Forbidden Desires-Part 4 M/M

It isn’t raining anymore as I make the trip to Gossip, just a block away from my studio apartment.

Gossip is the only gay bar in Bellingham and it is possibly the straightest gay bar that any member of the LGBTQ community could ever attend. This is due in part to the fact that straight women often find it as a safe haven from the unwanted male gazes, but lately the men have caught on. It’s also one of the only bars/dance clubs that plays actually good music, adding to the place’s attraction to straight clientele.  On multiple occasions I’ve hit on straight men, thankfully they took it with stride and it didn’t end with a black eye or worse.

Because it’s before ten, two hours prior to be exact, there isn’t the entry free of $5. The tables, the pool table, the bar counter, and the dance floor show no signs of Fernando yet and so I take a seat at one of the high rise tables under a purple light.

I look at my phone and it’s one minute till eight. My chest still flutters and mindlessly I browse through Facebook and TikTok to try and take my mind off him. It helps some but not by much, every second I take peaks around and at the door for him, the tall mystery box man.

He’s five minutes late and a part of me tells me to run while another thinks with disappointment that he’s another flake who can see how my body was broken and violated. Maybe that’s why he bought the lunch, because of the big lettered sign that screamed raped.

It’s stupid that I douched, jumping too far ahead and clinging. I scoot back the stool and stand when he sits down with two glasses filled with a blue liquid. He’s dressed in a white button up shirt and a pair of black jeans, both hugging his body smoothly.

“Hey,” he smiles, again blinding me with that perfect smile that produces the cutest and hottest dimples possibly known to man.

“Hey,” I say. “I… got to go to the restroom. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” he says.

In the restroom’s only toilet stall I mentally panic at the realization that he actually showed, that I have to face the mysterious man that some small part of me deep in my unconscious mind screams to run from, sending warnings down my back and making the hairs on the ends of my arms rise up.

My mind wonders if maybe after the rape if it can pick up on the men that take advantage and penetrate with blunt force and no consent. He doesn’t seem like the type of guy to rape, then again niether did the guy who did the unspeakable to me. Maybe though I’m just extremely nervous, after all he seems super kind, he bought lunch and now it looks like he bought drinks. The only weirdness is the foreignness of him, the exotic  voice, coin, the odd named hometown, and lack of knowledge for dietary restrictions. Things that all can be explained away. Perhaps this is all just nerves and shock that such a strange and beautiful man has all of sudden walked in my life the day after Jake took a different guy home that wasn’t me.

After taking a deep breath, I wash my hands and sit back down across the alluring and mysterious Fernando.

Maybe his parents liked Abba. Maybe that is where they got his name. There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright, Fernando.

“Everything okay?” his enchanting voice asks.

“Yeah,” I say, gripping one of the two blue filled glasses. “Thank you for the drink. You really didn’t have to.”

“It’s no problem,” he smiles. “I always meant to try a Blue Hawiian and I figured why not try one with you.”

Fernando places the tip of the straw between his teeth and I look down, realizing that I’m staring, and take a sip. Sweetness washes through me, fresh like rain or wind on a summer day, overpowering and engulfing my tastebuds. I pull away and look up to his green eyes watching me intently, taking me in like a glass of sweet peach tea or a Long Island in the case of one my mom’s sisters. The alcohol is a bit strong, underlining the sweetness, they always pour heavily at Gossip.

“What do you think?” he asks. “Is it good?”

I nod, “I like it alot.”

“Me too,” he blushes. “How did the rest of your work shift go?”

“Fast actually,” I say, taking another sip. “It’s normally busy but slow, it seems, if that makes sense. Actually, I’m not sure if that makes sense at all, but it’s really the only way to describe it. Overwhelming, frustrating, but enjoyable at times.”
    “It makes sense” his eyes sparkle with curiosity. “I feel that way often at many of the jobs I’ve had.”

“Speaking of jobs,” I say, stirring my drink. “What exactly do you do? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“That’s a hard thing to say,” he frowns. “I mainly travel, documenting little tidbits about areas for my village, giving them ideas of new things to try out.”

“Like a college recruiter,” I say. “Except for businesses or whatever for your village.”

“I suppose you could say that. It can be a lot at times but I do enjoy it. I’ve been doing it for two years now actually. So far it’s conjured up a theatre for movies and a donut shop, things that our counsel has never had crossed their minds. We didn’t even have paved roads till last month”

“Interesting,” I say and take another deep drink.

What kind of place is he from? I can’t help but wonder about him more and more and my head screams to run but my heart and cock tell me differently.

I ask him about the places he’s been to so far for his study of places. He mentions Tokyo, Paris, Venice, Seattle, New York, Kansas City, San Francisco, Rome, Mexico City, New Nehli, Rio, and the list goes on. It’s filled with places with names I haven’t even heard of such as small towns in the Middle East and South America. How exactly he has money to travel so extensively from a town that’s never had a donut shop or a theatre is a mystery.

    When our drinks are empty I offer to buy and I end up bringing us back a Moscow Mule, another first for Fernado and he loves it. The lime and vodka kick in on top of the Blue Hawiians creating a buzz as music plays over the loudspeakers in the bar, switching over songs such as Born This Way, Southern Nights, and Made in the USA. Our words melt together as I ask him about his favorite place.

    “It’s a small mountain village in Guatemala known simply as San Juan Atitán Huehuetengo. It’s only accessible by foot or horseback. The people are the happiest I’ve ever seen there. They get all snacks from a small convenient store with a cashier who always smiles and makes crude jokes. How he makes money, I will never know for he always gives the village children free chips, candy, or fresicas.”

    “It sounds amazing,” I say with a head filled with curiosity and wonder. “I’ve always wanted to travel through Central America.”

    “Maybe sometime we can,” he blushes.

    “Want to dance?” I ask. It’s around ten at night and Gossip is in full swing with people streaming in and out of the door.

    “Sure,” he laughs. “But I’m not sure how good I’ll be.”

    “You’ll do fine,” I say with the alcohol doing most of the talking. My hand reaches for his and I lead him off from his stool and into the dancing floor. Multicolors flash across the floor. Pinks, purples, blues, reds, greens, blues, yellows, and oranges dancing across our skins as I place his hands on my hips and my arms around his neck. The DJs mix of John Wayne plays, vibrating the floor and all either of us can do is look into eachothers eyes. My chest is filled to the brim with rustling autumn leaves.

    He pulls me closer as the dance floor fills with more turning bodies and my hands move to lay on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart under them. It’s fast, faster than anything I’ve ever felt in another man.

    “What is it?” he asks me, his  voice tickling my ear.

    “Nothing,” I say and I ponder taking a leap of faith even though my inner being is screaming against it, struggling with everything odd about this man. Finally I decide to do it and ask him, well more tell him.

    “Kiss me,” I say. “Will you kiss me Fernando?”

    He smiles down at me and he leans in, our lips meeting and the room seems to explode around us as my mouth fills with the task of the drinks we’ve had tonight and just under them the hint of his scent of roses and pines as the front our bodies grind against each other. I can feel his erection against my lower abs and no doubt he can feel mine as the crowd pushes him closer and closer.

    To my displeasure, Fernando ends the kiss and watches me. He’s eyes looking deeply into mine as I look deeply into his hypnotic green eyes overwhelmed with everything around and in us.

    “Is that all you want,” he grins.

    I shake my head and swallow. I say, “No, I want so much more.”

    We kiss again and the world spirals with the same pleasure from the first kiss, this time with Lena Del Ray singing over us. After a while, we leave the dance floor and get more drinks, only to return with glasses justling on the dance floor and laughing and smiling into eachothers eyes as the hours peel away and it’s time for closing.

    “Where are you going after this?” I ask him outside the bar.

    “My hotel,” he frowns. “Will you… I hope it’s not too soon to ask this of you because I do want more. Will you join me, Alonso? Unless you work tomorrow.”

    “I’ll just call out,” I tell him.

    “Are you sure?”

    “You’ll be worth it,” I say and kiss him. “Why don’t we just go to my place? It’s a block away.”

    “That’s a better idea, actually.”

            Hand and hand, we walk off to my study, my cock throbbing and my head spinning over what’s about to happen.
