The Assistant 20 [Affair]

Kylie kissed Anthony passionately and he melted into her, wrapping his arms around her. He pressed his forehead against hers.

“You’re amazing,” he said.

“I just care,” she replied. She kissed him again and left him to his work.

Anthony sat at his desk thinking about what she had said.

Maybe Audrey doesn’t want me like that but she does. I don’t understand why she cares. Maybe I do too? God, I don’t know.

Anthony shook his head and made himself focus. Hours later he left his office and locked it.

“Grab your purse,” he told Kylie.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because I said so,” Anthony said. Kylie looked at him and he raised his eyebrows. She grabbed her purse and followed him to his car.

“Where are we going?” she asked as he drove.

“Lunch,” Anthony said. Kylie stared at him.

“A little risky isn’t it?” she asked. Anthony took her hand.

“Not where we’re going,” he said. Kylie looked out the window before she allowed herself to smile. She felt a little giddy that he was doing this.

They got some lunch from Subway and Anthony drove them to Gillson’s park which was on the lake.

“Isn’t it crazy busy here?” Kylie asked.

“Not where we’re going,” Anthony said. He parked far away from the crowds and then led Kylie down a hidden path which led to an opening that had a single picnic table.

“Wow,” Kylie said. “This has an amazing view.”

“Not many people know this is here,” Anthony said and he set their lunch on the table. “This is where I go to think sometimes.”

Kylie looked at Anthony, overwhelmed that he would share this with her. She realized she really was starting to have feelings for him. She walked over to him, looked up, and pulled him down by his tie and kissed him.

“Mmm, don’t start teasing me now,” he growled. Kylie smiled. She gave him a peck and then sat across from him.

Anthony watched her looking out over the lake as they ate and enjoyed the sound of the waves.

“Kylie,” he said gently. “Why do you want me?”

Kylie looked at him and stopped eating.

“Why?” Kylie asked.

“Why do you want me? Why do you desire me?” Anthony asked and he studied her. She cast her eyes down.

“I just do,” she said.

“I don’t get it,” he said. “Why do you care?”

“Why are you asking this?” Kylie asked.

“I’m just trying to understand,” Anthony said.

“And I don’t want to have this conversation,” Kylie said and she turned away, trying to hold back her tears. Anthony watched her silently before she finally broke. “Sometimes you just don’t understand everything. Things just are the way they are. I don’t understand why my husband doesn’t want me either. I don’t know what I am to you and I choose to remain ignorant of it.”


“It’s less painful that way.”

Anthony mulled over her words a few minutes before taking her hand.

“Please don’t push me away,” he said. Kylie squeezed his hand in response.

A few weeks had passed and Anthony had noticed Kylie just wasn’t the same. He assumed there was stuff going on at home, but didn’t ask.

Monday morning, Kylie knew Anthony was going to come in late because it was Ava’s first day of school and he wanted to be there to drop her off. He got to the office at 9 and went straight to work.

At the end of the day, Kylie saw Claire, the front desk worker from downstairs, walking with a little girl in a pink dress with a matching pink bow in her hair and a backpack.

“Thank you Ms. Claire,” the little girl said and she continued walking to Kylie’s desk. “Is my daddy working?”

“Well, that depends on who your daddy is,” Kylie said sweetly. “What’s your name?”

“Ava Lawson,” the little girl said.

“Oooohhh, it was your first day of school today,” Kylie said. “Did you have fun?”

“So much fun,” Ava said. Kylie smiled.

“Well, your dad is on a phone call, but he should be done soon,” Kylie said. “We could make faces at him through the window and see if it makes him hurry up?”

Kylie winked at her and Ava gave a big smile. Kylie picked her up and set her on her lap and turned them so they could see into Anthony’s office. Ava stuck her fingers in her mouth to pull at her cheeks and make a face at him. Anthony smiled and shook his head. He held up two fingers to let Kylie know he’d only be a little longer and she nodded.

Kylie set Ava back down and asked, “So, what’s your favorite thing about school so far?”

“Mmmm, I like snack time,” Ava said. Kylie smiled and gave her a high five.

“My kind of girl,” she said.

“Do you like my daddy,” Ava asked. Kylie’s heart stopped for a moment before she remembered Ava was only 5 and her question was innocent.

“He’s usually nice,” Kylie said.

“He says you’re the best damn assistant he’s had,” Ava said. Kylie was speechless for a second before Anthony scolded, “Ava Jean, you do not use language like that.”

Ava didn’t seem to feel she was actually in trouble, and Kylie didn’t think she was either. She bent down a little to whisper to Ava, though loud enough Anthony could hear, “You should tell your daddy he should tell me that more often.”

And she winked at Ava who smiled.

“How was your first day at school?” Anthony asked and he took Ava into his office and had her sit on a chair across from his desk. He listened to her talk about her day while he finished work and he left early that day.

Hours later he got a phone call from an unknown number but decided to answer it.

“Is this Mr. Lawson?” asked a male voice.

“This is. Who is this?” Anthony asked.

“Evan, Kylie’s husband,” said the man.

“Ah, what can I do for you?” Anthony asked.

“Have you heard from Kylie lately?” Evan asked.

“No,” Anthony said. “I left the office at 4 today and she was still there.”

“Did she seem off at all?” Evan asked. Anthony was silent for a moment.

“I mean, she’s been a bit quieter than usual lately, but today she seemed ok. She was very sweet with my daughter when she came in,” Anthony said. “What’s going on?”

“I can’t get a hold of her and I have no idea where she is,” Evan said. Anthony could hear the worry in his voice. “The only place I haven’t checked is the office, which I obviously can’t get into.”

Anthony sighed.

“I’ll try calling her and if I hear anything I’ll let you know,” Anthony said. “If I don’t, I’ll check the office.”

“Ok,” Evan said. “Thank you.”

Anthony tried calling Kylie three times, but it went to voicemail every time. He sighed in frustration and went upstairs to change into jeans and a t-shirt.

“Where are you going?” Audrey asked when he came down the stairs.

“Kylie’s husband called and he hasn’t heard from her and can’t find her,” Anthony said. “I didn’t get an answer when I called either and the only place he hasn’t been able to check is the office.”

“I hope something didn’t happen to her,” Audrey said.

“Me too,” Anthony said. He kissed her head and left.

Anthony parked on the street outside the building and saw a man sitting on a bench. The man stood when he saw Anthony.

“Evan?” Anthony said.

“Thank you for coming,” the man said.

“As much as I’d like to let you

in with me, I can’t,” Anthony said. “I’ll text you if she’s there and see if I can get her to come down.”

Evan nodded and watched Anthony go into the building. The elevator seemed to take ages to get to his floor. Anthony came around the corner and saw Kylie sitting on the round table by the windows, staring over the city lights. A pile of used tissues sat next to her. Anthony stood next to her and tapped her phone. 16 missed calls and just as many unread texts. He sent a quick text to Evan.

“Your husband’s worried,” Anthony said.

“That’d be a first,” Kylie said.

“I am too.”

“Also a first.”

Anthony clenched his jaw.

“What’s going on, Kylie?”


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