We made our own porn, and I still watch it regularly [MF]

Sending and receiving nudes from my girlfriend Mary was a very common thing, they weren’t even always sexually motivated. All of our nudes were sent to one another on Snapchat, but we both had hidden folders on our phone with a secret stash of nudes. It was a sign of trust to one another that we could have these photos on each others phones exposing ourselves, but it was also pretty hot.

I remember the first nude I had ever sent to Mary. We had been talking for about a month, things were going well. We had been on a couple of dates and kissed but that was it. One evening we stayed up talking until about 3 in the morning, constant messages back and forth. It got to a stage where things got sexual and Mary snapped me a picture of her ass. She had panties on and it was dark, but this was the first sexy pic I had ever received from a girl. It made me as stiff as a lamppost.

I had only sent a nude to one person before, in school, and so I had very very little experience taking a picture of my cock. I was VERY nervous and kind of shyed away from returning the favour. Mary sent me another booty pic, it was insane. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The girl I fancied was showing me her arse over Snapchat.

We continued talking and I never sent back a nude, I pussied out. That was until a few night later, we were talking again and Mary asked me if I had enjoyed the pictures she sent me the other night, trying to play it cool like they weren’t the only think I had thought about for the last 48 hours I responded something along the lines “yeah, your body is tight”. I’ve never cringed at something I had said so much. I wanted to delete the message before she read it but I couldn’t. I waited for what felt like hours for her to reply. “Would it turn you on to see this ‘tight body’ again” she text back. I think I fell in love there and then. One thing lead to another and I got a couple more booty pics through Snapchat.

My time had come, after the second booty pic Mary text me “have I turned you on?” To which I replied of course. “Well I’ve sent you 4 pictures now, do you not think I deserve one?” My heart was pounding, how the fuck do I make it look good. It was dark, I put the flash on, held my phone low and tried to make my cock look as big as I could. I must have taken about 50 pictures before settling with one. I sent it and waited nervously.

I saw Mary opened it and sat and waited. I’ve fucked it i thought, she didn’t want to see my whole cock, I should have just kept it in my boxers. The angle was bad, the ligthing was bad all these things rushed through my head until I got a text “Holy shit, that’s the hottest thing I’ve seen” omg she liked it. I couldn’t believe it.

From this moment on, nudes became very common, it took Mary a while to send me fully naked snaps, but eventually there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t send me over Snapchat. I was allowed to keep a few photos of Mary, and she kept some of me. That was until one evening we decided we wanted to take more than just pictures for each other.

We were at her house and we ended getting into a conversation about dick pics, Mary had received a couple unwanted dick pics in her life, I’m sure most girls have. She was saying its always the same angle and the same picture and not only was it gross, it was boring. I thought back and realised the exact same type of photo she was talking about was the exact same as the first one I had ever sent her. “Well what about my first dick pic” I asked. At this point we had been together for nearly 2 years so I wasn’t going to be upset if she said it was bad. “Yeah it was an awful picture” Mary said “but for the first time ever I wanted to see the cock, I didn’t care what it looked like it was hot because I wanted it”

“I’ll take that” I said.

“To be fair, you’ve got a lot better since we’ve been together” Mary said

“Is there anyway for me to get even better?” I asked

She looked at me, like she had been holding this in since day 1.

“Look, come here.” Mary ordered me, we got up and stood infront of her mirror, it was a tall mirror that sat just off the floor and went right up to as tall as me.

“Take off your clothes” she ordered me.

I liked where this was going, i stripped down until I was standing butt naked infront of the mirror, I’d never actually looked at myself naked before, not like this. Mary told me to get my phone and open the camera, she helped me angle my body and my phone until the light in her room hit me in a good space. I’m not particularly toned, but I’m not unfit. But the way I was standing made it look like I was a lot more muscular than I was, I had a semi and despite it not being the main point of the photo, it looked great!

I took a picture and showed it to Mary “Holy shit, that’s so good!” She said. “See you’ve got so much more to show than just your cock. Let me see you chest, let me see your legs. I love your dick but I love the rest of your body too”.

I had never looked at it like this, in the time we had been together all my nudes were just focused on cock. Different angles but always the same subject. I took a few more and suddenly Mary dropped to her knees infront of me. “I want you to take some pictures with an erect cock now” she started stroking me with her hands, it wasn’t long until my semi became a full blown boner. I took a couple more pictures and assumed I was done.

I went to grab my boxers before Mary stopped me. “Keep going” she said as she took me into her hands again. We’d never taken any photos together before. I took some photos of Mary with her hands on my cock, she even started sucking me off and I took photos of that too.

We got into bed and I threw my phone to one side, we were both horny and I wanted to fuck. I undressed Mary and started to finger her.

“Wait” she said. She grabbed her phone and sat on my lap, my cock was between her legs and she opened up her camera, she switched it to video and grabbed my hand. She placed it over her wet pussy and told me to finger her. She recorded the whole thing, the angle wasn’t great and you couldn’t see much, but you could see enough for it to be fucking hot.

We didn’t record anymore and got to business as usual. Over the next few months we recorded a few more things, oral, sex etc we built up quite a library. We both had videos on our phones and it got to a point where I watching those to jack off more than porn.

Then this took place not long after my last story, Mary was now on the pill and we were fucking without a condom, but we had never filmed it yet. Mary told me she wanted to record it and we got it set up. The quality of our videos had improved a lot over the few months since we started. But the final video we made will always be my favourite. Mary was a part time photographer, so had a whole camera set up for shoots and stuff. This one evening she became a full blown director and pretty much story borded this whole scene. She used her proper camera and lighting and it was like a professional production. We started like she imagined, but got carried away and went off script.

We fucked like animals and recorded the whole thing. By the end we had this raw, uncut, real 40 minute long video. It had everything from undressing each other, oral, sex, and both of us cumming. We watched it back immediately and it was the best thing I’ve ever seen. She transferred the file to me so I had a copy and saved it in my folder. It was our prized possession, our magnum opus.

Unfortunately it was less than a month after this when me and Mary decided we should go our separate ways. We had been together for 2 years and we were both at a point in our lives where we wanted different things, she was heading off to uni and I had really good opportunities with work that meant I was going to be around a lot less.

We stayed friends and we still talk fairly regularly. Just because our relationship ended didn’t mean our friendship had to, we still trust one another to the point where I still have photos and videos of her on my phone, and I think she has some of me. But I will never ever delete our masterpiece, I watch it regularly and it never stops being hot. I hope she still watches it too.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pplkgd/we_made_our_own_porn_and_i_still_watch_it


  1. I was wondering where this was heading. Sorry that things didn’t work out with Mary. Are you still on contact with anyone from the group?

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