on my way. He gave me a bottle of vitamins which I had to take every morning. He said my penis might get a little smaller but I should not worry. I thought I should be freaking out about that but I wasn’t. He told me I was never to masturbate. Yeah right I thought. Then he said some unknown words which my mind said to ignore and suddenly not masturbating made sense. Of course I would not. He said my only orgasms would come from him.
Months later I am still working out with Jake. He is getting more muscular and I am still as scrawny as before. I take my vitamins every morning. My penis has gotten a little smaller and my testicles shrunk a bit too. Jake has me waxed instead of shaving. Jake is training me to have sex without getting erect. I even cum that way. And I only have orgasms via Jake’s cock. I have tried masturbating a few times and it does no good. It feels good for a second but I get bored with it. I certainly cannot cum that way. I have made myself orgasm a few times by fingering myself.
