A Tale From My Hussy Days [6]- A Hussy Interrupted [FMM]

*Long story, because that’s how I like it. Also no actual sex happened…unfortunately. Despite the lack of sex, it was an erotic experience for me. It was also a missed opportunity that still makes my hussy heart ache.*

*I was in my 20s, a time that I lovingly call My Hussy Days.*

I lived in a small southern town, which had a descent nightlife despite its tiny population. Choices ranged from neighborhood dive bars, tumble down strip joints, and a couple of honky-tonk dance clubs.

This particular night, I was at one of the dance establishments with my more sexually conservative group of friends, one of them being a mother hen type.

It was a slow night at the club, so I settled into a fun convo with my friends. We were crowded around a tall table top next to the dance floor. I wasn’t looking for any company, so my outfit and makeup were tame, white tank top with short jean shorts, and barely there makeup.

Even though I wasn’t officially out “on the prowl,” I still scanned the crowd for things of interest. I was (and still am) an opportunist. One of my mantras was (and still is) “I get in where I fit in.”

After a couple of drinks and good laughs, I felt eyes on me. It wasn’t a hair on the back of my neck creeping feeling, but a butterflies in my stomach and my nipples getting hard reaction. I loved it when my hussy senses kicked in and my body knew things before my mind could even register the details.

I glanced around the club for a few seconds and caught eyes with two guys about 20 feet to my left. They were posted up on the railing separating the dance floor from the rest of the bar. Both were so gorgeous that I thought I was imagining their existence.

Men weren’t that good looking in my little town, so obviously they weren’t from around here. When I caught eyes with them, they both gave me the same knowing smirks.

I muttered to my friends, specifically Mother Hen, that I was gonna get a refill and dance a little. I took off towards the bar then circled back to the two guys.

I walked up to them with my fresh beer. They were better looking up close. One had blond hair and blue eyes, we’ll call him Brad. The other had dark hair and brown eyes, we’ll call him Johnny. Both had perfect smiles and hair down to their shoulders, yup definitely not from around here.

The banter was easy and flowed from the beginning. I’ve always been a bit of a flirt and so were these guys. They threw out winks and smiles and I raised them batted eyelashes and blushed cheeks. After talking for a couple more minutes, I knew I could have either one of these guys, but the big question…which one?

There was a lull while they both looked me up and down. The dip in conversation wasn’t awkward, but thick with possibility. I stood there and kept my expression coy, but mischievous as always.

Then Brad and Johnny shared a long, knowing look with each other. When they turned to look at me, my heart sped up and my mind went wild with the realization that I could have both at the same damn time. It was a moment that played out in slow motion and to my credit I kept a somewhat descent poker face.

Johnny gave me a soft smile. “How long have you lived here?” His left hand went to my right hip. He didn’t grope or pull. Instead he let the weight of his hand on my body sink in and waited for my reaction. I answered his question and stepped closer. Johnny squeezed my hip.

Without skipping a beat, Brad rested his right hand on my left shoulder and let his touch speak volumes. “How did you end up in this town?” I stepped closer and answered. His thumb snuck under my bra strap and traced my collar bone. And that delicious moment, when a touch slides into a caress, made me so wet. I was ready to be purring for these two men.

Johnny dropped his hand to my bare upper thigh. “That’s cool, what made you decide on that?” His fingertips made small unhurried circles on my skin, which made me imagine how he would tease my pussy until I trembled. I made eye contact, stepped closer and answered. Johnny’s fingertips glided down my upper thigh. When his warm palm made full contact with my skin, I pressed into his touch and his fingers kneaded my thigh in response.

Brad added his other hand to my inner thigh half way between my knee and pussy. Again, he gave me a moment to register the presence of his hand without pressure or urgency. “That’s really brave of you…are you stressed out alot?” I turned to give him eye contact, stepped closer and answered. His left hand skimmed across my leg until his whole hand held my inner thigh firm and his index finger crept underneath the hem of my jean shorts. Brad’s right hand massaged my shoulder and pulled me closer.

Johnny kept the conversation going with a casual tone. His left hand slid around my thigh and his fingers teased the delicate skin below my ass cheek. The patience in his touch lured me deeper into the moment. Johnny took my right arm into his right hand and pulled me closer.

Our faces were inches apart and they took turns whispering into my ear. I ached for one of them to kiss my neck. Neither did, both just teased me by grazing a tip of a nose along an ear lobe or letting a sigh of breath add heat to the delicate skin behind my ear.

I sunk into their touch and masculine voices that never lost their soothing cadence. Their hands stroked, rubbed and massaged me with distinct variations. Brad’s touch was heavy, soothing, and focused on easing me into a comforting sensual experience. In stark contrast, Johnny used his finger tips to explore and search for all the spots that made my breath catch.

I never made a move to touch them back. I kept my beer in one hand, while these two gorgeous men touched and stroked my body until every part of me became sensitive. Our chat never got into salacious territory, rather it was pleasant and innocent. Their hands never grabbed or groped my ass, tits, or pussy. We all knew there would be plenty of time for that later.

Needless to say, I was sold on whatever these guys had in mind. I stood there and enjoyed every second while they lavished me with their caresses.

However, a girl can only take so much stimulation before losing track of conversations and surroundings. Before the conversation turned to logistics, I heard my “friend” the Mother Hen shout, “What the fuck?” And before I knew it a hand yanked me out of my blissful cocoon.

This Mother Hen made a scene and chased my would be lovers away. It all happened so fast that I was still in shock by the time the scene ended.

Mother Hen and I bickered back and forth all night and the days and weeks that followed. We made an awkward amends, but I still hate that bitch.

*If you’ve made it this far. Thanks for taking the time to read my story. Sorry there was no sex, but trust me you aren’t as sorry as I was (and still am) about it.*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/pih5im/a_tale_from_my_hussy_days_6_a_hussy_interrupted