[F] Trying to fuck my ex maths teacher [M] – Here are our messages

I’m trying to fuck my ex maths teacher. Here are our messages…..
Backstory and context in normal and texts in bold.
So a bit of backstory I have fancied this teacher desperately ever since I was 16 years old. I wasn’t cool at school; in fact, since leaving, I have had a bit of a glow up. He taught me maths from 16-18, and after turning 18, I became a lot more comfortable in my own skin and body and turned up the charm.
Looking back, I had no idea what I was doing and completely understood why he never seemed interested. I’m now 21 and this conversation happened very recently.
Until I got really drunk with some of my old school friends and talked about our old teacher crushes. This particular maths teacher was popular amongst the conversation, but they all knew how much I liked him. I was dared to message him, but we couldn’t really find any of his social media except for LinkedIn.
On LinkedIn, you have to connect with someone before you can message them, so I asked to connect and waited. Nothing happened that evening, but the next day we connected.
Now I just had to work out what I would say, so I took to Reddit to ask for advice. I ended up sending him this, and we had the following conversations.
Scarlett – Hi Daniel (If I can call you that!), thanks for adding me. Sorry if this is weird, but I just wanted to say how much I loved your classes and you were the only teacher who made me enjoy maths! Although you were very distracting (I should probably blame you for that grade C), so many of the girls fancied you at school <3 Scarlett x
Daniel – Hey Scarlett! Good to hear from you. I’m glad you enjoyed maths, it is fun! Yeah, sorry about that, grade C. What are you up to now?
Scarlett – Hi, thanks for responding! I didn’t think you’d remember me, to be honest (I look so much better now than I did at school). You helped me tolerate maths at the very least, being in that front row gave me some unbelievable perks. Oh, I have your permission to blame you for that crap grade, do I? I was so close to that B!
We then talked about boring stuff for a few days about what we are both up to now, which I won’t bore you with and is also super identifying. Then things kinda went silent, and I got a little tipsy and sent him this;
Scarlett – Hey, it was probably pretty obvious I was flirting with you, and if it wasn’t obvious, I’ll make it clear – I was flirting with you. I’m young and hot, I enjoy sex, and I’m good at it. I don’t want anything serious, I just want to have fun and have some new experiences.
I’m not the first and I won’t be the last girl that fancied you. If you’re not interested, then that is totally fine. Just ignore me and I will move on, and my fantasy will remain a fantasy. But if you are interested then I would give you the time of your life and you could do whatever you fucking wanted with me x
Daniel – I did wonder, but I didn’t have you down as one of the ones to fancy me! I don’t know if it’s a good idea.
Scarlett – You’re an adult, I’m an adult, and I’m a huge advocate of what someone doesn’t know can’t hurt them and I quite like the idea of being someone’s dirty little secret.
You have to admit that it must be pretty flattering having a hot younger girl want you, even if you aren’t interested back. Anyway, you have me on here if you want to stop, I’ll stop, but I had to shoot my shot. The ball is in your court.
Daniel – I was seriously considering but I don’t think I will be pursuing it. That picture though is very tempting.
Scarlett – The fact that you were considering should tell you what you want to hear. I know I’m tempting, I love tempting people. I’ve literally been thinking about you fucking me for so long. Don’t let me down now.
I then sent a sexier photo;
Daniel – When did you get so naughty! and the pictures are amazing and I love looking.
I think I’m going to block as I don’t need the temptation.
And then he blocked me.
I was bummed but thought his loss and he knows where to find me, and he knows I’m interested, so just let the idea stew in his mind.
This all happened about 3 weeks ago and I got this message yesterday via FB messenger.
Daniel – *Daniel unsent a message*
So he obviously sent something and then deleted it before I could read it.
So I messaged
Scarlett – Hey, I missed your message? Did you mean to send it, or did you just want to bait me into thinking that you are interested?
Then I got this tonight;
Daniel – It said I shouldn’t have blocked you as I can’t stop thinking about fucking you. I didn’t mean to bait. I just don’t know if this is such a good idea
How should I respond? I’ve clearly got into his head.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pmzbn1/f_trying_to_fuck_my_ex_maths_teacher_m_here_are


  1. You’ve gotten this far. Just set up a meet! Get some drinks and take it from there. Easy 🍻

  2. This is painfully hard to read without paragraphs. Can you edit to include them please?

  3. “Hey! – Zero expectations here but you know what I’m after. Let’s grab a bite to eat or a beer one night and just see where it goes. Worst case we have a great meal together. You literally have nothing to lose 😘”

  4. There’s got to be a part of him that thinks you are just playing with him, and that as soon as he agrees with so ething, you’ll be like, “bam! Caught you, ya dirty old man!” And then he’ll be made a laughing stalk, or worse, fired. So you need to just invite him for drinks or something. Let it go from there.

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