First time at a sex club [F]

Last week, my girl friend Sarah and I decided to go to a nearby city to party and have a mini vacation. Sarah is 26, 5’2, Pilipino, long brown hair. I’m 5’7, slim thicc, long brown hair, middle eastern.

As usual, I was in charge of making all the plans for the trip, choosing hotels, restaurants, clubs, etc.

While planning this trip, I remembered years ago when an ex tried to convince me to go with him to a swingers club, but at the time I was very innocent and definitely not comfortable to do so, but it was always a thought in the back of my head any time I visited this city.

One night before our trip, after a couple glasses of wine, I was planning our evenings and I decided to look in to the sex club. There is a $150 annual membership fee, plus entry fees. I figured I would shoot the club a message and see if I could get a deal since we were two young, attractive, women. I figured if we got a deal, great, if not, we wouldn’t go. I ended up getting a response that we could pay a $50 membership for the both of us, and not pay an entry fee, that was all it took for me to decide to go.

I decided to keep this a little secret and did not tell my friend where we were going, just that we should dress sexy. She suspected we were going to a male strip club.

We started predrinking around 9pm, doing our makeup, dressing up, dancing to music. She had no idea what to expect, but she trusts me to always make sure we have a great time. 11pm rolled around, and we took a final two shots, called a cab, and made our way to the club.

The cab pulled in to a residential neighborhood, that had a black painted building at the corner with a red carpet leading up to an unmarked door. We paid our driver, got out of the car, and walked in to the club. Upon walking in, we heard music and chatting and could tell we were in the right place. The coat check/security was a very nice 50something, attractive Lebanese man named Carl. Carl took our coats, checked our vaccine status, and very obviously was happy to talk to us. He told us the party was upstairs, and the bar was downstairs and to go to the bar and ask for Cindy to give us a tour of the club. We were VERY glad we did because that place was easy to get lost in.

We made our way over to the bartender, very obviously drawing attention from everyone else in the bar, and asked for two shots of tequila and Cindy. Cindy, a very sweet petite lady, came over and introduced herself, and then proceeded to guide us up the stairs in to the club. There is no “play” downstairs at the bar, only upstairs so up until now, everything seemed pretty normal. My friend still didn’t know what to expect, and neither did I, to be honest.

Once upstairs, the music was different. Downstairs was more dance music, while the music upstairs was definitely a sex playlist. Cindy gave us a tour, several different rooms with different bed/couch type situations, a very open shower in front of a glass window so people could sit and watch, bedrooms with cages so people could watch, beds in the middle of open spaces and off to the sides, and glory holes. Lots of different glory holes. There was maybe about 40 people in total upstairs, all partaking in some sort of sexual behavior. There was one group of 5 guys surrounding one bed with a woman laying down in the middle of the bed and the men all touching her, kissing her, eating her out, and rubbing her clit. One guy made his way over to her mouth, and very gently, put his cock in her mouth while another began to mount her on the bed, and a third climbed on the bed to slide under her. It was my first time every watching something like this, and I froze. I just stood there in awe of this woman seemingly in pure bliss, and how gentle each man was with her, trying to please her. It took me a moment to realize I had drawn a crowd of my own, about 7-8 men just surrounding me, watching me watch her, all waiting for me to make ANY kind of signal for them to pounce on me; but I wasn’t ready. I asked my friend if she wanted to head back downstairs and get more shots, to which she said yes. While taking our shots downstairs, we noticed two very attractive men in their late 20s walk in, smile/nod at us, and head right upstairs. We ordered two more shots.

About 5 tequila shots in, and I was ready to head back upstairs.

Read part two for the actual action.



  1. That sounds amazing. You make me want to try going to a sex club. Gonna put that on my to do list. ;)

  2. 5 tequila shots! Oh my god you were about to get dizzy with bodies upstairs I imagine!

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