Bloody Knuckles and Bleeding Hearts [M/F]

A punch to the face, a kick to the thighs, an elbow to the chest, or the feeling of my arms almost breaking. I craved it.

I’m a fighter. I’ve been fighting ever since middle school in school yard scraps or hallway tussles. If there’s a fight, I want to be in it or near it. Because I loved fighting, I was expelled a few times and transferred school many times.

When I was 18, I joined a gym and eventually I started fighting in rings. I earned money through fights and I lived for the thrill of it. I felt no fear so I was always giving 100% of me in fights.

That is until I ended up in a hospital with a collapsed lung. Apparently one of my ribs was broken and had penetrated my lungs. I was in the hospital for months with a chest tube, my fist itching to taste flesh again. But I was told that I couldn’t fight again. I was too unstable, too dangerous. The guy that I fought, the one that broke my ribs, was in the same emergency room that I am and is currently fighting for his life. Apparently I didn’t stop punching him even after he lost consciousness.

In the hospital is where I met her, Casey. She’s beautiful and kind and she’s one of the nurses that took care of me. I was a little flirty with her and she would often blush whenever we’re talking. I know a day is going to be good if she’s my nurse, and even if she wasn’t she would visit me.

When I finally got out, I asked her to be my girlfriend and she accepted! Oh, I was flying high! I didn’t need to fight anymore! Those same excitement came when I was with her, and I held her. I felt that rush when we made love. We moved in together within a couple months of dating. I made a promise to not fight anymore just so she doesn’t have to be so worried or dress my wounds. I haven’t got a degree to fall back on, so I’ve been working for a grocery store as a stocker.

Well, after a year of dating I was going to marry her. I bought a ring, I was smart enough to save up for it. But one day she was taking a shower and she forgot to lock her phone. A message chimed in and I looked at it. It’s from a guy. Hmm, strange. I opened the message and there it is. The life I know unraveled before me. For the past 6 months she’s been cheating on me with a nurse from her unit, Richard. I know the guy, he took care of me too when I was in there. They’ve sent flirty messages to each other, nudes and when and where they were going to meet up. In fact, they have a date later on today when she’s supposed to be her going to work to do some classes. I guess that’s a lie. They even have a name for me, “Beast” like I’m some sort of monster. He’s afraid of me, I’m glad for that, but she’s reassured him that she “tamed me” and that I wouldn’t hurt a fly. They laughed at that, they laughed at the fact that I’m some sort of declawed cat now. They laughed at the fact that maybe I have brain damage from fighting so much. Maybe I am, maybe I do.

I took some pictures of her conversations, especially the nudes that they’ve been sending to each other.

I felt rage. I felt hate. I felt anger. I felt all the things I I stopped feeling a year ago. But I still have restraint. I still have calm, and I still have my head. I’m not the same mindless idiot that I used to be, no. I set the phone back down and got up. She finally finished her shower and was drying herself off when she noticed that I was leaving.

“Babe, where are you going?” she asked as she peaked around the corner and I stopped as I was about to leave.

“Oh, for a run. I’ll see you later,” I lied.

I haven’t got a car. I barely have any money. I did run, but it was towards the gym that I used to go to. I didn’t have any ill feelings toward them, I was a younger guy and was too hot in the head. I begged my old coach, a crochety old man, to let me fight again. He agreed on the condition that if I ever loose control that he will personally put me in jail.

So the coach put me in to spar with one of the newer fighter, and as I feared I am rusty. Even though I’ve got experience, 16 fights and no losses, because I haven’t fought or trained for a year this young buck has gotten some good punches into me. I started thinking methodically, more calculating. I’m not some mad beast or anything, no. As soon as he threw a right, I ducked under it and slammed my fist into his gut. That did it, that knocked the wind out of him as he fell down into the mat and started wheezing.

“Oi! Always keep a guard up! This is why you lost 5 times in a row, get back up!” the coach roared and he gave me a wink. I taught that kid a lesson that day.

I jogged back home, a 15 mile jog really, and she’s not home yet. Good, I can rest these bruises.


I’ve been fighting and I haven’t really left my girlfriend. She’s happy in her tryst and I’m happy that I’m throwing hands and slugging fist. She’s so into the fog that she doesn’t even see that I come home covered in bruises and a swollen eye. I stopped sleeping in the bed with her, and I guess she doesn’t see anything wrong with that as she hasn’t brought it up. She’s also stopped having intercourse with me, I guess she’s getting it from the other guy. We barely talk, she’s glued to her phone and I’m glued to my workout routine and trying to develop new tricks for my fights. I also threw away the thought of proposing to her and refunded the ring.

I stopped saying “I love you” to her, I stopped saying good-bye when I leave or when she leaves. All of the little things I did, I stopped. I stopped making towel origami for her to unfold before her showers, I stopped singing whenever I’m vacuuming the carpet, and I stopped putting her scrubs out so when she takes a shower before work she didn’t have to get them from the dresser. I stopped all of those and she didn’t notice.

There’s a new girl in the gym, Eve as she’s called but her full name is Evelynn. She’s about 5’4, Latina with a pixie cut and an hourglass figure. She’s got a nice ass and sexy thighs, and her breast are rather plump. She’s been going to the gym to get into shape and to learn basic self defense. I’ve been in charge of training her, improving her form and focusing more on her balance.

“Eve! Fighter’s stance, always!” I barked at her and she nodded as she put her left leg forward and the right leg back with her feet in a 45 degree angle and bent both knees slightly. She has her left fist up next to her face and right fist a little behind and lower. “Good, now just do your normal combo.”

She’s a fighter, and not in the same sense that I am. What I meant is that she’s determined and focused. She was a victim of an attempted sexual assault a few months back and I’m glad that they caught the guy. She’s been afraid of guys, but she’s been alright with me so far.

I’ve been training Eve for a while now and she’s improved a lot. She’s my only student too, for some reason the coach took her and only her in, but she has opened up to me and I opened up to her.

“Why are you still with her?” she asked me when I told her about my girlfriend who’s been cheating on me for the past 9 months. I didn’t really have an answer, I just shrugged really.

“Well… I guess because I’m a broke and if I break up with her I’ll end up on the streets,” was the answer I gave. I have some money saved up but not enough to buy a car or rent a place. I’ve earned a few hundred dollars per fight that supplemented my income from the store, and I was going to buy a car eventually.

“But don’t you have your self respect? Your dignity?” she asked again and I just looked at her.

“Self respect and dignity won’t put a roof over my head. I’ll make do,” I replied, “now, break time’s over. We need to do squats!”

She groaned. She’s hated squats ever since I made her do a hundred in our first week together, but I bet you she’s thankful now because she has that nice thick thighs and beautiful, toned ass. She has me to thank for that!

Eve and I got a lot closer than I thought we would as the weeks go by. She’s been more touchy with me, and I, too, felt some sort of connection with her. The coach noticed it and he called me in as soon as our training is done.

“Look, I like you. You’re one of my good guys. But if your going to mess around with my war buddy’s daughter, you better swear to do her right! I swear to god if you hurt her, emotionally or physically, I will fucking kill you myself.”

“Whoa, coach, I’d never do that to Eve! I promise you!”

“Good. good. She’s a good egg, and I know you’ve changed. You’re not the same kid I trained back then.”


My next fight is a big one. It’s televised and it has a rather big pot win or lose. If I win, I can move out from my cheating girlfriend’s place and buy a car. Not a new car, but a decent enough car. I’m stressing about it, sitting in an empty office by myself. This has been my routine, just to psych myself up, but for some reason I’m more stressed out about this fight.

Eve comes in wearing her usual attire of gray sweats with the waistband rolled down low, and a tank top. “Hey, coach told me you’re fighting tomorrow.”

“Yeah, yeah I am. I’m…. I’m stressed out. This is a big one,” I said as I cracked my knuckles and rolled my head around. “I’m usually not like this before a fight, but I need this win.”

“Okay, okay. I… I have an idea. Go ahead and stand here.”

I stood at where she’s pointing at, directly in front of me, and she kneeled down and proceeds to pull my pants down. ‘Whoa, Eve! What are you doing!?” I almost screamed as I recoiled in shock and pulled my pants back up.

“I need you to relax, Trevor, so I’m going to give you a blowjob. The dopamine released through that will calm you down.”

“I… I get that, but… but….”

“No buts! Now come back here!”

She crawled to me, seductively, and I couldn’t help but instantly get hard for her. She purred as she reached me and she peeled away my hands from my growing erection and stripped my pants down again. “Hmmm, I knew you had a good dick on you,” she said as she opened her mouth and licked my head, “a little salty, but I like it.”

“Eve, what if the coach finds out!” I gasped but she just shook her head. I’m not big, only about 7 inches, but my dick is thick and the head is rather large. Eve’s mouth is small, so she worked to get my head in her mouth. She moaned as she sucked on it, giving licks and kisses. She then tried to shove herself down to my pelvis and I groaned at the immense pressure her throat is giving me. She kept at it for about 10 minutes and she’s gotten used to the size by now.

“Fuck, Eve! You’re going to make me cum!”

I shot a good load of my spunk into her mouth and she gave a surprised moan and her eyes went wide. She swallowed as much as she can and she gave a low moan of satisfaction. She swallowed the rest and she licked her lips, “that’s a rather thick load you just gave me. It’s tasty, though,” she giggled as she licked her lips. I collapsed on the chair as I’m breathing hard, like I just did four rounds in the ring. But she’s holding a wicked grin as she started slipping off her sweatpants, revealing nothing underneath but her sweet mound.

“Mmmmm, I think I need to do something else to get you to relax,” she said as she approached me. Her thighs, her beautiful toned thighs that we sculpted together is standing before me. Now, I’m guessing she’s going to use it against me. She faced her back towards me and reached down and took my still hard cock and lined it up to her. Man, her ass is so firm but still squeezable. I gave her a little pinch and she jumped a little and yelped.

“Oh god, I’ve been waiting for this for a while now,” she groaned as she slid me into her. I groaned in response as my dick is swallowed by her tight pussy. “I’ve been waiting for a long time, Trevor, a long time for this.”

“I didn’t… I didn’t know. I’m sorry, Eve, I didn’t want to push because of what happened to you.”

“Thank you for that. Thanks for giving me time, but I’ve moved on from that.”

She kept bouncing on me, her perfectly round ass. She laid back against me, spreading her legs around mine and she bounced and moaned. “You’re going to win, Trevor, I just know it! You’re going to win and get your life back!”

I ran my hand across her belly, it’s fairly toned now when just a few months ago she was still packing a few pounds there. I reached over and into her tank top and gently squeezed her big breast. They’re soft but they’ve certainly gotten somewhat smaller from when she started here. But they’re still a good size, I shouldn’t complain since I’m not packing a whopper of a cock either. I kissed her shoulder slowly, making my way up to her neck and I gently kissed the back of her ears. I reached down to her crotch and gently rubbed her clit in a circular motion. She gasped as her right hand reached down and she placed it on top of mine.

“You’re such a gentle lover,” she whispered and gave her neck a little peck, “I would’ve thought you’d be angry, or be forceful with me.”

“Training you has been my stress relief, if I am being honest, and the bags took away most of my anger.” I groaned again as she gently lowered herself, “Eve, you’re really tight!”

“Ummh, well I should be tight because you’re my first.”

I looked at her face, she’s grinning from ear to ear. “Your first…. why? I – why me?! You should have given your first time to someone you loved!”

She took herself off of my cock, turned around and straddled me. She reached down again, grabbed my throbbing prick and gently slid herself down while giving that *Mmmmhmm* as my length invaded her. “Trevor, you’ve been patient with me all this time,” she started as she began to slider herself up and down, “I’ve started to grow feelings for you after the first week. Your words were gentle, you never raised your tone at me even though I would bitch about our workout, and you’re respectful.” She started increasing her tempo and her breathing and moaning is getting erratic.

She kissed me and I embraced her and kissed her back. She’s grinding her hips into me, swirling it, doing all kinds of crazy shit and I’m starting to lose my mind! “Eve, you better slow down or I’m gonna come!” I groaned and she just smirked and started fucking me faster and faster. “Eve! S-Slow down or I’m—”

I couldn’t stop myself. I held her hips as I started coming into her there and then. I groaned and grunted as I felt my explosions come and I thrusted up into her as my back arched a little. “Je-Jesus Christ, Eve! Why?” I felt her pussy clamped down on me and throb and twitch and it felt so fucking good that I didn’t bother trying to get her off of me.

She slumped down against me, shaking and whimpering, pussy still clamping around me like some wild animal. I rubbed her back and stroked her head as she’s still in her personal heaven. “Mmmph… oh…. shit, that… that felt so good,” she whined, “oooh, I’m… I wanted to… hoh, I don’t know, something in my head wanted me to do that.”

“Hah, we better go and buy a Plan B then. I don’t know if you want to end up with my kid.”

“Is that so bad? Do you not want me to have a kid with you?”

I looked at her as she straightened up, my cock still inside her. “I… it’s not that I don’t want to have a kid with you, it’s that why would you have a kid with me?”

She smiled as she started again, going up and down my still sensitive cock. I groaned loudly and she kissed me to silence me. “Why wouldn’t I want a kid with you?” she replied as she looked down at me while she rubbed my lips.

“I… I’m some broke fighter who doesn’t have a good future. You’re still young, you can go to college and get a degree! You can meet someone who can probably take better care of you!”

She slammed herself hard against me, like she’s punching my face with her fist, but instead of my face it’s my pelvis and instead of her fist it’s her plump, firm ass. “I can do that and be with you, right? I can go to college and still be with you!”

“But, Eve I -”

She slammed herself into me again and kissed me deeply. When we separated she stared into my eyes intensely. “I want you, Trevor, ok? And right now, we’re going to fuck until your stress is gone.”

“I think my stress is long go—”

“Trevor. We are going to fuck until all your stress is gone, do you understand me?”

She pumped into me again, letting that beautiful firm ass of hers continually rock my pelvis. I felt myself unload into her after several minutes and she moaned into my mouth. I took her up and placed her on the desk and fucked her again. Her moans and groans were getting loud, and I think some of the guys at the gym has started to notice because I can hear the coach barking orders at them to “stay the fuck away or I’ll kill ya!” right around the door.

I came inside her again, then I took myself out of her and rubbed her clit and fingered her sopping wet pussy until she climaxed too. I took her up and bent her over the table and fucked her. She wanted it in her asshole, but I didn’t want that, not this early in our relationship, but I promised we can do it in the future.

All in all, I came inside her pussy about 4 out of the 5 times I came, and the last one she swallowed. I realized I have a lot of pent up sperm that I haven’t released since, really, Casey and I haven’t had sex in almost a year. Actually, her affair is about 10 months now! I hadn’t even realized that since I stopped caring when I started training Eve.

I went home a little later that night to a rather dark apartment. I was greeted with Casey turning on the lights like in those old-time movies.

‘Where were you?” she asked as her left leg is crossed over her right. “You’re not picking up your phone.”

“Hmm? I was at the gym.”

“For the past 18 hours?!” she shouted. I can tell she’d been crying and her blonde locks are in a mess.

“Why are you so angry?”

“Because! You never want to spend any time with me!” She’s standing now, running up to me and stomping on the ground a little.

“You just noticed now? Did you and Richard break up or something?” I said absentmindedly as I went into the kitchen and procured an apple from the fridge.

She stopped and froze and I just looked at her as I started eating an apple. “Did you break up with him, or did he break up with you? Come on, you can tell me, don’t be shy. I love gossip.”

“Who’s Richard? I don’t know any Richard,” she said as she began to retreat back towards the chair.

“Oh what? Did Richard get fired or did he quit? Come on, don’t play dumb with me Casey. Did someone caught you guys and told the boss? Was it Mary? It was Mary right? Tell me it’s Mary.”

I just looked at her eyes, trembling, and her face draining of color. “You guys have been fucking around since March. Why would you guys break up after after so long?”

“Trevor, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Come on, I’ve only been with you and you only.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “You’re serious right now, Casey?”

She hesitated, but she nodded in the affirmative. “Casey, do you really think I’m that dumb? Do you really think I’ve been punched in the head so many times that I’m that stupid?”

“You’re imagining things, Trevor. I would never cheat on you! In fact, I think you’re just projecting right now! Trevor, are you cheating on me?”

That really got me laughing as I almost choked on some apple rind. “Man, that is some hardcore gaslighting. Oh, Casey, thanks I haven’t laughed like that in a long time.”

I walked up to her and gave her head a pat. “You think you’ve tamed me, Casey? You think you’ve ‘declawed me’ huh? Well you didn’t. For the past ten months I’ve watched you go off and fuck Richard every weekend and every day off, or girls night or some other bullshit.”

She looked at me, fear clearly etched on her face. “I know I told you that I was done with fighting, but your little infidelity lit a fire inside my belly that I thought was gone. Be grateful I went into the gym instead of hunting down Richard and beating him within an inch of his life. So thank you for that, Casey, thank you for bringing my anger back out from me.”

“Trevor, I…”

“I’ll grab my stuff.”


“If I see you, Richard, I’ma beat your ass!”

“Whoa, I have no idea who this ‘Richard’ is but if The Beast has his eyes set on him, he should watch out!” the announcers hollered.

The camera panned over each fighter after I made that declaration. I slipped my mouth guard on and pumped my arms. The bell rung and I approached my destiny.

I think I hyped up the opponent too much in my head. In the first minute, I threw an overhead right that completely took him by surprise and it landed square on his jaw, knocking him out. The fight stopped soon after that. Eve embraced me as she jumped and hollered and I took the belt to the gym with me. When we got there the Coach cut me a check for $30,000 with promises of an extra $15,000 next month. He gave me a pat on the back and he took the belt to the trophy case.

Casey gave me a call despite me telling her to never call me again. I put it on speaker as Eve leaned in to listen as well.

“Trevor, what the fuck?! Why would you say that on air?! Richard is fucking scared right now!”

I just laughed at her and Eve joined in. “Trevor, who is that?” Casey asked with concern and jealousy in her tone.

“This is his NEW girlfriend! Bye bitch, thanks for playing! I’m about to fuck him so don’t call my man ever again!”

Then Eve promptly pressed the red button, wrapped her arms around me and pumped her eyebrows.

“Wanna celebrate? I think the office is still empty” she asked seductively as she pushed her forehead against mine.



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