Finally letting go… (MF)

It’s the night before your trip.

I’ve washed and packed your clothes. You double check behind me. You’ve packed your grooming kit. I double check behind you. Together we pack snacks, your back pack and small trinkets to keep you from being bored. Then we check everything again. Finally having appease our collective OCD tendencies, we have to admit….

You’re ready….

Next we have a quick dinner and a long hot relaxing shower. No sex, no talking even. Just smiling, washing each other and a kiss here and there.

We crawl into bed soon after and automatically move to center. The tv is on, casting shadows throughout the room. Every now and then, the frame is bright enough that I can see your face clearly. I etch closer. You do the same.

“I’m gonna miss you so much honey.”
“I’m gonna miss you so much baby.”

We snicker as the words tumble out at the same time.

We move closer.

The tv light shines across my face, exposing my unshed tears. You draw me into your arms. I move inside your hug. Soaking up the strength and protection it never fails to provide.

“It’s gonna be ok cakey. I’m gonna be ok.”

I take a trembling breath and begin to cry. The sobs wreck through me. I cry in earnest, trying to let go of my concerns and fears. We both travel for work routinely but this time is different. This trip represents a time in our lives when we were not so close, a time where you lay hurt, in pain and I didn’t have a clue. A time where someone gave you the love and care that I didn’t. A time where someone stood at your bedside, supported you, prayed for you, helped you mend and heal. And that someone

wasn’t me…………

You hold me tighter, soothing me, rubbing my arms. But not trying to calm me or quiet me. We’ve discussed this and moved past this mentally….

But not emotionally…..

Once my sobs ease, you stroke my face, wiping away my tears. I kiss your palm and then your lips.

Adrenaline surges through me, turning on my lust and desire. I push you onto your back and climb on top of you.

You move smoothly, never hesitating. You sense my needs, the urgency in my movements and you give yourself to me. You shift slightly beneath me. Grabbing my waist to do so. Then you place your hands on the bed. Staring up at me…in willful submission.

“I love you honey.”

I whisper the words into your lips and then I kiss your face. First your closed eyes, your forehead and nose. Your cheeks and chin and finally your mouth.

My heart races, your chest rises and falls against mine. My nips pull, scraping along your skin.

My lust now front and center. My hands compete with my mouth touching and tasting your upper body everywhere.

I sit up slightly, feeling your leaky dick against my inner thigh. Hard and throbbing. I grab it, stroke it slightly, position it and ease down slowly. My hot, tight pussy quivers immediately. I stare down into your face just in time to see your eyes flutter close. The wetness pooling out of me. I finger your navel. And spread my hand out flat, brushing my nails through your pubic hair.

I arch my back and squeeze my thighs. I concentrate on the juncture connecting us. Feeling your strength pulsate inside of me. Drawing on that strength, feeling myself center. Feeling all the love and safety and security you have and provide to me at the tip of your thick black dick. Knowing and accepting finally that you will be ok.

You know the moment that realization claims me. You sit up, hugging me tightly dick pushing further into my womb. My titties bubble up between us and you lick and suck the top of them.

You grab me around the waist and scoot back until you’ve reached the headboard. Your hands pull my asscheeks up towards my back. Pulling my pussy tighter. I feel your dick jump. My elbows come up on your shoulders. My fingers thread in your hair. You kiss me deeply then whisper softly…

“Ride yo dick baby….”

My back arches as my hips bow and wind. My body motioning like a snake. I grind smoothly, shifting into tight circles feeling the dick on every recess of my pussy. I bounce my ass …softly at first, then harder, faster, louder as my chase begins.

You stare deep into my eyes. Lust drawn into the lines of your face. Enjoying the tug of my pussy as I claim and clamp down on the dick.

The trembling starts as my orgasm begins to crest. You stretch my left asscheek open and stick your right thumb in my asshole. I lean over and bite your shoulder, screaming as wave after wonderful wave carries me away in orgasmic bliss.

I collapse into your chest. Trying to catch my breath. Another realization dawns on me and I stare into your face. A smile creeps across mine.

“Thank you baby….”

You remain against the headboard and cross your legs, cum covered dick and nuts expose. You didn’t cum. You held back to provide me with this last level of calm. I lean down, taking you deeply into my mouth. Sucking the dick, cleaning you. You hug my shoulder, stroke my hair and push up into my mouth. You whisper sweetly

“That’s it baby. Take what you need.”

My eyes flutter close.. The dick is so damn good. Fits my mouth perfectly. Gliding smoothly over my tongue. My nose flairs and my head bobs. The moans unfurling inside of me are inescapable.

And just like that, all my fears are washed away just as you cum down my throat.
