Coyote’s Trick Chapter 5 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Chapters 1 and 2: [](

Chapters 3 and 4:

The phone rang on the coffee table. The women ignored it.

“He’s eighteen. Why isn’t he at school?” Sally slouched in an armchair in Christine’s living room. Her yoga pants were torn and stained green at the knees. Her cashmere sweater had lost a sleeve and was covered in bits of dead leaves. Her hair was a mess, and mascara ran down her cheeks.

“Since Henry’s been gone, I just let James sleep the day away. You know how teenagers are. And he doesn’t get much sleep at night recently.” Christine, sitting naked on her sofa, watched her friend closely. The woman was clearly in the clutches of blessed entropy, a dreamy expression on her normally shrewd face. The phone on the table stopped ringing.

“Oh. That makes sense.” Sally had never felt so relaxed. Her vagina, legs, and arms were sore, yes, but it was the kind of soreness that reminded one of what it was like to use one’s body fully. And to be used fully, as she had been throughout the previous night. “And what happens when Henry gets home tomorrow? He’s not going to let James sleep all day. And he sure as heck isn’t going to let you two … keep doing … you know.”

“Oh, my. You’re right!” Christine put her hands to her cheeks in a pantomime of shock. “Whatever will we do? Jimmy is used to constant pussy, Sally. And Henry would never let his son pound his wife every night. That sort of thing is frowned upon. I guess you’ll have to step up and spread your legs for James in my place.”

“I … um … I …” Sally couldn’t get the image of that young, feral face howling in pleasure as he released his stuff inside her. “Well, I mean … tell me for real what you’ll do about Henry.”

“I’ll deal with that when it happens. I’m not a planner.” Christine stood. “I’m thirsty.”

“Me too. Could I have a cup of coffee?” Sally watched the round globes of her friend’s butt shift and shake as Christine walked into the kitchen.

“No coffee here,” Christine called back from the kitchen. She walked back into the living room holding a large salad bowl filled with water. She placed it on the table. “Chemicals hide in the water we drink. It’s much, much worse than you think. But now look and see what this way comes, the purest form of Kumokum.” Christine lowered her face into the bowl and slurped at the water. Her lank hair fell around the bowl, and her splashing covered the quiet cellphone in a little puddle. The suburban wife and mother looked barely herself when she leaned back, smacked her lips, and let the water drip from her chin onto her breasts.

Somewhat aghast, Sally watched her friend’s savagery. Her gaze fell to the rivulets running their way down the slopes of Christine’s breasts. And then lower still, to the shadow hiding what was between the woman’s legs. “Are you … um … going to make me … go down on you again?” Sally’s phone started ringing.

“Are you so eager?” Christine laughed. “Why don’t you answer your phone and tell your husband to expect you home tomorrow? We don’t want him snooping around the house while you’re getting fucked out of your mind tonight.”

“Um … okay.” Sally reached down and picked up the phone. She hit the answer button and put it up to her ear. “Hello, dear… yes … no, I’m fine.” She put her hand over the receiver as Christine slid to the floor and crawled over the carpet toward her. “What are you doing?” Sally whispered to her friend. The way Christine’s shoulders moved made Sally think of some wild cat. And the predatory smile on the woman’s face did nothing to take away from that impression.

“Shh. Talk to hubby now.” Christine arrived at Sally’s legs and slowly walked two fingers up from Sally’s foot, to her calf, to her thigh, to her belly, and then down under the yoga pants. “You’re still a sticky mess from last night,” Christine whispered. She inserted two fingers.

“Um … no … I’m here … sorry, dear.” Sally’s head fell back on the pillows. Her friend’s fingers were not a long, curved penis, but they felt quite nice wiggling inside her. “No … I’m going to stay another night … ugh … Christine. Well, of course she’s here.” Sally held the phone out in front of her.

“Hello, Bruce. I’m right here and a little blue. Your wife is taking good care of me.” She found the ridges inside Sally’s pussy and rubbed along them gently. The frenetic look she got from Sally in response delighted her. She was going to make her friend cum while on the phone with her husband.

“You see. Christine’s just a bit … under the weather.” Sally brought the phone back to her ear. “But I have to go … there’s … um … chemicals in the water … or … ugh … ugh … something. No … just a game. Bye, love you.” She disconnected the conversation without giving her husband a chance to question the absurd things she said. She looked down at Christine, who was now pulling down Sally’s yoga pants. “He could have heard us.”

“Maybe.” Christine pulled the pants and panties down to her friend’s ankles, and then returned her fingers to the sopping pussy. “But listening to you talk to Bruce made me want to mark my territory.” She dove her tongue down to Sally’s clit.

“Territory? Oh? Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Sally found herself on the receiving end of another enormous orgasm.


The house suffocated James as he walked from his room. Was it a room or a cage? It felt more like the latter. He could hear the easy breathing of sleep coming from his parents’ cage. Naked, his hard cock curved upward and bounced before him. He padded down the hall.

The women were both naked and sleeping on top of the blanket. He could smell them long before he could see them. They had been taking care of each other while he slept. But it was not only the insistent, rawness of sex in the air. There was poison, too. It seemed every artifice in the house expelled a miasma of pollution. He had been breathing this noxious brew his whole life. Without another thought, he picked up the floor lamp in the corner, tore it from the wall, and walked over to the tall windows that overlooked their backyard. The shattering glass was deafening, but the surge of fresh air then enveloped him and relaxed him anew. He turned to see both women sitting up in bed and staring at him. His mother’s face was one of reverence. Sally’s was one of fright.

Sally pulled the sheet up to cover her boobs as she watched the teenager. He looked like a man who had never known the touch of civilization. His shoulders slouched forward and heaved with each ragged breath he took. His dirty, slender body was defined by many small muscles, tensing here and there, at random, it seemed. But most alarming and compelling to Sally was the vicious-looking, curved penis with blue-black veins, standing at the ready. “You just broke your parents’ window.” Sally looked up into his eyes, hoping to find remorse but she saw only hunger.

“Do you carry my pups yet, bitch?” James moved slowly toward the bed.

“Excuse me?” Sally was so far out of her element.

“He wants to breed you again.” Christine patted Sally’s hip and pulled her ass cheek to get her turned onto her belly for James. “It’s best to give him what he wants. I know you’re a sloppy mess down there, he should just slide right in.” Christine got her friend turned over and propped her up with her head down and her white ass up in the air.

“Oh, my. Oh, my.” Sally expected to be afraid like last time, but instead she felt giddy with anticipation. It was like moving to the front of the line for the most exciting rollercoaster in the world. The scent of wild, evening flowers blew in through the destroyed windows.

“Aaaiiioooooooooooooo.” James hopped onto the bed, squatted down behind Sally, and skewered her with his cock. His howl drowned out her wild screams of surprise and joy.

“Aaaiiiioooooooooooo.” Christine howled with her son, ecstatic to be witnessing Sally’s enthusiastic participation as her ass flew back to meet each thrust.

“And now … to drown … in a sea of cum. You belong … to Kumokum.” James ran his fingernails over her delicate back, leaving red lines on Sally’s milky skin. He took a fist full of hair, and pulled her head off the mattress. He needed her to arch her back. She was his bitch, and she would hold her head up high for him.

“Yes … yes … drown me … James.” Stars danced before Sally’s eyes. This is what bodies were made for. Not sitting in front of screens. She was a kinetic animal in love with the idea of fulfilling the promise of her existence, making pups with this feral teenager.

A few hours later, it was Christine’s turn to present her ass for a grand mount by her son. Sally lay in the bed next to them, her eyes blank, her pussy gushing cum. Her tits moved side to side on her chest as mother and son humped next to her.

“Mate … me … Jimmy. Make me … yours … make me …” Christine’s voice trailed off as howling rose off in the distance. She turned her head toward the broken window, listening for something beyond the grunting sounds behind her. There it was again. A faint noise traveling on the wind. First one, then two, then a whole pack screaming about something. The animals were probably howling over a fuck or a kill. She couldn’t tell which. But she knew it was one or the other. What else could elicit such base delight in animals? “Ugh … ugh … listen.” Even as all three strained their ears, James did not relent the torrid pace of his hips.

“Are they calling to us?” Sally sat up on an elbow, her boobs spilling to the side.

“It is … him. The call of … Kumokum.” James pulled out of his mother, jumped from the bed, threw back his head, and howled again. “Get up. Get up!” He slapped his mom’s ass and pulled her from the bed. He then pulled Sally to her feet, too. “We’ll join them.” He watched Christine’s pale butt shake as she ran down the hall and disappeared downstairs.

“In the forest? I can’t.” Sally backed away from James. “This has been … amazing. But I have to get home to Bruce. He’ll miss me.”

James did nothing but lower his head and growl at her. He looked quite monstrous with his horrible cock twitching, and his slumped shoulders heaving with each breath.

“Okay, okay. But let me put on some clothes. It is a gosh, darn forest. I can’t go out there naked.” Sally looked around the room, trying to remember where her tattered clothes were. Had she left them downstairs? A sharp bark, made Sally jump. She looked back on the teenager. She flinched as he barked at her again, backing her into the hall.

“He will not wait for us. Move, bitch,” James barked at her.

Sally turned and ran. Not out the front door as she should have done. But into the backyard. She could see neighbors staring out their back windows, looking curiously at the commotion. To her horror, she found that she was bounding across the grass on all fours. She saw Christine up ahead, her pale silhouette disappearing into the tree line. Next to Sally, James loped on all fours, too. He seemed to be herding her.

“Now we return to Kumokum and start over. Soon everything starts over.” James guided Sally into the woods.

“Aaeeeeiiiioooooooooooo.” Sally surprised herself with the howl as they moved into shadows. She was even more surprised when she was answered in kind from all around.


Henry was entirely befuddled. The house was a mess, with food all over, broken dishes, and broken windows. You name it. It seemed to him like his sweet wife and son had been living like this for some time. “Hello?” He walked through the dilapidated and deserted house. He put his suitcase down in the living room. There were stains all over the carpet, and a particularly bad one on the seat of the armchair. What had happened here?

“Anyone here?” Henry found Christine’s broken phone on the floor. Then he found another phone he didn’t recognize. He tried to power it on, but it was dead, too. “Chrissy? Jimmy?” Henry scratched his head. He feared something terrible and strange had befallen his family. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his own phone. It was time to call the police. Maybe they could tell him what had happened.

