Meeting [M]y ex for the [F]irst time in years.

I was told to post this here by members of another sub. I’ve adjusted it a bit because when I posted it, it was fresh….

Naughty stuff starts at XXXX

We broke up about a decade ago and have hooked up a few times since. I (M32) always found it hard to say no to her because she knows exactly which buttons of mine to press and exactly what I’m looking for in a partner sexually.

That being said, it’s probably been about 3 years since we’ve met up (same time I got married), so I was a bit cautious when I saw a message pop up from her.

Usually, when she used to message, it would be direct “I’ve been a bad girl,” or “I’m ready to obey” etc. etc. But this time it was hey, how’s it going. We went back and forth catching up, apparently she’s recently engaged. I knew I should have been careful and just said no when she asked to get a coffee, but she seemed to be polite and sincere.

She lives about a 10 minute walk away (big city, but parochial and neither of us ever moved away) so we agreed to meet at a cafe in the middle. I planned it during a lunch break at work, that way, could always say, sorry, bye and leave.

When I saw her she looked well, healthier than last time I saw her. She was always well dressed and fashionable. We were chatting and laughing all was going well, she’s very happy and her fiance is very nice, etc. etc.

And I replied “sounds like Prince Charming, and she laughed, “well not perfect, he’s a bit messy, and doesn’t cook, he can be a little bossy when it comes to chores”

Me, grinning: “bossy? I thought you’d like that”

Her, returning the smile “no, bot bossy like that.”

And the comment hung there, as she looked at me and played idly with her teaspoon. I swallowed hard knowing this was a position, I shouldn’t had put myself in, that she’d lured me into it and waited, knowing full well how badly I would want her.

We didn’t even talk as we got up and walked, I took her hand and guided toward mine. As soon as we got in the elevator, her hands were on me and mine on her. It’s only five floors up, so the doors opened and we walked to mine and it was like no time was missed at all.


Once we actually got to mine, I realised that maybe I was in too deep. From this point, she assumed control, teasing me, as she took a tour of my apartment, running her hands over furniture, slightly moving items, making sure to fry my nerves and trying cause an anxiety attack.

As I put bag a vase she had moved across the room, she walked down the hall until I heard “oh here it is,” I looked up to see her going to my bedroom.

I hurried to catch up and as I entered couldn’t see her but noticed the door was closed. I knocked and nervously stuttered “uhhh….I think maybe we should rethink this.”

“Just a second,” was the cheery reply that ignored my comment. I stepped back and waiting on the bed, till I heard the door unlock.

She stepped out and was wearing nothing but underwear: a matching black lacy number that pushed up her breasts significantly. I guess she had been planning this.

“Sorry, I didn’t catch that, what did you say?” She asked with a wicked, smug smile.

I swallowed hard, and then…”maybe you should leave,” with zero conviction as I stared at her body. She was in better shape, not that she was ever really out of shape, but she’d gone from naturally thing to the toned, taught body of a gym goer.

“Oh maybe? Is that a yes or no?” She strode over confidently till she stood over me.

I knew I was in trouble (relatively) and words caught in my throat as I offered a half hearted reply “it’d be best if uh….we stopped”

“Would it though?” As she got on her knees and placed a hand on my belt. “I mean, just say stop and I will,” as she began to unbuckle. “Or you could say those other words, the ones you used to say….”

That was always her rule, I can do whatever I want, as long as I confess she is number one. I knew if I said it, I’d get whatever I want, and I thought about how I’d been so good with my wife and trying so hard not to fuck it up, but in the end…I surrendered.

“You’re the best baby,” I whispered

“I know,” she said peppily, before pulling out my throbbing cock and licked up and down it slowly, going down to my much-forgotten-by-my-wife balls. I groaned.

I looked down and saw her pleased with the response and swirled her tongue around my sack.

“Remeber this?”
“Uh huh”
“Does Laura (my wife) do this?”
“Oh, should I stop then?” As she pauses a second
“No, please, keep going”
“But if your wife doesn’t, I shouldn’t either”
“Please, if feels good”
“Then say what I want to hear”
“Please baby, play with my balls because Laura doesn’t”

She smiled and did exactly that. Taking each ball in her mouth separately, delicately while her hand continued to stroke up and down my now hard shaft.

After a bit, she swapped the two and moved her mouth back to my cock while gently swirling my balls like a fine wine.

She created a lovely seal with her lips and she moved up and down at an increasing pace. There were no more coy looks or smiling eyes: she was concentrating now, this was serious for her, she wanted me know she was the best. And fuck, she was. As she moved faster and faster, her tongue made its own internal trail over my shift. I’m not sure ifnit was her hands or my natural give but I felt my balls start to tighten.

“Can I cum on your tits?”
She looked up and shook her head
“Please baby, your tits are better than hers”

Magic words to get what I want. She released her seal and with both hands pushed up her tits, presenting them as targets as I took over and sprinted the last part of what had been her marathon (or maybe 5km), shooting streams of cum on her chest, bra, and chin.

She stood up, kissed my lips, then scooped up the cum and licked it off her finger. “Mmm i missed you,” she giggled before going back to the bathroom.

She got dressed and left and I thought that was that. About an hour after she left, I received a message of her holding a pair of my wife’s underwear, and asking me what I was going to do to get it back. And that’s part two.


1 comment

  1. I get the impression she likes to control you. She enjoys having power over you, and she has no regard for your boundaries, which you seem to allow her to cross with ease. She also seems mentally unstable with her obsession of being treated as number one. I am not here to judge, but it seems like a warning is in order. If you love your wife and want to be faithful to her, you need to cut things off with your ex. For your own mental and emotional health. Because she may own you in terms of sex, but she is dangerous in terms of the hold she has on you. It was a mistake to meet her, like you wrote. So don’t stop because of your marriage. Stop because she is like a drug: makes you feel good but deteriorates you inside. I don’t think she actually cares about you. I think she just loves how she can manipulate you. And I think she could intentionally destroy your marriage, and do it because of her own narcissism. Because she wants to be the number one, and I don’t see any reason why she wouldn’t want your wife to know.

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