The best friend task [d/s]

She was looking forward to spending the weekend with her best friend. It had been a long time since they stayed up all night and whispered confidences in each others ears; it had probably been years. Marriages and child birth had brought some distance between the childhood friends, but “nothing that a good bottle of single malt wouldn’t fix”, she thought to herself as she fiddled with the furniture trying to get things in order for her friends visit. With well practiced precision, the memory of his order woke up at her actions, and a loud groan escaped her lips.

She had been allotted exactly 30 mins everyday for straightening the house, no less and no more for the period of her bff’s visit . It was two days, but those 48 hours would be very difficult for her. Oh, the pleasure her conundrum brought him! He had known the boundless joy and anticipation she had felt for her friend’s visit. This timely “gift” was meant to set her mind and body free from unnecessary stress. It was obviously also meant to torture her, because after all, he was a sadist and her dominant. Who else would help his sub with her “cleaning ocd” if he did not? He was taking charge and in ways that she could not even fathom yet. He smirked as he planned out her task for this evening.

They had a budding online dynamic. A powerful and fulfilling bond that added joy to both their lives. She tried very hard to be the perfect obedient sub, sending him details on everything that she did for him, and he did his best to fulfil her in ways that she could not even comprehend. It was the perfect non-intrusive way to exist in profound intimacy since both of them were married (to other people). A real life thing with this intensity just would not survive given the family lives that they both led.

She caught herself crying tears of frustration, at not being able to go over the house with a duster in her hand for the tenth time. But she knew better than to disobey him. It wasn’t the fear of punishment. In truth, she valued him too much to even think of disobeying him. But as she reluctantly gave in to his command, she experienced a sense of calm and freedom. She let down her long brown hair, and put her feet up, letting the sunlight and the cool breeze wash over her. There was magic in this freedom. She remembered what he’d said – “you worship me not only in the pain you take for me. You worship me when you find joy in the things that I ask of you, when you’re happy and when you take care of yourself. I want you to enjoy yourself without burning out with chores”. She sighed with contentment and let the music of the day fill her soul. She had never felt happier.

Her friend El, arrived in the evening. They hugged each other for the longest time, grateful that they had the house to themselves with no nagging husband’s and crying children in tow. As she poured their first drinks for the evening, she remembered her promise and sent him a text – “I just poured our first drink”.

He smiled as he read the message. He texted back “Good girl. This is what I want you to do for me – you need to kiss your girlfriend on the lips. I want you to try and make out with her. It will make me very happy.”

She was so shocked when she read the message that she almost dropped the phone. Her face turned so pale El couldn’t help but notice. She smiled at her friends concern deciding to focus instead on getting drunk . She secretly prayed for some inebriated inspiration to strike her. She was foxed, and angry, and wet and taken aback and turned on all at once.

As the girls enjoyed each other’s company, she couldn’t help but admire El’s body imagining the task at hand and feeling emboldened with every sip of her drink. They retired to separate rooms to change for the night. The idea was to get comfortable before they sat down to a delicious meal. As she rummaged through her night clothes, her eyes fell on the lingerie drawer and her mind was made up . She wore soft black lace that flowed like water over her ample breasts. The see through fabric accentuated her swollen nipples. The piece barely covered her wet pussy and left nothing to imagination. She left out the matching thong pretending to herself to have forgotten about it. She wore the diamond hoops that her friend loved and put on her favourite black mules. As she regarded herself in the mirror, fear gripped her heart. She had no idea how this would pan out. “But there is nothing in the world that alcohol cannot solve”, she thought as she gulped two drinks in quick succession before she could change her mind.

She’d taken so much time with her pondering that her friend El, came sauntering into her bedroom, looking for her. El was dumbfounded at what she saw. For a minute she wondered if the husband was returning for the night ? She looked at her friend in utter confusion, a beautiful sight sprawled all drunken in an empty bed. El was suddenly moved, looking at the girl she’d grown up with. She was filled with tenderness as she hugged her friend. The girls held each other wordlessly for a long time, finding comfort in the familiarity of an embrace they had known since childhood. They were each other’s safe place. And suddenly it wasn’t difficult or awkward at all, that she held El tenderly and planted a warm, heartfelt kiss on her lips, burying her head in El’s fragrant hair. El was love and comfort. El was everything she had needed. Before she knew it, she started to cry as years of suppressed emotions flowed out of her. El held her and let her weep, and it wasn’t exactly clear at what point, but somewhere in all of this, El’s PJs came off and the empty bed was full of two naked bodies seeking each other for comfort. She drew El’s nipples in her mouth, biting them at the tips just the way she liked it. She rolled her hardening nipples between her thumb and her finger and El groaned. On an impulse she clamped her pegs on El’s nipples. Suddenly there were fingers in her pussy. Fingers that were strumming her clit and a hot wet tongue that was running all over her body. She has never tasted another pussy before. She had no idea how to do this. She was afraid as she bent in between El’s legs and smelt her juices. She gingerly put a finger inside and was emboldened when she heard El sigh in pleasure. She took El’s clit in her mouth . She licked her pussy and fingered it with the urgent strumming gentleness that is only possible for women. El came in her mouth.

The morning sun rose to a miraculous sight. Two women entwined like daisies on a bed that was no longer empty, and a congealed dinner left out on the dinner table. Her eyes opened to her best friends warm smile and they both hugged. It had been a night they wouldn’t forget for a long time. She forgot to worry about the spilt whiskey and the smell of stale food in the house . Instead she smiled and lived and was full of joy.

As she kissed El goodbye that day, she was filled with gratitude for the task that was given to her and she smiled as she sat down to write him an email of everything that had happened beginning her account with a “thankyou”.
