The date planner

This is my first post in this subreddit. My wife wrote this after a very sexy night of fun and conversation. This is the first part, if it gets a good response I’ll post the next part.

The Date Planner

It had been one hell of a week at work and I was excited to be headed home for the weekend. I was promised a date night by the hubs, but that usually consisted of us asking “no, where do you want to eat” back and forth for an hour then finally settling on one of the three places we always go. I pulled in the driveway, but didn’t see Joey’s truck. How odd. There was a note on the door that read “you’ll find it on the bed”. Hmmmm….what was up his sleeve now? Never one to turn down an adventure, I excitedly rushed in, almost giggling. 

I opened the bedroom door and laid on the neatly made bed was a white box with a extravagant black ribbon. I could tell by the size of the box there was something to wear inside. My husband had never been much of a planner, but since we started a dom/sub relationship several months ago after 10 years of marriage, his skills had started to surprise me. I pulled and the silk ribbon and opened the carefully packaged box to find a very short black dress. Every girls dream of the perfect little black dress was now draped from my arm. It was definitely something I would never have bought for myself. It was beautiful. I carefully laid it on the bed to see what else was in the package. There were red heels, a red necklace and much to my surprise, a fairly large anal plug with a red jewel on the end. There was a note included. My pulse was racing. 

“Lesley my love, be a good girl and go get showered. Shave everything clean and make sure you are all cleaned out and ready for anything I might have in store. You will curl your hair. You may wear waterproof mascara and red lipstick. You will put the clothing I have selected for you on. The plug is to be inserted when you are finished. You will receive further instructions then. You have one hour. Don’t be late.” The note was signed, “All my demands, Sir”. Well isn’t that cute. 

An hour wasn’t much time. Luckily I had showered that morning and could dry roll my hair to curl it. That would save me a few minutes. I jumped in the shower to shave and make sure all my holes were smooth and squeaky clean. I dried off, threw my hair up and applied the minimal makeup that Sir requested. I must hand it to him, he sure knew my kinks and liked to indulge me. I held up the very sheer dress realizing there was no bra or panties included in the box, and that was very intentional. He knew my bare nipples would struggle against the fabric of the dress and that just knowing my plugged ass was bare and that nothing stood between it and anyone else in public was already making me wet and a little terrified. I finished getting dressed and reached for the plug. It wasn’t the largest thing I’d ever put in my ass but it was certainly larger than the plugs we used on the daily at home. He was preparing me for something. I applied a tiny bit of lube to my pulsating ass and pushed the plug to the hilt til it popped in. I headed back through the bedroom to the kitchen to find out what was in store for the rest of my evening

I walked into the kitchen, and on the bar there was a single manila envelope with another black bow. Ahhh, we have clue number 2. I looked around and listened. Still no sign of Sir but he had obviously been here while I showered because the envelope wasn’t there when I came in. I flipped it open to find another letter. 

“What a good girl you are. If you are reading this, you have completed your first task, and now it’s time for your reward. You will go to the bar where we had our first date. You will sit at the bar and order a whiskey sour to calm your nerves. You will flirt with and make small talk with anyone that approaches you. You will accept a drink if someone offers, but let them know you are awaiting a guest. In the process of talking to any men and women that approach, you must ask their favorite color during your conversation. There will be someone with a code word that the bartender will provide you upon your arrival. When that code word is spoken, you are to close out your tab. You are from that point to follow all instructions you are given by that person as if they were coming from me. Now be a good girl and get to the bar. 

What the actual fuck was happening? Code word? Random people? Follow someone else’s instructions!? To do what!? My mind was racing. My heart was pounding. And my pussy was dripping wet. I only prayed it didn’t run down my leg since I was currently not allowed to wear any panties under my dress. I wasn’t sure I could go through with this. Surely Sir was going to pop out at any time and laugh and tell me to get in the car, but all I heard was silence. 

I was a wreck driving to the bar. I definitely needed that drink. I sure hoped someone offered to buy me two or three more. I had no idea what was going on and was completely out of my element. Somehow I felt like Sir was watching me and laughing at that notion even though he was certainly not in my car. I pulled up at the bar and scanned the parking lot for a familiar vehicle. No such luck. 

I stepped into the bar and felt completely exposed. I was not used to going it alone and to top it off, the night air had made my nipples hard as diamonds and everyone in the bar knew it. I thought the hostess was going to ask if I needed a table but she smiled and pointed to the chair at the end of the bar. “Right this way miss”. My God was everyone in on my misery? Was I the only one here who didn’t know what was going on? I approached the stool and glanced around. Sitting this high up was going to prove difficult without giving everyone a show. I slid backwards and pulled myself up onto the stool trying my best to keep my legs together. The plug moved in my ass and stretched at every bit of skin it touched. I groaned. I groaned loud enough to catch the attention of the bartender who quickly shuffled over. “What’s your poison?” he flashed a smile. “I’ll have a whisky sour” I started to tell him to make it a double but the look on his face let me know he knew exactly why I was there. He slid my drink across the bar and next to it sat a cocktail napkin with the words “brown, like chocolate pudding”. There were my code words. An old inside joke gone horribly awry. No mistaking that for any other color. I sipped my drink and waited for my fate



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