There is nothing going on between Sarah and me [M/F]

Sarah and I work at the same place, but in different departments. She does environmental compliance, making sure that our site is adhering to Federal Laws for pollution and hazardous material discharge. This involves her going out amongst the valves and pipes and pits and physically sampling things. I have more of a desk job, but I do end up in the field, that’s what those of us who sit in an air conditioned office call the jungle of machines, oil and steam out there, the field.
Sarah and I have been friends since I started working here, I actually can’t remember meeting her, I’ve just always known her. I want to fuck Sarah. We get along great, have similar taste in music, laugh at the same stuff. Sarah is attractive. In a regular work environment, she would definitely be considered attractive, but here, where there are so few women, she is an absolute hottie. Her husband John and I work in the same department, and he has recently been reassigned to me, as one of my direct reports. John and I are friends by association, I have always been Sarah’s friend. John and get along just fine, but would never hang out with just the two of us. Me becoming his supervisor has made that even easier.

When we sold our first house, the new house wasn’t ready, it was an unavoidable timing situation. During that period my wife and I lived with John and Sarah, about 4 weeks. Sarah and I talk all the time at work, on the phone, via the work instant messenger, at each other’s work area. We used to ride to and from work together. The fact that we lived with them is well known at the site. Not surprisingly, there are rumors that Sarah and I ‘have something going on.’John and I have talked about the rumors in a joking, but let’s clear the air, sort of way. My wife is the only one of the four of us that doesn’t work at the site, so we had to fill her in on the details. We all laugh about it, because we all know that there is nothing going on between Sarah and me. I want to fuck Sarah.

Sarah and I are both working night shift, John requested to stay on days, it works out better for their child care arrangements if one of them stays on day shift. About two weeks ago Kate asked if I wanted to go off site to get some dinner. I declined, I said I had brought my own food. She said she had also, but she wanted something different, she was tired of the same old thing. So, we go to get food. Sarah and I have eaten together many times, this is no big deal. I want to fuck Sarah. She is in her scrubs, I am wearing khakis, and a button down shirt.
I had to have my car serviced, and the only loaner available was a Z4. I drive a 4 door sedan, this is not my car. John is considering getting one of these cars, a Z4. I invite Sarah to drive it, tell her to have some with it. She says John will be so jealous when he finds out, I make a joke about making our spouses jealous. She drives timidly, doesn’t really get into, and wants me drive. We stop, to switch, and the deep bucket seats cause her to have to work a bit to get out of the car. I see the elastic waist band of her panties stick up from back of her scrub bottoms. It excites me. I want to fuck Sarah. I’m driving, I try to hit 100 on the highway and succeed, she grabbed my arm. We are both hoped up on adrenaline when we get to the burger place. I want to fuck Sarah. Nothing extraordinary happened. We ate, talked about work, our kids, and went back to work.
A few days later she messages me to meet her at her car, she has a CD for me. We make CDs of music we like and exchange them every couple of months, nothing abnormal. We sit and talk for a few minutes, holiday plans, I compliment her on her recent weight loss. She is doing one of those Biggest Loser type weight loss competition with her department. She won’t win, but she did get very lean and toned. That’s when she lifts up her scrub top to show off her flat belly and budding abs. There is a slight gap between her waist band and her body, which is very proud to point out. The mound that sits atop her pussy is almost visible. With more light and a better angle I could have seen some pink.
Some important things to note here:
1. I want to fuck Sarah.
2. I have seen Sarah in a two piece swimsuit.
3. I have seen the tattoo on Sarah’s hip/pelvis that is covered by a two piece swimsuit.
4. If my wife or her husband had both been standing there, no one would have thought twice about Sarah lifting up her shirt.
Sometimes it gets too hot inside of the buildings, and we have to go out and open a hatch on the roof. We open this hatch from inside the building. To access it, you have to climb 170 feet, on a ladder, to 4ft by 4ft platform. This a shit job, and as a Supervisor, I basically have to bribe someone to go up there. But, on this evening, to show my guys the type of leader I am, I will go up and do it. Also, because the building is so dirty, there is a chance that we might let something hazardous escape when we pop the top, someone from environmental compliance has to go up too. And who is on tonight? Sarah, well how about that.
It’s seriously dirty up there. We have to wear anti contamination suites over our scrubs. An anti contamination suit is a fancy way of saying plastic trash bag. It is hot, so hot we have go up to the top of this building and let some heat out. Add to that a second layer of clothes that are designed to not breathe, and a 170 feet climb up a ladder. By the time we reach this tiny platform, we are both dripping with sweat. The quarters are tight, and have to stand close, maybe not as close as we are standing, but it has to be close. I can see sweat running down her neck, into to the top her suit, and I imagine it winding it’s way down her chest, into the valley of her breast, and soaking her bra. I want to fuck Sarah.
I’m hard. I have an erection from thinking about the salty sweat collecting on my friend and coworkers tits. The trash bag suit is thankfully loose fitting, so it’s not obvious that I am hard. Until she brushes past me to take her samples. As her leg drags across my dick, she stops, looks me in the eyes, and then moves again, maintaining eye contact until she is no longer touching me. We continue working, maintaining some kind of body contact the entire time. Occasionally we are positioned just right for me rub it directly on her ass. Unfortunately, we can’t hang out up here dry humping all night, we have work to do. And the heat is getting to be unbearable. When I finally pop the hatch, a chimney effect causes air to rush out of the roof. This strong breeze evaporates the sweat covering our bodies, it gives us both goosebumps. I can’t see her nipples, too many layers, but I know they are rock hard.
We have to remove our anti contamination suites in a special area, it’s a production, takes forever. We have both sweat completely through our scrubs, and need to change. She says she’s heading back to her work area, which is on the the way to my work area, so we walk together. We get to her desk, and she looks around, “no one else is here, but keep a look out just in case.” She pulls off her scrub top. It’s soaked, and so is the tank top she has on underneath, they stick together, and she makes no effort to prevent revealing her sports bra. It covers more than a bikini top, so I have seen more of her flesh than I am seeing right now. But that was swimsuit, at a pool, it’s ok that I saw that. Everyone saw that. This is a bra, and we are at work, and no one is supposed to see this. That’s what makes it so exciting. I’m getting hard again, but Ino longer have on trash bag parachute pants to hide my lust, so I sit. She already has a new scrub top on, and with a perfunctory look around, she removes her scrub pants. Athletic style shorts, I’ve seen women run 5k’s in these, I’ve watched them do squats at the gym in these. This does not qualify as me seeing Sarah in her panties. She hooks her thumb into the waist band of her shorts and pulls the fabric away from her skin, then lets it go. It snaps back against her still wet skin with a sweat spraying pop. Some of the sweat lands on my face, some of it is on my lips, I can’t resist the urge to lick it off. My dick is hard, and hot, sticky against my thy. I adjust myself, and try to make the outline of my cock less visible. All the touching and fondling of it I’m doing just gets me more excited. Thank god I’m drenched, otherwise the pre-cum soaking through my pant leg would be visible. We start talking about weekend plans, and the paperwork we have to do for the job we just did, and I want to fuck Sarah. Right here, right now, on her desk next the picture of her husband. I want the lick the sweat out of her asshole, pinch her nipples until she squeals a little.

I stand up, my dick shouting “look at me! Look at me,” making my pants protrude in a way that is obviously obvious. “I’ll talk to you later, “ I say as I turn and walk away while trying to fix my dick.



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