The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 3, (the final public release)

Chapter 3 – Summer Loving

A few days later, when Troy came back to his room from practice, Lily called.

“Hey Lily, what’s up?”

“Troy, there’s something I need to tell you,” which didn’t sound too good, because it sounded like she was crying.

“What is it?”

“I’m late, I missed my period.”


“Remember when you said it was a close one, I don’t think it was close enough.”

“No, you can’t be pregnant, I pulled out, you need to be sure, did you do the test?”


“How many weeks are you late?”

“One to Two, we need to talk about this.”

“We’ll talk about it after you take the test, bye.”

Troy hung up the phone and tried not to panic, as his heart pounded out of his chest. He tried not to think about his future, of trying to support a kid, while serving in the Space Force. It’s not like he didn’t want kids, he just wanted them when he was financially ready for them, and with the person he married.

The next few days of wrestling practice, Troy was a distracted mess, and couldn’t focus on anything, which Coach Carter quickly noticed.

“Everything okay Troy?”

“Yeah Coach, I just got some things on my mind.”

“Well take care of those things, so they’re not distracting you. The team works as hard as you do, so you need to stay focused.”

“Yes Coach.”

He was right, Troy purposely avoided Lily for the last few days because he didn’t want to hear her say she was pregnant.

When he got back to his dorm, he called Lily.

“Hey Lily.”


“Any results you want to tell me about.”

“I took the test and I’m not pregnant.”

Troy hit the mute button, and shouted, “YES, Jesus, I can’t go through that again.”

“You there.”

Troy unmuted the phone, “Yes I’m here, that’s good news, we’re both not ready to be parents.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” sounding a little disappointed.

“We just have to be more careful.”

“Will I see you again?”

“I have a real important match coming up in a few weeks, so I’ll be too busy training for it, but I don’t see why not after that.”

That was the first night he finally got some decent sleep. When he woke up, and got ready for class, the phone rang.

Melissa, he thought, I haven’t talked to her since last summer.

Troy remembered that summer he came home from college, staying with his Dad, Uncle Ron, his older brother Devon, and his younger sister Aaliyah.

Dad and Uncle Ron did a pretty good job raising them, considering that his dad worked strange hours, all of the time, and there was no mother around.

“How did wrestling season go this year?” asked Uncle Ron

“I did okay, but next season I want to be the best, I just need to be stronger,” as he looked at his regular sized arms.

Uncle Ron leaned in and said, “So what are you going to do about that?”

Troy looked at his uncle and said, “I really don’t know what to do.”

His uncle sat up and said, “Get $100 together and I’ll train you for the summer.”


“Yeah, $100, and as long as you’re committed, I’ll train you.”

“I’ll get the money,” but Troy didn’t know how.

His father was a full-time janitor and barely had enough money to pay the bills, let alone give Troy $100.

As he drove around, looking for temporary work, he noticed a sign in front of a school that said, “Looking for temporary helping hands, 8am to noon, Monday thru Friday. Paid weekly.”

That’s perfect, he thought, and showed up the next day, at 8am.

He was immediately hired, and started moving boxes around the school.

He showed up the next few days, then started again on Monday. The job wasn’t hard at all, just show up at 8am, do what you’re told, then leave at noon.

When he came to work on Friday, his supervisor came up to him, handed him a newspaper, and said, “Cross out the hint.”


“The hint in the newspaper, cross it out, I don’t want to see it.”

Troy looked at the newspaper, scanned through the page, and saw what the supervisor was talking about.

Cryptograms, what’s this? A bunch of random letters, with a hint that said, “J is H.” He looked at the cryptogram and mentally turned J into H, Okay, now what?

He crossed the hint out, then handed the newspaper back, and said, “What’s that game?”

“It’s cryptogram, each letter is coded, and you have to find the right word that fits.”

Troy worked for the next four hours, but all he could think about was that game.

At noon, he walked up to the supervisor’s desk, lifted the newspaper, and saw that he had solved the puzzle, “Chance favors only the prepared mind,” in other words, luck favors the prepared – Louis Pasteur.

Troy thought, How can a person who supervises people like us, solve something like this? Maybe people are smarter than we realize.

After work, he picked up a cryptogram puzzle book, and played it, until he was good enough to solve the easier puzzles, working his way to hard.

The next day he handed his uncle a $100, and said, “I’m ready.”

Uncle Ron took the $100, stood up from his chair, and said, “Let’s go.”

When they arrived at the gym, Troy saw that the gym was doing a promotion for the summer, where people paid $100 for three months in the gym.

Uncle Ron handed the lady behind the counter the $100, then she signed Troy up for the three-month promotion.

After Troy was done registering, the lady handed him a water container, with the gym’s logo, and welcomed him as a new member.

Uncle Ron walked Troy to the side of the gym, faced him, grabbed his shoulders, looked him in the eyes, and said, “I want you to remember that you earned that $100,” pointing at the register, then placing his hand back on Troy’s shoulder, “and no one gave it to you. When you said you wanted to be the best, the only way to prove it, was on your own.”

Troy nodded.

“If I had given you the $100, what would you have to lose by not showing up to the gym, absolutely nothing. Now it’s your hard-earned money to lose, which shows me you’re committed.”

Troy never thought about it like that before, until Uncle Ron mentioned it, but spending your own hard-earned money did feel differently than spending someone else’s.

“Are you ready?” said Uncle Ron.


“Okay, let’s go.”

Uncle Ron took him on a tour of the gym, showed him every machine he planned to use on him, took him into the back of the locker room, and said, “The first thing we will do, every day we workout, is spend at least 20-minutes in the sauna.”

They took off their shirts, shoes, and socks, then put them in the locker, sat in the sauna, and sweat.

Uncle Ron said, “Your muscles are like rubber bands, and they need to be warmed up. If you put a rubber band in the freezer, it will rip when you stretch it, but if you warm up the rubber band, it can stretch a lot further, before breaking.”

“Is that why we’re in here?”

“Yes, the heat loosens up our muscles, and allows us to work out harder, without getting injured. I’m going to train you hard and make it worth your money.”

He wasn’t joking when he said train you hard, because their new workout routine was intense. Each day they worked out one of three different muscle groups, such as back and biceps, chest and triceps, or legs, abs, and shoulders.

Each round of workouts started with 20-minutes in the sauna, then three sets of ten repetitions, of one of the three muscle groups, on nine different machines, that’s 270 repetitions per round. After the first round of workouts, they spent 15 minutes in the sauna, followed by a second round, then 10 minutes in the sauna, before their third and final round, or 810 repetitions total for the day.

After the last round, they spent at least 5 minutes in the sauna, as part of their cool down period.

Troy was glad he had a water bottle, because he’s never sweat so much in his life, as he drank the rest of the water.

That workout was their new routine, six days a week, and as Troy got comfortable with the new workout, he noticed a few good looking ladies nearby.

Uncle Ron saw him looking and smirked in his direction, giving him a nod up, signaling, I know what you’re looking at, which made Troy smile.

When Troy got home, Uncle Ron came back down from his room, and said, “There’s something I want to give you,” then handed Troy a book. “This book will teach you everything you need to know about the female body, so learn what you can, because if you ever get married, you’ll need to know how to please your wife.”

Troy thanked him, took the book into his room, and studied it intensely, reading about the sexual arousal of the nipples, and clitoris. There were naked pictures of real people, with a close up of their body parts, and an explanation of their purposes.

He was fascinated about how much he didn’t know about the human body, and eager to learn more, as he turned the pages to sexual positions.

The next day after their workout, Troy drove to where his older brother Devon worked as a lifeguard. That was Devon’s final month, before he left for the Space Force Marines, so he wanted to spend as much time with him, as possible, before he left.

Even though Devon was a few inches shorter than Troy, what he lacked in height, he gained in confidence. He was built for the Marines, mentally, as well as physically, and he really wanted to join sooner, but part of his military scholarship requirement to WATT, was to graduate the college first, before he was allowed to join.

Troy received the same scholarship as Devon, but he didn’t know which branch of the Space Force he wanted to join, so he figured he would wait until he was closer to graduating.

When Troy walked into the pool entrance, he immediately noticed the new female lifeguard working with Devon. She was cute, petite, with long blond hair, and when she turned towards Troy, he saw that she had the cutest smile, that seemed to reflect the sun.

Devon turned towards Troy and said, “Hey bro, meet Melissa, she’s our new lifeguard, and my replacement when I leave.”

Melissa looked at Troy and he saw that she had these amazing ocean blue eyes, that made him feel like he was swimming towards them, as she smiled in his direction.

The rest of the day Troy hung around his brother, as an excuse to be closer to her, occasionally flirting, with every opportunity that she gave him.

When it was her turn on the lifeguard stand, Troy turned towards Devon and said, “Bro, she’s gorgeous.”

“Yeah, maybe I’ll put in a good word for you.”

“Don’t tease me man.”

They both laughed, then swam, and played a few games of volleyball with the locals.

At the end of the day, Troy helped put away the chairs, then walked towards Melissa and Devon, and said, “It was nice meeting you Melissa, see you later bro.”

“Nice meeting you too,” she said, her sound resonating in his ear drums.

“See ya,” said Devon.

That night, Devon told Troy that he had talked to Melissa about him, she was interested, and all he had to do was ask her out.

The next day after the gym, Troy drove straight to the pool, said hello to everyone, and waited for the perfect time to catch her alone.

When she was by herself, Troy walked up to her, putting on his best suave, and said, “Hey.”

“Hey,” she said back, piercing his defenses with those blue eyes, and that cute smile.

He had to look away, just to regain his thoughts, then he looked back at her when he was in front of her, and said, “So where you from?”

“Riverdale,” as her body turned in his direction, showing him signs of interest, and the way she

looked into his eyes, like she was searching for something.

“That’s cool, what brought you to Melmar.”

“I wanted to work by the pool this summer, before I go back to college, and this was the closest job.”

“Lucky me,” he said, smirking, and seeing her beautiful smile light up her face.

“What college do you go to?”

“Riverdale community college.”

“That’s cool.”

“Devon said you also go to WATT.”

“Yeah, one more year, then off to the Space Force.”

Her knees slightly bent, and her body leaned closer to him.

He remembered what he wanted to ask her, and said, “Oh, do you have a boyfriend?”

Her body straightened back up and her head turned, afraid her face would give it away, but he already knew the answer.

She said, “It’s difficult, we’re kind of dating.”

“Oh, I don’t want to get in between anyone, too much drama, so I’ll talk to you later,” then walked away, swam, and played volleyball for the rest of the day.

The next day at the pool, Melissa waited for Troy to be alone, walked up to him, and said, “I don’t have a boyfriend anymore.”

Troy smirked at her, and said, “Oh yeah.”

“Yeah, so if you wanted to talk, I’m available.”

They were interrupted by a customer asking Melissa a question about the membership, as she turned to answer.

Troy walked towards the pool, threw his towel on a chair, then took off his shirt, and jumped in the water to swim, occasionally looking over at Melissa, who looked back.

A few minutes later, Troy climbed out of the pool, threw the towel around his neck, and walked into the lifeguard room, to get a water bottle.

When he turned around, he saw Melissa from behind, talking to another customer.

Seeing the hints of her bikini top, through her see-through shirt, was teasing Troy’s eyes just right.

He scanned down her back, and over her cute little bikini bottoms, with the sight of her amazing ass.

Troy was no longer in control of his body, as he casually walked up behind her, purposely leaned around her, and put the water bottle on the counter. When she saw that it was him behind her, he pressed his cock against her ass cheeks, to let her know how close he was to her.

To his surprise, she pressed her ass cheeks back, against his cock, gauging his size between them.

He got turned on, that she was teasing him, while talking to a customer, and he waited until he felt himself grow, before he walked away to cool off.

An hour later, when Troy and Melissa were alone in the lifeguard room, she said, “You know earlier, when you got out of the pool, and pressed against me,” she looked away all shy.

“Yeah,” he said, knowing very well what she was about to say.

“Well, I didn’t expect to feel what I felt, because you know, you just came out of the cold water.”

Troy grinned because he knew seeing her see-through shirt, and cute little ass, helped with the blood flow.

“Do you want to see it?”

Her mouth opened at the surprise question and she immediately said, “Yes.”

He walked over, looked around to see if anyone was coming, and pulled his shorts forward, showing her his semi-hard cock.

She gasped, looked up into his eyes, and said, “Oh my god, you’re like a porn star.”

Troy smiled when she said that, then realized that this was his chance to learn more about what he read in the book.

He said, “Just so you know, I’ve only had sex once, so, technically I’m still a virgin. Would you be interested in being my summer school teacher?”

Her eyes lit up, and with the cutest reaction, she said, “I’ve never been anybody’s teacher before,” looked away, then back at him, “Yes, I’ll teach you.”

Finding time to have sex was no problem for them, because Troy’s father and uncle, worked all of the time, so the house was pretty much empty.

When she arrived at his house, she didn’t seem nervous at all, and just followed him up the stairs.

When she walked inside his room, he closed the door behind her, and watched her, as she walked towards the bed, while examining the room, then the bed.

She turned around and said, “First thing you need is a hand towel, right by the bedside. Sex gets messy for a girl, so we need something to help clean us up.”

Troy grabbed a hand towel from the bathroom closet and came back, closing the door behind him, then placed the hand towel by the bedside.

“Okay, I was thinking since you’re new to this, we start with a condom, for the first few times, until you get used to it, then we can start without a condom, and put one on halfway.”

Troy nodded, while listening to her instructions.

“When you’re ready, we can have sex without a condom, and you can pull out at the end.”

Damn, she’s taking this teaching thing seriously, he thought, “Sounds good to me.”

Troy walked up to her, as she looked up into his eyes, and placed his hand by her ear, caressing her cheek with his thumb.

He leaned in, as she closed her eyes, and their lips touched, then his tongue invaded her mouth.

She pulled back and started her first lesson, “That’s way too much tongue, just stick it in a little, and meet me halfway.”

Troy leaned in, kissed her lips, and slowly stuck his tongue inside a little.

Her tongue immediately found his, and he followed her lead, as their tongues swirled, and rubbed, around each other.

She lifted his shirt, broke from his kiss, tossed it on the floor, and caressed his chest, the gym was obviously paying off for him.

He lifted her shirt, and tossed it on the floor, exposing her black bra.

He had seen her bikini top before, hiding her cute little perky breast, but seeing her bra was a different level of excitement.

“Now reach behind me and unlatch my bra,” she said, as if seeing if he could do it.

Troy’s fingers slid up her back and fumbled with the latch, trying so hard to get it right, and not look stupid, but failed miserably.

Damn, it’s more difficult than I thought.

Seeing the frustration on his face, she turned around, so her back was towards him, and said, “Look at the latch, lift it off the hook, and the bra will do the rest.”

Troy lifted the latch, and the bra snapped apart, then slid forward, and onto the floor.

Melissa turned around, and for the first time, she showed Troy her bare breast.

His eyes were focused on her cute little hard nipples, as he reached up, and gently messaged her breast.

She let him explore her breast for a few minutes, then said, “Bite them.”


“My nipples, bite them with your teeth.”

Troy’s heart raced, as he leaned in, and felt her hard nipple press against his lips.

He slowly opened his mouth, slid her nipple between his teeth, and gently bit down, gauging how hard to bite those little hard marbles of flesh.

She GASPED, when he bit into it and gripped the back of his head.

“Now the other one,” she said, breathing heavy.

She held onto the back of his head, as she felt his release, then guided him towards her other breast, and onto her nipple.

She GASPED harder, as he gripped her nipple with a little bit more force, causing her to grip the back of his head harder.

When his teeth finally released, she looked down at her hard nipples, his growing bulge, then unbuttoned his pants, unzipped them, and lowered his pants onto the floor.

He kicked off his shoes, and took his pants off the rest of the way, leaving only his boxers on.

Troy looked down, unbuttoned hers pants, and as he started to lower them, she sat on the bed, and lifted one leg. She wanted him to help take off her shoes first, then pull off her tight blue jeans.

He took off her shoe, exposing her cute little socks, the ones that barely cover your ankle, then dropped it onto the floor, before taking off the other shoe.

He slipped off her socks and saw how small her cute feet were in his hands, then he helped shimmy off her tight jeans, exposing her sexy pink underwear.

She scooted back towards the center of the head board, looked at Troy, spread her legs, and said, “Now, go down on me, then I’ll go down on you.”

Troy grinned and crawled towards her on the bed, then he reached for her underwear, and she said, “No, you have to tease me first,” as Troy looked up into her blue eyes, a little confused.

“Tease me, kiss me, right here,” pointing over her pussy lips, clearly visible through her pink see-through underwear.

Troy leaned in and kissed the outside of her underwear, just over her lips, as if he were kissing the lips on her face.

“Good, slowly kiss up, until you reach my stomach.”

Troy pressed his lips against her underwear again, and felt the soft flesh that waited for him, as he kissed his way up towards her belly button.

Melissa seemed to be enjoying herself, as she watched each kiss, then when he reached her stomach, she moved her underwear to the side, and exposed her beautiful pussy.

Troy studied it intensely because this was the first time he’s seen one up close.

Melissa watched his eyes, as she touched her pussy lips, and said, “This is my labia,” slightly spreading them for him, “and this is my vagina,” slowly sliding her fingers up and down the opening, then towards her clit, “this is my hood,” pulling it back a little, “and this is my clit,” exposing her swollen clitoris.

Troy swallowed the saliva that formed in his mouth, at the anticipation of tasting a women for the first time.

“The clit gets really sensitive,” as she circled it with her finger, “if its stimulated too much, it becomes uncomfortable. It’s better to tease around it first,” then she slid her middle finger inside her wet pussy, showing Troy where to penetrate her later.

She pulled out her finger, guided it towards his face, then slid it across his bottom lip.

Troy licked his lips, tasting the strange flavor that was foreign to his brain.

“Now kiss it again, just like you did earlier.”

Troy leaned in, and felt the heat radiating from her soft lips, as his lips connected, MUAH, slowly kissing the bottom, MUAH, working his way up the middle, then slowly EXHALING on the wet kisses he left behind, MUAH, her MOANS filled the air, MUAH, stopping just under her clit.

She looked down when he stopped, and said, “Now kiss the hood,” MUAH, “Yes, and lick right here,” pointing to the left side of her clit, slightly MOANING as he slowly LICKED her, “Yes, now here,” pointing to the right side of her clit for more.

She pointed to places she wanted him to lick, that were inching closer to her clit, as he felt it graze the sides of his tongue.

Her MOAN told him she liked her clit teased, so he grazed it on his own, as she stopped pointing where to lick.

Troy was a fast learner, and after a few minutes of teasing, and MOANING, she said, “Now stick your tongue inside of me, and lick up towards my clit.”

Troy already tasted hints of her flavor, so he leaned in, and slid his tongue between her lips. They moved around his tongue and hugged it tightly, as her wet juices flowed down his throat.

He swallowed, then stuck his tongue deeper inside, feeling the ridges of her walls. He slowly LICKED up, and over her sensitive clit, then swallowed what she gave him.

The taste was unique, and it was hard to describe it, as if his taste buds were confused on whether to classify it as sweet, or sour.

Melissa said, “Now sit back and I’ll go down on you,” as Troy did what she commanded, and pulled off his boxers.

She leaned into his cock, grabbed it, looked into his eyes and said, “If you think you’re going to cum, stop me, or tell me.”

She looked at his cock and guided it towards her mouth, as she lowered her head.

She started slow, kissing under the head of his cock, and working herself up. She paused for a few seconds, then LICKED up his shaft, and over his precum.

Troy saw her getting lost in the moment, with his cock in her hand, as she looked where she LICKED, then paused, to make sure he didn’t prematurely end it.

When she was positive he wasn’t going to cum, she took his cock into her mouth, and slowly sucked, paused, and sucked again.

Troy focused on his breathing, so he could last longer, but he was amazed at how much she enjoyed his cock in her mouth, letting it reach the depths of her throat.

A few minutes later, she pulled his cock out, held it, while slowly stroking, and said, “Now let’s put on a condom and start you off on top.”

Troy reached over, opened the condom wrapper, and examined the condom, to see which side goes up, then rolled the condom down to his base.

Melissa laid on her back, next to Troy, and he positioned himself between her legs.

They both looked down at his rock hard cock, inches away from where it needed to be.

Melissa reached down, grabbed his shaft, and guides the head of his cock towards her lips.

Troy’s body followed her pull and he watched, as she rubbed her clit with the head of his cock, before separating her lips with it, and guiding him inside.

When she let go of his cock, she grabbed his hips, and pulled him into her, inch by inch, then pushing him away, only to slide him further inside.

Her eyes closed, and her mouth opened, as she guided his deep stretch, to fill her, just the way she wanted to be filled.

When his cock was properly wet, she started to pull him in at a faster pace, so his hips automatically moved to give her the pace she wanted.

Her pussy felt amazing, as it squeezed his cock, and he looked down at her entire body, to absorb everything that was happening.

Each THRUST sent her breast upward and her breathing was tied to his withdrawal, only to hold her breath again when he THRUSTED.

Her legs wrapped around his ass and her MOANS filled the air.

I think this means I’m doing a good job, he thought, as he THRUSTED deeper, at a fantastic pace.

Melissa MOANED, looked him in the eyes, and said, “I want you to cum for me,” then closed her eyes, as her breathing got faster.

If that’s what you want, he thought, as he focused on his cock. He felt her wetness on his balls and her tight squeeze on his shaft, while the deep THRUST of his cock kissed her cervix. The MOANS filled his ears and he felt the point of no return approach.

He THRUSTED faster, and faster, as she squeezed his back.

He said, “I’m going to cum,” then THRUSTED and THRUSTED, as she held her breath. Her MOAN matched his final THRUST, before he lost control, held her tight, squeezed her deep, and GRUNTED, with each THRUSTING release, once, twice, three deep times.

When his pulses and thrusting finally stopped, he caught his breath, lifted himself up, and saw that her eyes were still closed, enjoying her post orgasmic glow.

When she opened her eyes, she looked at him, and said, “Not bad for your first lesson.”

“I have a good teacher.”

When his cock begin to soften, Melissa reached over, grabbed the hand towel, and when he pulled out, she made a little MOAN noise before placing the towel over herself.

When they were both finally dressed and she was about to leave, Troy said, “Do you want to go to the movies tomorrow night?”

Melissa leaned in, kissed him, and said, “Yes, I’ll be here at 8,” then kissed him again, and walked to her car.

The next day his workout routine seemed easier, and his uncle noticed, as he added on more weights.
