Step Sister Corruption Part 165 – Day 97 Rip (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I awoke feeling completely groggy….back in *our* special room.

I looked around still feeling completely groggy and quickly found Dr. Braxter sitting on the chair looking at something on her tablet.

I blinked confused but still spoke, “Did everything go ok?”

Dr. Braxter looked up at me and smiled, “Hey you’re awake. Looks like you’re the first one.”

I looked over and found both Summer and Kel still sleeping.

I tried to remember everything that happened.

I remember going back to the room where the experiment took place.

I remember cameras being pointed at each of us as they prepped for the experiment which I kind of felt weirded out but due to whatever they gave us to relax I really didn’t care. The only thing I noted in my mind was the whole experience felt kind of pervy to me but that was about it.

Dr. Braxter came out and informed us what would happen, which was that we would be given anesthesia to make us go to sleep, perform the reproductive material extraction as she called it, and then start the experiment while the camera’s recorded everything.

Once they injected me with the anesthesia within moments my mind went into the blackness.

I would like to say I dreamt during this whole ordeal but honestly I don’t remember a damn thing. If I did dream I don’t remember anything about it so I have no idea if anything happened….it was like a fart in the wind.

I looked at her, though I had a strong urge to basically rip off the covers and gown to see for myself but that seemed inappropriate at the moment.

And I was too drugged to really do an internal check as it felt like everything wasn’t reporting in…..yet. Maybe once whatever was still floating in my bloodstream wears off I might be able to tell. The only thing I felt about my body was…..strangeness.

Dr. Braxter walked up to me, “So you want to know how you did?”

I looked at her and nodded.

She smiled at me, “Looks like the experiment was a success all around. Even your friend Summer over there accepted the formula.”

I looked at her, “So we changed?”

She looked at me and nodded.

I spoke, “By how much?”

Dr. Braxter looked at her tablet, “Let’s see here. You accepted roughly 96% of the formula and you grew roughly 33% all around within the first six hours but I don’t think you’re done growing.”

I blinked at her, “I’m still growing?”

She looked at me and nodded but quickly spoke, “Not height wise mind you.” As she pointed down at my mid section, “That is growing.”

Now I really resisted the urge to pull off the blankets but Dr. Braxter put her hand on me, “Try to not do anything as we still have a catheter still in you along with some medicine to keep you,” she coughed, “at a relaxed state so that you can heal.”


Why would it need to heal?

I looked at her concerned but she quickly spoke, “Relax we anticipated your,” she coughed, “growth and slathered your,” she coughed again as she pointed down, “with an ointment that immediately started healing you as you grew passed your allowed skin surface as it ripped.”

I nearly screamed, “RIPPED!!!!” quickly grabbing my blankets but she stopped me, “Relax you didn’t rip too much and the ointment is healing you nicely.”

I looked at her, “How can you be sure?”

She smiled, “Because I wrapped you up myself. Just relax and let the ointment do its job. You should be fine by tomorrow at the earliest.”

I sighed a sigh of relief but still looked at her, “You sure?”

She smiled lightly at me and nodded.

I recovered from my initial shock and looked at her, “Ok. What about the other two?”

She smiled as she looked towards Kel, “Your step sister Kelly accepted roughly about the same amount as you but her body naturally underwent a more profound transformation.”

I looked at her, “How much?”

She looked down at her tablet, “Our guesstimate is roughly 42% though currently both her and Summer have a calibration device in them to measure them so if you could please relay that information when they wake up that would be really helpful.”

I looked over at Kel and Dr. Braxter got my concern, “Relax you’re the only one who needed the ointment. Your step sister and your friend Summer didn’t need it as much as you did as most of their changes were internal.”

I looked at her, “But their breasts grew right?”

She smiled and nodded, “Yes but they have extra skin to cover that area that allowed the growth to happen. Unlike your,” she coughed, “manhood however didn’t have enough.”

How much did I change?

The more she coughed about my Johnson the more I wanted to look it at.

I looked at her still concerned, “How much?”

She looked at me, “How much what?”

I pointed down at myself and enunciated each word, “How…Much?”

She sighed, “So far a little over eleven inches roughly. Give or take.”

Give or take?

I looked at her, “You mean to tell me I have a fucking eleven inch dick?”

She smiled but still said, “Roughly yes.”

I looked down at myself just in shock.

She spoke, “Let’s wait until the healing is complete to do a full set of measurements and tests to confirm, ok?”

I sighed and nodded not really averting my eyes from my lap but eventually gathered the courage to look away as I looked over at Summer, “What about Summer?”

Dr. Braxter looked at me, “Though she only accepted roughly 78% of the formula I think her transformation is the most relevant.”

I looked at her, “How so?”

She looked at Summer before looking at me, “Honestly?”

I nodded.

She didn’t change her demeanor, “I wasn’t expecting her to accept the formula as much due to her results not holding the high expectancy like you or your step sister. Now the only thing is playing the waiting game for all of you to see how much you keep and how much you lose.”

I spoke, “That doesn’t tell me anything about them Doc.”

She blinked and I held up my hands to my chest and moved them up and down as I spoke, “How much did that change?”

She smiled and laughed for half a moment before she regained her composure and spoke, “Right. Well it looks like your sister grew to a big F small G cup.”

Great!!! Kel was going to love hearing that…..not.

She’s going to be pissed especially seeing how she constantly complains that her current Bra shopping has been hell trying to find the right vendor for her size. At a big F small G her finding bras will probably be impossible.

Dr. Braxter continued, “Summer over there grew to a D if not DD.”

Looks like Summer got what she wanted seeing how she was a solid C to begin with.

I looked at her, “Care to tell me any other changes to expect?”

She sighed, “Right now?” She thought about it for a moment, “More than likely a variety of changes.”

I looked at her a little concerned, “Like?”

She sighed, “Keep in mind most of their changes are all internal. As well as changes in each of your moods and changes in your personality. This formula does more than change your body both internally and externally it also makes changes in your individual personalities. That’s why before you leave I’m going to give you all some instructions to follow.”

I nodded, “Sure.”

She smiled, “Thanks.” She looked at the time, “Well it’s about 9:12pm. If I were you I’d get some sleep.” She looked at me, “If you can that is. In the meantime try not to freak out when you uncover yourself and if you get uncomfortable just push your call button and one of the nurses will come in. Ok?”

I nodded.

She nodded, “Now if you shall excuse me I have to be going. I’ll continue monitoring the girl’s through their devices so make sure they don’t do anything.”

I nodded.

She turned and was about to walk away, “Hey doc?”

She turned to look at me, “Mind getting me the remote and maybe some water I’m parched.”

She smiled, “Sure.”

She walked over to Summer’s bed side where the remote was laying on the tray next to her and walked back handing me the remote, “I’ll have a nurse bring you some water shortly.”

I smiled and watched her walk away.

I looked down surprised as I didn’t feel anything as that normally stirs my loins but nothing. Then I remembered her telling me that I was on something to keep my loins *relaxed*.

Still I had to know as I slowly reached for my covers.

I grabbed the covers and slowly peeled them off me. Then I grabbed my gown and lifted it to find a mummy sitting in my lap…..a large mummy laying down with a tube sticking out.

