Relax [Seduction] [Control] [Praise Kink] [Cunnilingus]

“I want to take care of you” 
Upon hearing this Amir remained silent, continuing to eat his meal.
“I can see the confusion in your eyes Amir” words spoken sweetly by Nakira, the woman he has been dating for a few weeks. Nakira, undeterred, spoke again.
“When you’re finished with dinner I want to show you what I mean”
Various thoughts ran through his mind. He had no idea what she meant. “How does she want to take care of me?”, Amir thought. 
They finished dinner in relative silence. The evaporating sounds of silverware tapping plates couldn’t alleviate the anticipation in the air. Nakira stood to clear her plate then moved to store the remaining food. Amir jumped up, “Here let me get that, I should do something since you cooked.”
Nakira stopped shuffling the food into the container to face Amir. Her striking eyes captured Amir’s attention. “You’re my guest. Just relax.” as she playfully tugged his neck towards her. The intimate closeness ended as quickly as it began when Nakira returned to storing the leftovers. 
Amir felt uneasy. He was raised to have good manners, to be respectful especially when it came to women. Sitting down and watching tv didn’t feel right. He stayed behind Nakira watching as she cleared the table and counters. 
“I can wash the dishes,” Amir thought. He didn’t wait to give Nakira an opportunity to refuse. He unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt to roll up his sleeves. The sudden sound of water flowing from the faucet caused Nakira to turn around. Dishes clinked around the sink as he meticulously washed each one. Nakira didn’t realize she was staring. Watching the muscles in his forearms flex to accommodate his actions. She felt voyeuristic watching as the dishes disappeared from the sink. 
“So you’re a non-believer” Nakira spoke out loud to Amir. 
“Do you mean like God or something?” asked Amir.
Never one for superfluous explanations, Nakira took action. Without answering his question Nakira moved behind Amir, wrapping her arms around his waist. He was trapped and they both knew it. With soap suds all over his hands and arms Nakira knew he couldn’t turn around to stop her. 
“Earlier I said I wanted to take care of you and I wanted you to relax.”
Amir didn’t speak a word while listening intently. 
“You know I’ve had a hard time holding myself back.” Nakira continued “When I first laid eyes on you I thought it would be great to conquer you. Have you in my bed until I become bored then toss you to the side like the others. You deserve more than that.”
Amir could feel the pace of his heart hasten as she spoke. He wanted to be a respectful gentleman. Nakira was bringing out another side of himself he couldn’t recognize. He was immediately drawn to her. Her enigmatic smile intrigued him. Her eyes, seductive and vulnerable, stoked his curiosity. When she spoke her voice took command of his mind blocking any sound she didn’t create. She was the first woman to stir these feelings of wanton desire within his soul. He was more than willing to admire her from afar, terrified of being enraptured by Nakira. As Amir attempted to defuse these thoughts in his mind he felt Nakira unbuckle his belt, removing it from every loop. Placing the belt on the table she turned back around to once again face Amir’s back. 
“What are you doing?” Amir asked.
Nakira refused to answer, instead choosing to reply, “ If you want me to stop, let me know and I will. Understood?”
Amir wanted to see where this would lead. He nodded his head following it up with a deep voiced “Uh huh” to confirm he understood. Nakira smiled knowing each thought in his mind was about her. This was the fourth time he was washing the same dish. Amir looked down to see Nakira’s hands unbuttoning his pants. His growing erection threatened to burst free from the cloth of his boxers at any moment. Nakira’s hands lightly grazed the hardness of Amir. A shiver of excitement coursed through his body giving rise to a soft moan.
“I’ve never made that sound before.” thought Amir.  
“Put down the plate Amir.” commanded Nakira
Quickly placing the plate back into the sink Amir attempted to rinse the soap from his hands.
“No you can’t rinse your hands yet.” Amir was puzzled as he complied. 
“I’ll at least turn off the water and dry my hands,” he stated.
“You can turn off the water but you can’t dry your hands.”
Turning off the water Amir turned to face Nakira, keeping his hands outstretched. He didn’t want to stain her clothes with his wet hands. Nakira’s beauty was effortless however, it was clear she took time to further accentuate her beauty for Amir tonight. 
“I’m sure the concept of someone taking care of you is foreign” Nakira said “I want to show you how good it feels.”

Amir was emotionally stripped with Nakira. She spoke as if they’ve known each other all of their lives. She was always right about him. Besides his family he hadn’t experienced being taken care of. In his prior relationships he was the one to put forth all of the effort, financially, emotionally, sexually, mentally, and romantically. Each relationship ended with him being dumped for a more domineering man. Somehow it was always misconstrued as him being a weak beta male despite his imposing physique. 
Nakira grasped the unbuttoned fabric of Amir’s pants to lead him to her sofa. She took her time to guide him as he took a seat.
“Comfortable?” she asked
Nakira hiked her dress to her knees as she straddled Amir’s lap. Without a single word Nakira kissed Amir. His surprise was short lived as he allowed Nakira to part his pining lips with her tongue. 
She directed his arms around her waist. Amir’s fruitless attempts waned as Nakira wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to his chest. 
His infinite thoughts ceased. Within this moment she was all that existed in this world. No longer concerned with the dried suds, his hands rambled along Nakira’s backside. The pressure of her body on his own had a spellbinding effect. His senses inebriated by the light citrus scent of her perfume reminded him of Spring. His vein mapped hands liberated from his mind gripped her ass with dominant neediness. Nakira’s winding hips on his lap made the throbbing of his hardness deliciously unbearable. Without a word Nakira’s movements halted unexpectedly.. Breaking their kiss and his hungry hold on her backside she stood before him. Reaching behind her back, Amir could hear the familiar sound of a zipper becoming undone. In one motion the elegant dress which perfectly concealed the unfathomed beauty of her body fell to the floor. She stood proudly in front of Amir as he attempted to commit each curve to memory.
“Touch me”, Nakira quietly voiced.
Amir’s sober mind fought desperately for the safety of control. 
“Don’t think, touch me”, Nakira whispered 
The subtle shakiness of her voice was undeniable. Pushing those intrusive thoughts from his mind he acquiesced to Nakira’s vulnerability.

Moving towards the edge of the sofa Amir laid his hands around Nakira’s left ankle. The outline of her shapely legs was magnetic, enticing him to continue towards her calf with his hands stopping mid thigh. As his head lifted Nakira found herself engrossed by his alluring eyes. Taking this cue Amir followed a new instinct. Maintaining their visual engagement he placed a kiss in the shallow valley above her knee followed by another creating a trail towards her hips. Nakira finally broke their gaze, exposing a fracture in her seemingly placid demeanor. Amir stood his hands traveling to her waist drawing her close.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, searching for any inconsistency between her expressions and words. 
Taking a deep breath slipping back into her standard aloofness Nakira responded, “Let’s continue.”
The coolness of her response gave Amir a goal. One he never thought a gentleman would have. He wanted to obliterate her unpredictable icy disposition. From the moment they met she showed glimpses of another side. The way she sunk into his hugs after a few moments of resistance. The way she attempted to calmly run into her house, slightly tripping on a step after their first kiss. The way she looked off to her left tucking a curl behind her ear when he smiled at her unexpectedly. 
She was different from the others. Only he saw these cracks in her veneer. 
“Remember how you said you wanted to take care of me?” Amir asked as he placed kisses on her body. 
Nakira didn’t respond. With eyes shut she held her bottom lip between her teeth to stop moans from escaping. Her hands balled up by her sides as if to prevent herself from involuntarily running through Amir’s hair. 
He continued to place kisses on places she didn’t know existed while he silently raised to his feet. As if she was the Sun and he was a planet he orbited her body with his own until he was positioned behind her. A well placed kiss to the back of her neck caused Nakira’s eyes to open. 
She motioned to speak when Amir took her earlobe gently between his teeth. Waves of electricity pulsed through her body shutting down any attempts for her to ask questions. 
“We’ve passed the point of asking questions right Nakira?” Her ears drowned in the euphonious tones of Amir’s voice, his words flooded her mind. 
He let the pants she unbuttoned fall to the floor and stepped out of them. His hands gently placed on her waist. 
“I’m going to let you take care of me as you requested.”
“What do you-”
“Remember no more questions.” Amir teased as he guided Nakira to the kitchen. 

“Please turn on the water for me” 
His respective dominance evoked Nakira’s response without protest. Turning on the tap she tested the temperature with her own hands. 
Amir drew closer to her body pressing his erection into her backside. He felt her tense up in anticipation. 
He shook his hands in front of her. A silent request for her to rinse the dried soap from his hands.
Grabbing his hands she moved them under the water. Taking care to rinse between his fingers and under his nails. 
“You’re such a good girl taking care of me like this.” Nakira continued to wash Amir’s hands seemingly unaffected as he continued.
“I really appreciate you being so thorough as you rinse my hands.”  Nakira remained silent. 
“You deserve a reward.” Amir placed his hands on the edge of the sink while he lowered his lips to the crook of her neck. Letting his tongue traverse the smoothness of her skin he felt her tremble slightly under him. He found what he was looking for. Taking his tongue over the same spot Nakira grabbed Amir’s forearms to brace herself. Struggling to quell her growing moans she held her lip between her teeth once again. 
Amir couldn’t hold back anymore. He needed to see more. Quickly he wrapped one arm around her waist. Once she was secure in his grasp his free hand settled perfectly on her throat. A presence which was just enough to be threatening yet comforting. 
It was barely possible for Nakira to stifle her sounds. 
“Before I even touch you I know you’re wet for me.” The warmth of Amir’s breath on her moistened skin and the confident seduction of his voice overwhelmed her in the best ways possible. She was desperate to regain her composure, she needed to break free from his grasp. 
“I haven’t given you your reward yet. It’s only fair since you are taking such good care of me.”
Nakira grabbed the edge of the sink. Amir placed his hands on the sink outside of hers. 
“Turn around for me Key.”
She complied, turning to face Amir. “He must be insane, no one calls me Key.” she thought defiantly.
Before she could speak her thoughts to life Amir peered into her eyes distracting her as his lips arrived at her ear. 
“I hope you don’t mind me calling you Key.” Amir’s whisper continued longingly “I thought it could be a cute name reserved for my use only.”
She felt herself weakened by the sincerity and slight touch of his words on her. The look in his eyes begging her not to reject him. The same look which drove her initial request to take care of him. He was different. He saw beyond the aloofness she clung to for protection. He helped her to feel comfortable with her achievements, praising her confidently. A gentle man who protected her. She didn’t have to ask, this was who he was. She saw another side to him no one else could see.
Her silent nod reassured him this was his name for her. Only his. Without a single word Amir pulled back creating space between their bodies and kissed Nakira deeply. He wanted her to feel his intentions through this one kiss. He didn’t want his obvious arousal to intrude on this moment. 
Nakira raised her hands to touch his face. She wanted to confirm he was actually there. Could this be some elaborate dream? The realness felt like an illusion. 
Amir reached behind Nakira to turn off the water, breaking the kiss in the process. 
“No one cares about the water running in a dream.”
“Good thing this isn’t a dream. Come with me.”

Amir guided Nakira to the sofa. As she was about to sit Amir stopped her and said “I hope you will continue to take care of me.”
She leaned in perceiving this as an invitation to pick up their kiss. Amir leaned towards her ear again instead, “Can’t forget your reward now.”
Amir lowered himself to his knees. Looking up at Nakira he slowly extended his tongue. She watched waiting to see where he would end up. He licked the material of her panties hiding an oasis he wanted to explore. She started to move, guessing incorrectly this was a signal to help. 
“Uh uh you don’t do anything. You’ve been such a good girl Key so let me.”
She glued her hands to the sides of her thighs while stoically staring at the wall. 
“Keep your eyes on me Key.”
She looked down watching his tongue trace the outline of her lips. He teasingly licked and lapped at the growing wetness on the silky material. 
“I want all of your attention.”
Sensational torture was the only way to describe the way he applied and denied pressure. His hands at his sides refusing to indulge her with his touch. He wanted no distractions. 
His teeth tugged at the material hugging her waist, slowly bringing her panties to the floor. 
“Hold on to me and step out of your panties.”
Despite her inexperience with obedience she hurried to comply. Not rushing towards the feel of his tongue but to fulfill his request. For him to call her name, to praise her. 
“Very good Key. You’re so well behaved for me.”
Nakira didn’t question why she wanted to please him so badly. For possibly the first time in her life she wanted to be led and not make a single decision. She wanted him to see her. 
He rewarded her by running his hands on the back of her calves slowly rising up to her thighs. He lifted her left leg placing it on his shoulder. Taking time to caress her thigh with a feather touch, grateful to worship her submission. 
“Do you enjoy it when I touch you Key?”
His hand continued to rise past her thigh to find her ass, his lips placing a kiss on an ignored spot of her inner thigh.
“Key, do you know how many times I have stopped my hands? I don’t think the number exists.”
The low rumble of his voice intensified the throbbing between her legs. Feeling his hands on her body, constant vocal vibrations against her skin, staring into his eyes was all pulling her deeper into him. He seemed to be a meek and unsure gentleman. She never imagined these thoughts ran through his mind. 
“I’m going to make you overdose on me tonight.” His index finger parted her lips purposefully avoiding her begging clitoris. 
“I hope you don’t mind, that calmness and self control you have is going to fall with me.”
Amir withdrew his finger and sucked it clean of her juices.
“You’re going to cum on my tongue. Matter of fact you’re going to cum until you stop depriving me of your sounds.”
Before she could register what he meant Nakira felt his tongue inside of her. Filling himself on the essence pouring onto his lips. His moans, breaking through the sounds made by his energetic tongue. Nakira raised her hands to her mouth in a habitual manner. Amir was done talking. He wanted to hear her. His tongue swirled over the flesh he methodically neglected. Her dripping juices he hungrily feasted upon and his saliva slicked her throbbing clitoris. Each pass of his tongue stirred a crescending wave within her, the texture of his taste buds adding to the sensation making her lose balance. 
“Please I can’t take it”
Amir swept her leg on his right side onto his shoulder. Cradling her in his arms he continued the dance between his tongue and her clitoris as he placed her on the sofa. Finally he stopped. 
Nakira still hadn’t released the sounds he wanted. 
“This isn’t going to work.”

Nakira started, “Amir it’s not you-” 
Disregarding the end of her sentence Amir stood up and began roaming aimlessly until he found a linen closet. He grabbed a light blanket to spread out on the floor. 
He then went back to his knees, picked Nakira up and laid her on the blanket. 
In the most leisurely deliberate fashion he spread her legs. 
“Amir, I don’t want you to think you’re doing anything wrong.”
“I know I’m not doing anything wrong.” Amir sucked her toes then slowly moved up her legs. 
“I know you’re used to men who don’t take care of you properly. Men who only want your body for their own satisfaction. I know what you need and I’m going to give it to you.”
Finally reaching her soaked entrance Amir continued.
“You are going to take care of me in the way no one else can. You’re going to cum for me Key.”
Nakira thought to stop him, feeling undeserving of this pleasure. 
“Relax for me. It’s up to you if you want to watch.”
Her body relented as she laid back, sinking into the softness of the blanket. Amir tapped her knees, an unspoken signal for her to raise them until her legs formed a perfect triangle. He reached through interlacing one of her hands with his. 
His pace is noticeably slower. 
Using his free hand to caress her thigh his tongue led the way reminding her of his presence. Moving to the left of her clitoris, then to the right paying close attention to Nakira’s reactions. Committing to memory how a quick flick made her suddenly thrust her hips. Discovering how a languid rolling of his tongue summoned her lip between her teeth. Nakira clenched fistfuls of the blanket, a poor effort to ground herself as Amir unearthed carnal knowledge. Now he was ready.

Nakira felt an atmospheric change around Amir. 
He unlocked his hand from Nakira’s, moving to secure his grip around her thighs. 
Nakira relaxed expecting to feel some pleasant sensations then Amir getting tired and stopping. She was content even if he stopped. This was so much more than anyone ever thought to do for her before. 
A familiar sensation of his tongue on her clitoris started slowly. His breathing became heavier. He then placed his mouth on her. When she looked down she could only see his nose and his eyes staring back at her. His tongue moved methodically, changing the pressure, using the tip then his whole tongue, switching between various spots which evoked unconscious movements of her body. This was different from earlier. He wasn’t a tourist fumbling his way through with a map. He moved here and knew where to get the best of everything. Nakira’s body wouldn’t listen to her. It continued to feed Amir everything, unable to resist the charm of his movements. Nakira looked down again to see a new look in Amir’s eyes. Total confidence. He moaned into her, taking her to the edge. She tried to cover her mouth but it was useless. They both knew it was. She tried to move his head. His grip around her thighs tightened as he slightly dug his fingernails into her. She tightened unwillingly to the foreign sensation. He then caressed where his fingernails marked without releasing his grip. She had no choice. He was locked into place and refused to move until she gave him what he wanted. She needed to cum for him, she needed to give him the sounds she’s been hiding. Nakira looked down, giving Amir a non-verbal agreement of understanding. She no longer fought to push him away. She kept one hand to run through his hair and the other to gently pinch her aching erect nipples. Amir lost his composure at this visual moaning louder. The movements of this tongue encouraged Nakira to let herself be heard. Softly letting moans escape. The louder she became the more intense Amir would get. His moans matching hers, his tongue keeping pace with her. 
“Amir I’m going to cum, I’ll be good for you. I won’t hold it anymore.”
Nakira could feel Amir nod, unable to be bothered with words. 
“Don’t stop, I’m cumming for you” Nakira screamed as her hands gripped Amir’s head, her legs wrapping around his neck while she came all over his tongue. 
As Nakira’s body jerked around Amir released her sensitive clitoris, sticking his tongue inside and soaking up her wetness for his awaiting taste buds.
Nakira’s legs finally gave out relaxing into the blanket. 
Amir kissed Nakira deeply, moaning as he remained conscious of keeping his erection from her. 
“You are amazing Key. You listened to me so well. Amir said as he laid kisses on her forehead. 
Nakira felt her face getting hot. Suddenly staring into Amir’s eyes right after cumming down his throat was slightly embarrassing. 
“I love the way you sound, the way you release for me.” This was the first time Nakira showed a vulnerable shyness. Amir thought the contrasts between the different versions of Nakira were too adorable. 
“Come here let me hold my good girl.”
Nakira moved closer to bury her face into Amir’s chest, wrapping a leg over his. 
“You know you’ve had an erection this whole time but this is the first time you’ve let me feel it while facing you.”
Amir tried to move back without success. Nakira’s strong thighs kept him locked towards her.”
“Now it’s my turn.”
