My thai Part 3 [M/f] [CNC]

My thai Part 3

She seemed to steel herself and said, “I am from Thailand and of Lisu ethnicity. I grew up in a small, poor village of mostly farmers. I attended school and did very well and was accepted to attend our provincial university. I worked hard and excelled at my studies. As I progressed, I started working with a young professor who became my mentor. He was very nice to me and eventually we became lovers. He was my first lover, very kind and attentive, I felt like I was living in a dream. In our culture, men are Kings and women are to comply and make their King proud of them. A girl like me from a poor village does not get this lucky very often.

I graduated with honors and took a job working in a university owned laboratory. My dream life continued when my lover asked my father for permission to marry me. We married and quickly tried to start a family. The dream began to slip away as I seemed unable to become pregnant. He became angry as if that was somehow my fault. He took to beating me from time to time after coming home drunk. All this was hidden of course, he made sure to avoid hitting my face or other easily visible body parts. Sex became a marathon of him using me as his frustration grew.

Outside of the home, his work in the scientific community gained him some notoriety and he got a job at a more prestigious university. When we moved, I left the working world behind at his insistence. Wives of successful scientists did not work. We had a huge house and my job became taking care of that as well as the illusion that we were a happy couple. We were not. His attitude toward me became cold and authoritarian.

One day, after about 6 months in our new home, he arrived with a young woman whom he introduced as our new “housekeeper” Lucy. He indicated that she was to take care of the home to unburden me. She moved into the servant quarters and proceeded to take over my responsibilities. I now had almost nothing to do.

A month passed and it became obvious to me that Lucy and my husband had a growing relationship. Small furtive looks and giggles slipped out from time to time. My own self worth slipped further as I was sure they had become lovers.

One night, I awoke to find my husbands side of the bed empty. Knowing that I was on a course to find out what I really did not want to know, I moved silently through the house and as I got closer to the servant quarters heard unmistakable sounds. The cooing and sounds of lovemaking filled the air – the same sounds we used to make before things slipped away.

I ran back to our bedroom and strangely, felt nothing. I laid there staring at the ceiling. He slipped back into bed about an hour later and as was his habit, reached over and grabbed my thigh indicating he wanted to fuck. As a normal and compliant wife, I spread my legs and he mounted me. He was even rougher than normal, pinching and punching my breasts as he pounded into me. He lasted a long time which was unusual until he came inside me. He then withdrew and moved up to my mouth saying “clean me.” Again like a dutiful wife, I laved his cock and balls with my tongue, tasting Lucy’s juices in the process. Afterward, we were laying in sweat covered sheets and I tried to get up to wash. He refused to let me and told me “since you can’t bear me a child, you’ll go to sleep with part of me inside you.” It was another step into the abyss.

Lucy and my husband were now openly affectionate in front of me. He came home drunk one night and after coming back from her room, said “it’s time to change things around here. Tomorrow, you will move into Lucy’s room. She will move in here. You will take over her duties and she will take over yours.” And so, I became my own servant.

The night that Lucy and I switched places, he came to my room and was more violent than ever. He whipped me with his belt and after savagely fucking me, he urinated on me. Although I was horrified and had been demoted in the household hierarchy, I still played the role of a poor village girl and complied to my husband’s whims. He chained me to my bed leaving me in blood, sweat and urine soaked sheets, his cum in my mouth and cunt. As he closed the door, he said Lucy would be in to see me in the morning.”

She paused, drew another ragged breath and continued. I was appalled and enthralled.
