Alien Experience Pt. 1 [F] Scifi Consensual Abduction

I woke up delirious. I wanted so desperately to panic but my body was unresponsive to the cries of “what the actual fuck?!” echoing in my mind. My limbs & waist were strapped. I felt suspended midair & could tell I was facing downward. I struggled to unblur my vision & slowly a curved frame of earth from space came into focus.

Maybe someone was pranking me. Was I sedated & floating above a giant movie screen? Who would or could pull that kind of move? My mind was reaching for any explaination when the framework holding my body began to slowly spin me into a directly upside down position.

A creature levitating in front of my face set a device down to hover in the air beside it & began typing with several of its 20 or so “fingers”. While it was at its task I took a curious look at its unbelievable body. It was expensively broad, twice taller than me with more limbs than I could see or count from this position. It had something like an arm connecting a broad fin to the fingers which were at least a foot long. No two were shaped exactly the same & the ones he used to interact with the device seemed like the smallest & grew from the furthest edge of the fin.

I barely had time to observe the being before a voice played through a speaker in its device. A cheerful but strange voice informed me that I was perfectly safe. It went on to explain that basically my alien obsession “unwavering fixation on the possibility of galactic travel & connection” in combination with my “misguided abduction longings” were sending a signal into the Universe. That my consent to be removed from my home planet was verified via psychic blueprint. “You’ve been chosen for contact.”

The restraints had brought me right side up again & into a sitting position. The Alien made a sweeping motion across its device & another voice clip began to play. In its oddly paced fashion the computerized voice informed me that my health was not in perfected condition & that by boarding the ship I was entitled to a full health scan response & available upgrades for my species. It asked me to speak my full name given at birth if I wished to accept immediate medical improvements. I spoke my full name & immediately felt my restraints whirring. Moments later I felt like a completely new person. An old bone I’d broken felt different…. healed. I could breathe more deeply. I felt stronger & more energetic than I ever believed could be possible.

The Alien swiped again & I was asked to speak my place of birth as known to me including city, state, country & planet if I wished to experience expedited intimacy. I spoke everything short of coordinates. This was thrilling, either the strangest hyperrealistic dream I’d ever had or I was genuinely on a space ship with a being that could show me the unfathomable.

As soon as my voice ceased the restraints laid me onto my back, spreading my wrists & ankles out into a vitruvian man position. The speaker informed me that my clothing would be removed & I should feel no shame or fear. I was encouraged to open myself to an expansive learning. The voice reaffirmed that this form of sharing information would expedite my learning. I relaxed into the restraints as my clothes dissipated at the seams.

The Alien used its fan of fingers to slide with slight pressure in a continuous line from my temple down my neck & to my nipple where it broke contact only to flick at me like a light switch. I heard a voice in my mind. “We are excited to share our wisdom with you.”

Two matching limbs with a flattened tentacle quality lifted from the lower body of the Alien below me to creep around my legs & find the lips of my labia to spreading them apart. “You are my first human, dont hesitate to express discomfort if I am making a mistake.”

I sighed to prove my absolute comfort & wriggled to test the grip it had placed on my pussy lips. The creature held them in place fully spread while playfully rocking my hips in response to the wriggling. I giggled & two things happened so fast that I began to realize how reserved my host had been until this point… & how special this experience was for them as well.

In the same moment after I giggled the creature spoke a short phrase into my mind in its native language & it slid a thick, slippery, undulating tube inside me. The tube lapped in circles inside me, gliding around every curve. I realized this appendage was a kind of tongue for it & as I had the thought it was confirmed “You are the best taste I’ve found.”

It slowly slipped out & down with me bucking in protest… the creature realized my desperation, flipping its tongue upwards and sliding with pressure over my asshole to plunge back into my pussy & spin its circles inside me again. It thought into me “Can I explore that other oriface?” & I laughed wondering it its tongue would enjoy that taste.

Again my thoughts were met with an urgent action, the tongue abandoning its post and invading a new one. The tongue slapped my tighter hole three times then brushed against it until it penetrated slightly. I curved my hips down & forced it inside me a little more… The creature reciprocated my excitement by slurping at the sides of the tunnel it had found. With each lap I was in ecstasy, receiving images of the Alien’s planet… a green volcano, a gaseous waterfall, the stars from the surface of its planet.

While it was exploring my ass the tongue began to change shape, stretching out & swallowing back into itself. It was pumping my asshole with the small stretched tip of its tongue at first but in its excitement it didn’t pull back in time & the shape change its tongue was performing created a golf ball size stretch for my tiny hole. I reacted to the new sensation & the Alien’s tongue immediately deflated & flopped out of me. The tentacles holding my lips apart receded. Its hungry attention was immediately transformed into concern for my comfort. I showed it that I was just suprised for a moment & very happy to carry on.

My restraints lifted me to a sitting position again & I was face to face with the giant creature. It leaned forward & on the top of its torso mass there was a shape not similar to a head but I didnt know anatomical names for the parts on this beast. I noticed a ridge with glowing blue-green bubbles along the top of this “head”. It lowered this ridge between my legs & nuzzled at me. I was thrilled again & spread my legs to allow it space. It lifted the flat tentacles again but this time held & massaged at the puffy lips while it lowered its ridged head to rub against my clit.

It took me a while to understand the sensations… each glowing bubble was pulsing at its own rate & the ridge was vibrating like a bell. Any section that touched me translated an entire mental landscape. Beliefs & passions of my lover, the history of their culture. I screamed “Yes, ohhh, fuuuuck, this is amazing!!!” outloud & my body started the climb outside of itself. The Alien rubbed against me more furiously, equally horny & fascinated it seemed.

I was rolling in waves off my hips in time with my breath & grinding into the head with total abandon. I tried to grip the head with my hands but my restraints pulled them back out and fully spread. The Alien pulled back his head & I saw one bubble on the ridge start swelling. While lowering the swollen pulsing bubble to my clit I felt the concept of “LOVE” begin to translate. As it showed me its version of love through the bubble pressed against my clit & toyed at my pussy with its tentacles it slid its tongue back inside me & I came more monumentally than any one ever has.

The Alien pulled all its appendages back at once, fully disconnected. “Oh please…” I reached towards it. My restraints caught & it asked “Do you want more information?”



  1. Wow, I LOVE this! So good to see some consensual abduction stuff too, really cleverly written :)

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