Bombshell Marketing – Part 1 (Workplace/Boss/Orgy/Trans-man/FF)

Name’s Rodney Ryan Pierce but my friends call me R2. Yes I’m a Star Wars fan and no my nickname is not based on R2-D2 – it’s simply because my first and middle names start with the same letter. This is my story…

It’s my first day on the job at the most prestigious marketing firm in the city, Bombshell Marketing. Fun fact about BM? You guessed it – they only hire female bombshells. Why did they hire me? Well…. I’ll get there.  My boss is Gina Preston and let me tell ya, she is drop dead gorgeous and smart as a whip. She has a reputation for being quite the frigid bitch but hey, I like a  challenge and don’t intimidate easily.

So Day 1 – I show up, get my key card and ID badge, find my desk, start my training. Part way through the morning, Gina calls me to her office.

“So, Rodney, how’s the first day going?” she asks.

“So far so good. Everyone has been incredibly helpful and the check-in process was easy”, I reply.

“That’s great. Can you do me a favor and take all the girl’s Starbucks orders? We have a long meeting this afternoon and I want everyone alert and caffeinated”.

In my head I’m screaming at her to fuck off with the basic white bitch shit and take a hike but I really want this job and simply respond with “yeah, sure”. I check my calendar for a list of attendees, still fuming that I went to college for five years just to take orders and be coffee bitch. If my old frat brothers found out about this, I would never hear the end of it. Orders taken, I head to Starbucks and of course the line is outrageously long. I place the order and spend what feels like an eternity waiting for them to get it together for me. Finally they’re done and I head back to the office.

Once I get back, things are chaotic as I realize I spent so much time at waiting on Starbucks that I only have two minutes until the meeting. The girls will just have to wait for their damn coffee because I have to take a piss and would rather show up right on time than leave a three hour meeting part way through and miss something. Bathroom break complete, I grab a notebook and the dam coffee before heading into the meeting room without a second to spare. Of course, as my kind of luck would have it, the only seat available is next to Gina. Great. <insert eye roll here>.

Gina starts the meeting as soon as I sit down: “Ladies, let’s get down to business. Today, we have a new team member and I’d like to introduce Rodney”.

Everyone claps as they sip their coffee – all looking like Playboy models. I am instantly turned on and feel the blood rushing towards my groin. Shit – not here, not now. We make it through the agenda and it’s finally time for the last item: Team Building/Stress Relief. As soon as Gina makes the announcement that it’s time for this part of the meeting, all of the girls instantly pair up and I’m left with Gina as a partner. Before I can ask what’s going on Gina announces: “Remember Ladies, your partner this week has to be different than last week to make sure you get to know everyone on the team. This week, I’ll work with Rodney and we can start rotating him through the team next week”. I saw some disappointed faces and am now even more confused than I was before. One by one, a member of each pair draws a piece of paper out of a hat and reads what’s written on it aloud to the room. They say things that make absolutely no sense: “3, whip, top, foot, etc.” Gina tells me to pull our paper from the hat, I do as I’m told, and read ours aloud: “electric”. Several of the girls murmur their approval and I’m still totally lost.

“Rodney, we do things a little differently here and always make time for team building and stress relief at least once a week. Sometimes we do it more than once a week depending on deadlines and the amount of stress everyone is under.” Gina informs me.

Turning to address the girls, she says: “Ladies, let’s show Rodney what these words mean. Jenny and Gabby, you first”.

Jenny stands and repeats their word: “top”. Jenny then does something completely unexpected. She opens a cabinet I hadn’t noticed until now and pulls out….. a strap on. You read it – a strap on. I was so busy watching her that I hadn’t realized Gabby stripped down to her lingerie and was spread eagled in the office chair waiting for Jenny. Jenny starts licking Gabby’s perfectly pink pussy and clit getting her ready for the strap on. While Jenny is going to town, Gina leans over and whispers: “Jenny drew “top” which means that Jenny is on top while she fucks Gabby.” The sounds of ecstasy start filling the room as each pair continues to start their “stress relief” activity.

My mind is spinning – What have I gotten myself into? How is this legal? Does it matter when we’re all consenting adults? What am I so worried about? I slowly rise and walk over to the cabinet finding it really hard to focus. Gina, my boss, will figure out my biggest secret. What if she doesn’t like it? What if she fires me on the spot? All that’s left in the cabinet is a wand massager/vibrator. Of course… I drew “electric”. Okay, this shouldn’t be too bad – it’s my first day, surely Gina won’t make me get naked yet and I can just stay fully clothed at least from the waist down. Yes, that’s it. I’ll just say I’m still healing from a genital piercing. It will keep her interested until I can better explain in private.

I walk over to Gina and she’s already fully nude. Oh man – here goes nothing. I take of my shirt and Gina’s eyes get wide. “Rodney, I had no idea you were so muscular! You look like a Greek God”. All except for below the belt, I think to myself. I hesitantly reach for her and find myself suddenly lost in her sensuality. Her skin is warm, incredibly soft, and perfectly smooth. Not a single wrinkle or piece of hair anywhere. “Wow, Gina, you’re so beautiful” I manage to stammer as the fire in my groin feels like I’m going to spontaneously combust. “Thank you, Rodney. Now get over here and do your job”. I flush and simply say “Yes, ma’am”.

I twist the chair around so she’s facing away with me and kneel behind her. She can’t explore my body with her hands this way – not until I’m ready. I yank her head back by her hair and shove my tongue into her mouth while m y other hand starts to massage and caress her body. She moans against my mouth and stops kissing me long enough to moan “yes Daddy, fuck my mouth with your tongue”. How did she know my other weakness of being called Daddy? I immediately relax into my favorite fetish and say “you like that, babygirl?”.  All she can manage in response is a sultry “MmmHmm”.

It’s just Gina and I now as the sounds of the orgy around us fade as I continue to split my attention between her and the growing fear that this could be the first and last time I do this. I kiss my way down her neck and chest as I move around in front of her where my tongue meets her swollen clit. She’s perfectly waxed with a thin, well trimmed landing strip – just the way I like it. How did she know? I start massaging her clit with my tongue, kneading it and flicking with as her body twitches to each sensation. Then I slowly insert my fingers into her warm pussy and notice the wet spot on the floor that she’s already created. One finger, two fingers, three fingers…. She moans and just says “more”. I wish I could tell her why “more” wasn’t going to happen but I don’t want this to stop so soon. So I insert one more finger and hear the satisfaction in her moan. I notice the plate on floor that houses a power outlet so I plug in the wand and put it on the lowest setting. She can probably take a much higher setting but I don’t want her to climax just yet; edging her towards orgasm but not letting her have it yet. I thrust my fingers in an out of her going deeper and deeper every time until my fingers find that sweet spot. That spongey walnut sized lump deep inside of her that sends every woman I’ve ever been with over the edge. Her pussy walls clamp down on my hand hard as she orgasms and before I know it her come is running down my arm to my elbow and dripping on the floor. She just came and she squirted her hot juices all over my arm and all over the floor.

“Rodney that was….. I’ve never….. done that…. Came like that…. Felt like that….” She managed through labored breathing left over from her orgasm. I grin my lop sided grin and she pounces on me, kissing me hard. I breathe in her scent with some sadness as this has been the single most memorable day of my adult life and will likely be my last day working here. She kisses her way to  my neck, my chest, and down my abs until she’s kneeling in front of me. “Let me repay the favor” she says as she starts to undo my belt buckle and pants. Before I can stop myself I blurt out “Gina wait – you should know that you may not find what you expect down there”. She tugs my pants down seeing the bulge in my briefs and smiles, she says “now I highly doubt that”.

I close my eyes and brace for the impact of her discovery and the drama that always ensues….. but none of that happens. I look down and her face is buried in my own clit as her fingers massage my own pussy. My knees buckle in disbelief and because of how amazing she feels. She catches me and pushes me onto the chair she just occupied.  I’m so overwhelmed and turned on in general that it doesn’t take long before I’m cumming just as hard as she did.

“I knew everything about you and who you were before I hired you” she said, taking advantage of my post orgasm stupor and silence. “My background checks are very thorough, and the dark web has no secrets” she continued, “I liked what I found and knew I had to hire you no matter what it took. My company is based on hard working women, and now men, who are bold; tenacious; and not afraid to push boundaries. Welcome to the team, Rodney, I’ve been waiting for someone like you for a long time and have big plans in mind”.

All I could say was a simple “Thank you, Gina. I look forward to discussed those ideas and getting to know the team”.


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