Wife’s friend helps with their marriage part 8 [MF+FF] [Sharing]

Susan: Hey baby! How’s your evening going?

Rob: Good thanks, Mark has drunk way too much as usual! He’s making a tit of himself with a group of girls far too sober for him.

Rob: I think they are stringing him along for kicks.

Susan: Ha ha. A group you say, you should go be his wingman!

Rob: lol

Susan: I’m serious, go and have a flirt. Enjoy yourself.

Rob: It wouldn’t feel right without you here. Besides he is totally hammered.

Susan: You’re only flirting! No harm, and it isn’t like you’re doing it behind my back.

Rob: I’ll see. How is Jane… you guys “having fun” ;)

Susan: She’s good. And not yet, but I hope so later xx

Rob: Me too, you can tell me about it when I get home.

Susan: Get this though, remember the lonely friend? The one she sent pics and a video of me to, in the hotel room?

Rob: Yeah, still not sure that was wise to let her, you don’t even know who he is.

Susan: It’s cool, I trust her, don’t you?

Rob: I suppose so. Yes, ok you’re right, I trust her too.

Susan: Anyway, she fucked him on Monday. Turns out he’s from her work, they went for a few drinks, they watched our video and looked at the pics and… boom cheeka wa wa!

Rob: You’re like an 8-year-old. Who goes out on a Monday lol

Rob: But wow ok. I think that makes me a bit jealous, is that wrong?

Susan: I know right weirdos! Me too. I told her that and she said she likes that it made me feel that way.

Susan: Nothing serious she says though, just a friends with benefits type gig. I suspect she was doing him a favour; not like she can’t come round ours and fuck us any time she wants!

Rob: Hey! I’m not that easy!

Susan: PMSL, yeah right! She asked me if we minded. If we wanted her to be exclusive?

Rob: lol she wants to ‘go steady’ with us. I don’t know, do we, is that fair on her?

Susan: I was feeling the same. I’m a little jealous, but I want us to all have fun and that includes her.

Susan: I think if we are all honest, and don’t hide anything?

Rob: Yeah. Permission absolutely not required but honesty is?

Susan: Ok, I’ll tell her that. Now go and flirt with those girls! xx

Rob: Hi!

Susan: Hey you, still out? It’s late.

Rob: Yeah, what you up to?

Susan: We’re in bed… after ;) Mind if I stay here tonight? We’re cuddling and I don’t want to go out in the cold.

Susan: She says hello.

Rob: Not at all, glad you’re having fun. Give her a kiss from me.

Susan: Where?

Rob: Wherever she wants.

Susan: How is Mark doing, still standing?

Rob: He left a while back. I went over like you suggested with a couple of the others, but Mark was too far gone and left.

Susan: So you crashed and burned?

Rob: Knock it off with the 80s movies references.

Rob: Not exactly, he left, the rest of us stayed. The girls are fun. They’re all medics, on a night out for a leaving do.

Susan: Are fun, so you still in the club with them?

Rob: Jo asked us back to her flat so we’re doing shots in her kitchen

Susan: “Jo asked” Oy I said you could flirt lol :)

Rob: I’m good at flirting!

Susan: Yes you are x

Rob: I think she likes me, she keeps touching my leg and sitting close lol the guys are giving me funny looks.

Susan: Jane wants to know if she is hot? She says take a picture.

Rob: She is hot. I’m not taking her picture! I might try and set her up with Gav.

Susan: She says spoil sport.

Susan: Jane says I’ve to tell you to try and kiss her, see what she does.

Rob: What? No, I can’t do that.

Susan: I don’t mind, it’ll be fun. I want to see if you can pull her.

Rob: Isn’t that crossing a line, you are not here and this isn’t Jane.

Susan: I know this very well because we are both reading your messages lying naked together in her bed!

Rb: Nice, what is she doing?

Susan: I’m on my back, she’s curled up next to me with her leg resting over my thighs, her head is on my chest so she can see the screen too. She’s stroking my breasts.

Susan: lol she just kissed your profile picture at the top of the screen – she says to tell you that she loves you.

Susan: Go on, she wants you to try, we both do.

Rob: I love you both. I’m not sure. Is that not a step to far, with a stranger?

Susan: Are you saying you don’t want to?

Rob: If I said that it would be a lie.

Susan: So do it already, tell us how it goes.

Rob: Ok back, I really hope you’re cool with this.

Susan: Go on…

Rob: After your last text, I went back to her. I told her I was married, I’m wearing my wedding ring so she knew, but I didn’t want to come across as some asshole.

Susan: You better be wearing it!! She was flirting with a married man, she knew what she was doing.

Rob: I told her you wanted me to kiss her.

Susan: You told her we’d discussed it! What did she say?

Rob: She kissed me, we made out for like 10 mins.

Rob: By the time we stopped everyone else had left the kitchen lol

Susan: Is she a good kisser?

Rob: Yes

Susan: So why you texting us, kiss her more if you enjoyed it.

Rob: I told her that I liked her, but you needed to know what was happening, I wasn’t going to cheat on you.

Susan: and…

Rob: She thinks it is “kinky” that she’s with me and you’re getting updates alone at home.

Rob: I didn’t tell her about Jane, that is our secret.

Susan: Ok.

Susan: lol, Jane just said “tell him to try and see her tits.”

Susan: If you want to, that is ok with me.

Rob: You sure?

Susan: Yes, but come back and tell us what happens

Rob: ok

Rob: Well that was fun, want some details?

Susan: You’ve been gone ages. Of course we want details!

Rob: We made out a bit. I got a feel over her clothes which she seemed to enjoy. Her breasts are not huge, but they are lovely and soft.

Rob: I tried sticking with the winning tactic and flat out told her you wanted to know what her breasts were like.

Rob: She pulled away and took her top off over her head. She had on a black push up bra, she says they are B cups, but she’s quite petite so they look perfect. She then took her bra off and told me to have a taste.

Susan: Mmmm, what did they feel like in your mouth?

Rob: Amazing, they are so soft and her nipples were already hard. I sucked them for ages, she really likes it apparently.

Rob: After a bit we made out again then get this, “what does your wife want you to do to me next?” Seriously…

Susan: Oooh, so she wants to play does she. Hang on here is Jane…

Jane: Hello stud, you’ve been busy! Having a fun night?

Rob: Yes, you? Managed to drag yourself away from my wife?

Jane: Lovely evening so far, she’s made me cum twice already, you should be proud! But things sound like they’re about to get even more interesting.

Jane: You going to be a good boy and do what we tell you?

Rob: Of course, as long as everyone is comfortable

Jane: Ok, where are you both now?

Rob: We’re sitting in the kitchen on a sofa, she is next to me waiting.

Jane: Can she see the phone?

Rob: No but she’s asking what ‘my wife’ wants us to do, she’s stroking my leg I think she is getting impatient.

Jane: Make out with her again, don’t want her losing interest, touch her breasts with your hands as you do. Come back in a few minutes

Rob: She liked that, but “we already did that”.

Jane: Ok, so she wants to move it along, where are the others?

Rob: Living room I think, we can still hear them but only just.

Jane: What’s she wearing?

Rob: Nothing on top, skirt below and tights.

Jane: Tights or stockings?

Rob: Wow, she showed me. Hold ups! She has gorgeous legs and a pair of black lacey panties on under her skirt. The exposed flesh above the stockings before the panties is such a turn on.

Jane: Whoa calm down stud! Undo your trousers and tell her to take your cock out and slowly stroke it while you make out again, come back in a few minutes.

Rob: She has an amazing technique, her hands are so soft and she knows how to work me.

Jane: She still doing it?

Rob: Yes

Jane: Good. Susan is touching me too; she has two fingers in me. It feels so nice.

Rob: :)

Jane: Ask her to dance for you and to take off her panties, nothing else.

Rob: She is a good dancer, she was touching herself, squeezing her breasts and teasing me. She had my cock between her ass cheeks at one point.

Jane: I wish I’d seen that, think she’ll do it again and let you film her for us?

Rob: She says no.

Jane: Smart girl!

Jane: Go down on her, make sure she cums.

Rob: Wow, that was amazing. I think the others heard her, they were laughing when we stopped.

Jane: Details?

Rob: She climbed on my lap, we kissed a bit, then she rolled us over so she was on top. She worked her way up so I was under her skirt and she covered my head with it. She sat on my face while I ate her for like 15 mins

Jane: Did she cum?

Rob: She says, “Yes it was a really nice deep one” She says to tell you, you are a lucky girl.

Jane: Good boy, “really nice” is good for someone you didn’t know 2 hours ago. And I know ‘we’ are!

Jane: Is she shaved?

Rob: Yes, totally, and she got so wet my face is soaking, she kept grabbing my hair and pushing me into her harder.

Rob: As I typed that she said “Hurry up” and started sucking my cock.

Jane: Do you want to fuck her?

Rob: Only if Susan says so, this has already gone further than I planned.

Jane: She says yes, you can fuck her, but you have to use protection and you can’t stay the night. Those are the rules.

Rob: Jo has some in her room, she’s gone to get them, she wants to do it in the kitchen

Rob: I think she is disappointed I can’t stay, but she says this is kinky and she understands why, so she doesn’t want to stop. I feel a bit like I am using her if I just leave?

Jane: You’re being honest, more honest than most men would be! Nobody is forcing her to do anything she doesn’t want to, she could ask you to leave.

Rob: She’s kneeling between my legs putting the condom on me.

Rob: She asked how you want me to fuck her?

Jane: Susan says she wants you to be loud so the others hear.

Rob: That could make it awkward for work next week, they know I am married.

Jane: You said you’d be a good boy and do as your told…

Rob: She is doing this just to embarrass me!

Jane: You’re the one getting to fuck a hot stranger when you’re married… if you don’t like the terms…

Rob: Ok ok. Jo says if I want her to be loud she’s up for that, she says she likes it rough.

Jane: I like this girl!

Jane: Is there a table?

Rob: Yes

Jane: Help her up, start kissing her and walk her back to the table as you do. When you get there lift her up onto it and get inside her. Be all nice and tender.

Jane: Once you’ve been in her for a bit, turn on the rough.

Jane: Pull out, flip her over and force her down onto the table face first, pull her hair, hold her down, lift up her skirt, rail her from behind like you did to Susan on the desk in the hotel.

Jane: Make her cum, then keep going until she cums again before you do. My guess is the second one will be loud.

Rob: :D

Jane: While you do that, I’m going to find something in my toy cupboard and see if I can make your wife scream. Speak soon.

Rob: Wow… that was amazing.

Rob: Jane you there?

Susan: Hi it’s me back again x Sorry I was “busy”. You have fun with Jo? Tell us all about it.

Rob: I did like you asked. It was awesome, thank you so much. I love you x

Susan: I love you too. Was she loud?

Rob: God yes, everyone heard us. One of her friends came through to see what was happening then ran back out laughing. The guys will be a nightmare at work on Monday.

Susan: Ha ha. Did you make her cum twice as promised?

Rob: Yes, first took a while, second was very quick after first and louder.

Susan: Did you cum, first time with a condom in ages?

Rob: Yes but not in the condom. When I said I was about to cum she pushed me off and got on her knees. She took it off me and made me cum on her chest. I hope that is ok?

Susan: Yes of course that is ok, condom was for your protection that is all. That is so hot.

Rob: She let me take one picture for you, doesn’t show her face but shows her tits covered in my cum. Here you go…

Susan: Wow nice rack, you’re one lucky guy to have a wife that lets you fuck a girl that hot! Tell her I said she looks beautiful with my husband’s cum on her.

Rob: She says thank you.

Susan: Tell her I’m sorry but you need to leave now. Ask her for her number and maybe the three/four of us could meet up some time if she is interested?

Rob: She’s up for that. I’ve got it.

Susan: Get a cab round to Jane’s we’ll leave the back unlocked. We want to reclaim our man. Don’t forget to kiss her goodbye from me.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ph4qws/wifes_friend_helps_with_their_marriage_part_8


  1. You keep the surprises coming. I imagined that if there was going to be another player at this party, it would be a man. I like surprises.

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