The night I [M35] spent with my wife’s best friend [F34] Part Two [MF] [Almost as Long]

If you haven’t read part one you should probably do that first.
[Part One](

I wrote the first part in June when the events took place, never with the intent of sharing it. I think I originally started writing as a way to get my thoughts out of my head in an organized way. In order to post I read the story through several times changing some of the details to mask peoples identities, and adding some background and descriptions where needed.

What I write from this time on, is from memories of events beginning almost 5 months ago. I expect the tone of future stories may come off slightly different looking back on them now as I am absolutely in a different headspace. And As with any memory, some details are burned into my mind forever but some are admittedly fuzzy. Hopefully I can do the story justice.

I rolled over and put my arm around my wife then I felt a hand run over my groin and my eyes flew open. I was looking into Sara’s face, inches from mine, and the memory of last night came rushing back. She smiled at me and pulled me closer, we kissed. They were not the frantic sexually charged kisses of last night, but soft, slow, and sensual. As we kissed her hand continued exploring. Soon she was pulling me on top of her and as I entered her she let out a breath in my ear and moaned my name. We made love slowly for a long time, with me on top, neither of us finishing before we ran out of energy and cuddling tightly fell asleep again.

We woke to Sara’s mobile phone alarm going off at 6am realizing we didn’t have a lot of extra time we jumped in the shower, soaping each other and kissing the whole time. We quickly dried off, and as Sara was standing naked at the mirror in my bathroom, in front of my wife’s sink with my wife’s hair dryer in her hand, I remembered what she had said yesterday. That she was treating this as a one time thing for now since anyone had veto power, and I realized we may be a little late picking up breakfast. If this could be the last time I ever see Sara naked there’s no way I was just going to let her get dressed!

I watched her for a moment longer, leaning over the counter her beautiful ass just calling to me. I slipped behind her, my quickly hardening dick pushed against her as I wrapped my arms around her. Then she turned the blow dryer on me me giggling and telling me “we don’t have time for this”. I pulled the cord from the wall and well kissing her neck ran a hand down her stomach and started rubbing her pussy. She responded pushing her ass against me harder. With my finger I found her clit and started circling it. Sara leaned her head back onto my shoulder “we have to be quick” she moaned as I rubbed my now very hard dick against her ass. I gently pushed her forward over the counter and she reached down and guided me into her.

She came quickly. In contrast to Kate who is usually very quiet Sara moaned loudly the entire time, Talk about an ego boost! As she came she reached back holding me still for a minute. Once her orgasm subsided she let go of me putting her hands on the back of the sink in front of her and pushed back against me, prodding me to resume. I reached for a handful of her hair but she snapped at me that she just finished getting all the knots out of it she wasn’t going to start again. I held her hips and resumed fucking her watching her magnificent ass the entire time. When I told her I was close she moaned me “Baby come inside me, we don’t have time to shower again”. This absolutely caught me by surprise as I had no intention of doing anything else. Kate would never let me finish anywhere but inside her! I came in Sara wondering what it would be like to cum on her face.

Afterwards I went to get dressed, she closed the bathroom door behind me and I heard the hair dryer turn on again. She came out 15 minutes later looking amazing, as We headed downstairs I decided she looked the same as she always had but my perspective had shifted, I wasn’t looking at her as a friend, as my wife’s best friend, our relationship had changed. I wondered if it had changed for her.

We got in my vehicle and headed for the restaurant that they had ordered breakfast from the day before. I double parked outside the front door and Sara ran in. She emerged a few minutes later with two large bags of food and we headed for her house to see our families.

When we walked in the door we could see the the kids in their pyjamas on the trampoline through the rear window, Kate was sitting on the deck watching them and sipping a coffee. We could hear the shower upstairs running. Sara gave me a hug from behind saying “go tell them we got breakfast I’m going to pop upstairs for a minute”. I walked out the back door. Kate turned towards me, her face lit with a bright smile as she stood. Before I could walk over to her the 4 kids came running my eldest shouting “what took you so long we’re hungry” Kate took my hand and we went inside for breakfast.

After breakfast the kids cleaned up the mess they had left the day before, I helped Sara’s husband connect their bike rack to his truck and load their bikes. He was not talkative and that made me nervous, but looking back now it was not unnatural he’s always quiet and I suspect I was projecting my insecurities about the situation. No one spoke about what had happened. We drove home listening to the kids plan how much they could see their friends over the summer. Then spent the rest of the day doing laundry, cleaning the house and planting the garden (late as usual).

After the kids were in bed Kate and I sat on the couch and talked. I gave her an overview of what happened not in great detail as I wasn’t sure what she would want to hear. I asked if she was ok. She assured me she was but I have to admit although she figuratively and literally pushed me at Sara I was worried something was broken between us. I expressed this to her and she hugged me and promised we were fine. I asked how it all started, I assumed it started with girl talk, but how did it move to a reality? How did Sara’s husband become involved and how did he take the idea? And why the fuck had she not talked to me before hand!? Remembering how it was sprung on me and that this is not at all the way I would have preferred things to happen I was absolutely getting frustrated. Kate could tell and took my hand and apologized for not telling me. But that just made me feel bad, I was the one who was off fucking someone else last night and she was apologizing.

She told me that it started as a joke between them. Sara complained about not getting any from her husband and Kate said she should borrow me because I wouldn’t leave her alone about sex. They joked about it on and off for some time. But Kate started to actually consider it when I stopped initiating sex. She began to worry that I might leave her. That scared the hell out of me! I was terrified that she let this happen because she was scared of losing me and that she would grow to resent me for it. I told her that, that I loved our life and that the only reason I stopped is because the rejection is harder to deal with than a lack of sex but I would never leave her, or cheat on her! You have to understand that as frustrating as a lack of sex is, Kate and the kids are my life. I won’t lie I had vaguely wondered if I could cheat before, if I would be capable of going through with it, but always came to the conclusion that I just couldn’t.

Kate told me that she and Sara had talked about the fact she was scared she would lose me and apparently Sara’s husband had had a similar conversation with her about it at some point. I did not pry into their relationship although I suspect Kate knows a lot more about it than I do. And still today there are many holes there for me. But the long and the short of it is their talk tuned to logistics. They were worried that it would make things weird or destroy our friendship and that in turn could destroy our kids friendships. So they started making rules to try and protect against that. Their most important rules were everyone gets a veto no questions asked. We would debrief 1 week latter. That would give everyone time to process what happened and that nothing else would happen every if everyone was ok with it for at least 6 weeks, then we would talk again.

As it turns out no one was privy to Sara’s live soft core porn show idea, and I still feel like that was a bad idea! If you were hoping for more of that, to date we have not done anything in front of our spouses again.

Saras husband was only introduced to the idea about a month before. I’m told they had discussed the idea of an open marriage in the past but he wasn’t comfortable with the idea. When Sara brought Kate and My issue up as a possibility he was more on board, but took a few weeks to think about it. When he came back to Sara with a tentative yes and they already had their list of rules decided he was on board for trying.

If you’ve made it this far and you don’t know how I was introduced to the idea you must have skipped where I said to read part one first.

The next weekend the weather was unnaturally warm so we met at the splash park, the older ones went to the skatepark and the adults found a quiet side of the picnic area to spread a blanket and talk. This was the beginning of our 1 week debrief.

For my part I didn’t say much I let Kate and Sara do most of the talking. We started by making plans for the next weekend so if anything got awkward there was already a social plan made to force our way though the awkwardness. Then the veto, Kate asked if anyone wanted to use it, reminding everyone that there would be no judging, hard feeling or questions. No one wanted to yet. We discussed how some feelings forming were probably natural but that we were both happily married and nothing would change that. Kate brought up logistics for the future, but Sara quickly reminded her the only thing in the future was another debrief nothing more. I have to admit the emotional part of my brain felt a bit rejected by the speed at which she announced this, I had to remind myself that was the rule that was in place (unbeknownst to me) before any of this started.
Sara’s husband said nothing the entire conversation other than telling us he didn’t want to use his veto YET.

That evening over board games we talked about the summer. We always do a few camping trips with the kids. Sometimes we all go, sometimes it’s just the men and the kids, well Kate and Sara go for a spa weekend. Last year in the midst of Covid we weren’t able to get sites so we setup tents in our backyard and parents and kids spent the weekend there. This year Sara had already gotten us sites for 3 weekends. I was thrilled things seemed to be normal between us.

For the first time in my memory, when they left for the night, Sara didn’t hug me goodbye. I tried not read anything into it.

I hope this answers most of the questions people had, I tried to include answers to the questions left in the comments from part one.
There’s much more to this story (and lots more sex) that I’m happy to share if people are interested but, this has already gotten longer than I had anticipated so we will stop here for now.



  1. I know part two is definitely not as exciting as part one was but I wanted to answer questions and bring the first night to its conclusion. If people are still interested after the less exciting part two I will write a bit about the next debrief and a the camping trip that came shortly after.

  2. Would love to hear moee this is very interesting and i hope everything worked out and everyone is happy with the situation

  3. Great story, read both parts in one go from start to finish.
    You got me fully invested in the story and I hope to read more of it soon!

  4. I am well invested in this story and how it rolls out. Please continue. I’m not bothered by how different part 2 is compared to part 1, it’s all part of the big picture that I want to know more of.

  5. Sex stories are hot, but the rest of the story is more interesting. Like how this all came about and how everyone feels about it. I am glad you are sharing with us.

  6. Are you still having sex with Kate once or twice a month and how has that changed now that you’ve had your experiences with Sara?

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