[F] I am 21 and I want my 44M teacher to fuck my brains out.

My story is not a sex story, it is a pre-sex story (hopefully lol). But it is a very hot and steamy story and you will enjoy reading it a lot.

So I go to university, currently about to start my second year. All thruout last year, my acting teacher, who is 44, married, has been hitting on me really hard.

Let’s take it from the beggining. I had a boyfriend last year, right now we are in the middle of a break, but my teacher took a liking of me since the very first time he saw me in our first class together, which annoyed the living hell out of my female classmates who were in love with him. I ended up being so hated by them, but somehow that made me love the attention even more. I was not interested at first, but seeing how thirsty they were for him and how all of his thirst was directed towards me, that turned me on so much and made me feel powerful. He is an actor, attractive tall guy, broad sholders, pretty fit, curly hair. I was the only one out of all of them that was not thirsting over him, on top of that I would make obvious jokes about how much my classmates want him, so I became public enemy no 1, but also his desired prize…

I started dressing so fucking sexy when I had class with him, at first just to annoy my stupid female classmates, in very tight clothing that would show off my big booty and very thin waist, my hourglass figure and fit body, and he started making comments on how I dressed, telling me I look sexy, and saying how he prefers me without makeup. He would also give me fashion advice sometimes. He would always ask me how my bf is doing and our eye contact would be insane. Even when I would be at the back of the class, he would search for me with his eyes and rest when he would find me. His eyes would light up and smile when he would talk to me all of the time.

He would always say how smart I am, how profound my thinking is, and he would love that I would be the only one to confront him on certain subjects and topics, since I am the best in his class and always debate him.

I also started getting up in the middle of class to go to the bathroom and walk right in front of him, and everyone would catch him staring at my butt. He would not even try to hide it, and I loved it! He wanted to make sure I catch him staring. My bf found out and blamed it entirely on him without realizing that I was absorbing all of the attention I was getting.He would always wink at me, one time he even asked my bf if he fucks me right and if we ever fucked in the school (we did, my bf said no, while he asked this he did not look at me once, but I was dying inside).
I noticed smth weird tho. Every single time I would get close to him to ask him a question or sit next to him, he would not look at me once, not even peek. But, when I would be away, he would devour me and undress me with his eyes. I never understood why.

At this point all of this was just fun attention and flirting from my teacher for me. What came next made me realize I want him to fuck me.

We had to make an acting moment where a colleague of mine had to be loving towards me. He got up suddenly and told my colleague that he does not know how to touch a woman and that he will show him. And so he did. He went behind me, grabbed my waist, I was wearing tight leggings and a crop top so his hands touched my bare skin, and he whispered in my ear that he apologizes for his hands being cold, I could barely breath, I said it was fine, keep in mind this was all happening in front of ALL my classmates so I had to keep it together, then he proceeded to reveal my neck, caress it with his lips and plant the most gentle kiss on it. I felt his lips and his breath on my neck in front of everyone, combined with his cold big hands gripping my hips, and that sent straight shivers down my spine, I almost closed my eyes and moaned. ALL IN THE NAME OF TEACHING! I swear to God I almost died. He knew exactly what he was doing.

This man took the opportunity of hiding under the premise of teaching and fucking turn me on in front of everyone, so he said “maybe we should add something. Maybe you should also embrace her.”. So he fucking turned me around and pulled me into him. Now his cold hands were on the bare skin of my back, under my shirt, and we were looking in each other’s eyes. IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASSROOM.

He also made me wear smth very sexy to the play and said he loves me in that, he always calls me princess and brat since I always make snarky comments in class and I am the only one that confronts him and doesnt get screamed at. Another time he exemplified a dance move where he literally grabbed my hair and then handled me around I was literally dead.

Now all summer this fantasy has been killing me, I bave been imagining a billion scenarios in my head and I have been posting such sexy photos on my insta stories with songs on the background about liking older men (lol queen Lana) and he watched every single one of them. School starts on October 1 and its my last year with him so I really want and NEED something to happen between us.

I know this is not such a crazy sex story, but for me the build up of sexual energy before smth happens is the hottest part of everything.

I do not want to ruin anyone’s marriage. My dad cheated on my mom so I know what that can do to someone, but still… I cant help it. Its almost like the thought of it being forbidden is turning me on even more. Also, he started it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ptiorl/f_i_am_21_and_i_want_my_44m_teacher_to_fuck_my


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