Filling each other’s void #03 – The Collared Doggy [M/f]

It was slightly past 7 in the morning when the first ray of sunlight shone into the bedroom waking Rick up. It was on purpose that there was no curtain to block out the light. Initially, he wanted to let the young couple decided on the colour, but after the idea of a wedding gift fell through, he liked the idea of waking up by nature and left it as it was.

With his eyes still closed, he could smell a sweet lavender fragrance and his cock nesting in between something soft. The smooth blonde hair of Jamie greeted his eyes and he smiled remembering how he had enjoyed the night before. Carefully he lifted himself out of the bed without waking Jamie and headed for the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later, the aroma from the kitchen woke Jamie up. Washing up and putting on a robe, she made her way to the dining area and was surprised to see Rick naked placing the plates of French toast together with some strawberries.

“Morning,” Rick beamed before heading back to the kitchen and returned with a cup of latte for her. “I have pushed your luggage into the second bedroom. You can unpack and put the clothes there when you have the time.”

“Morning,” Jamie blushed, her eyes following the swaying of Rick’s half erected dick. “Thank you,” she muttered as she took a sip of latte trying to distract herself.

“Hope you don’t mind. I like being naked and here is the only place I can enjoy myself.” Rick took his seat and began eating his breakfast.

“Sure..” Jamie muttered as her mind was thinking if Rick was expecting him to do the same.

“We will head to the office after breakfast. You will spend the day with Mary who will brief you on the job, what to look out for and stuff,” Rick said before downing the cup of black coffee and headed to the bathroom.

Jamie spent the next 10 minutes finishing her breakfast and washed up the dishes. Then she spent the next 15 minutes in front of the mirror adjusting her clothes to make sure she looked as professional as possible. She was in the classic white blouse and black high waist skirt, coupled with a pair of black high heels. She had not been on many shopping trips ever since they moved because of their financial situation and that the cafe provided uniforms for her shift work. She had cleaned them on Saturday evening to ensure that her clothes looked as good as new.

“Jamie, there is no need for such formal wear,” Rick chuckled after seeing her walking out of the bedroom even though he was enjoying the sight. He was dressed in a navy t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. “My bad. I thought Emma would have briefed you on the dress code. Change into something casual and I will explain on the way.”

Jamie hurriedly went back in, changed into a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans coupled with flats and followed Rick to the car.

“Sorry for the miscommunication. To align with the concept of having the freedom to express themselves which is crucial for designing, I had decided to allow the staff to wear whatever they fancy as long as they are not meeting a client,” Rick explained as he started the car. “It helps especially for the young generation like you.”

The car ride was about 15 minutes when they had reached the office. It was like a typical office, a few work cubicles, a pantry at the back and 2 meeting rooms. Jamie was surprised to see that Rick sat at one of the empty cubicles near the corner of the office.

“After we moved, I wasn’t here every day so we decided to convert my office into one of the meeting rooms. This cubicle belongs to Mary. We can share whenever we are here and we should get you a laptop during lunch later.” Just as Rick finished his sentence, a middle-aged woman greeted them and introduced herself as Mary.

For the rest of the morning, Mary gave Jamie a guided tour of the office and introduced her to the other colleagues before running through her job scopes with her.

When it was time for lunch, Rick brought Mary and Jamie to one of the nearby restaurants for Mary’s farewell lunch. After that, it was a trip to one of the electronics stores to get Jamie a laptop.

Jamie spent the rest of the afternoon setting up her laptop with the help of Mary and helped with some of her works. Around 4 pm, some of the colleagues left and at 5, Mary left, leaving Jamie and Rick in the office.

It was around 530 pm when Rick was done and they headed to Subway to grab dinner before heading back to the apartment.

“How was your first day?” Rick asked while starting the car.

“It was ok I guess. There were several things to remember but Mary was helpful. It’s a pity she is leaving,” Jamie said while trying to recall where she placed the checklist that Mary had gave her earlier.

“That’s good. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, I’m sure you will do equally well with time. Yeah, she wanted to spend more time with her grandchildren but I got you as her replacement so I say it turned out good in the end.”

Once back at the apartment, they took turns to shower while the other called home to speak to their other half. Then they sat down together for dinner.

“I want to talk to you more about our arrangement. Sorry, I should have done this yesterday but I was afraid it would have dampened our anticipation of the night,” Rick said, naked and unwrapping his sub.

“It’s ok. What is it about?” Jamie was curious.

“Nothing will take place in the office. I like to keep work and private life separate so whenever we are in office it will be purely about work. Your work performance will be evaluated like any other employee. I hope I am clear on that.”

“That’s fair. I would like to prove to others that I can succeed in the job and not because I am your daughter-in-law.” Jamie smiled. On the way to the office earlier and when it was only the two of them left in the office, she was unsure if Rick would do anything sexual to her but was hesitant to ask.

“That’s the spirit. Mary had nothing but compliments for you today. Keep it up. I have told Emma we will head home after dinner instead of lunch tomorrow since it’s Mary last day and I want you to learn as much as possible from her.” Taking a sip of the coke, Rick continued, “Back to the arrangement, I have been thinking about it and feel this may be an interesting way to proceed. We will increase the frequency of this trip to weekly. The idea is to have a theme each week and we can spend the time in the apartment to explore the theme. Each of us will take turns to come out with what we like to try. Have at least 2 so if the first one is a no-go for the other party, we still have something to fall back on.”

“Hmmm, that sounds fun.” Jamie nodded in between bites. She felt comfortable after hearing Rick’s suggestion. It felt like one of the many discussions they had where Rick had always made it a point to listen to what she had to say and ensure that her feelings and thoughts are being taken seriously. She liked the fact that Rick was thinking for the both of them and not just himself which if she was being honest, was what she felt when she was with James. “What should be the theme for this week then?”

“Well, we had you in a collar and leash that day plus doggy style yesterday. How about The Collared Doggy?” Having said that, Rick took out a red leather collar and leash from one of the shopping bags he brought from the car earlier.

“That’s where you went after you dropped Mary and me off after lunch?” Jamie had a grin on her face.

“Yeah. I have one request and hope you would indulge this old man.” Rick flashed a smile as he placed the collar on the table. “May I ask that you dress up like you did this morning?” He was captivated by the classic secretary attire that Jamie was in and had spent the whole day thinking of stripping her in it.

“Sure.” Jamie headed for the second bedroom. Her naked body was on full display in front of the mirror as the robe slid off her body. She had decided not to wear anything in case Rick asked that she be naked as well. She was amazed at how comfortable she felt now, compared to the uneasiness on Saturday.

She first put on a matching pair of white lace bra and panties with a small red ribbon at the front. Next was the short-sleeved white blouse, followed by the black high waist skirt and the pair of black heels which caused her back to arch, thrusting her breasts forward. She took another look at the mirror and felt something was missing. She was turned on by the idea that someone had specifically asked her to dress in a certain way but she wanted to feel mode sexy. She began to tie her hair back into a ponytail, then unbutton the top two buttons of the blouse. She could see her bare neck down to her cleavage and she smiled at the sight before making her way out of the bedroom.

While Jamie was dressing up in the bedroom, Rick brought a bottle of red wine and 2 wine glasses to the couch. After filling the 2 glasses, he took one and sat on the sofa. There was a reason why he bought the collar earlier. He had been thinking about the moment Jamie addressed him as master on Friday night. It was out of the blue, and after much thinking, he deduced that Jamie might be submissive when it comes to sex, especially considering how wet she was. He could be wrong, perhaps Jamie loved the idea to be in a collar. Nevertheless, he wanted their first trip to focus on giving Jamie something she enjoyed. His thoughts were interrupted by the clicking of the heels.

“You look beautiful. Come and sit beside me,” Rick said patting the space beside him on the couch. Jamie took over the glass and sat beside him taking a sip of the wine.

“Let’s play a mini-game to warm ourselves up,” Rick said, his eyes focusing on the opening of the shirt where he could see Jamie’s cleavage.

“That’s sound fun, what do you have in mind?” Jamie giggled, delighted that the idea of unbuttoning the top was having its effect on Rick.

“Let’s play the have you ever question game. If the answer is yes, you drink but the question must be related to sex. I know you did not have much experience so we will change it to have you ever thought of it,” Rick explained the game which he had thought of for some time. He wanted a game to get Jamie to drink and also find out more about her.

“That’s fair. Shall I start first?”

“Sure, ladies first.”

“Hmm, have you ever thought of having sex with me before this?” Jamie asked with a curious look on her face. She had noticed the lingering gaze of Rick on her body during one of the family trips to the beach and this had been a question on her mind since then.

“Well, if I am being honest, yes.” Rick emptied the glass before continuing, “I haven’t had sex for God knows how many years and you are young and beautiful. Living together wasn’t easy on me especially after I knew what you were up to in the room on Sunday morning.”

“You knew?” Embarrassment was written all over Jamie’s face and in her hurry to hide her face, she gulped down the glass of wine.

“The rooms aren’t exactly soundproof.” Rick smiled as he helped to refill her empty glass. He could still recall the moment he heard the soft moans while walking past a few months ago. That was when he suspected that Jamie was perhaps sexually frustrated like him. “My turn. Have you ever thought of being bound by rope?”

“Yes but not just rope. The idea of being tied up, feeling helpless and letting..” Jamie said stopping herself from mentioning James, “..the man do whatever he wants with me turns me on greatly.” She knew that this was something James would never do after he refused to spank her during sex even after she hinted at it. “Have you ever thought of owning a sex slave?”

“Haha no, actually that idea had never come across my mind before. I was not having sex back then and now I have you.” Rick’s answer brought a smile to Jamie’s face. “Have you ever thought of getting fuck in the ass?”

“Nope. It seemed painful but I wouldn’t mind if it’s with you.” Jamie looked down as she wondered what it would be like to have something in her ass.

“Well, it hurts if you rush into it. We will take our time to get there.”

“Have you ever thought of..erm..sorry I can’t think of any good question for now.” Jamie’s mind was blank. Rick had much more experience than her and she could not come out with anything that Rick might say no to.

“It’s ok, it’s just a game to get us relaxed and for us to know each other better. We can always go back to asking questions, don’t put pressure on yourself,” Rick said, his hand patting on Jamie’s hand.

“Alright.” Jamie nodded and took another sip of the wine.

“Let me start the ball rolling then. What’s your favourite type of porn?” Rick’s hand was now patting on Jamie’s thigh.

“Hmm, don’t laugh at me but I like those casting porn.” Taking another sip, Jamie continued, “I can relate to most of them, young and inexperienced but doing their best to impress and be guided.”

“I see. No, I am not laughing, I think being able to relate to the porn enhance the experience.” Rick smiled as an idea was forming in his head.

“How about you?”

“Me? I like porn where the girl is beautiful while the guy is not. It gave me hope that one day I could be the guy in the video and it came true thanks to you.” Rick leaned in to kiss Jamie on her lips and she passionately returned the kiss.

After placing both empty glasses on the coffee table, one of Rick’s hands was holding her neck while the other was caressing Jamie’s breast through the clothes. Jamie’s right hand was now stroking his erected dick while their mouths were glued to each other.

Rick’s mouth started to move along her neck, his hands unbuttoning her blouse before moving underneath to unhook her white bra. Jamie’s head was now leaning back, her eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of Rick’s kiss on her neck and slowly down her cleavage. Rick slid the sleeves and the bra strap off the shoulder before moving her hands to remove them.

Then he slid his hand underneath the skirt and felt his way up her thigh before brushing against her crotch. He could feel it was wet and slid a finger in and began to finger her. Jamie was now moaning in pleasure, spreading her legs wide to give him more access. After a while, he slid a second finger in, picked up the pace and continued until his fingers were drenched.

“I can never get tired of tasting you.” Rick showed her his fingers which were coated with her juice and proceeded to suck on them. Rick began to remove her skirt and panties leaving her now only in her heels. He then took the red collar and fastened it around her neck before undoing her ponytail letting her hair fall on her shoulder. The end of the leash was a leather handle that snugged nicely into his palm.

Jamie felt a shudder as she felt the soft material gripping around her neck. It felt like Friday night once more, her body no longer belonged to her and she loved it. She instinctively knelt on the carpeted floor, her legs pressed together with both her hands on her knees. She had no idea why but it seemed the natural position to be in.

“You like to be in collar do you?” Rick teased as Jamie nodded. His hand was now winding the leash around his left hand, bringing Jamie’s face closer to him.

“You can do anything with me. Be rough with me please?” Jamie purred as she felt herself being pulled by the leash heightening her arousal.

Rick began kissing her again while his right hand was now grabbing and kneading her breasts. The tension of the leash was pulling her body against the couch, and she was now using both her hands to support herself further restricting her movements. Then she felt their mouth parted and the nibble of his mouth on her right ear while her breasts were still being roughly kneaded by his hand.

Jamie let out a soft moan. She could feel her arousal building up just by the rough movement of his hands. Then she felt a tug which caused her to turn away from the couch and a loud smack on her butt cheek followed.

“Move towards that sofa and stop when I spank you,” Rick said before landing another smack on her ass and without lifting the hand, grabbed her butt cheek.

Jamie began to move on all fours towards the single sofa chair not far away. Then she felt another smack and she stopped, her head just inches away from the sofa. Was he going to take her there and then? She could feel the anticipation building.

Rick was now beside her, planting kisses on the back of her neck and moved along her spine. She shuddered as the kisses got closer and stopped at her tailbone. The lips were replaced by Rick’s tongue going in between her ass cheeks, licking up and down her butt hole and her pussy. Then she felt his tongue poking and flicking around her butt hole bringing her a feeling she had never felt before. It felt dirty but she would not say she dislike it.

Crouching behind her in between her legs with his left hand still on the leash keeping it taut, Rick used his right hand to spread Jamie’s butt cheek and his tongue to spread her pussy juice onto her butt hole. Then he turned his attention to her pussy. He knew the process to introduce anal sex to her would be slow and he wanted to just give her a feel of what it would feel like being poked at the butt. Wrapping his arms around her thighs, he buried his face in between her legs, his mouth cupped onto her wet pussy and began lapping with his tongue.

“Ughh.” Jamie let out a moan and her arms gave way as her upper torso was now in contact with the carpeted floor and the side of her face pressed against the carpet. Under normal circumstances, she would not allow her face to come into contact with the floor not knowing how clean or dirty it is but the pleasure was throwing her rationale out.

“I am going to cum if you keep doing this.” Jamie pleaded and to her surprised Rick stopped. Flipping her over onto her back, Rick started kissing her again, grabbing both her hands and shifted them up along the floor above her head exposing her bare armpits. In this position with the collar, Jamie felt like a prisoner letting the warden doing whatever he wanted with her.

Their tongue intertwined and when Rick lifted his mouth, her tongue continued to wiggle in the air hoping to seduce his tongue back. Yet Rick’s tongue was licking her right armpit, bringing a giggle to her due to the ticklishness of it.

“Stop.” Jamie giggled but Rick persisted and slowly the ticklishness gave way to arousal. She placed her hand in front of her mouth trying to cover the escaping moans. Slowly the tongue moved from her armpit to her right breast and Rick started sucking on the nipple, his tongue circling the nipple before doing the same to her left nipple while pinning her hands by the sides of her head.

With his lips nibbling on her right nipple, Rick used his right fingers to roll her left nipple while the palm continue to fondle the left breast. As the lips pulled the right nipple, his fingers pinched and pulled the left, giving both nipples equal attention. The moans from Jamie were getting louder, her eyes partially covered by her blonde hair as her body started to wriggle in pleasure. Then Rick stopped, brushing her hair from her face, he looked at her.

“Climb onto the sofa,” said Rick as he stood up pulling the leash.

Were they going to have sex now? Jamie thought to herself as she lifted herself and climb onto the sofa, back facing him before bending over to present her bare pussy to him.

“Turn around and sit on the sofa.” Jamie could feel the tug on the leash and she turned around facing Rick. There was a slight disappointment in her but she could not deny that she was getting turned on being kept on the edge. Every time she thought he was going to penetrate her, he had other plans for her.

“Show me how you pleasure yourself. Show me what you do in the room alone every Sunday morning cause you don’t need to do that anymore.”

Jamie brushed her hair behind her shoulder and bit her lower lips as she spread her legs apart and her hands moved towards her pussy. The words don’t need to do that anymore lingered in her head as she felt Rick’s hand lifting her right knee over the sofa arm. His finger motioned for her to do the same with her left leg and she obeyed.

With both her legs spread across the sofa arms, her left hand went underneath her thigh, fingers spreading her pussy while her right hand went across her toned stomach and fingers playing with her clit. Once her fingers were wet enough, she began to insert her fingers but was stopped by Rick.

“Spread your pussy wide for me.” He said guiding her right hand to go under her right thigh and Jamie spread her pussy using both her hands like she was told. Rick knelt in front of her enjoying the view before leaning in and lapped her already wet pussy. Then he inserted his fingers and began to finger her while his tongue continued to lick her clit. Jamie was now moaning uncontrollably, using her strength to keep her body from twisting and her fingers spreading herself open for his fingers.

It was too much for Jamie and she began to cum. A small amount of her juice squirted onto the carpet and her body slid down the sofa as her legs went limp. Rick stood up, holding his right hand which was now drenched in her juice above her face. As droplets of her juice dripped onto her, Jamie opened her mouth hoping to have a taste of herself.

Rick then went behind her, sat on the sofa and placed his right arm around her neck slowly squeezing her but not enough to choke her. Jamie was sticking her tongue out trying to lap her juice on Rick’s hand. She was now purely driven by lust and wanted to do anything that she thought would please Rick so that she could have a taste of his cock.

“Good girl,” said Rick as he released the hold on her neck and stood up. Pulling the leash as he moved around her, Jamie was forced to kneel in front of him with his half erected dick now at her eye level. Using his hand, Rick held out his dick close to her mouth and as Jamie moved forward with her mouth open, Rick took a step back as soon as her lips touched his dick.

Jamie was confused and as his dick was placed in front of her mouth once more, she stuck out her tongue and moved forward attempting to lick the tip. Again, Rick took a step back as soon as her tongue touched his dick. This time there was a string of precum from the tip to her tongue and it got longer as Rick took another step.

Rick was contemplating whether to get Jamie to lick his butt hole instead and was denying the blowjob that Jamie was eager to perform. Decided that it might be too soon, he walked toward Jamie and stood in front of her face, his dick now in contact with her side of her face.

“You want this, don’t you? Here you go but no hands.”

Jamie nodded, her eyes glued to the erected dick in front of her. She wasn’t sure yesterday but she was now, that Rick’s dick when erected was slanted towards the left. Without saying a word, Jamie began to lick his dick from the base of the shaft to the tip and back to the base down to his balls. She knew his balls were sensitive and she was determined to pleasure him. She utilized a combination of sucking the testicles, making little nibble on his scrotum and tapping the testicles using her tongue to bring out moans from Rick. Rick pulled the leash higher causing a little tug upwards.

Jamie got the hint, lifted her mouth over the tip and began to take in as much of his dick as she could. Maintaining eye contact with Rick, holding his dick horizontally in her mouth, her head started to move in and out, taking more with each stride as the mixture of saliva and precum was acting as a lubricant.

Rick moaned and placed his hands on the back of Jamie’s head, giving it a little pull as her head moved in and her mouth took in more of his dick. After a few tries, Jamie managed to take in almost all of his dick but Rick knew she could do better than that.

“Relax your throat,” said Rick as he held her head still when she moved in once more. His legs were slightly bent, back crouching while both of Jamie’s hands were grabbing his thighs for support. At the count of seven in his head, he let go and Jamie with a tear in her eyes, her hands on the floor, was trying to catch her breath back. It was her first experience deepthroating and the action of being forced to take in Rick’s dick was turning her on. It was rough and she loved it.

“Your blowjob is undeniably good and I think you can improve more when you learn how to deepthroat,” Rick remarked, patting her head and walked to her back. Positions himself in between her legs, he lifted her hips and Jamie assumed the all-fours position. Rick rubbed the tip of his dick against her wet pussy, causing Jamie’s body to tense up knowing that he was finally going to penetrate her.

With his left hand, Rick began to press down on her waist causing her butt to be raised into the air. With his right hand guiding his dick, he slowly inserted himself in one slow motion.

“Oh, god,” Jamie moaned as she felt her pussy slowly being opened and filled up by Rick’s dick inches by inches. She bent her elbow, resting her head on her arms as Rick began to thrust in and out of her at a steady pace. Closing her eyes, Jamie was focusing on the feeling of his dick hitting the right spot due to its weird slant.

Both of Rick’s hands were now holding her by her hips and as their flesh clashed with each thrust, her breasts jiggled from the impact and her breathing became heavier.

“Ughh.” Jamie let out a loud moan as Rick gave her a hard thrust and stopped moving. A smack on her right butt cheek followed by a tug of the leash, Jamie began to move her hips on her own.

Rick was now moving his left arm which was still attached to the leash to aid in Jamie’s movement. As the pace was not to his liking, he slapped her right ass cheek again, bringing another moan from her. It was another two slaps before Jamie started to move faster and the palm was now tenderly caressing the red spot before he placed the hand by his side.

Jamie was now supporting herself using her left hand while her right hand was on her butt trying to push herself to move faster. Her hair was swaying with each movement in sync with her breasts. Then she felt Rick grabbed her waist and began to thrust at a faster speed, causing her to bring down her right hand to support herself while she continuously moaned.

Rick was now pounding hard into her and spanking her right butt cheek on every fifth thrust. His breathing was getting harder, and so was the slap. Then he reached for her shoulder and pulled her up, using the shoulder as an anchor to thrust deeper into her.

Jamie used her right hand to brush the hair behind, in between her neck and left shoulder as her upper torso was tilted to the left by Rick’s grip on her right shoulder. Then she felt her right hand being pulled behind by the wrist causing her back to arch further.

“I’m..ughh..going to..ughh..cum,” was all Jamie could cry out. The movements were getting faster and all she could do was to helplessly moan while Rick continued to pound into her without slowing down. When Rick let go of her right wrist, her hand immediately went in front to support herself. After a few more thrusts, her hands gave way and her head was resting on her arms as her body quivered in a heap from the waves of orgasm.

Upon feeling the first contraction of her pussy, Rick pulled out and watched as a small amount of juice began to squirt out of her. He had been quieter tonight, and unknown to Jamie, had been thinking of random thoughts to keep himself from getting to his climax early. He knew that having cum twice the day before, he only had one shot today and he wanted to delay it for as long as possible.

As the convulsions stopped, Rick leaned onto Jamie planting kisses on her shoulder while his hands were grabbing both her breasts. Lifting her upper body by her breasts, he kissed her on the lips as he began to grind against her, hands kneading her breasts.

Rick stood up pulling the leash along and Jamie had no choice but to follow and climb onto the sofa. He once again inserted himself from behind her and began thrusting into her. The room was now filled with the heavy grunting of Rick, the slapping of their thighs and moans of Jamie in ecstasy.

Jamie was trapped on the sofa. Her knees were at the edge of the cushion, one foot anchoring on the floor while her hands were on the arms of the sofa as her head was pushed into the back cushion with each hard thrust. Then she felt Rick’s hands on her hips pulling her to stand on the floor.

Pulling her hands behind her by the elbow, Rick resumed his movement and his grunts were getting louder and heavier. Then he recalled the towel he had placed on his bed earlier.

“Walk to the bedroom,” said Rick in between his hard breathing and the pair began making their way across the living room while their flesh continued to clash against each other. It took them some time but once they reached the side of the bed, Rick began to speed up and thrust into Jamie like a mad man. He knew he was close and his thighs were now almost burning from the activity.

Jamie on the other hand was not in full control of her body. Her mouth was continuously opened from the moans; the collar on her neck tugged with each thrust; her breasts bouncing around from the hard impact; her arms were still pulled behind; her legs were just there ready to give way at any moment.

“Grrr.” With a hard thrust, Rick stopped moving as he ejaculated into her in explosive pulses. One..two..three and as the pulses died down, he pulled out of Jamie and she instantly collapsed onto the bed, bending perfectly over the edge.

She was having another orgasm from the pulsing of Rick’s ejaculation. She laid there with her eyes closed enjoying the sense of sensual release. Three days ago, she had only experienced orgasm from masturbation. Yet now, she had orgasmed seven times from this man and it was better with each time. Her side of the face rested against the soft bed and her hair covered the blissful smile she had while Rick’s cum dripped out of her pussy and onto the towel that he had placed in between her legs.

Rick was laying on the floor, smiling in satisfaction. Yesterday was good but he thought perhaps it was because it was his first sex after so many years. Today proved that it was he who had forgotten how good sex was with the right partner. Bringing himself up, he walked to the kitchen to get two glasses of water before returning to the room. After unbuckling the collar, he offered the glass of water to Jamie.

“Thank you for the water and the sex. I take back what I said yesterday about it being the best sex.” Jamie smiled as she sipped the water to quench her thirst.

“You know you don’t have to thank me every time after sex.” Rick was now sitting beside her on the bed patting her thigh.

“The stains on the floor, should I clean it up?” Jamie asked in embarrassment as she saw the cum on the towel near her feet and recalled that her earlier orgasm had stained part of the carpeted floor in the living room.

“Don’t worry about it. I will pour wine on it later and tell the cleaning company I had accidentally spilt wine. They usually come over the day after I left. Remember to clear the clothes on the couch though.” The tone of Rick betrayed the fact that he was now exhausted.

“Ok, and I need a good wash before bed. Care to join me?” Jamie winked at him.

“Sure but remember that I am not as young as you.” Rick chuckled as he pointed to his flaccid dick in between his legs.

“Haha, I promise no hanky panky. Wash up and we can snuggle in bed.” Jamie then pulled Rick by his hand and led the way to the bathroom.

After a quick rinse of water, Rick stood at the corner of the shower as Jamie lathered herself with soap. It was a beautiful sight, as Jamie slowly covered herself with the foam which added a layer of mystique to her beauty. Then Jamie pulled him to the centre of the shower and began to do the same for him before washing the foam on them with the help of the rain shower.

“Thank you for everything,” Rick said as they were now sitting by the edge of the bed as Jamie was blowing his hair dry with the hairdryer.

“You don’t have to thank me every time after sex,” Jamie teased back and proceeded to blow dry her hair.

“You know I don’t mean that,” Rick said as he pulled Jamie to sit beside him after finished drying her hair. “Thank you for reminding me how good sex is and for washing me up. It was nice.”

“Thank you for showing me how good sex can be.” Jamie gave a peak on his cheek before continuing, “if you like, I can wash you every week. You do look like you need some scrubbing and I can bring my body scrub next week.”

“That sounds wonderful. I look forward to it.” Rick smiled and was caught surprised by Jamie’s next actions. She leaned on the bed and reached for the red collar. Sitting up, she began to buckle the red collar around her neck before handing the leash to Rick.

“No hanky panky. I am just enjoying the theme that’s all. The Collared Doggy. it’s corny but I like it. Haha, I look forward to next week’s theme.” Jamie laughed with her hand covering her mouth. “Shall we?” She asked patting the space on the bed beside her.

“Good night.” Rick placed a kiss on Jamie’s lips before laying down beside her.

“Good night,” Jamie whispered as she laid her hand on his chest, feeling his heartbeat and closed her eyes.
