Getting Physical [MF][Male Doctor]

I finally got back from volleyball and was dying to touch myself. I couldn’t wait to hop into the shower and give my sex the attention it needed. I was almost shivering just imagining how the water would feel as it ran over my body and I tried to hold in my moans.

“I’m going to go shower dad.” I called, walking to my room.

“You don’t have time. We have to leave in five minutes for the doctor. Go get changed.” He said. I had forgotten about that.

“Okay.” I tried not to sound too disappointed.

My pussy still throbbed, asking for attention. As soon as my door was shut I stuck a hand down my pants and rubbed myself. I stood there, uncovering my clit and rubbing it too. I almost moaned out loud and had to put my hand on my dresser to balance myself. I rubbed myself and humped my hand, my eyes closed in pleasure. Rationality overtook me, however, and I started to get changed. I took off my shorts, which was a shame, because they did some favors for my ass. To keep that feeling going for a bit, I put on some black leggings that highlighted my legs. I changed out my sport bra for a more comfortable one and put on a simple t-shirt. I couldn’t help but give my pussy one more quick rub before I opened the door.

I hopped into the car, still horny, with my unknowing father and we drove off. The doctor wasn’t that far away, so my pussy was still calling for attention when we parked. We walked into the lobby and my dad asked the receptionist about our appointment.

“Dr. Slightbower can see you right now. He’s the second door on the left.” She told us.

“Great, we’ll head in.” Dad said.

Not great for me, as I was hoping that waiting around would kill my mood. Couldn’t it just go away for once? We found his office and opened the heavy door. Inside it was all white and lit up by fluorescent lights that made a small buzz. There was an aqua coloured bed on the right wall with a table behind it and a sink and scale on the far wall. The left wall was lined with lots of cabinets and drawers with a couple models of different body parts on it. There was a small chair directly on the left of the door and my dad leaned against it. I sat on the bed.

“Hello, Kalie, right?” A doctor, presumably Dr. Slightbower, entered the room after a second.

“Yes.” I said and shook his hand.

“I’m Dr. Slightbower.” He confirmed. He proceeded to shake dad’s hand.

If I wasn’t already turned on enough, Dr. Slightbower was hot. He had short black hair atop his stubbled face and was pretty tall. He looked fit, and young, and hot. Did I say that he was hot already, because he was. He looked to be in his late 20s, maybe even early 30s. I could feel my pussy getting warmer again.

“So, do you want to stick around for the examination?” Dr. Slightbower asked my dad.

“I’m fine. She’s an adult, I’m sure she can take care of herself, right?” I nodded, and with that he walked out. Dr. Slightbower closed the door behind him.

Another jolt of excitement filled me. I was alone with him now, which made me excited and nervous. But what was I thinking? My head was in dreamland, not at the doctor’s.

“Why don’t you lay down.” He told me. I obeyed. “So, it says you turned 18 a couple months ago, Kalie, is that right?” He looked at his records on his desk. I nodded before realising he was looking down.

“Uh, yes, it is.” I stumbled over my words. Why was I so nervous?

“And this is your first checkup since then.”


“So that means you’re due for a physical. I’ll go find a female doctor.” He said and started walking towards the door.

“No,” I said before I could stop myself. Dr. Slightbower turned to me and I blushed. “I, I’d prefer you. I mean, I would feel weird, uh, a woman, you know, if she, uh, is that okay?”

“Uh, yes, it’s fine. You do know what it means to have a physical, right?” He said, looking at me curiously.

“Yes.” I said sheepishly.

What was I thinking? But I didn’t want to back out now, because then it would be awkward. He’s a professional, and as long as it’s not awkward for me, it’s not awkward. I thought about him doing a physical on me and an electric shock went down my spine.

“So, do you feel healthy, have you been sick or anything lately?” He asked, moving to the sink.

“I’ve been healthy, no sickness.” I said, calming myself down.

“No soreness, no pains, no abnormalities?” He washed his hands.


“What about sleep, how much sleep do you get on average?”

“I think around 7 hours.”

“And how often do you have sexual intercourse?” I blushed at that question. I couldn’t help feeling he wanted to know the answer for personal reasons.

“Uh, it’s kind of embarrassing to say.” I answered.

“Don’t worry, the walls are designed to be completely soundproof for confidentiality.” He answered, rapping on it as if that proved his point. I was more concerned about him, but that was reassuring.

“I don’t have any, not any more.” I said.

“Anymore?” He looked at me out of the corner of his eyes. I gulped. Did I really have to explain my sex life to this hot guy?

“Well, I only did it once, and it was with my boyfriend a couple months back. We’ve split up since then.” I told him, trying no to turn beet red.

“Can I get you to go down to your underwear? You can put your clothes on the table.” He asked, putting on a blue latex glove.

“Uh, yes.” I uttered.Trying not to act completely embarrassed, I took my shirt off. I was stripping down for this guy, and just the thought of that made me nervous, and a little excited. I raised my hips and pulled my leggings down. I ran into my shoes, so I took those off with my leggings.

“I take it you used protection when you had sex?” He asked.

“Yes.” He still had his back turned to me. I wanted him to turn around and see me in my underwear to get it over with.

“Any other sexual experiences?” He asked.

“Well, a couple times I, well I gave my boyfriend a, uh-” I didn’t want to sound so unprofessional.

“Fellatio?” He said.

“What?” I hadn’t heard the word before. It sounded like a dessert.

“Oral stimulation of the penis.” He explained.

“Uh, ya that. And a couple times he, uh, stimulated me with his hands.” I said.

“Any cunniligus, that is, oral stimulation of the vagina?”

“No.” I answered. Why would he ask all these questions? He finally turned around and looked at me, having put down his clipboard.

“I’ll ask you to remove your bra.” He said.

“Okay.” Could he not start with somewhere so private? Maybe it was better that he got it out of the way.

I unclasped the back and took the straps off my shoulders, but left it on my breasts for a second. I psyched myself up and took them off. He immediately looked at them, and my arms flinched to cover up. He didn’t stare so I let my arms go to my sides, but I couldn’t stop myself from blushing. I also couldn’t stop the pulse I felt in my vagina. All this awkwardness had almost made me forget that I was horny, but now it was at the forefront of my mind. My nipples were hard and I prayed that if Dr. Slightbower noticed he would attribute it to the cool air.

“They look good.” He said. “Do you mind if I feel them?”

I froze for a second. I knew that what he said was in a medical context, but did he have to choose those words? I broke my stupor just enough to nod yes. He reached out and matter of factly put his gloved fingers on top of my breasts. He pushed his fingers in lightly then moved to another spot, doing the same thing. My breathing got heavier and I tried to mask it. It felt oddly good, even though he was just probing my tits, to have him feeling them. He stopped.

“They feel very good.” He said.

Again with the wording! Maybe it was my horny mind, but that seemed awfully complimentary. I guess he meant healthy, but still. I was really turned on now, almost more than embarrassed.

“May I remove your panties.” He said. I didn’t pay attention to him moving to my hips.

“Yes.” I said before realising how wet I was. I looked down and saw it didn’t show up on the dark blue, but I didn’t know how visible it was to the naked eye.

He hooked his fingers in the waistbands and my legs tensed automatically. I only now realised what he had asked, and I couldn’t ignore how odd it was for him to remove them. He slowly peeled back my panties, and he seemed to take note that I was shaven. Finally the folds of my pussy lips became uncovered and suddenly I felt very naked. He pulled the panties all the way off and resumed his inspection of my genitals. From my angle I could tell that I was wet but he didn’t seem to be able to see it.

I silently gasped as his gloved hand touched my pussy. I was crazy horny now, and having his hand maneuver my lips only made me more excited. His finger parted my folds and searched around, settling outside my opening. Slowly he pushed inside me and I had to keep my mouth shut to stop from moaning. His finger moved around a bit, probing and stretching my walls. I was glad he was looking at my cunt because if he was looking at my face he could probably figure out that he was pleasuring me.

His finger came out of my pussy to my relief and I had a second to catch my breath. With his whole hand removed from my crotch he looked up at me silently and I couldn’t manage a straight face, my cheeks completely flushed. He looked down at my pussy again and his hand resumed its work. One of his fingers parted my lips yet again but it glided up my pussy to the top of my slit. Before I knew what was happening his finger hit my swollen clitoris. Even if I wasn’t surprised I couldn’t have stopped the a whimper from escaping my lips.

Dr. Slightbower looked up to me and I can’t imagine how hard I was blushing. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. Seemingly unfazed, he looked right back down at my now obviously wet slit. He took my clit in his fingers which made me bite my lip. My mind was going crazy with excitement and confusion. He rubbed my clit and I let out a long, throaty moan and grabbed the sides of the bed. I didn’t know what he was doing but I wasn’t going to stop it.

He took his hands off my cunt and frantically took his gloves off. When his hands found my lady part again I was ready and humped against it. Never before had I been so overcome by sexual desire to let a stranger do this but I wasn’t stopping now. One of his hands went back to my clitoris and the other one found my opening. Two fingers soon penetrated me and I let out a moan, my hips instinctively bucking him further into me. I closed my eyes in ecstasy as he played with my clit.

“You said you’ve never been eaten out before?” Dr. Slightbower said. His sexual tone and his change of language made me forget everything except my passion and I nodded.

His hand moved off of my clit and soon I could feel his breath on my pussy. The tip of his tongue pressed against my slit and I squeaked, lifting my hips up to meet his tongue. He grabbed my hip and licked up and down my pussy. Once his tongue had it’s rhythm down he started thrusting his fingers into me, sending waves of pleasure through my body and making me moan each time. I struggled against his grip to thrust into his hand and mouth, my cunt desperate for any and all stimulation. I had never felt this magnitude of pleasure before and I knew my orgasm was just around the corner. His tongue moved to my clit and I was set off.

I felt like I had been transported to somewhere else, my body moving on its own but still sending me tsunamis of ecstasy. I broke free from his hand and slammed my pelvis against his face and fingers all while moaning loudly. My walls pulsated in an attempt to bring his fingers in further and my back arched off the table. My legs tightened around his head and my hands dug into the mattress.

Eventually I came down from my climax and tried to catch my breath. Dr. Slightbower stood up and my legs fell limply onto the bed, all the muscles near my crotch feeling spent. It took a second for me to regain my senses but when I did I looked over to the doctor. He had revealed his toned, hairy chest and he took off his pants and underwear just as I looked. His dick, which was already very hard, popped out and pointed at me. The rational part of my brain guessed it to be average size but to me it looked like a monster. He grabbed a condom off of a counter and walked over to me. As far as I was concerned, he could do whatever he wanted to me.

He went to the bottom of the bed and grabbed my waist which made it seem small in his big hands, and he pulled my pussy to the edge. With some effort I lifted my legs and opened them, letting them hang in the air. He stared at the open display of my pussy and I saw his dick twitch. His hands ran up my sides and put his mouth on my stomach, licking in a straight line towards my lips. His hands got to my head before his mouth did and he held it in place for his lips to find. He kissed my neck which caused me to shudder. His tongue got to my mouth and parted my lips, finding its dance partner just inside. I grabbed onto his back and pulled his chest against mine. His hands quickly moved down my body then left it, followed by the noise of the condom package opening. I had already forgotten about it. For a second I couldn’t believe what I was thinking, but then his latex wrapped dick touched the outside of my lips and I didn’t care about anything that didn’t make me cum.

He rubbed his shaft up and down my lips, lubricating the outside of the condom. I whimpered into his mouth and spread my legs further. He drew his dick back to my entrance and hesitated. I wrapped my legs around his hips and pulled him in, his dick missing the target and sliding up my slit. It felt good, but I needed more. He got the message and lined up again, not waiting to get inside me. It felt like he doubled in size once he got inside me, my walls stretching to accommodate his girth. I groaned as his conquest continued, filling and expanding my tight vagina. His dick just went on and on until finally his pelvic bone touched mine. I could feel every millimeter exciting my cunt, every throb of his cock making me moan into his mouth. He started thrusting, only taking a bit of his dick out and slowly returning it to my love hole. But that wasn’t satisfying him, and it wasn’t satisfying me. He started drawing more of himself out, and pushing it back in faster and harder. I couldn’t do much but I offered my hips to meet his every thrust. Soon my legs were beginning to shake with the impact of him fucking me, and I was struggling to breath while still making out with him. He seemed to be experiencing the same thing, because he pulled away from the kiss.

We both gasped for air as he stood up and my moans returned. He started moaning himself, which invigorated me. My legs were getting tired so I put them on his shoulders. He gladly accepted them and kept pounding me. Now almost all of his dick came outside me with every ebb, and it all slammed back into my pussy. My hands found the edge of the bed above my head, holding onto it to better plunge myself onto his dick. He grabbed my waist and started thrusting with all the strength he had left, and I reciprocated. It felt so good I couldn’t believe I had ever been satisfied before.

“I’m going to cum.” He said.

“Cum in me.” I yelled without thinking.

I was so close and I desperately wanted to cum on his throbbing, spewing dick. With my last logical thought I thanked God that the walls were soundproof. I came explosively; my body moved uncontrollably to get every bit of pleasure I could while my mind shut down, only processing the raw pleasure. I could feel the doctor’s dick throb and start to cum into the condom. That only made me cum harder, every muscle in my body tensing up. I couldn’t tell if I was screaming in pleasure or if my mouth was open but nothing was coming out. It didn’t matter- all that mattered was milking the last of his cum into me. His thrusting stopped with his dick buried inside of me, the last of his semen trickling out of his dick. He leaned over me before falling on me, his body overwhelming mine. My whole body felt numb, like every nerve had just been overloaded and needed to reboot. His rugged body against mine let me come down from heaven in the best way.

I kissed him on the neck, and he acted like he had been woken out of sleep. He kissed my neck back and got up, taking his now soft dick out of my pussy. He took the condom of and tied it, burying it under some trash. It took me a while for my brain to start working again, and once it did, I felt cold. I started putting my clothes back on with a smile on my face.

“I, uh, I guess that concludes the appointment.” He said, redressing himself as well.

“Maybe I could get your number so I can contact you? For medical concerns, of course.” I smiled at him, but he shook his head.

“If anyone found out,” he said, and I understood, but I didn’t know how I’d explain it to my pussy.

Leaving the office was like coming out of a dream. I met my dad in the waiting room and he asked how it went. I said it was good, and that I was healthy. I didn’t say that I could still feel the gap the doctor left in my pussy.



  1. Nice story. Good setup and enough details without being too distracting.
    Please keep on writing these stories!

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