Swimming Class Gone Wild! Day 3 (M/F, teaching)

Tia was late. As impatient as she was for the swimming class, one thing lead to another, and she was running down the road, towards Mr. Gupte’s house, knowing full well, he hated students being late. She streamed into his house, through the rooms, straight to the backyard, and found him waiting next to the pool. He didn’t look very happy.

Tia quickly apologised for her delay and quickly stripped off her tunic. She had her swimsuit under it, she just looked here and there for the oil bottle to rub some on her body. Gupte had not spoken a single a single word till now. He came forward and handed the bottle to Tia, telling her “sit”.

Tia sat down, thanked him and started rubbing the oil on her legs first. As she hurriedly rubbed her legs, Gupte walked behind her and squirted some oil on his palm from the bottle. He rubbed his palms together, and gripped on Tia’s shoulders. Tia stiffened. She could hardly breathe, as he gently massaged the oil on her neck, shoulders, back, and slowly, slipped through the neck of her costume, directly to her bare boobies.

Tia felt electrified. She knew this was not right, she knew she liked it. She simply sat wide eyed, as Gupte’s hands moved over her boobies, cupping them, rubbing them. His fingers found her nipples. He held them in a light pinch between his thumbs and forefingers, and twirled them. Tia involuntarily gave out a soft moan.

“Are you enjoying yourself Tia?” Gupte asked in a stern voice. Tia sat petrified, not knowing what to say. Yes, she could feel things stirring all within her body, but surely saying that aloud didn’t seem right. “This”, Gupte said while twirling her nipples harder this time, “is your punishment for being late. This is not for you to enjoy, and I will make sure if you are following it”.

Tia’s mind was going blank. She didn’t know what was up, she knew she was enjoying whatever was going on, and she didn’t want to stop. Gupte groped her naked boobies under the swimsuit a couple of times more, them slipped his hands out. He walked around Tia, faced her, and told her to stand up. Tia silently followed, very aware of her red face and heaving breasts. “Spread your legs shoulder length.” Tia did. Gupte knelt down Infront of her, his face level with her crotch.

With a straight face, he simply took his fingers to the side of her swimsuit crotch, moved it to a side and touched her slit. Tia was shocked. She felt like closing her legs immediately, but one look at Gupte’s face, and she didn’t dare move. Gupte rubbed her bare slit a couple of times, and brought his hand up to her face. His fingers were coated with slick juices.

“You really don’t understand the difference between shame and pleasure do you? Close your legs.” Tia followed, her mind going haywire, not understanding what is to follow. Yes she felt ashamed, but Gupte made her feel things she had rarely felt before, and they were good. She was brought back to her senses with the shock of his next instruction. “Take off the suit Tia.”

Tia stared at him, not moving, not blinking. “You will know what shame is, what punishment is” he said looking straight at her. “I will not repeat again, take it off.” Tia followed suit in a transed state. There, in the backyard of Gupte’s house, in open air, Tia stripped off her swimsuit, standing buck naked Infront of Gupte.

“Now rub the oil allover, and get into the water. Next class onwards, you will wear a different suit that I will get for you. Do you understand?” Gupte barked. Tia mumbled a yes, and walked into the water, feeling the coolness on her body like never before. Gupte followed her into the water, and instructed her to practice 20 dips first. He held in her bare boobies, and moved her up and down in the water.

Once done, he put her to her horizontal position, placed his hand on her pussy mound, and asked her to flail her legs with her arms outstretched. Tia did as told, fully aware of Gupte’s finger brushing against her clit, a soft nub, making her move her legs faster. The faster she moved, more frantically his finger brushed her clit, and she felt a weird tingling feeling, growing like a volcano inside her. She moved and moved, Gupte held her boobs in a hand and brushed her clit away, making the nude girl go crazy on his hands, until he could feel her on the very edge, her clit almost pulsating to his finger.

“Stop”. Tia stopped, she didn’t want to, but she did. “Do twenty more dips”, said Gupte, holding her boobies. Tia dipped, feeling restless inside. After the dips, she was back in the horizontal position again. Again, the volcano started growing inside her. Again, just at the edge, the finger pulled back, and the dips started. Tia was frustrated, not knowing why or what. Gupte stood straight, his dick erect, but Tia didn’t know, she only looked at his face.

After repeating the exercise a couple of times more, turning Tia crazy inside, Gupte called it a day. Tia got out of the water, dripping wet, naked. She went for the shower, touched herself, and felt a mess down there, yet something was amiss. She felt she needed more, and she was horrified. She was naked the whole time, and yet she wanted more! How shameless she was, taking fun out of her punishment. She showered, and came out in her tunic. She mumbled a goodbye when Gupte called after her “your next class will be three days later. I will have your new suit ready. Be here on time, or else the punishment will get worse.” Tia nodded and left, wondering whether she would rather be late, or on time for the next class.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/psfxr9/swimming_class_gone_wild_day_3_mf_teaching