Fucking the landlords son. [FM]

I was working in a care home as a nursing assistant, doing the night shift earning extra money to help ease my way through university. I’d just finished my shift and was heading back to the house I shared with three other girls, I wanted to try and get a few hours sleep before my afternoon lectures.

I had my key in the lock when I heard someone call my name, I looked back and saw Todd waving at me. Todd was tall, very tall, close to six and a half feet. He had short dark hair and a moustache, he was okay to look at. A shave would move him into solid 7/10 territory. Todd also happened to be the son of our landlord.

As he explained to me that his dad needed him to do some work in the house that day, I noticed him eyeing me up. At 21 I was five foot two in bare feet, I wore my dark hair tied back in a ponytail and skinny, I doubt I weighed much over a hundred lbs. having just finished work I was still in my uniform. It wasn’t anything tantalising, a light blue knee length tunic style dress, fastened at the from with poppers.

I let Todd into the house and went to the shared kitchen to make myself a sandwich. I heard Todd using the shared landline and made a mental note to get him to chip into the kitty for that. He came into the kitchen to make a cup of tea while I was finishing my sandwich.

“You’re just going to help yourself to whatever you want in the house?”

“Why not, my dad owns it!”

He laughed at me and we shared a bit more back and forth banter. I left him drinking his tea and went to my room, I passed Tammy in the hall. I told her about Todd doing some work in the house, she wasn’t bothered as she was then leaving for a lecture.

In my bedroom, I stripped out of my uniform and got into bed in just my underwear, nothing fancy just plain white cotton panties and bra. I tossed and turned for a few minutes, but I couldn’t get comfortable so I rolled over and pulled Mr Pink out of my bedside table. Mr Pink was my favourite vibrator, an old faithful friend if you will. I just wanted a quickie to help me relax so I set his ears to warp speed 3 and let his rampant vibrations tease my clit through my panties. Seconds away from my release a horrendous noise tore through the house, ruining my moment.


I shot out of bed, shrugged into my tunic and ran into the hall. Holding my uniform closed with one hand, I soon spotted the cause of the noise, Todd was using an electric drill to take the bannister off the wall. He was halfway up the stairs looking up at me. Realising I was showing more than I should, I used both hands to close the gaps in my nurses dress.

“What the fuck Todd! I’m trying to sleep.”

“Not my problem, all work has be done during normal hours. You signed the lease, you deal with it. Shoulda slept last night.”

I stomped into the bathroom fuming, fuck Todd and fuck his fucking lease. I splashed some water on my face. I calmed down, getting a grip on my temper. That damned drill sounding louder as he worked his way up the stairs. As my anger cooled another part of me got hotter. My clit felt like it was on fire, I knew my pussy was wet and could feel a slow throb from between my legs, a sullen reminder that my fun had been spoilt.

Fucking Todd! fuck Todd… fuck… Todd… Fuck Todd? I smirked at my reflection. I stripped out of uniform and underwear, I put my uniform back on, covering my nudity. Doing just enough poppers to expose a generous amount of chest. I left my underwear on the bathroom floor and stepped out onto the landing. Todd was nearly at the top of the stairs. I noticed his eyes widen as he spotted me, I couldn’t help myself, I posed for him for a second, before heading back to my bedroom. I left the door open.

“Todd,” I called “I left something in the bathroom, could you get it for me please.”

I waited by my bed, within seconds Todd was stood in the doorway, he had my underwear in his hand. His chest was heaving, I could tell he was breathing hard. He shut the door behind him.

“So you help yourself to ‘everything’ in the house?”

I undid the remaining poppers, letting my uniform hang open, giving him a tantalising glimpse of my neatly shaved pussy. I lifted my hands to my my breasts, opening my uniform wider as I ran my fingers around my nipples. I told him to strip, he did so willingly, revealing that he was more out of shape than I thought. His cock was standing to attention, it was okay looking, nothing out of the ordinary, distinctly average in every way.

I dropped my uniform to the floor and moved to him, I grasped his cock with one hand and pulled him to the bed. I dropped to my knees as he sat on the edge of the bed and went to town on his cock with my mouth. I licked his shaft up and down, sucking on his balls while rubbing him with my hand. I managed to take his whole cock into my mouth without choking, a first for me. I grabbed a condom from the bedside table and pushed Todd back down to the bed.

I opened the condom and gave Todd a wink. I knew I could take the length of his cock into my mouth, so i positioned the condom carefully in my mouth and used my lips to fit it over his cock. He tried to grab my head, I ducked out of his way and grabbed his wrists, pinning them to the bed as I straddled him. My pussy spread easily around him as I lowered myself on to his cock.

I started riding him slow, his hands still pinned by mine, my hips rising and falling, taking his length inside me over and over. I sped up, bouncing up and down on his cock with reckless abandon. Todd was trying to help where he could, lifting his hips to meet me coming down, his grunts mingling with mine. I felt him cum, his cock pulsing inside me as I rode him. He moaned and went limp, no longer struggling against me. I kept going, riding his cock for another few seconds till I could cum myself.

The flush of pleasure washing through me, leaving me laid on him, weak but satisfied.
I rolled off him and let him remove the condom. I got myself under the covers, still riding the pleasure high.

“Don’t let me stop you getting back to work.”

I watched as he got dressed and left my bedroom without a word. I felt a little bad about using him, but I was sure I’d get over it and I didn’t want him thinking that this would happen again. I rolled onto my side and even the awful noise of his drill couldn’t stop me drifting off into a contented little sleep.

I woke a few hours later, Todd had left after fitting a new bannister. I got dressed and went to class. Just another day.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pgpfoy/fucking_the_landlords_son_fm

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