Co-Ed games: Endurance Challenge [MFFFF][Exhibitionism][Voyeurism][Age gap]

Author’s note: This story takes place directly after part one, if you haven’t read it go check it out before you read this one. Enjoy and thank you all for the comments and messages! Past stories can be found here

Three days later I found myself staring up at a large house on Greek row with the same thought on my mind as the moment I responded to her text.

“What the fuck am I doing?” 

I exhaled and crossed the street avoiding a stumbling pair of drunk lovers giggling on the way to some other home. They looked at me just like I looked at them with the same question “What are you doing?”

I stepped up to the door and listened for a moment hearing nothing so I did as instructed and knocked. I waited, nothing, I readied to turn and the door opened. In front of me stood a bombshell, tall, covered in a red lace bra, red panties, thigh highs, garters and a tiara. She was a slim cocoa butter goddess with an attitude to match.

“I take it you are Katrina’s….”Daddy.”

I sensed some sort of distaste for me which was truly a shame because I seriously could use a taste of her. 

“I guess I am, I was invited to a party?” 

She raised an eyebrow and turned curling a finger at me giving me the first look at the bubble her red lace struggled to contain. I followed her in seeing an array of women walking around in the same uniform but in black instead of red. Eyes danced over me, some intrigued, some outright lustful but a few were very confused. Music, red cups, half naked women, women moving furniture and a table containing what looked like pills littered the large living room area. I shook my head thinking of all the college parties I wasn’t invited to when I attended. I couldnt believe this is what I missed all those years ago.

“Your team is upstairs, they will tell you the rules of the game and bring you down when we are ready.” 

I followed trying to get a grip on what was going on as her words caught up with my brain rounding a corner at the top of the stairs.

“Excuse me, what game I thought this was a party.”

She stopped and gracefully turned suddenly enough that we had little space between us. She smiled moving one step closer, her gaze suddenly making her seem taller in this proximity. I could tell why she was in charge, she wore that aura with no remorse.

“It is a party, we are welcoming new sisters into our midst and we do that with a series of games like the one you played the other day. Lets hope you put up a repeat performance and don’t embarrass your team.” 

She stepped forward and grabbed my dick suddenly and whispered.

“If your dick is as good as I hear maybe Ill take it for a ride myself, so dont fuck up tonight…Daddy.”

She let go, turned and continued walking before I could get a word in edgewise. I liked her, I liked her alot. She pointed to a door to my right and I opened it to find four women in the uniform just in white. 

“Your father is here Katrina, we will be ready soon to get him up to speed.”

I saw Kitties face scrunch for a split second before she rattled off.

“Thank you Queen Sister!” 

The door closed behind me and Kitty jumped into my arms greeting me with a full on kiss. The sexual energy in this house was too much. I fell into the kiss disregarding the other women in the room letting my hands rest on her ass and my tongue frolic in her mouth. 

“Hey Daddy, I am glad you made it.”  

“Yeah he made it but dont get him off before we get started” a woman behind her quipped.

“Wouldn’t miss it, I guess, what exactly are we doing? Miss Tiara mentioned a game?” I asked to take stock of the small bedroom and the three other women in it while they giggled at my reference to their “Queen Sister.”

“Sit down we dont have alot of time, Miss Tiara is Queen Sister, she is the chapter president and senior of our little sorority.” 

I took a seat on the bed.

“Introductions are in order, ladies this is Mr J our key to victory tonight and Daddy these are my pledge sisters.”

I gave an awkward wave saying hello sitting on a bed that was far too soft for my taste gazing at the women in front of me. Introductions went fairly quickly. Amber, the only white woman I had seen in the house thus far, was a blonde with a pixie cut with legs that looked like they were cut from marble, she obviously played some sort of sport. Lori was dark skinned and what some would call “slim thick”, ass and tits almost too much for her frame and the most skeptical of me in the group. Last of the group was the mostly quiet Rina, she was the shortest and thinnest of the group with her jet black long hair and her light skin tone she had to be of some mixed lineage with her almost aisian features.

“The game works like this J.” Lori started.

“It’s a test of endurance on your part and a race to cum on ours. We sit you down in a chair and each of us has to cum on your dick before you do and if all four of us make it we win. If you cum early or one of us can’t finish we all lose. So strip and put on this robe, I would like to see what we are working with that’s not in a picture.”

“Wait what? All of you?” 

Rina laughed, handing me a robe. I stood trying to wrap my head around the idea of this crazy game. I had to fuck them all? What was I doing?

“It’s ok Daddy.” Kat tried to reassure me.

“We have a plan, we figure Rina will go first since she will most likely have the biggest problem with your size.”

Rina looked embarrassed but tried to hide it as Kitty continued.

“Amber will go next because she is pretty good at getting off quickly.”

She smiled and winked at me.

“Lori goes next mostly because I get to be the one you finish in, she lost that coin toss.”

“Still think it’s bullshit you already had him. I want to work it without having to get off him, if he can even last that long.” Lori replied.

I started to take off my clothes while she talked and was now completely naked in front of them watching their eyes look me over.

“Ok then, all four of you, nice to meet you. I have never done anything like this before but let the game begin.”

They all burst out laughing for far too long leaving me confused. I waited until the laughter calmed, wishing I wasnt naked at that moment.

“We have to take you downstairs big guy, we do this infront of the whole house. There are three other teams competing as well. I will say though I like what I see, cute, funny and you got yourself a mighty fine dick there J.” Amber’s southern drawl edged out as she swiped her fingertips across my shaft and bit her lip.

“At least he’s ready, and yeah that’s a good looking dick for the oldest person in the house.” Lori laughed.

I picked up the robe and threw it over my shoulders shaking my head. Kitty kissed me once more just as the door opened and a new woman in all black walked in telling us it was time. I tied the robe and followed the girls out who were hyping themselves up like we were heading to an area. In the hallway several more groups of girls were filling out with similarly robed men in tow. They were right I had to be the oldest person here, the other three guys were college aged and filled with bravado. Each one smiling from ear to ear slapping girls asses and catcalling like they would score extra points or women in the process.

They led us downstairs to the living room where we filed in around a set of four chairs back to back in the middle of the room. I started to piece together the color coding for all the pledges were in white, the upperclassmen in black and the one and only Queen Sister in red. The room was filled with women and just us four guys. My team stripped my robe from me and sat me down in the chair eliciting whoops from the crowd of intoxicated women. My hands were brought to my side and then handcuffed to the legs of the chair before the girls stood on either side of me. The same thing was happening to the men around me with some of the women enjoying pointing out who was already hard and who wasn’t. 

“LADIES!” a voice boomed quieting the chatter.

“Tonight we welcome new members into our Sisterhood. Pledges, this is your final task. I hope you have chosen your player wisely because there will be no second chances. Winners become sisters, losers go home. Players, thank you for joining us for tonight’s game. Win or lose you may stay and enjoy the party when it is all said and done but only winners can come back to this house after tonight. I wish you all luck, when the gong sounds get to work and welcome to Eta Theta Epsilon.”

In unison the whole room sounded off “Eta Theta Epsilon!” 

The gong sounded, the room erupted in chatter and cheers and 16 pairs of white panties hit the floor. Rina turned to me obviously anxious and dropped to her knees in front of me wasting no time closing her mouth over my cock. She bobbed quickly trying to get me to full mast, I panicked wondering if it would even happen with all this going on around me.

I locked eyes with Kitty and she yelled over the crowd.

“Slow down Rina, he likes it slow!”

She smiled at me as Rina got the message and slowed down. My dick responded immediately, I watched her eyes widen as I grew in her mouth. She struggled to take it all in fighting her gag reflex for a while before hopping up and turning around grabbing my dick and beginning to let it penetrate her. 

The team to my left cheered as the first girl finished already and began the swap. I could see another girl hopping on his lap and riding him aggressively while in front of me little Rina struggled to take me past the tip. She was tight and she was getting wetter by the second holding on to my knees and bouncing slowly taking the first few inches and fighting the urge to moan out in front of her peers. It felt amazing having that much focus on the tip of my dick and watching her little ass roll taking me in and out was amazing. She looked over her shoulder at me, her face flush, I smiled at her and mouthed “oh yes”. 

That little bit of encouragement was all she needed as she bounced faster still making sure she didn’t pass the halfway point before she finally dug her nails into my knees and cried out shaking. The other three girls cheered and quickly pulled her off of me. She smiled back at me taking her place sitting on the floor next to her fellow pledges. 

I looked around the room and saw money exchanging hands, cups being filled and the Queen Sister with her eyes firmly on me. She wore a sly smile before casting her gaze another direction and began rotating through the crowd to observe the others.

Amber gave me a full grin taking her place between my legs lining up and sitting. She took two half strokes before she sat completely and moaned out. The crowd cheered. She leaned back resting her back against my chest, swapped our leg placement so she was straddling me. My legs were between hers before beginning to bounce her ass in my lap. She reached back putting her hand behind my head and moaned directly into my ear. 

“Fuck yes gimmie all this big dick Daddy.” 

She rolled her hips and sat up bouncing straight up and down. Her hands found her breasts as she used her strong legs to provide the penetration she desired. By far the loudest in the room at this point she commanded all eyes on her and she relished in it putting on a show.

“Fuck him white girl!”

“Whooo take that dick!”

Voices came from the crowd encouraging her for more. More than a few women watching were masterbating openly or being touched by another woman. I knew I couldn’t watch it because the stimulation would be too much. I focused on Ambers taught back muscles and her ass bouncing in my lap.

Boo’s ran through the crowd and I could only assume the guy directly behind me had blown his load too soon.

“The first team has been eliminated!” Queen Sister pronounced.

“Eta Theta Epsilon!” The crowd responded.

Amber paid it no mind bouncing away chasing her own release when her hands hit my knees and she pulled up suddenly convulsing stunning me with a sudden feeling of liquid hitting my knees. The crowd went wild as she sat back down for a few more strokes and did it again before the sensitivity was too much and Lori, impatient for her turn pulled her off of me.

“My turn.” She grinned, opting to face me.

She straddled me wrapping one hand around the back of my head looking me in the eyes while she sat allowing me to see her eyes roll back as she took me in. 

“Mmm I see why she wants you all to herself.” She whispered.

She made our engagement intimate. She rode me slowly, kissing me and nibbling my ear whispering how much she loved my dick. The room erupted in another set of boos and greek letters but it was all background noise to the focus Lori commanded. 

“Dont cum just yet, I know this pussy good. You can cum in it all you want later Daddy.” She whispered, picking up the pace landing forceful thrusts making the chair squeak as it moved under us.

Kat watched chewing on her thumbnail, I couldn’t place her look as the Queen Sister stood beside her casually leaning to whisper in her ear. Lori looked over her shoulder to see what had taken my attention away from her. She pulled my face back to her and kissed me slowly. 

“Right now you are mine J, be mine.” Her bravado was cracking and there was a subtle need leaking through. 

I got the message and kissed her, she slowed down and kept my kiss letting the room fall away. I felt the urge to cum start to rise from my balls just as she bit my lip and let loose her own orgasm. She hopped up quickly and blew me a kiss before Kat got on me and the room once again went wild.

“You saved it all for me didn’t you.”

“I sure did” I lied, if Lori wouldn’t have bit me it would have been all over a few minutes ago.

“Thank you Daddy.”

She moaned and sat down taking the same route Lori had taken making it as intimate as possible. She wrapped her arms around my neck and bounced quickly trying to reach the summit fast.

“Who-ugh fuck. Who was the best?”


She slowed down kissing my ear.

“You fucked all my friends, who was the best Daddy?”

I was highly confused, my brain searched for an appropriate answer and spit out.

“You baby my good little Kitty Kat.”

She bit my ear and I jumped.

“Tell me, tell me who you liked, tell me whose pussy was built to please my Daddy.”

She stroked faster, eager to get me to tell her the truth.

“I picked them, I picked each one to fuck you. I couldn’t wait to watch them.”

The lightbulb went off and I realized she was into this. I looked at the girls behind her, her teammates. Only Lori had her hand on her pussy still aching to get off again. 

“Lori my little Kitty, her pussy was so wet and the way she took it all was amazing.”

She leaned back, threw her head back and bounced faster. I wished I could use my hands to remove her bra, I wished I could put her on the floor and fuck her in front of the whole room.

“More Daddy, tell me more about her wet pussy!”

“Fuck Kitty she almost made me cum. I was so close.” I groaned feeling my balls tighten.

That was the last push she needed and she came bringing us back to reality to a room full of women cheering.

“Eta! Theta! Epsilon! Eta! Theta! Epsilon!” The crowd boomed as Kat got off me leaving my hanging.

“Congratulations, you eight ladies are now full-fledged members of Eta Theta Epsilon! Sisters embrace your new partners in life.” 

The crowd moved in unison into a massive hug leaving me and the guy to my right still stuck in chairs. He was spent, he must’ve cum right after his last sister did. He smiled at me, I smiled back but refocused on the crowd and my still hard dick. Queen Sister quieted the crowd.

“Mr J here still hasn’t finished!”

The crowd cheered.

“It has been a long time since we had a man in the room that could hold his own, I wonder how many of us he could truly take on?” Her eyebrow arched again and that sly smile returned.

“Make him cum Queen Sister!” Some anonymous voice called out.

The crowd cheered in agreement. Kitty’s eyes lit up as their Queen removed her panties. Her heels clicked on the floor as she traversed the short distance between us. 

“What do you say, would you like to cum in a Queen?” 

“Take these cuffs off and I will show you how a King puts in work.” 

The crowd erupted in cheers. She waved a hand and a girl showed up quickly to remove my cuffs. I stood rubbing my wrists vying for my only bit of control for the night.

“Kitty please come here.”

“Yes Daddy?” She bounded up to me, taking the kiss I had ready for her. 

I needed to remind these girls I was somewhat spoken for and not a free dinner. 

“Lay on the floor please.”

She did as she was told laying at my feet. I used the same curling finger to beckon the queen of the slut factory. She clicked her heels sauntering over to me. I grabbed her by the waist and turned her around and pushed her to her knees directly over Kat. Queen Sisters’ pussy hovered over Kats face and I wondered if she had ever been with a woman. 

I got on my knees behind her and pushed my cock against her slit while the crowd chanted “Fuck the Queen.”

“Got a good view down there my little Kitty?”

“Oh my god yes Daddy, fuck her!”

I slapped the Queen’s ass and she got the point resting her head in between KAts legs swaying her hips. 

“Show me what you got…Daddy.”

I pushed in deep, grabbed her hips and proceeded to make her scream. Having held out for so long I had to chase my own nut once more grabbing her hair and forcefully fucking her. I felt a hand on my balls I assumed was Kats urging me to let loose inside of her. Lori Joined the fray dropping to her knees next to me and kissing me. 

“Cum in her.” She moaned in my mouth.

It was more stimulation than I could take and I did as instructed, I came hard while Kat rubbed my balls and Lori kissed my neck. I grunted with every spasm before I pulled out, and sat down exhausted. I looked at the mess I made out of the Eta Theta Epsilon chapter president’s pussy, she was already beginning to leak. It wouldn’t be wasted as Kats hands shot up and grabbed her Queen’s ass and buried her face in her pussy. 

There were no cheers as I looked around the room and saw it had devolved into a mass of bodies captured in lust. Lori dipped her head between my thighs and began sucking my half hard cock. I was spent, I leaned back laying on the cool floor looking up at the ceiling while she attempted to resuscitate my cock. I closed my eyes and all I could hear were moans.

I slept at the ETE house that night in the Queens king sized bed in between her and Kat. Whatever animosity they had before was long gone by daylight. We had one more coupling in the morning in the shower with a few other housemates looking on before I got dressed and readied myself to leave. I was promised I could return whenever I pleased and would be serviced accordingly. I had no doubt they meant it but I was fucking exhausted and couldnt keep up with a house full of 19 to 23 year olds. 

I said my goodbyes and kissed Kat before getting in my car and heading home. I slept for the better part of 12 hours before I even began to feel recovered. The next day my phone rang, it was Queen Sister who I found out later her name was Cassandra.


“Good morning Mr J my name is Ava I am the regional director of Eta Theta Epsilon. You may call me Queen Mother, I hear you made quite an impression the other night when you fucked my daughter in front of the entire house.”



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