The Movie pt. 1 (mf) (public sex) (masturbation) (fantasy) (bj) (hj) (Dom)

We’re in a movie theater. There was supposed to be another friend with us, but they cancelled. Now, it’s just you and I in the back row of an almost empty theater. There’s only one other pair of people down in front.
It’s no big deal. Just a movie.
But the tension is palpable, none the less, as we sit next to each other in the dark.
You’re wearing dark, loose shorts. I’m wearing cut-off very short jean shorts and a tank top. It is still very warm out, after all.
Our thighs brushing against each other’s as we adjust in our seats. A flash of heat immediately races through my body. I let my hand drop slowly from my lap, so that the edge is touching your leg. I gently brush my pinky along your thigh. Then the rest of my fingers follow. Just high enough to cause your body to shudder and your breath to catch. Then back down. Encouraged by your response, I slowly trace my fingertips up your thigh again, this time going just a tiny bit higher, to where your shorts start to get tighter as your dick gets hard, but not quite high enough to touch the tip yet. As I bring my hand back down toward your knee again, I give it a firm squeeze before letting it rest. This causes you to audibly gasp, but not loudly enough for anyone to hear, in the loud room. I know your cock is fully pumped with blood now and starting to drip with sweet precum. I know how you get… thoroughly drenching your head in thick coats.
I move my hand up and slowly stroke the length of your bulge. Your dick perfectly outlined through your shorts. As I slowly but firmly glide my hand up and down the shaft, I whisper for you to unbutton them for me. You obey beautifully, allowing for my hand to fit inside and grab hold of your slick, hard cock. Using all your precum as lube, I work your dick inside your shorts, careful not to spill or make a mess. As your breath quickens, I direct you to let me know when you’re getting close. When you do, I stop and gently pull your cock up and out and lean over to finish the job with my mouth. Your cum is mine and I am greedy. I won’t let a single drop go to waste. I lick and suck until every last drop is shot down my throat…

Pt. 2 to come soon
