The midnight society

Dear Diary

“My name is Savannah, I am a 21-year-old Nudist in a strict religious family/community.

I am the oldest of 3 children 1 girl, Stella 20, 1 Joseph boy 18. All 3 of us have a secret from our parents and our community.

We are part of a secret society within the community. This society is called the midnight nudist’s Our society is made up of all the young adults within our community ranging in age from 18 to 25. We meet three times a week while our community sleeps.

our society has a set of rules and nonverbal communication. Violation of the rules will lead to expulsion.


1: We do not reveal our identity or group member’s identities to our parents or our religious leaders.

2: We meet only after Midnight under the cover of darkness

3: All members of must be naked at all times

4: No one talking about the society outside of gatherings

5: Females must have hair in pigtail’s/wear a pink bracelet on the right wrist to indicate she is not available, Males wear a blue bracelet on the right wrist to indicate the same.

Nonverbal cues.

A touch to the eye “We need to talk”

(Male to Female) Cupping a breast with a firm grip with intent to lead “Follow me” (Male must kiss the breast otherwise Female has right to reject)

(Female to Male) A firm grip of the penis with intent to lead “Follow me” (Female must kiss the Male on the cheek otherwise Male has right to reject)

A tug to the nipple “Pay attention”

Arms cross over the chest with a distressed facial expression “Stop all action Hide or stop all action, end gathering” (based on the severity of the situation. all MUST comply)

I want to share with you a story of the night where I shared in a coming of age ceremony with my best friend.

9 pm on a Friday all the older members of the community started turning in after a couple of long church services.

As night falls I begin preparations for a ceremony that will be held tonight. A female friend of mine was going through her right of passage sexually. I was super excited that I’d be participating in her right of passage.

At 11:30 pm we received the all-clear confirmation all 200 members receive the all-clear signal

Never the less we l still have to exercise extreme caution while sneaking out to our meeting place. I took off all my clothes, ties my hair up in pigtail’s put on my pink wrist band. I take a look in the mirror and smiling.

I stand at 5’5 with a thin figure flat stomach, My big soft bubble booty that bounced as I moved, my 32 F Breasts crowned by beautiful pink nipples. My breasts always bounced and jiggled as I walk.

As I was set to leave my sister and brother slowly opened my door, they both entered my room, both were naked as well. We nodded to each other to acknowledge that it was time to go, As we are about to leave my brother takes hold of my right breast kissing it. My nipples hardened instantly! He started to lead me and my sister out his hand still firmly holding on to my breast. The three of us left as stealthy as we can. once we are clear of our house we head to the meeting.

Upon arrival at the fenced-off manor house, our society owns my siblings and I split up to mingle with the others,

I am about to head to the kitchen for a drink when I feel my right breast grabbed and kissed, I turn my head to see the master of the ceremony urging me to follow him.
“I assume you have informed your significant other what is happening tonight?”

nodding I acknowledge him
“I have! Is everything ready?”

The mod nods “Yes everything is set, come with me”

He leads me to the ceremony room, He kisses my breast one last time before letting it go.

I meet up with Alexa my friend who is undergoing her right of passage. I smile at Alexa starting to chat
“Nervous?” I ask

She gives me a nervous smile,

“Just a little but I am very excited and glad you will be taking part with me Savannah.”

Smiling as I remember my right of passage I give my friend a warm hug

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world”

Alexa motion’s for me to join her.

“It will be a few minutes before we begin, how about a breast massage?” she remakes with a childish grin.

Smiling with glee I nod
“you bet”. without any hesitation Alexa reaches out taking a firm grip of my breasts, in turn I grab a hold of her breasts.

the next few minutes fly by so fast it seems like the massage never happened

20 minutes later everyone begins gathering in the ceremony room! The room temperature was very high warm. I took center stage to give a quick address to my brothers and sister.

“Members of the midnight nudist’s this is a special night as we help usurer my best friend Alexa into Womanhood”

The crowd applauded as the master of the ceremony approached me! his cock was hard and throbbing with anticipation. I look over to see Alexa’s chosen man equally hard and waiting.

Two women approach me on both sides. The woman on my left grabs hold of my left breast with her right hand, her left thumb and index finger clamping to my nipple. The woman on my right grabs hold of my right breast with her left hand, her right thumb and index finger clamp to my nipple.

Alexa’s entourage does the same to her.

As the women begin massaging my breasts and lightly tugging and twisting my nipples I nod at the master of ceremony, I reach out to hold Alexa’s hand as we both undergo this right.

The master of ceremony wastes no time

“Lets it begin”

He grabs me by the hips and thrusts his hard cock into my soaking wet pussy. Such dominance, such control.. my mind is filled with blissful pleasure as he dominates me!! Harder and harder he pushes.

My thoughts are full of submissive thoughts to the man who has me in his grip.

“Surrender yourself to him Savannah!! Surrender yourself to him”

My mind continues to race as my mind and body are overwhelmed.

He is talented My body is shacking, the sweat meshes with the body oil I put on before hand . As he continues to work I feel myself starting to lose control of my body!! The pure ecstasy and lust of the moment are to much for my already overwhelmed body to handle!! The pleasure!! The pleasure!! My breasts!! My Vagina!!

My whole damn body heats up so much I feel like I am in a sauna!!

Header and header!! He thrusts deeper and deeper, his grip on my waist tightens, I can’t help but moan loader and loader!!

“Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh God! Ah Ah Ah! Oh God!! Oh Sweet leaping Jesus!!”.

I exclaim as body finally surrenders to it’s need to release all the energy that has been thrust upon it!!

“I’m going to cum I’m going to cum!!”

I cry out.

Seconds later the MOC panting like a damned ape pulls his huge throbbing cock pointing it at my chest. exhaling as his cock erupts with a huge storm of cum, covering my chest/stomach, with enough force he hit the other girls massaging me.

A couple short seconds later I follow suit, I exhale squirting cum from my pussy. Covering the MOC’s entire lower body drenching him from the waist to his feet.

I sit there panting trying to catch my breath. Alexa is just as drained or even more so being her first time.

Once I got some strength back I stand up to complete the ceremony, the master of ceremony stands next to me. Our bodies still dripping with cum, the MOC makes his last announcement

“I turn the last part of this special night over to Savannah as she will complete the ceremony”

I nod as I move to the center of the room I make a statement

“I now ask all men to vacate this room the last part of this ceremony is female only”

after the men have left I invite Alexa to join me I smile as she joins me. standing face to face I reach taking hold of Alexa’s DD breasts, smiling with happy tears in her eyes Alexa takes hold of both of my breasts her thumbs rub my nipples as I call on the rest of the women in the room to surround us

“Ladies if you please”

the women in the room surround us in a large circle each taking hold of each other’s breasts and bowing their heads. I deliver my closing speech

“Sister Alexa tonight we acknowledge you have successfully gone through the right of passage of womanhood! we stand with you hold what is most sacred to us as women”

Smiling uncontrollably Alexa turns her head to look around the room Seeing her fellow sisters, each woman holding the breasts of her neighbour, each nipple touching the nipple next to it. Alexa looks back at me smiling.

finish the speech I hold Alexa’s breasts a little higher than she is holding mine. I turn my head to the crowd

“Sister Alexa let all present tonight know that you have become a woman”

I hold Alexa’s breasts a little higher than she is holding mine. I turn my head to the crowd

“Ladies Please show the proper respect by approaching single file and kissing the breasts of our sister”

as each woman pays her respect they each bow their head before kissing both Alexa’s breasts. once everyone is finished I bow my head and kiss her breasts after which I let them go dropping back into position.

Alexa bows her head then kisses my breasts

“Thank you”

she says with tears of happiness rolling down her face I smile as I kiss her on the cheek

“your welcome”

I look down to see Alexa still holding on to my breasts, I run my hand through her hair

“I know you don’t want this to end. May I please have my breasts back?”

A couple of short seconds later I feel her grip loosen as my breasts fall back down to their place. I rest my forehead on hers

“Thank you my friend”

I turn to thank the crowd

“Thank you, everyone, for attending, this concludes tonight’s ceremony”

We open the doors back up to the men like the rest of the night’s events unfold without incident.

As the night draws to a close the master of ceremony gives the nights last address

“I declare this meeting of the midnight nudist’s closed! Go in peace and loving care my brothers and sisters”

I gather my siblings for the walk home, I stop to talk and mingle for a bit as people are departing mid-conversation I feel a sudden grab of my right breast, my head darts over to see my younger brother Joseph kissing my right breast

“we have to go Savannah”

moment later my younger sister Stella joins us and my brother grabs hold of her left breast kissing it. Stella and I put one arm around Joseph’s lower back as we set off for home.

Along the way, Joseph asked Stella and me an interesting question

“Hey Savannah! Stella! I know you both don’t mind me holding your breasts but don’t you find it a little odd?”

Both Stella and I exchange a glance before shaking our heads. In response, I try to reassure him there is nothing wrong

“No! Joseph, we rather enjoy having our breasts fondled by you on our walks to and from each gathering! I will be honest I find it comforting.”

Stella Chimes in adding her opinion

“Ya! and if you ever want to suck on our breasts please feel free, but only on the nights, the society meets.”

I quickly add

“Oh! and to add to that your right of passage is coming up and you have to prepare”

as we close in on our house His grip on my breast loosens as he lets my breast fall free of his grip.

We make our way back into the house splitting up to each other individual’s rooms as we expect a long day ahead of us.
