[MF] The Sound of Two People Fucking, Echoing Through a Paper-Thin Wall

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re in a hotel, an apartment complex, an Airbnb… and just on the other side of the paper thin wall your crush, or your best friend – or even the love of your fucking life – is moaning and panting and getting the ever living daylights railed out of them. It’s painful, isn’t it? Every moan, gag, and *SLAP* is a tortuous reminder that at least for tonight – but maybe forever – that person isn’t *yours*. It fills you with that potent mix of envy, and anger, and self-destructiveness. You hate every single second of it… yet your hand is shoved inside your panties, your fingers furiously and shamefully at work.

It’s more common than you might think.

Before the Delta surge, my employer organized a work retreat, our first in-person meeting since COVID struck and turned all of us into remote workers. In the days preceding the gathering, I felt like a teenager again. For months I had been nursing a crush on my co-worker, Dana, who I’d never actually met in person. She’s blonde and cute with an edgy, take-no-prisoners vibe that I’ve always been a sucker for. We text routinely about the lastest *New Yorker* articles and our favorite punk bands. Even though I already have a girlfriend – something about the prospect of being in a hotel with her in a far away city was absolutely titillating.

Flash forward to our first night there… and I’m sitting up in bed listening through the wall as our boss piledrives her with his cock. Our boss who I’ve always *hated*. Our boss – who I’ve described to Dana on more than one occasion – as a smug, overconfident, prick. She said she agreed. But now, I’m listening to his grunts and wincing every time I hear her sweet voice make a lewd request. *Choke me… Eat my butthole… Spit in my mouth*. I felt heartbroken and disoriented even as my hand desperately pumped away on my rock solid shaft.

It occurred to me, after I came, that this wasn’t my first time experiencing this dynamic and it made me assume others had surly run into it, potentially multiple times. So here I am on DPP, looking for people to share their stories.

I typically post roleplay prompts, but today I’m looking for an honest – and hopefully stimulating – conversation. Have you ever had to put up with the pleasured sounds of someone you *wanted*? Did you have to listen to your ex-boyfriend bang your best friends? Do you want to ask me questions about Dana – or the other events in my past that mirrored this one?

Send me a message. Let’s connect and be friends.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pfvvhn/mf_the_sound_of_two_people_fucking_echoing