I want to fuck my boss! [MF]

Since the day David* (changed for privacy reasons) interviewed me, I really had to do my best to focus on his questions while maintaining eye contact. He has beautiful green eyes that have a way of making you stare a little bit longer. I couldn’t see his face because we were still in the mask wearing mandate, but I just knew he was handsome. I felt an instant chemistry with him but knew I needed this job and had to keep it professional. His chest and arms basically pop out of his shirt, but he isn’t douchey about it, he’s just big. He’s kind, funny and one of the HOTTEST men I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and he’s my boss.

I’ve been his employee ~6 months, and we’ve maintained a cordial, friendly work relationship. We work well under pressure together and he’s a very hard worker whose dedicated to his position. I am older than him (29) by a couple years (27). I obviously find him attractive but I do my very best not to show it/mind my business so things remain professional.
Other females in the business think he’s hot, one significantly younger employee openly crushing on him, even though she herself has a man. He’s irresistible— He is about 5’11”, fit as can be (exercises regularly), 6 pack with huge arms/hands/fingers, dresses nicely, lights up a room with his smile and his voice is so sexy and deep, I could listen to him talk forever.

We’ve never directly complimented each other, but he’s commented on the fact that I should “get paid BY Lululemon to wear their clothing” (casual work environment calls for yoga pants/shorts/skirts) which kind of made me blush. Sometimes I find him flirting with me heavily, making me laugh and shooting little glances that I can see in my peripherals or stretching his arms/back while he sits at his desk, big enough so that his shirt lifts up and reveals his tanned, ripped body— He knows exactly what he’s doing. Somedays, we barely talk and I will just be in my work zone/mentality, but he is always on the corner of my mind. At work, not at work. I purposefully will pose certain ways, sexy yet classy that will catch his attention when I’m not looking. I can’t vouch that he is looking, but I sense it.

He promoted me at work as a manager, gave me a substantial raise/hour increase, resulting in us spending more time together since he’s a full time employee. We work with a small group of people, 6 at most on our busiest days. I’ve gotten to know him a little better since we work with such a small team, but not well enough. Sometimes we work closely beside each-other physically, and recently he has gotten extremely close to me, so close I was about to feel his chest on the back of my shoulder blades while he REACHED around me to grab something he needed. Normally he’d walk around to retrieve what he needs or asks someone to pass it to him (when I’ve watched him work). Another time he tapped/lightly touched my back as he walked past me to ask a quick question and I felt electricity down my legs. He didn’t have to touch me to get my attention, but he knew what he was doing. I’ve done my best to stick out, doing my absolute best work at the job to impress my boss. He notices and definitely appreciates the extra side jobs that I complete with/without his direction.

He was in the back at his desk completing paperwork while I was facing the opposite way working with an employee during a recent Friday afternoon, about two weeks ago. That employee (I’ll call Tom*) walked away without my realizing while I continued to talk to who I thought was still listening. (I make fun of myself in awkward/uncomfortable situations as a tactic to make others also laugh/take the spotlight off me); So I loudly said “That’s awkward, just talking to myself. Nobody is listening” — I hear a flirty voice from behind me: “I’m listening 😏” — I turned my head to see my SUPERIOR smirking at me from his desk. I gave him a little smile back, making eye contact then went back to my job and said nothing. The silence was so fucking loud. I did everything mentally preventable from physically letting my jaw drop to the ground. All I wanted to do was turn around, push him back on his chair and take full control of him. I’ve been in love twice, I’ve lusted for many handsome men, but this feeling/attraction to David is unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

He had been spending a lot of time on his phone this past Wednesday, after a curious employee of his asked what was up, he loudly/openly said he broke up with his girlfriend. No remorse. Stated they weren’t that serious and apparently had issues already when they hadn’t even been dating that long. 🚩 that he is so comfortable with ending his long distance relationship over the phone, but why am I so happy he’s single?!?

When I heard that, my panties were instantly soaked. I waited a few minutes to play it cool and then booked it for the bathroom. I shut the door and was literally shaking, breathing all weird knowing that my sexy boss was single, flirtatious with me all this time, in the other room. All I wanted to do was grab his hand and pull him into the bathroom with me.

When I pulled my pants/panties down, a string of cum pulled away from my lips. I touched and felt my clit, I was wet like when I was a teenager. I stopped and pulled my pants up, told myself to get it together. I had to prop myself up against the wall for about 5 minutes to regulate my breathing and heart rate. This man is an absolute fantasy causing me cardiac distress. 10/10. I don’t know if it’s because it’s taboo and he’s my boss, or if I genuinely like this guy. This is his career, while this is only my job until I complete my board exams for school to legally work in my profession I just finished school for. He knows I’m leaving in a few months.

David, if you ever find this post/account and recognize my story:
Please put an “Out of Order” sign on the Men’s bathroom at work. Text me to meet you in there 5 minutes before your/my shift ends.
I want to make you feel ways you’ve never felt before. Let’s turn this fantasy into reality.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pruiiy/i_want_to_fuck_my_boss_mf