Best Friends Part II

**Fair warning – this is long, too long for this sub but some of you asked me to continue my first post and I had a little fun with it. If you like it YAY, if you don’t…. sorry I wasn’t your cup of tea (shoulder shrug).**


“Hey Carter”

I don’t notice the man standing in front of me at first. His short hair is now longer and pushed to the side. My body surges with adrenaline as I politely glance over his strong presence. I let my eyes wonder down his chest, to the well-defined V leading to an obvious bulge. My skin heats as I look back to his eyes, the unmistakable caramel brown that is Carter.

I can feel myself getting hot and take a deep breath, now is not the time. I’ve missed him so much. It’s been twelve years and too much has happened.

Carter was my best friend, my best friend that had no clue I was desperately in love with him. We both went off to college halfway across the country from each other and it was hard on me. I moved into a house with three other girls, one of them happened to be dating Brad’s roommate. The girls were nice and welcoming, I was younger than them and they took me under their “wing.” I started drinking and partying every night. Brad was there, constantly hanging around. He was always nice and respectful to me in high school, and I didn’t care that he was an up and coming running-back football star. Brad wanted to be with me, and he took my mind off Carter.

I remember everything about that night, the night when I told Carter I didn’t want anything to do with him. I kept my voice calm and clear as I told him I was in love with Brad, and it wouldn’t be fair to him if we stayed friends. A piece of me died that night.

I could never bring myself to have sex with Brad. Carter was the last and only person I’ve ever had sex with, I wasn’t ready to give him that title. He became mean and belligerent when he would drink, and since we were always out drinking, that was all the time. A month after we started dating, I found out he was sleeping with Becky, a stereotypical hot blonde jersey chaser. I tried to break it off with him, but he kept reeling me in. I still don’t know why I let him.

Two months after I ended things with Carter, Brad and I were driving a short distance to my apartment from a frat party. I was completely blacked out and I have no clue what kind of state he was in. I don’t remember the accident. I only know what I was told – I was driving at a high speed and ran a red light, t-boning another car.

The fact will always be that Brad was driving the car, because I was passed out, and then he moved me to the driver’s side after the accident.

The driver of the other car hit her head on the steering wheel, knocking her unconscious, so no one could confirm my story. The next morning, I opened my eyes and was lying in a hospital bed with IVs sticking out of my arm. My mother was sitting next to me, gently stroking my hand. She told me about the accident and what happened….and then that I was pregnant…

“Can I come in?”

He looks at me like I’ve just made a mad dash from the mental hospital.

Shit, I hope he says yes…..How am I supposed to tell him he has an eleven year old son.

He stands there staring at me with wide eyes, his muscular arms folded tightly over his chest. I can tell he’s pissed as he loudly chokes out, “Abby what the actual fuck are you doing here?”

I breathe through my nose and count to ten. You have to do this Abs.

“Please Carter…. just let me come in and talk.”

His tone grows angrier, “Talk about what Abby!? It’s been TWELVE years! We have absolutely nothing to talk about!.”

He starts backing up, further into his house, and grabs the door to shut it.

I panic.


I walk up another step

“Carter! Wait! Please!”

He moves to slam the door shut

“We have a son!”

He freezes, dropping his hands to his side and white knuckling into fists.

I look up and the color is draining from his face.

I’m scared he’s going to pass out so I put my foot on the next step.

My movement must jolt him awake.

“We have a son?”

I feel my throat close.


He puts his hand up to stop me from walking.

“Where is he?”

I pause, our eyes holding each other’s as I play with the hem of my shirt.

“He’s waiting in the car”

He doesn’t say anything back so I softly let out
, “I… I.. he would like to meet you if that’s okay.”

He nods his head solemnly and I turn around.


Walking down the driveway to my Tahoe truck, I open the door and hold my breath.

“I’m not going to meet him.”

My almost twelve-year-old son is the spitting image of Carter. Every day I wake up and am so happy I have Aaron. So thankful the night of the accident I wasn’t seriously injured, and he stayed baking in my womb. He’s my life and I want him to have a chance with his dad.

Being a single mom is hard. I dropped out of college a month after I found out. Dealing with the legal ramifications of the DUI and being pregnant was enough on my already full plate.

Before the accident happened, I was a bartender at a trendy lounge and was pulling in more money than I would with a college degree. I had a decent amount in savings… It was enough to get me a cramped one-bedroom apartment that my parents helped pay to furnish. My manager from the lounge agreed to train me on running the daily office and bookkeeping duties.

I got lucky with all of the help from the people in my life.

I wanted to tell Carter since the very second I knew, but I couldn’t. Two days after the accident I unblocked him from Myspace and typed his name into the search bar.

Carter looked truly happy… He had pictures smiling with his new friends and was living the college life that we spent hours talking about. He even had a girlfriend…..

I decided to wait until after he finished college to tell him…… I didn’t want to ruin his life.

So I waited. And waited. And waited, and before I knew it, I was planning Aaron’s twelfth birthday.

I told Aaron about his father when he was seven and he didn’t seem to care much, but it didn’t worry me. I was his only normal. I rarely dated and would never bring a guy I was hooking up with home. My father was the male constant in his life and we were content.

He’s healthy and happy and I’ve always given him all the love in the universe – I never pushed the envelope with him….not until a couple of months ago when he started asking questions I couldn’t answer. I knew it was finally time to tell Carter, my son needed his father.

“Please Aaron, this is important for me, I’m trying to right my wrongs.”

My very mature preteen looks at me and warmly smiles.

Tossing his tablet on the floorboard, he unbuckles his seat belt and gets out, hugging me tightly as he says into my hair, “You know you’re all I need right?”
He squeezes me and I can barely breath.

I laugh but say seriously “I know but what if I can give you more?”

He releases me from his bear hug and grabs my hand.

“C’mon, let’s go”

We walk up the drive way and Aaron gives my hand a reassuring squeeze. Carters stands waiting for us by the door. The color in his face has started to return. I let out a sigh of relief that I haven’t given him a heart attack. Standing on the bottom steps, Aaron lets go and walks up to shake his dad’s hand.

“Nice to meet you I’m Aaron”

I let out a sob. My son. I will never know what driving life force thought I deserved his pure soul. I wipe my eyes as they both look at me.
I start crying uncontrollably, I can’t help it. They both look at each other and let out a little teary-eyed laugh.

Carter clears his throat and scratches his jaw

“So you umm…. You guys want to come in?”

He points his thumb over his shoulder and shyly smiles.

I’ve low keyed stalked his social media for over a decade, I know that the Carter I’m meeting today is not the same Carter I knew a decade ago. My heart flutters with the realization that a part of my Carter is still in there, and hopefully one day he can forgive me.

I wipe my eyes and smile at both of these beautiful men…The kind and gentle one I’ve nursed and loved since the beginning of life, and then the other, the only man I have only ever loved with that piece of my heart.

“Yeah let’s go in”


Today has been amazing and we’ve just finished the dinner that Carter prepared…. Angel hair pasta and jarred supermarket sauce. The fool still can’t cook, I giggle to myself as I walk down the hallway to the guest bathroom. I glance at the funky artwork on the wall as my feet begin to move faster. Reaching the door I let out the breath that I was holding.. I need a break. This is all too much to process, and my fears are beginning to overwhelm me.

I open the bathroom door and turn on the light. The walls are a funky seafoam-green and the furniture has a cool Indonesian feel to it. Who is this person?

Carter has been warm and kind to me, but I know that’s only a front for Aaron. What if he thinks I’m after his money? Shit…..What if he tries to get custody? I’m a hair colorist at a popular salon, I make good money but don’t have the money for Carter’s caliber of lawyers.

I turn on the faucet and look in the mirror, taking in a deep breath I try to calm my nerves. My pale skin is showing signs of aging at my ripe old age of thirty. Tattoos that I love adorn my skin to tell a story. Long gone are the sensible clothes I was forced to wear. I’ve replaced them with a style that makes me feel like myself – my body armor.

I’ve evolved as a person on the outside but deep down I’m still Abs.

My pep talk to myself settles down the naysayer in my head. I dry my hands and roll my eyes over his silliness. Sea-foam green Carter?

I open the door and jump back

“Why don’t you guys stay the night?”

Carter’s dominating presence hovers over me. His arm is resting on the door jam and his expression looks dangerous. Blood rushes to my ears picking up the sexual vibe he’s sending.

I swallow loudly and stammer.

“Wha.. what dddo you mean.?

He smiles knowing the effect he’s having on me.

“It’s getting late and I don’t like the idea of you guys driving an hour on the highway when it’s dark out.”

He straightens up and backs away from the door tucking his hands in his pants pocket.

“I have one guest room…Aaron can have it, you can have mine, and I can have the couch.”

I wipe the drool off my lip and stand up straighter. “I can have the couch and you can have your room.”

He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders

“Okay. But I offered”


Carter’s couch sucks. Period. Every time I move an inch the leather crinkles. I angrily beat down my pillow and mutter, “rich people.”

Eternity and a day pass. There’s no hope…between the damn leather and my brain possessed with thoughts of Carter I’ve decided to give up on sleeping.

Carter said that we would talk in the morning.

Thinking about that “talk” has butterfly’s dancing around my stomach.

I shake out my hands, I need to get up and move around to quiet my thoughts.

I throw the covers over me, and before I know it I’m walking up the stairs and standing in front of Carter’s room.

What am I doing?

I go to reach the door knob.

No maybe I shouldn’t.

I take my hand back.

I reach out again…


Oh screw it!

I swing open the door and it loudly vibrates off of the wall.

Oh for fucks sake, I drop my head back.

I give up on life right now…

I look like a crazy person…

No… I look like a crazy person again…

He definitely thinks I’m crazy.


“Abby you okay?”

He stares at me and I just stand there unsure of what to do.

“Hi.. ummm.”

I tug on the long t-shirt he let me borrow to sleep in.


I take a deep breath.

“So I can’t sleep.”

He wipes his eyes. “Okay….”

I walk further into the in the room

“Can I sleep with you?”

He sits up and checks me out from my head to my toes. Chuckling to himself he opens the sheet a little.

I can see the outline of his dick and can tell he’s naked underneath.

I swallow loudly.

“If you want to come in my bed there’s a price tag on that pillow you’re going to be sleeping on…Next to me”

I put my hands on my hips.

Did this man really insinuate that I have to have sex with him, JUST have the privilege of sleeping NEXT to him in his bed?

He chuckles again, now at my stance. I can feel myself getting annoyed with his arrogance.

Shifting on the bed, he reaches over to his nightstand and turns on the lamp.

“You getting in?….Or are you sleeping Alone?”

I stand there, annoyed and flustered with him. I silently pray to whatever divine force is out there that this won’t ruin anything.

He pulls the sheet all the way back and I can see his semi-hard cock laying in between is legs. He catches me looking and flashes me a grin, quickly pulling the sheet back over him. “Alone?” He laughs

I drop my hands, my nipples harden from thoughts of being in his bed.

His eyes drop to my shirt and the air becomes charged with desire.

He props himself up on his side as he takes his hand and gives his cock a slow tug.

Gaining courage I walk over to the bed and throw myself down next to him.

I’m nervous, and stiff, and I can’t move. Ugh. Brain tell body to move.

I lay there and take a deep breathe, shaking out my hands.

I’m crazy round three is here.

He looks down at me and gives a menacing smile, ”yeahhhhh… that’s not going to work”

Heat rushes to my face and I can feel my blood pressure start to rise.

I’m starting to get embarrassed and feel stupid.

“You really are that asshole you want everyone to think you are.”

He raises one eyebrow as he pulls up my shirt and begins tracing the freckles on my stomach.

“Seriously Carter?”

Ugh this man!

“Who are you?”

I raise my hand and point downstairs. “You have SEAFOAM-GREEN on your walls!”

His hand starts to travel south, down to the edge of my panties. Carter grabs my face with his other hand and turns it to him, making me angrier and more aroused.

“Stop talking”

He strokes my cheek and trails his thumb down to my lips.

All the anger rushes out of my body. I feel my panties dampen and my pussy begins to ache. Rubbing his thumb back and forth, my tongue traces out to touch it.

He lets out a rough moan as he moves his thumb down my chin and to my neck.

His hand wraps around my throat tightly and my breathe hitches.

“I’m not the same person you used to know”

He squeezes and blocks some of my air.

My heart begins to race and my pussy throbs.

“I like to fuck……”

He brings his face to mine and whispers in my ear.


He bites my ear and I let out a yelp.

“My walls are sound proof.”

He licks my ear, soothing the pain he just inflicted.

“No one will be able to hear your screams.”

He takes his hand off of my neck and trolls one finger down my body, I let out a whimper.

He smiles against my ear.

“Oh Abs…”

He traces my slit through my panties, the cotton rubbing against my swollen clit. I start to writhe my hips with his hand as he drops his head and licks my neck.

“You don’t know what you just got yourself into” he taunts.

Bringing his lips down to mine, he kisses me with hunger and passion. I feel wetness soaking through my panties and he feels it to, “fuck” he growls into my mouth. I can feel my lips start to bruise as he breaks the kiss and bites my ear.

“Take off your shirt” He commands and stands up.

I take off my shirt and toss it on the floor next to me.

Looking at me he grabs my thighs and pulls me to the edge of the bed. Spreading my legs, he slides my panties down my ass and over my legs.

He takes my ankles and flips me over onto my stomach.
“Put your ass in the air.”

I arch my back and put my ass in the air, giving it a little jiggle.

He roughly grabs my ass cheeks and pulls them apart. I can feel his nose brush my ass as he brings his face down and begins to trace my hole with his tongue. I can feel his spit dripping down my pussy and let out a shuddered breath as it slides over my clit.

I can feel him move back, “*thwack” “thwack” “thwack”*, his hand slaps my ass hard. I wince from the pain as the sound vibrates off the walls. He starts to massage my cheeks, soothing the soreness. I’m so aroused from the pain I feel another gush of wetness trail down my pussy lips.

I stick my ass up higher, wanting more and moan ,“Please Carter!”

He stops and reaches over to the drawer.

I hear the opening of a cap and squirting of liquid.

He turns back to me “have you ever let another man here?” He rubs lubricant on my asshole and massages it.

I go still and choke out “no.”

“I’m really, really mad at you Abby and I can’t promise I won’t be rough.”

My breathing grows heavier



My pussy tightens, and I push my ass back more.

“Carrrter”, I strangle out.

Heat pools in my lower back and my cunt leaks all over his sheets.

“Fuck I love seeing your ass turn red.” He puts his thumb in my asshole and circles it around.

I melt from the fullness in my ass, “ohhhhhhhh”, a breathy moan escapes my lips.

His thumb starts to move sedately inside of me. I feel so full and my pussy is dripping in protest from neglect. I move my ass with his hand, chasing it, wanting more.

“Look at you being a needy little slut”

He moves his thumb harder inside of my ass. “You’re going to make a mess on my sheets”

Grabbing a fist of my hair his thumb begins to move in a merciless rhythm.

“Tell me how bad you want me to fuck you right now”

I let out a sob as my hips rock desperately chasing his hand. My skin prickles as I plead to him,

“Carter! Pleeeeeease”

He tightens his grip on my hair, stinging my scalp, and pulls me flush to him. His warm breath tingling my ear.
“You’ve been really bad Abby”

He lets go of my hair

*“thwack”, “thwack”*

“I know”, I scream out as his hand punishes my aching cheeks.

His thumb jackhammers into my ass and I can feel the building pleasure of an orgasm.
“I know Carter!” I pant out

He spanks me hard once more and quickly pulls out his thumb.

My eyes roll back and my asshole violently convulses, If he just brushed my clit with one finger my body would break apart. I feel the emptiness of his absence as he pushes me down on the bed.

I turn my head and see him stand up straight.


I turn around and see him slowly jacking his dick. His pupils are blown and he’s teetering on the edge with me. I stand up, my arousal dripping down my legs as I walk over to him.

He softly grabs my hair and gently pulls my head back.

Looking into my eyes he says, “I’ve always loved you Abs.”

My heart stutters, I feel like a weight has been lifted, “I’ve always loved you too.”

Wildness flashes in his eyes and his grip on my hair turns tighter as he brings his face to mine and bites my lip hard.

I can taste copper as he begins to lick and suck my neck, my tongue licks the cut to soothe his bite. My knees start to shake as he moves up nibbling my ear and whispers, “Get on the floor. On your hands and knees.”

I get down and wait, electricity coursing through my body.

He kneels behind me and thrusts two fingers inside of my pussy, “fuuuuck your soaked”

He starts to fuck me with his fingers, bringing me closer to breaking apart with each thrust.

I turn my head to look at him as my walls start to spasm around his fingers. My eyes shut and I bite my bruised lips… I want to cum so bad, I can feel warmth start to spread through my body.

He chuckles as he pulls out and puts both of his fingers in his mouth, making a sucking noise. He saviors my taste on his tongue and rubs his fingers along his shaft, smearing my cum and his spit all over his dick.

“Mhmmm. Fuck that’s good”

He rubs the head of his dick on my clit.

“Naughty girl. You’re only allowed to cum on my cock.”

Lining himself up he plunges inside of me. My walls stretch around is cock and I shiver from the sting of pain. Air swooshes out of my lungs as he begins to fuck me slow, but punishingly, hitting my g-spot as he buries himself as deep as possible.

“Shit I’ve missed your pussy”

, he smacks my ass and I let out a throaty moan.

Fisting my hair he brings me flush to his chest, his hand reaches around and starts to rub my clit. The movement makes him impossibly deep, and I can feel my pussy tighten around his dick as he starts to move faster inside of me.

He pinches my clit and I black out.

Warm tingly sensations teem though my body and I lose all control. The sound of our guttural moans and his balls smacking against my ass fill the room.

I can’t breathe, I can only feel my pussy pulsing throughout my body as I ride out my orgasm and he desperately pounds into me.

*“Thwack “thwack*, he spanks me lighter and I can feel his movements getting more frenzied. My pussy is still convulsing, and I can feel another orgasm building. I’m barely breathing as I strangle out the words. “Carrrrrrterrrr” deep breath “I’m going to cum!”

As soon as I utter the words my walls flutter violently around his cock and my body goes over the edge. I can feel his cock twitch inside of me as we cum together. Our bodies are shaking and slick with sweat as he takes a deep final thrust and growls, “f-fuuuuck.”

We kneel there for a few moments and catch our breath.

He kisses my neck and breathes me in as he starts to go soft inside of me.

“You can sleep here, and I’ll take the couch if you want”

My throat gets clogged with emotions I can’t deal with right now as he slips out of me.

“No! No, I want you to stay.”

He smiles on my shoulder and rests his lips there. His nose brushes my ear as he softly pats me on my sore cheek.

“Atttaaa girl”

I’m thankful he lightens the mood and I laugh at is debauchery. We both get up from the floor and face each other. Gazing into each other’s eyes for what feels like eternity. He puts his hand on my cheek and softly strokes, my eyes close as I nestle into him. Feather light kisses touch my lips and memories of the night we lost our virginity together rush in.


I use the adjoining restroom and walk back into his room. Lying there naked he smiles at me.

I admire his solid body and the light dusting of brown hair on his chest. I trail my eyes down to his semi-hard cock.

He looks at my soft naked body and his erection grows harder.

We giggle like teenagers as I get into bed, and he pulls me to his chest and kisses my hair.

“We have twelve years of making up to do.”

I giggle louder and move to get on top of him.

“Hmmm I think I’m going to be sore tomorrow.” I say teasingly.

He moans and my clit pulses as he pinches my nipple.

I let out a yelp and go to flick his hand as he says, “You might have one problem though.”

I lift my eyebrows and rock my hips back and forth, letting my slit rub over his cock, coating him in my wetness.

His eyes roll back, and his voice is strained as he groans out “shiiiiit.”

I start to move faster, teasing him. “What do you mean?” I ask.

I take his cock in my hand and guide him inside of me. He bites his lip as he watches my pussy lips sliding down his dick.

I roll my head back and we both let out an audible breath.

“Her name is Mona.”

I smile to myself as I begin to ride him, “I know all about Mona.”
