Traveller’s relief [Group]

Fuck me, how drunk am I?
I thought to myself as I squatted over the filthy bar toilet. It was my first night in (redacted), visiting friends for a few weeks, and said friends had welcomed me at the airport with copious amounts of liquor. They had given me some time to freshen up but I’d basically been drinking since the airport lounge before boarding.

I was cooked to say the least.

I unlatch the stall and stumble out, almost falling into a girl who was the spitting image of Lorde, but with an additionally impressive rack. Her blonde friend came out of another stall as Lorde-lookalike pulled me up, giggling.

“I leave for 2 minutes and you already have girls falling all over you” the friend said. “Nice to meet you, I’m Christie” she collected me into her equally blessed bosom. “And this babe magnet is my best friend Jordan”

“Nice to meet you too, I’m Vanessa. I just got here” I hiccuped a bit

“Are you okay? Where are your friends?” The Lorde lookalike- Jordan joined Christie and I’s embrace, the other side of my face smushed into another pair of delightfully pillowy breasts. While I prefer a nice ass (on any gender), how can a girl turn down being enveloped by two women? “I’m definitely feeling better now that you two are here, but my friends are just outside” I giggled. Fuck, I needed some water.

“Do you wanna come with us? Jordan lives 5 minutes away and we’re gonna chill for a bit before heading to a rave” Christie asked, allowing me to gasp for breath away from her boobs. “Christie don’t scare the poor gal, surely she has to go back to her friends” Jordan scolded with just a hint of desire in her voice, or maybe I was projecting and I wanted her to want me to go with them. “No no no let me just (hiccup) tell them where we’re going and I’ll catch up with them later” I quickly exited the bathroom in search of my degenerate pals before the girls changed their mind.

10 minutes of reassurance later, I was walking hand in hand with Christie and Jordan back to Jordan’s downtown apartment. We must’ve looked a sight: me, a tanned and petite Asian girl with bright blonde hair and an ass you could bounce a quarter off to make up for the lack of grabbage up top, sandwiched between two gorgeous towering white women who took one look at me falling out of a stall and decided I’d be their little plaything for the night. As we walked, I learnt that they were best friends who had a box full of weed they were happy to share with me, but only after I sobered up a bit. “It’s just good hospitality. We need to get you back to your mates in one piece right?”

Jordan’s apartment was bright and clean, with a balcony that overlooked the busy boozy streets we just left. Christie disappeared into the bathroom as soon as we entered and Jordan put the kettle on to make tea. We made some more small talk as the water heated up, and I felt myself getting lost in Jordan’s emerald green eyes, barely listening to a word she was saying. Fuck she’s so pretty. Why can’t I be that pretty?? Why is she so close to me???

We were interrupted by Christie as she shouted for someone to bring her a towel. I volunteered, grabbing one from the linen closet where she directed me, and my jaw ended up on the floor as the steam cleared and Christie’s wet, naked body was revealed to me in all its glory. Her tits were even more magnificent than I thought, with perky nipples begging to be sucked on, and a toned stomach trailed down to an expertly waxed pussy with thin pink lips. “Thanks sweetheart, please go relax, you’re meant to be a guest” she said as I ogled her. She wrapped herself up and ushered me back out to a laughing Jordan. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost! What’s the matter doll, you’ve never seen another girl naked before?”

Now I’ve had my fair share of experiences with women, but never with two women at the same time who were so confident, funny, and gorgeous. I couldn’t figure out if I wanted to be them or be on them.

Jordan handed me a mug of steaming chamomile and an expertly rolled joint and walked me outside to the balcony. At this point I had already sobered up a bit from being flashed by Christie, but definitely not enough for the the abject weirdness of going to a stranger’s house in a foreign city after meeting them in a bar toilet to set in. I sipped my tea as Christie came out to join us, still clad in just the towel I brought her, sucking down the joint as if she’d just run a marathon and the weed was her only water source. They were standing awfully close to me now, restricted by the balcony, their body heat mingling with mine as clouds surrounded us and let our inhibitions even further down.

“You okay, Vanessa?” Christie cooed, her soft hands creeping up my back to comfort me as I bent over the balcony railing. “Yeah girl thanks for asking. Just been a long day of travelling and drinking.” I explained as her hands rubbed up and down my smooth back exposed by a halter neck top. Jordan took a drag of the joint and leaned in close as she slowly spilled the smoke from her warm mouth into mine. I leaned in closer too, our lips almost touching as I greedily sucked, wishing I was sucking on a different pair of lips. “There, better?” “Much b-“ I gasped as I was cut off by Christie’s hands moving from my back to my front, squeezing my small Bs. “What about now?” Christie whispered, her hands now trailing down to the tops of my hips. “Y-yeah” I froze as I was faced with the most upfront seduction I’ve ever been a recipient of. Not knowing what to do, I looked at Jordan, who moved behind Christie and pulled her towel off, exposing her body to the revellers on the street below and all of Jordan’s neighbours. “Like what you see, Vanessa?” Christie giggled and I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Politeness be damned, I reached out to latch my lips around Christie’s hard nipples, my tongue flicking against the tips while my own hands found Jordan’s ass. She was still standing behind Christie, with her arms wrapped around Christie’s waist and hands tickling her mound. Christie was the thicc filling in our weed-fuelled sandwich, and I was determined to get a taste too as I detached myself from her bosom and asked if we could head to Jordan’s bedroom.


1 comment

  1. Sorry to anyone who hoped to read about some crazy group sex, this is only part 1 of my night with these ladies (then some guys). Post got removed the first time as this sub doesn’t have a tag for [FFF] smh mods let us have some fun please

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