A much appreciated concert invite [MFF]

It was a couple weeks before I started my sophomore year of college in 2019 when I got a text from Sabrina asking, “Hey one of my friends can’t go to the concert this weekend do you wanna go?” She followed it up with, “I haven’t seen you in a while and I thought it’d be fun.”

“Yeah sure. I can come up on Thursday.” I told her.

“That sounds amazing! I’ll see you then!” she answered back. I was surprised she invited me but I wasn’t going to question it. For those of you who don’t know who Sabrina is, she’s the girl from the first story I posted on this subreddit. She’s 5’6” with tan skin. She had brown hair with blonde highlights and brown eyes. She’s in pretty good shape as well. At this point, it had been over a year since the events of that story and as she pointed out I hadn’t seen her in quite some time. Thursday came and I headed down to her college town, where the concert happened to be. Her and her roommate had just gotten an apartment down there and were staying there the upcoming school year.

I got there Thursday night around 8pm. I knocked on the door to their apartment and Sabrina answered. She was wearing an oversized white t-shirt and a pair of black Under Armor shorts. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me with excitement. I was unable to contain my desires. I leaned in and kissed her and we began making out in the doorway. I reached my hand around and down her back and squeezed her perfectly shaped ass. She pulled back and whispered quietly, “We can’t, Alex is here.”

Alex is her roommate and best friend. As I’m getting settled in Alex comes out of her room and introduces herself. She is beautiful and tan like Sabrina. She’s 5’3” with blonde hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a purple t-shirt and a pair of white Nike shorts. Like Sabrina, she’s in pretty good shape and actually has a fitness account with couple thousand followers. Her boobs were a little bigger than Sabrina’s as well as her ass. “Nice to meet you!” she greeted me.

We talked for the rest of the night as I caught up with Sabrina and got to know Alex. Around 3am we all said goodnight and went to bed. The two girls got up and went to their room and I started to lay down on the couch. “No your coming in here with me.” Sabrina turned around and smiled.

“Don’t gotta tell me twice.” I said. Alex and Sabrina looked and smiled at each other as Sabrina took me into her room. She began to strip down fully. “I thought since Alex was home you didn’t wanna do anything.” I said.

“I don’t.” she said sliding under the covers. Then with a laugh she said, “I just wanna tease you.”

“Well if you’re sleeping naked so am I.” I told her taking off my clothes and jumping into bed next to her. This girl proceeded to drive me crazy for the next hour. We were doing almost everything except going all the way. I was reaching a point where I just wanted to pin her down on that bed and fuck the shit out of her. She was teasing me to a point that I was about to cum.

She turned over and faced me and asked, “You want a little action?”

I nodded and she went under the covers fully. I was rock hard and on the verge of cumming. I felt her mouth wrap around my dick and she began sucking. I put my head under the covers myself and watched her. It took maybe five minutes for me to cum down her throat. She swallowed it fully and after cleaning up she slid back to the head of the bed. We made out for a little bit until we fell asleep.

The next morning we woke up and Sabrina made us all breakfast. “You guys sleep well last night?” Alex asked us both.

“Tim slept well.” Sabrina said laughing. I turned red with nervousness.

“Sounds like you had a fun time.” Alex said to me with a smile.

The rest of the day went by kind of fast and is rather irrelevant up until it was time to get ready for the concert. I threw on a pair of jeans and boots and a somewhat nice shirt. The girls were in Sabrina’s room changing. I heard them talking and laughing but couldn’t make out exactly what they were talking about. Truth be told I don’t think it matters what was said. Then they came out and they looked great. Alex was wearing a red spaghetti strap crop top and white cut off jean shorts and boots. Sabrina was wearing boots as well but a regular pair of cut off jean shorts and a white crop top. Both turned around and their asses popped out perfectly. I was going to have a hard time not staring at both of them. They both put on cowboy hats and we went on our way.

The concert itself was great. I couldn’t help but stare at Alex’s ass. She even caught me staring more than once but each time she enjoyed it. I tried to play it off but it crossed a point where I just couldn’t help it. Her hips were swaying to the music and it put me in a bit of a trance. I couldn’t keep my eyes off Sabrina either. I think she noticed I was staring at Alex and she upped her game. Either way, it was nice that I could share a fun experience with great people.

On the way back Sabrina got a text from one of her friends. There was a party going on and all three of us were invited. I was down regardless of how tired I was. Neither of us drank anything, especially myself because I was driving, so I used this opportunity to talk to Alex 1 on 1. I could tell any time I glanced at Sabrina that she was jealous. When it came time to leave I was a bit saddened but I was ready for whatever would happen next when we got back. The three of us sat there for another thirty minutes or so before going to bed. Like last night, I went into Sabrina’s room with her and I closed the door. As the door shut, she began to strip and turned around and said, “Take off your fucking clothes now!”

“Yes ma’am.” I said as I smiled.

We began making out as we got on the bed. Then she told me, “You wanna fucking stare at Alex all night and talk to her huh?”

“I didn’t think you’d get jealous.” I chuckled as we made out.

“Shut up and fuck me as hard as you can. I want Alex to hear it and wish she was in here with us.” Sabrina demanded. I liked this jealous side of Sabrina. We have a sexual chemistry that is unmatched. The sex we had that night was nothing short of amazing and rough. I have no doubt that Alex heard it. Hell the people upstairs, downstairs, or down the hall could probably hear it. We went multiple rounds that night. At the end of it when we were laying in a soaked bed and out of breath Sabrina got up and motioned her hand saying, “Come on let’s shower.” as she got up and went to her bathroom. I watched her silhouette make its way to the bathroom. I excitedly got up and followed. We took a ridiculously long shower as we made out and rubbed each other’s bodies before going another round in there. As we got out and dried off we went back to bed and laid there naked, wrapped in each other’s arms. I noticed the sun was rising as we were falling asleep. I was astounded we went for that long.

I woke up the next morning with minimal sleep wrapped in Sabrina’s skin. It was almost noon. I took a couple minutes to actually gather my thoughts as I looked over at Sabrina, still peacefully sleeping. I got up quietly and put on clothes and made sure I didn’t wake her and tiptoed to the door. I opened it and slid through and shut it quietly. I turned around was greeted by Alex, who was at the counter making lunch for everyone. “Well good morning.” she said in a tired, raspy voice.

I could see the bags under her eyes. “You just wake up too?” I asked.

She glared at me and it felt like her eyes were staring into the bottom of my soul. “Pretty much.” she said trying to smile. “You guys sure do know how to make some noise.”

I tried really hard not to smile as I had a flashback to the night before. “It was all Sabrina’s idea.” I blamed her. “She demanded it.”

“It’s fine if just didn’t expect it to last so long.” she chuckled. “And then you guys were in the shower forever!” she exclaimed.

“Well I apologize for keeping you up that long.” I told her.

“Oh I really don’t mind I’m just fucking with you.” she said laughing a bit. “She still asleep?” she asked motioning to Sabrina’s room before turning around. As she turned around I couldn’t help but steer my eyes towards her wonderful ass. It popped out perfectly in the pair of gray gymshark biker shorts she was wearing.

“Yeah.” I said.

We sat and continued to chat for maybe 15 minutes before Sabrina came out. “Hey girl!” Alex said in a high pitched voice. “Have fun last night?” she giggled as she looked at me and smiled.

“So much!” Sabrina said still somewhat waking up. She sat in my lap and kissed my cheek as she said, “I’m a little sore.” she laughed hugging me.

“Yeah you two sounded like you were having a great time.” Alex said.

“Jealous?” Sabrina asked.

Alex said nothing. Her face got red and she just smiled. I’m no mind reader but I’m pretty sure that meant yes. We all sat there and ate as Sabrina and I recovered from last night. Once I was fully recovered I was prepared to gather my things and leave but Sabrina had other ideas. “You don’t wanna go to the club tonight?” she asked. I sat there and contemplated for a second and Sabrina could tell I was on the fence about it. She came right up to me and whispered, “We can have a repeat of last night if you do.”

Needless to say, I was sold on that idea. It was a rather lazy day up until around 9pm. Like last night, I put on a pair of jeans and my boots and a pretty nice shirt. The girls wanted to match when we went so they took longer to get ready than they usually would. As I’m sitting on the couch they both come out in a pair of jeans, green spaghetti strap crop tops and boots. Sabrina’s was a dark green and Alex’s was a light green. They both looked great and were excited to be matching.

I was ready to hit the door and leave but like most girls, they had to take pictures beforehand. I didn’t mind it especially since I knew that after this it would only be a couple more hours before I’d have a repeat of last night on my hands. I was already at half chub just thinking about it. Anyways, when we got to the club it was popping. I can’t describe the feeling in the club that night. Everything was going right. Sabrina and I were dancing with each other and I was counting down the hours until we were wrapped up in bed together again. I kind of felt bad for Alex, who became the third wheel but she didn’t make it awkward at all.

There was a brief pause in the action as Sabrina went to the bathroom. I was surprised she didn’t ask Alex to go because usually girls go together but whatever. Anyways I went to find Alex who had disappeared. I knew she couldn’t have gotten far so I walked a bit and found her at the bar talking to a guy. I didn’t want to interfere with that so I just kept my distance. Although upon watching Alex’s body language I could tell she wasn’t feeling it. It wasn’t anything alarming that I felt I had to step in immediately, there was just an overwhelming look of disinterest on her face. I walked over and calmly put my arm around her and said, “Hey babe whatcha doing?”

I paid no attention to the guy at all. He said something along the lines of, “My bad I didn’t know you were taken, have a nice night.” or something like that.

When the guy left Alex looked at me and said, “Oh am I your girlfriend now? I don’t think yours would approve of that.” she smiled.

“Oh no me and Sabrina are far from dating.” I said.

“Really?” Alex seemed shocked. “I think you should give it a shot.”

I laughed and said, “She’s the one that said we’re just friends with benefits.”

Alex paused and said, “It looks like the benefits are worth it.” looking me up and down. I can’t lie, I had no idea what to say in that moment. I wasn’t expecting her to say anything like that and to begin looking me up and down the way she did.

Sabrina came back and sat on my lap and was excited that me and Alex were chatting it up. It was surprising to see Sabrina jealous and ready to burn something down one night and be happy I’m socializing with Alex the next. Nonetheless, “Whatcha guys talking about?” Sabrina asked.

I looked at Alex and she looked at me. Sabrina was waiting for a response before Alex asked, “Are you two dating?”

Sabrina smiled and put her hand on my chest and said, “Only if a guy hits on me.”

“He just did that with me!” Alex said laughing.

Sabrina looked at me and smiled and then back at Alex and said, “That just means he likes you.”

We got up and danced for a little while longer and I focused on Alex a bit more. I figured it was only fair since I was paying attention to Sabrina too much earlier. I don’t think Alex would’ve cared that much but in my head it made sense to do that. I wasn’t even really intending on making any advances on Alex but I guess they kind of happened naturally.

As we were getting ready to go all three of us used the bathroom. As I got out the girls were still in there. I waited another five minutes or so before both of them came out and they were laughing with each other seemingly at me.

“And what’s so funny?” I asked.

“Just some girls fighting in the bathroom.” Sabrina said quickly while still laughing. I knew it was a lie but I didn’t bother calling it out. I knew it couldn’t possibly be anything horrible about me so whatever was said was between them.

We got in the truck and I drove back to their apartment. We got inside and the same thing as last night occurred. Alex went into her room and Sabrina and I went into Sabrina’s room. I closed the door and as I turned around she damn near jumped into my arms. She wrapped her arms around the back of my neck as we made out. I took off her crop top and bra with her legs wrapped around me. I kissed her boobs softly as I wrapped my arms around her back and we continued to make out.

She slid down to the floor on her knees and unbuckled my jeans and pulled them down with my underwear. I tossed them along with my boots to the side and threw my shirt off. She began sucking my cock at a rather fast pace. She licked my shaft and begged me to fuck her face. I happily obliged and thrusted a few times before I pulled out and she started to suck my balls. She looked up at me as she was doing it which only made it sexier. She continued to suck my cock as she unbuckled her jeans and slid them off. I leaned over to slap her ass a couple times which made my dick go all the way down her throat. She cupped my balls and sucked my dick a little more.

As I was proceeding to get lost in another world of pleasure, Sabrina’s door opened and standing in the doorway was Alex, who was completely naked. Upon seeing the sight in front of her she seemed disappointed in Sabrina saying, “I can’t believe you actually started without me.”

With my dick still in her hand she looked up at Alex and said. “Look at this thing do you blame me for starting early.”

“So this was your plan?” I interjected.

“Yeah!” Sabrina looked up at me and smiled, licking my tip, “You like it?”

“Very much.” I told her as Alex walked closer to me and began kissing me. Sabrina stood up and kissed around Alex’s neck and chest area. Alex and I continued to make out as Sabrina began licking Alex’s pussy from behind. It made Alex moan in my mouth which felt sensational.

I threw them both on the bed, Sabrina to my left and Alex on my right, and began to lick Sabrina’s pussy. Her and Alex kissed softly as they both moaned. I switched to fingering Sabrina’s pussy and her moans grew louder. I then switched to fingering and licking Alex’s pussy as I stuck my other hand back in Sabrina’s pussy. Both of them were already wet but Sabrina was so much more sensitive to me fingering her. I went back to licking Sabrina’s pussy once more as the two of them made out again.

“Your turn!” Sabrina said as the two of them pulled me onto the bed. I laid down and the girls laid in between my legs with Alex on my left and Sabrina on my right. “Wanna help?” Sabrina giggled as she held my cock up to Alex’s mouth.

“Yeah!” Alex giggled back before she began sucking my cock with Sabrina jerking it off and licking my balls. Sabrina knew just what I liked so it already felt amazing coming from her. The two of them slid their tongues up and down my shaft like they were licking a popsicle which felt so much better. They both made eye contact as they took turns switching between my shaft and balls.

They took a small intermission to make out with each other and that’s when I said to Sabrina, “Come sit on my face.” She smiled and crawled up towards me and wrapped her legs across my face and I began licking her pussy. She leaned forward and continued to help Alex suck my dick. Once my tongue began dancing around Sabrina’s pussy the moans started once more and they sounded so pleasant to my ears.

Alex then sat down on my cock and began riding me slowly, leaning in to make out with Sabrina. It was a slow and steady mix of bouncing and grinding on my cock that felt very good. I put my hands on her hips as the bouncing got a little faster all while keeping my tongue glued to Sabrina’s pussy. Sabrina leaned down and licked Alex’s pussy while she rode which I can only imagine felt great.

Once Sabrina was done licking Alex, Alex put her hands on my abdomen and bounced some more. Sabrina slid her body down off of my face and kissed me while Alex focused on riding. Alex was a damn good rider. I took control from the bottom at about the same pace she was riding and she loved it. I could feel her cumming on my cock as I thrusted. Sabrina crawled down and in between my legs and pulled my dick out and began sucking it. She rubbed Alex’s pussy before sticking it back inside Alex. It was a mix of me thrusting and her grinding and bouncing that made her cum again. Sabrina was still in between my legs but she was licking my balls as I was fucking Alex. It felt heavenly.

I gently pushed Alex to the side and grabbed Sabrina and put her in doggystyle. Alex guided my dick into Sabrina’s pussy and Sabrina moaned upon entry. As I was laying wood into Sabrina, Alex stared directly down and watched my dick go back and forth inside her best friend. Alex took my dick out to get a taste of it before sticking it back inside Sabrina. She began talking dirty as she made out with me all while I’m picking up the pace of my thrusting inside Sabrina. As Alex moved towards Sabrina, I put my hands on Sabrina’s hips and thrusted inside her fast and hard, making her moan as Alex kissed her. She begged me to keep going to she could cum. It felt so good feeling her warm pussy cum all over my dick.

Alex laid flat on her back in front of Sabrina and Sabrina began licking her pussy. I slapped Sabrina’s ass a couple of times as I continued to give her glorious back shots. Alex screamed as Sabrina was working magic. Alex got up and came towards me and watched as I brought Sabrina up closer to me and went god mode from behind. She announced that she was going to cum once more and she came hard, nearly slingshotting off my dick and squirting on the bed.

She turned around and began to suck my dick as Alex and I made out. Eventually, Alex made her way down to sucking my cock along with Sabrina. The sharing didn’t last long as Sabrina came up to make out with me. “I wanna ride you.” Sabrina said.

I certainly had no problem with that. I laid back down and Sabrina got on to ride me. Alex sat on my face with her ass facing Sabrina. Both felt so good. I made Alex cum with my tongue alone which I’ve only done a couple of times. I must’ve been firing on all cylinders this night. Sabrina kept bouncing on my dick for quite a while as I focused on pleasing both girls. Alex sat up and sat directly back down on my face, now facing Sabrina, and began making out with her. I thrusted deep inside Sabrina’s pussy trying to make her cum and I succeeded. She jolted up and squirted all over Alex and my stomach. She sat back down on my dick kept riding and the girls continued to make out.

Sabrina came one more time before my cock slid out of her soaking pussy. Alex got off my face to taste my cock. She slid my cock back inside Sabrina as Sabrina leaned in and I pounded her as we made out.

Eventually, Sabrina got off and Alex got back on my dick, this time to ride in reverse like Sabrina just had. She practically sat on my dick and I watched her ass bounce up and down with each thrust. Sabrina rubbed Alex’s pussy for a little bit before turning over to me and we made out with each other. Sabrina then sat on my face as and face as Alex bounced and as she continued to bounce she slid off and squirted. She quickly pushed my cock back in and continued riding in reverse. Her moans and screams were so loud and hot. Sabrina got off my face and scooted over to Alex and kissed her. Sabrina jerked my cock for a solid minute before inserting it back inside Alex, who was still in reverse cowgirl. Sabrina rubbed Alex’s pussy which made Alex cum hard once more on my dick.

I took no breaks as I wrapped my arms around Alex and flipped her on her hands and knees and went right into doggystyle. I didn’t hold back in the slightest. Sabrina maneuvered in front of Alex and gripped the headboard as Alex licked Sabrina’s pussy while I slammed Alex’s pussy with long, hard, and deep thrusts. Sabrina came relatively quickly compared to the work I was putting in with Alex. Alex must be good with her tongue. Sabrina got on her back and got under Alex and they both licked each other’s pussy as I continued to fuck Alex in doggy. Sabrina even started to lick my balls as they slammed into Alex’s pussy. I pulled out and stuffed my cock down Sabrina’s throat and thrusted down into her. Hearing her gag on it and choke sounded wonderful. I slid my cock back inside Alex’s pussy, which felt amazing at this point. I just put my hands on her back and went to work. By the time I was done with her, her legs were shaking from cumming. It was a sight to behold and one that I was proud of.

I pulled out and pulled Sabrina out from underneath Alex and flipped her around on her back. I raised one of her legs up and began fucking her. Alex laid to her left as I laid serious wood into Sabrina. Sabrina looked deep into my eyes as she announced she was cumming. It could feel it as I fucked her. I went a few more pumps before I pulled out and let Alex suck my cock a little bit before going back in. Alex remained on her knees next to me and we made out as I slammed my dick inside Sabrina. Alex then moved onto Sabrina’s face and continued to make out with me as I proceeded to fuck the shit out of Sabrina. I thrusted hard as she ended up squirting all over me. I went pretty hard and as I pulled out Alex kissed her.

I then brought Alex towards me and fucked her in missionary. I was probably like five minutes top from cumming. I switched back and forth between Alex’s pussy and Sabrina’s mouth. Both felt so amazing as the urge to cum grew. I picked up the pace just a little bit and that’s what Alex needed to cum once more. After she came I was ready to cum myself. “I’m gonna cum.” I announced.

“Dump your cum inside her.” Sabrina said.

I didn’t expect that to come from Sabrina’s mouth but I looked down at Alex as I was thrusting and she nodded yes. That was all the clearance I needed. After another thirty seconds or so I emptied a load inside Alex’s pussy. As I sat back and caught my breath Sabrina licked some of the cum out of Alex and swallowed it. When she went back for seconds Alex brought Sabrina’s face towards hers and they both swapped my cum as they made out.

I was worn out. I laid next to Sabrina, who was in the middle, and she asked, “Hey ready for a shower?” to both me and Alex. The three of us got up and went to the shower and we were easily in there for an hour.

At the end of the night I laid in bed with Alex to my left, Sabrina to my right, and went to sleep. I woke up the next morning to the smell of breakfast being cooked once more. I looked to my left and sure enough Alex wasn’t there. I got up exited the room and there was Alex, standing there cooking, still naked and as beautiful as she was last night.

I walked up to her and slapped her ass. “You are amazing!” she exclaimed upon realizing it was me. “Here eat!” I sat down to eat and she gave a a huge kiss and sat down next to me.

“Is this my reward?” I joked.

“No your reward is in your bag.” she said winking at me before going into her room to put on some clothes.

A couple of minutes later Sabrina walked out of her room, “Hey baby!” she said kissing and hugging me, all while still in the process of waking up. “Did everyone have fun last night?” she asked already knowing everyone’s answer.

We all smiled at each other and talked a little more before it was finally ready for me to hit the road. When I got into my truck I looked in my bag to see the surprise Alex left me. There were eight polarid pics of her and Sabrina naked. Needless to say those are mine and mine only to keep. It was a wonderful weekend that ended in a bang.

I hope everyone enjoyed!!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/q7f6me/a_much_appreciated_concert_invite_mff


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