Behind the Mask, Chapter 10 [fm] [Incest] [Cousin/Cousin] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 9](

“So. No Mister Diamond today?” Stef said casually, floating by on a pool noodle.

I lifted my sunglasses from my face, smirking. “Unlike you, he has an actual life he needs to maintain,” I shot back.

“I’m still kinda surprised you’re not trying to hook him up with one of his relatives,” Drew commented.

“Drew, don’t be rude,” Coco chastised from off to the side.

“Mom!” he sighed, before turning back to me, mischief returning to his face as he leaned back on his deck chair. “You want this one for yourself, huh?”

“Have you *seen* that guy’s abs?” Cherry pointed out. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Leon subtly glance down at his own figure, and I had to stifle a laugh.

“Hm. Yeah, you got your claws in this one,” Stef added. “Almost feel sorry for the guy.”

“Jury’s still out on whether he can keep up with me,” I said dismissively.

Brie climbed out of the water and took the chair next to mine. “We know. Stef tried starting a betting pool on if August would make it or not.”

“What does ‘make it’ mean? Past a month? Into a long-term relationship?” I scoffed.

“Any of the above, honestly,” Stef admitted.

I chuckled. “What are the odds right now?”

“Right now, Drew’s the only one betting against.”

“But that’s only to play devil’s advocate,” Drew pointed out. “Plus, if I had won, I’d have made a buttload of money.”

“Put me down for a hundred dollars against,” I said with a wave of my finger.

“Lex, we didn’t actually make a pool,” Brie muttered.

“Why not? I like making easy money too. And nothing’s easier than being able to rig the game,” I laughed.

“Lexi.” Coco was looking at me carefully, a wealth of meaning in her eyes. I really shouldn’t have told her about Jordan. “We couldn’t care less about a silly bet. We just want to see you happy.”

“I am happy,” I groaned. “I managed to instigate some deliciously illegal relationships, didn’t I?” I gestured to all of them, and Leon and Coco shifted uncomfortably. It was adorable that they still felt a bit uneasy at times about sleeping with their children.

In the background, Drew was explaining to Stef, “That’s another reason why I bet against. If I win, I obtain some sweet currency. If I lose, she gets a guy. Win-win for me.” That both irked me and melted my heart.

Brie sighed impatiently at my words before continuing. “But you could have more. You could have something of your own.”

My temper flared, but I kept it from showing. I was getting annoyed with people telling me I wasn’t happy. What was wrong with my life that I appeared miserable to them? They weren’t supposed to be this meddlesome; I was the meddler. But what was that saying? What goes around comes around.

“Don’t worry, I’ll have my fun,” I reassured them. Even if I could fool the rest of them, I wasn’t going to fool Brie, and I wasn’t going to fool Coco. “Besides, c’mon. You think this guy is gonna be the love of my life? Get real.”

“He already gave you the diamond,” Stef reminded as an aside. “Wait, what does he do again?”

“He’s in the FBI.”

Cherry perked up. “Oh my God, it’s like he’s your FBI agent!”

“Already made that joke before.”


“What kind of FBI?” Stef pushed. “Special Agent? Forensics?”

Drew snorted. “Forensics? With gains like his?”

“He’s SWAT,” I said curtly, and Drew held a hand up as if to say “See?”

Along came Cherry again saying, “Oh my God, then he can ‘swat’ you, if you know what I mean.”

“Already made that joke before too.”


“Jeez. Not messing with him then,” Brie remarked.

My phone rang, and everybody gave each other looks of the intensely gossipy variety. I checked the caller ID, and realized I was disappointed to see it was Alain. August was a drug, and it turned out I was hooked. I couldn’t even go a day without wanting to see him?


“*Mademoiselle,* Senator Barnes ‘as still not sent his contribution,” he said gravely.

I frowned and stood, heading inside while my friends gossiped about speculations of what they thought August was calling about. Once I was inside and out of earshot, I replied, “Well, it’s the weekend. It could be that we have to wait until a business day.” Alain was silent as he waited for me to ask myself, But what if it wasn’t? “What does his schedule look like for tomorrow?”

“‘e is golfing at the city country club,” Alain said.

“Needed to practice my swing anyway,” I mused.

“Would you like me to pick you up from ‘ome, *mademoiselle?*”

“Sure, but I might make a trip of it. We’ll probably swing by to pick up my friends.”

“Of course, *mademoiselle.*”

“Thanks, Alain.” I hung up and headed back outside, and the conversation died as soon as they noticed me. “Oh, don’t stop because of me,” I said loftily with a grin. “What are you all scheming now?”

“Just wondering what you two talk about,” Brie said with a smirk.

“Or if it’s just, like, all boning,” Stef added.

“No,” Brie squawked loudly to cover his words.

“The real question is what we talk about *while* we’re boning,” I suggested, and was met with hilariously varying levels of displeasure. “Hey, I was gonna make a shopping trip into the city. Anybody wanna come?”

“Ooh, me!” Cherry declared eagerly. “Dad, can I go?”

“Of course, princess,” Leon replied.

“Sure, I’ll go,” Brie added. “It’d be great to get some new stuff.”

“And you’re just gonna leave me all by my lonesome?” Stef said flatly.

Brie raised her brow. “You’re welcome to join us, you needy bitch.”

“And we could always use a man’s opinion,” I pointed out with a lilt in my voice. That earned me a sharp glare from Brie, and I tittered. “Drew?”

Drew leaned back and kicked his feet up. “You asking me if I wanna go shopping with a bunch of girls?”


“Fuckin’ *no.* No offense, but that sounds like a horrible idea.” He raised an exasperated hand at Stef. “Dude, why would you agree to go when we could just play games the whole day while they’re gone?”

Stef looked about to answer when I interjected, “Because this way, he gets to watch his sister change into some sexy new clothes.”

“Oh, pft, yeah. How am I supposed to compete with that? What was I thinking?”

Stef looked ready to argue, but instead opted to keep his mouth shut and look flirtatiously at Brie, who noticed and then blushed. How were they so cute?

“Are we still meeting at Taboo later?” Brie mumbled, a very interesting way to change the subject.

“Hell yeah,” said Drew.

“Yup,” Cherry agreed. Obviously, both of them spoke for their parents as well, or they wouldn’t be able to get in. Coco and Leon exchanged looks that were a mixture of shy and conspiratorial. Cherry turned to me. “Lex, you sure there’s really no way for you to get in?”

I sighed wistfully and crossed my arms, looking down in disappointment. “It’s a sex club. You know I’d try anything to get in there myself. But… they’ve got rules. It’s Taboo. They have rules for who walks in through that door.” Which was true. They just didn’t know I had a door of my own.

“I’m sorry Lex,” Brie said, placing a hand on my arm. “You can’t get in even if you bring August?”

“He doesn’t fill the requirements. Besides, you really wanna bring an FBI agent into a place filled with incest, swinging, and a few people on the… young side?”

She sighed shortly in comprehension, and I raised a brow to drive the point home. Behind her, I noticed Drew watching me carefully. I ignored him and leaned back, still playing disappointed that I couldn’t get in.

“She guides others to a treasure she cannot possess,” Stef lamented with a wry smirk. “Thank you though, Lex. It’s… great.”

I afforded myself a small smile, glad that they enjoyed the sanctuary so much. I didn’t even need to bring them anymore, they went there on their own. With so much on my mind lately, I needed a break. A small peek wouldn’t hurt, would it? I looked back at the rest of them as the subject changed and they resumed casual hanging out. Who would I watch tonight?

“Evening, Miss R. What’ll it be?” Tony asked.

“Hey Tony. Four racks of lamb, with mint on the side.” I strode through the freezer and down the hallway, skipping my visit to the viewing deck and heading straight for my office. I needed release. Alain had a handle on operations, so I could afford neglecting it. He still contacted me through the intercom soon after I was seated at my desk.

“*Bonsoir, mademoiselle.*”

“*Bonsoir,* Alain. Have they arrived?”

“*Tes amis? Oui,* as a group ‘alf an hour ago.”

“Good. I’m not to be disturbed.”

“Understood, *mademoiselle.*”

The intercom cut off, and I turned on my computer to search through the camera feeds throughout the club. After a few minutes of surveying the dance floor, I found Stef and Brie dancing together, arms and legs entangled as they moved erotically among the other bodies. I thought back to their first dance here and grinned, reminiscing in their bashfulness. Look at them now. The same went for Cherry and Leon, who I found in a booth. Cherry was straddling Leon and they were making out while she ground on his crotch. She was wearing a cute little red dress, and I wondered if she was wearing panties. Never mind, they were lying next to Leon in a crumpled little ball. I bit my lip and took my own off after removing my jeans.

Sitting down on the chair and letting my hand drift to my groin, I searched the rest of the club. Drew and Coco were probably in a private room. I found them soon enough. They were in a room furnished as a simple homey bedroom. Coco looked beautiful, a tight black dress wrapped around her curves and making them pop. Drew looked pretty dashing as well, sporting an untucked button-down and sport coat. He rarely dressed up this much, but when he did, I knew I was in for a hell of a show. I quickly enabled audio in the room so I could hear them as well. I was going to hell for watching all my friends like this, but then again it was a foregone conclusion. Might as well make it worth it.

Drew peeled Coco out of her dress, and it turned out she wasn’t wearing any underwear. Her supple breasts sprang free, and I noticed Drew’s hands trembling as he presumably resisted the urge to immediately cup the milkers in front of him, instead continuing to turn the dress inside out as it came away from Coco’s skin. Was the dress leather? Latex? My fingers found my clit and I gasped, then moaned as I continued watching.

With her bare pussy now exposed and her dress on the floor, she stepped out of it and pressed herself to Drew, tilting her head up to meet his lips. His hands slid down her back to cup her ass, and her hands slipped under his jacket to easily push the sleeves off his arms. Drew released her, reaching up and starting to rip his shirt open. He did it with deliberate slowness, and as each button popped off and struck Coco’s naked form, she twitched with need, panting as she watched Drew expose his body to her. Even I had to admit it was a pretty good move.

Coco pushed Drew back until he was sitting on the mattress, then knelt before him and began unbuttoning his jeans. She yanked both his pants and underwear off at once, letting his cock whip out to slap lightly into her cheek. With a giggle, she flung the pants away and held her breasts, enveloping Drew’s member in their softness. He groaned and threw his head back, then looked down again to watch as Coco took his swollen tip into her mouth while her milky globes worked his shaft.

I navigated my own wetness as Coco pleasured her son. These past few weeks, she was getting more and more dominant, leading more of their encounters here at the club. I wasn’t sure if it was the same at home; perhaps she only acted like this at Taboo, emboldened by the locale. When he was near the edge, she stopped and drew her breasts up his body, her nipples no doubt stimulating both of them. Yet instead of riding him, she rolled over and lay on her back, beckoning for Drew to mount her. With impatient zeal, he dove on top of her and slid inside with one stroke. The three of us moaned in ecstasy, then he began fucking her hard, slamming his pelvis slowly but deliberately into his mother.

Holding his shoulders, she locked her legs around his hips as the room filled with sopping smacks. Likewise, I was dripping onto my chair, one leg slung over the chair arm to allow better access to my slit. And then she started talking.

“That’s it, my baby boy,” she crooned. “Fill mommy up with your big strong cock.” A shiver ran through my whole body as I tried not to cum, and it looked like Drew was similarly struggling. “You fill mommy up so good. Mommy’s yours, all yours. And nobody else can have my darling boy. All of your cum is mine. Mine. *Mine.*” Shit, when did she learn to talk dirty? “I want your cum, baby. I want your cum inside me.

“Did you tell your friends about us? I bet you did. I bet you told them that you wanted to put my eggs on ice. You’re such a good boy, filling your mommy like this, but I never taught you to lie.”

Drew groaned and quickened his pace, though the intensity of his thrusts remained unchanged. As he rammed into her, he lowered his head to her nipples and took one in his mouth, nibbling on it tenderly. Coco’s voice fluttered a bit, but she continued.

“I’m your mommy, Drew. I know my baby. You want to knock mommy up. You want to fill mommy with your young, hot cum and put a baby in me.” Drew sped up again, and so did I. I also slipped a finger inside myself, pinching my clit from both sides. “You want mommy to have your baby. Right? Then do it. Fill mommy’s womb with your cum and get me pregnant. I’m not on birth control anymore, and today’s a very unsafe day. I’m ovulating, did you know that, baby? All my eggs are yours, so just cum inside mommy and fill me with your babies.”

By now, Drew was jackhammering into Coco with such ferocity that I was surprised she could still talk. Suddenly, he released the nipple in his mouth and grunted loudly, a long and drawn out affair. His thrusts slowed to distinct plunges, as if he was trying to push as much of himself inside her. Coco gasped and threw her head back as her son filled her womb with cum. And as they rode the euphoria, Drew turned to look directly at the camera. Directly at me.

My inner walls clamped down on my finger as I came, nectar pouring out of me and onto my chair as I looked into Drew’s eyes. For a second, everything disappeared and all I saw was August hanging over me in my chair, nestled deep inside me. He was filling my unprotected pussy with his raw seed, and I was begging for it, feeling the warmth spread through my body. I wanted him.

As I went over the apex of my climax, I pitched forward and dropped my head onto my desk, gasping and covered with sweat. My mind was muddled with crazy notions of… It wasn’t love. Definitely not love. Raw sex with August… I needed to make sure he tested negative for anything. And I definitely didn’t want to get pregnant right now. It was just hot to think about. Disturbingly so.

I started to collect myself, my breathing still shaky, and I looked back at the screen. Drew and Coco were dreamily laid on the bed, Coco’s fingers playing with his hair. He was still inside her, and every now and then his hips would twitch, the aftershocks of his orgasm pushing just a little bit more of cum into her. My mind rewound to when the three of us came, though.

He’d looked into the camera, as if knowing somebody was watching. Combined with the weird look he’d given me in the afternoon, as well as how smart he was, maybe he was starting to piece something together. If he ever confronted me with it, that was going to be an interesting talk.



  1. And I’m finally back! I think I’m pretty settled in, so updates *should* go back to a regular schedule now. I’ve missed you guys

    I, uh… might’ve gone a little crazy on the dirty talk. What can I say, I was in the mood ehehe

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