Mom’s R and Big D Grant Pt. 1 [M/S] (Interracial, Milf, Voyeur, Mom/Son Cuck, Cheating)

After dropping out of college, Jeremy bounced around from job to job, making ends meet, all without having a clear set goal in life. Fearful of her son’s disillusion, Mary talks it over with her husband, Mark, and the two agree the best way to keep an eye on him is to bring him on to work with them. Mark was an anthropologist and Mary a geneticist hired by a big pharma company to do some research and development work for them in Africa. She took the job and assigned her husband as her lab assistant, which doubled as a sort of vacation for the mid 40s couple. For the better part of year, Mary and Mark continued to live with a small, secluded tribe in East Africa while she did her research and he studied their fascinating culture, and now, their son would join them to assist.

Jeremy came into town in an old, white cab car, with a rusted green stripe painted on both sides. He got out and tipped the driver, who immediately turned out of the only road leading into the place and drove off, leaving Jeremy trapped in a cloud of dust. He ran out of it, then into the new ones being formed as he chased after the car, asking for his things in the trunk. After giving up, a defeated Jeremy walks back into town, nodding at every person he sees. All the men stood where they could and leaned against what was nearest, without a care in the world as to who Jeremy was.

They weren’t what he expected. He had talked to his mom about them and that place, but she made it sound like more grass skirts and leaf huts would be involved. As far as he could see, the men wore shorts and old shirts, the women skirts and dresses, and their houses were brick at least. Finally, he heard his mom call him. He turned to see an old woman in green booty shorts and matching button up made into a crop top waiting for him with arms open. Jeremy walked to her but she pulled him in as soon as he got close enough and wrapped herself around him tightly. He felt her giant, soft tits press against his chest and still be big enough to go around his sides. She let go of him to get a good look, it’d been a while since the two saw each other. Jeremy looked down and saw some belly fat rolling over her tight shorts.

“Mom? What happened to your uniform?”

“Oh this? I needed something more…fitting for this environment. The shorts and top for the heat. No panties or bra for the comfort. Boots and a handkerchief for util-”

“I’m sorry…why no underwear?”

“Well, I don’t know if you’ve seen commercials back home, but africa isn’t really known for its water. Do you think it’d be wise of me to waste these good peoples’ water on my own selfish needs? And it’s apparently pretty hard to find 34DDD bras here. Who would’ve thought. But I didn’t bring you here for fashion advice, come on.” Mary takes Jeremy’s hand and walks him through the tribe land.

“I know, it’s just that, it’s so unlike you. I mean, back home it was jeans and sweaters or long skirts and lab coats.”

“I know it’s different Jeremy, but I promise these changes have all been for the better. Now, when we get home you’ll see where you’ll sleep and where we work. It’s not much but remember, these people have allowed us into their home, their tribe, we must always be grateful for that.” Just then, the two heard a car beeping and coming to a halt near them. Mark got out from the back and hugged Jeremy. The two caught up, then Mary invited him to join them for the house tour. He apologized but said he had promised to take some of the tribe men into a nearby town for drinks. Everyone knew he always had money to spend and was easy to take advantage of, but Mary never said anything at the thought of coming off as rude.

Mary and Jeremy reached their home and looked around. Jeremy’s room was opposite her and his dad’s. A bathroom was in between them and the rest of the space was a combination kitchen/living room. Mary showed him how the living room was converted into a makeshift lab and the way the labeling and organizing worked. It was exactly the kind of field Jeremy was getting into and exactly the kind of work that made him leave it.

The next day, Mary woke Jeremy up at 6 and told him to get ready. He asked about his dad but she told him those trips take days and he might not be back for another week. She reminded him today they would be gathering samples for study and told him to get his things ready. Jeremy got dressed and prepared a duffle bag with the items his mom requested. They got on a Jeep and drove just a few minutes to the other side of town.

“Okay, Jeremy, before we go in there I think I should explain to you the research we’re doing here.” Jeremy unbuckled his seatbelt and sat attentive. “Today we’re taking a blood sample and a semen one too, I didn’t want to tell you earlier because I knew how you’d react.”

“Thanks for the thought, but I collected semen before. Remember you got me that summer job at Rene’s sperm bank?”

“That was a regular job, you could only keep it for the summer. Regardless, that’s good. Because I also don’t want you being weird around this guy, okay. He’s the chief and we’ve been trying to get his samples since we got here, the last thing I need is for him to get spooked. He already doesn’t care for what we do here.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Thanks. Oh, and he’s an old old man, hard of hearing, so just let me do all the talking.” Mary opened her door and jumped off, Jeremy followed her inside the chief’s house. It didn’t look much different from his house except bigger and better decorated. The chief’s living room had a giant couch, which looked normal under his fat body and gang of women sitting with him. They were of different ages, heights, and weights, but all looked very happy to be with each other and with him. Mary motioned at Jeremy to stay back while she walked ahead to talk with the chief. Jeremy saw her tip toe across the expensive rug, trying not to dirty it with her boots. Walking this way made her shorts roll up her butt cheeks, to which she embarrassingly looked back at Jeremy and tried to fix.

She spoke to him in his native tongue. “Chief Beewan, thank you again for meeting with us.”

The chief looked past her and smiled at Jeremy then looked back her. “haha, you actually flew your son out here? You are a class whore.”

“Chief, please. Like we discussed before, your tribe holds secrets that could benefit humanity greatly, I would do anything to get them.”

One of the chief’s younger girls looked at him puzzled until he explained. “This big titty woman came to us one year ago, wanting to do school work like in Maigo all those years ago. I tell her it’s okay but she wants to do school work on me. I tell her no unless her son sees, and so, she makes her son see. Hahaha!” The chief burst out laughing and the women followed in unison, looking down at Mary while doing so.

Mary stood with her arms behind her back and listened to them mock her, pleased to know her son didn’t understand a word they were saying. “Chief, my company has very few tests left, we won’t be in your hair for long.” The chief took a drag from his pipe and waved Mary ahead to continue with her work.

She looked back and waved at Jeremy to come over. She kneeled down and Jeremy mirrored her actions. He leaned in expecting her to explain the plan, but instead she reached for Chief Beewan’s royal dress and unraveled it.

“Mom? What are you doing?” Jeremy asked but before he got an answer, his mom had yanked the think blanket from under the chief’s fat rolls and uncovered his thick, giant cock. Jeremy couldn’t help but look at it and admire it. Up and down until he realized what he was doing. He looked up at the chief who winked at him and grinned. Embarrassed, Jeremy looked down and tried to avoid eye contact.

“Okay, get the clipboard and write these numbers down under MS47. Oh and pass me that measuring tape, would ya.” Mary snapped her fingers at Jeremy and looked up at the chief with a smile, but he looked back at the tv instead. Jeremy handed the tape over to his mom who unraveled it and grabbed the chief’s cock. She measured his girth around three spots then took a full size length measurement. She wrapped the tape around his balls and stated the numbers back at Jeremy, who nervously jotted them down on his clipboard. “Get the cup now,” she told Jeremy. “Thank you Chief. Now we need to-”

“I know what you need. There is my cock, you know how to get what you want.”

“Right. Of course chief. Thank you.”

“What’s going on mom?”

“Um…he’s going to need a little help giving us the sample. Just hold the cup for now, I’ll tell you when I need it.” Mary cracked her fingers and grabbed the chief’s cock with both hands. She made it stand straight and rubbed the bottom of the head in circles with both thumbs. It was so warm in her hands, she could feel the blood rushing to it and vibrating in her grip.

The chief ordered his girls to move and invited Mary to sit next to him. She obliged and sat beside him, crossing her legs and teasing his dick with her fingers. “Thank you for inviting me on to your couch, Chief. I am very grateful you’ve chosen me like this.” One of the girls crossed her arms and left the room in protest.

“Tell your son to hold the capsule steady. And you make me shoot into it.”

“Jeremy, son, I’m gonna need you to hold that cup right at the end of the tip of his cock.” Jeremy moved to face the chief and held the cup in both hands.

The chief laughed and took more drags. Mary continued to stroke his dick with one hand while rubbing his balls with the other. The chief reached down and undid her crop top. Mary gasped and smiled at him, who simply grabbed her hard nipples and pulled her tits up. She bit her lip and giggled when he’d drop them. “You are like a child playing with toys, chief.”

“And you too,” the chief responded and flexed his dick, showing how hard he could really get.

Mary looked down in shock, then back at him. “I need you to fuck me chief. Please. I know all the women come to you for this and now it is my turn. I wasn’t expecting to ask this today, but after you’ve invited me on your couch and it became a possibility, I knew it’s what I wanted.”

“Very well. Come back tonight and I will breed you. Walk from your house to mine completely naked so everyone knows why you’re coming here. Tell your boy you’ll be home 2 days from now.”

“Thank you Chief. I can not wait to open my vagina for you.” Before she could say anything else, the chief stood up and grabbed a hold of his dick. Jeremy held the cup higher to adjust for the change in height and the chief continued to jerk himself off.

He pressed the tip of his head against the rim of the cup and it leaned over from the weight. Jeremy adjusted but just then, the chief let out strong, thick jets of cum into the cup, knocking it around.

“Hold it steady, Jeremy. Try to capture as much as you can.”

The chief came and squeezed the last bit off cum from his head and wiped it on the rim. Jeremy closed it and marked it with the time before sticking it in a small cooler.

Mary and Jeremy walked back to their jeep and drove home to transfer the semen to an actual fridge. “You weren’t enjoying that, were you?”

“What kind of question is that, Jeremy? Of course not. If you’re talking about the looks, I was just playing it up, and the shirt, I’ll admit got a little out of hand but I can’t say no to him.”

“What were you even saying to him?”

“Ugh, Jeremy. Please. Just…dirty things, you know, to get him to finish.”


“You’re the one that’s asking, I’m not any happier with you knowing, trust me.”

That night, Jeremy woke up for a snack and noticed his mom was gone but didn’t think much of it. His cellphone rang and a drunk Mark waited on the other side to inform them they were staying another night in town. Jeremy told him about what had happened but his dad was only impressed about the couch part.

“He really invited her up there? Like to sit with him?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“I’ll explain later, champ. It’s good though, I can say that. I’ve been studying these people since we got here and let me tell you, never in a million years would you think an outsider would sit with the chief. Where is she now?”

“Um, I don’t know actually. Does she usually leave at night?”

“Never. But I’m sure she’s around. It’s a small town. Anyway, good night. I’ll bring you some of this stuff when I come back. They make it with Cheetah piss.”

Jeremy hung up and went back to bed but noticed his mom’s outfit laying on the couch



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