Hookup in Atlantic City: The Conclusion [MF]

It Continues

The next morning, Christina and I woke up about the same time. We were on our sides, facing each other when we awoke. As soon as we locked eyes, she smiled. “You shot quite a load last night. I’m still leaking a little bit down though,” she said.

My morning wood got even woodier. “Really?” I asked scooting closer to her till our foreheads were nearly touching. I then slipped my hand down into her panties and slid my middle finger into her vagina, causing Christina to moan. “Yep, that’s pretty wet still. Is that all me?”

“Noo,” she replied, “A lot of that is me too.” She then gave me a long, lingering kiss, at which point I began to rub her more vigorously. Breathing heavily, Christina pulled her shirt and panties off and kicked the covers off the bed. “Quickie before we get going?”

I didn’t need anymore encouragement. I quickly threw my clothes off and resumed kissing and fingering her. “I don’t think you need to finger me. I’m probably going to cum quickly if we just do it,” Christina told me between breaths. She’s one of the lucky few women who can cum without having her clit stimulated. She does get off that way too of course, but she will often orgasm from just straight penis in vagina sex. I got on top of her and slid my dick into her pussy. “Oh yeah! Oh yeah!” she responded as I began steadily humping, “This is all I need. Go hard!” I got up on my hands and knees and began pounding. Christina’s eyes rolled back and she began letting out short, almost painful sounding gasps. But I knew her well enough to know that she was just in absolutely ecstasy right now! The best part was, after last night, I was going to be able to hold out for awhile. My cardio stamina was going to be less than my sexual stamina at this point!

I kept going as hard as I could until she came. As Christina caught her breath, I slowed my rhythm down as she gestured that she wanted to change positions. I pulled and she got on her hands and knees. I thrust back into her and we began doing doggy style hard! As hard as I was pounding, Tina wanted more, and she began thrusting back into me hard, while gyrating her ass, making my cock hit every wall of her pussy at every angle. I then sat back on my heels and let her do the work, grinding and thrusting herself onto my dick. As I felt her getting worn out, I got back off my heels as she repositioned herself from her hands onto her forearms, sticking her ass in the air. I grabbed her hips and began thrusting as hard as I could until Christina gasped out “HO-LY SHIT!”

My dick sudden felt like it was submerged in bathwater. Her pussy tightened and I pulled out completely, leaving a splash of liquid on the sheets. “Did I just…squirt?” She asked. “Uh, sort of. You gushed.” “Wow!” She breathed. She then rolled over and propped herself up on her elbows, a huge, satisfied smile on her face, her pussy glistening with juice. I knelt between her legs and reentered her, continuing the rough, hard pounding. Christina immediately started building towards another orgasm as I started, and I knew I was pretty close too. The fact that she was sopping wet lessened the friction, so I knew that would buy me another thirty seconds. Not that it mattered; We had gone for somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes at this point and Tina had already cum hard twice, but I wanted to finish her off a third time.

“Come on, baby!” she encouraged, “Your turn. Cum in me!” Hearing her say that kicked me into another gear. About half a minute later my dick started to tingle and I fired my load inside her. I continued to pound her as I came which was just enough to get her to the edge. I reached down and rubbed her clit with my thumb, which was all it took to get her off for the third time. Her orgasm was short but intense.

We both sat silently, catching our breath and sweating profusely like we had just finished a workout, as I slowly softened inside of her. Christina sat up, which caused me to fall out of her, releasing a flow of cum and vaginal juice onto the sheets. “I don’t know what’s going on, Hon,” she said, “I mean, we always have good sex. But Thursday before you left was better than usual, and then last night and just now were…spectacular!” “This is the best we’ve had since our honeymoon,” I agreed. We then got cleaned up and then jumped into the shower, and then got dressed and packed.

I then texted Alex, Phil, and Max and asked what everyone was doing. Apparently, the party had split up and everyone was getting breakfast on their own, and a few of the groomsmen were too hung over right now to eat. I asked where Matt was and Alex said he and Garrett were at a breakfast buffet downstairs. I told Christina and she smiled: Perfect!

**The Reveal**

Christina and I walked into the breakfast buffet hand in hand. As soon as we spotted Matt and Garrett, I smiled and waved. Matt gave us a lopsided, guilty smile which faded into a dirty look as Tina and I grabbed trays and filled them with Belgian waffles, bacon, and coffee. We paid for our meals and headed over to their table.

I was half thinking that Matt and Garrett would up and leave, but luckily, they just gave us awkward looks as we sat down. “So, you guys have fun last night?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Matt said without looking at me, “I guess you must have had fun last night too.”

“Oh yeah!” Christina piped up, “And just a few minutes ago before we came down!”

Matt shook his head, “I can’t believe you, dude.”

“What? You were right! You told me I needed to chill out and grow a pair! I owe it to you, man! You were the reason last night happened…”

“I didn’t tell you to cheat on your wife, asshole! I was just fucking busting your balls man! Don’t put your shit on me, because I feel bad enough that I was dealing with such as dumbass!” he hissed, and then he turned to Christina, “And you! Fucking running around cucking your husband! And people are always complaining that nobody wants to get married anymore! It’s because of people like you!”

Both Christina and I smiled even wider. “Matt,” I said, “I can take ball busting. You know we do it all the time, dude. But you gotta know when to end a joke, bud! Also, because you were saying I’m a pussy for not flirting with other women, I got worried that I didn’t know you as well as I thought. I wanted to see if you were just busting my balls, or if you really were the type who thought guys should be messing around with other girls when they’re out with the guys. But you showed me that in truth, you really are a faithful guy and you’ll be good to your wife.”

“So, let me get this straight: You were worried that I was a cheat, and so to find out, you cheated on your wife? What the fuck sense does that make??” Matt nearly shouted.

“Matt!” Christina spoke up, “Relax, nobody cheated here!”

Matt got a confused look. “What?” was all he could say. “We didn’t cheat,” Christina repeated.

Matt thought for a second as he tried to put things together. “So, what? [grundlestench], you just went over and talked to her and…then you guys didn’t sex?”

“Uh, noooo,” Christina gave him a teasing smile, “We did. But…”

“Well, how is that not cheating??” he demanded.

“Because we’re married,” Christina said, looking right at him, and then over at me.

Matt’s confused look got even more bewildered as his eyes darted back and forth.

“Matt,” I put my hand on Christina’s, “I know I’ve talked about her for about six months, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to introduce you until now–your fault for not having Facebook–but anyways, this is my wife, Christina.”

He froze. He looked like he wanted to be relieved, but was unwilling to yet. “You’re fucking with me,” he said.

“We were, but not about this. I really am his wife,” Christina reached into her purse and pulled out her iPhone and showed the picture of her and I that was on her lockscreen. She then went into her photos and showed a bunch of the pictures of us together, including our wedding pictures.

“Holy shit, guys,” Matt put his face in his hands and shook his head. He then started to laugh as relief set in. “Okay, you got me good!” he then tried to look angry, but couldn’t conceal the smile and laughter, “I can’t believe you did that, you fucking asshole! You made me feel like I pushed you into cheating and made ME feel like an asshole!”

“Yeah, well, that’s what you get for busting my balls!” I shrugged.

“The others in on this?”

“Yeah, Phil, Alex, and Max all know.”

“We also know that if you were single, you’d love to screw my brains out!” Christina interjected.

Matt suddenly froze and turned red. “Oh…you heard that,” he then turned to me, “Dude, I hope you know, I would never have said that if I knew…”

“I know,” I said, “That’s what makes it funny!”

“And even if you wouldn’t have said it if you knew I was his wife…we now know what you were thinking in that dirty mind of yours! But too bad, it’s never gonna happen, big guy!” Tina teasingly patted him on the shoulder.

“Oh shit,” Matt turned even redder.

I texted Alex, Max, and Phil that I had told Matt. A few minutes later, the three of them, and Nick, all walked in with smug looks on their faces. Matt gave a defeated smile, shook his head, and flipped them two middle fingers.

We hung out for a few more hours, and then everybody decided it was time to start heading back home. Christina and I said our goodbyes and told Matt we looked forward to meeting his wife at the wedding. With that, we headed back to Philly to spend the rest of the week with her parents. Christina was pretty damn horny still. We ended up having sex again that night, took a break the night after, and then did it again three times in the next two days. She’s got a decent libido in general, but she was insatiable! A few weeks later, we found out why.

**Happy Ending**

The House Gets Smaller I failed to mention earlier, about four months before the above events, Christina and I decided we were ready to start a family, so she had her IUD removed. We were unsuccessful at first, and we got let down twice by late periods.

One Friday evening, about a week after Matt and Alison’s wedding and three weeks after Atlantic City, Christina dragged herself upstairs out of our basement gym, pale and shaky. “I feel dizzy and…I’ve done that workout a million times, but it damn near killed me,” she groaned. I helped her to the sofa and laid her down. After her head cleared, she dragged herself to the shower and then crawled into bed. She skipped dinner, and was in a deep sleep by 8 o’clock and barely woke up when I crawled into bed a few hours later. I was worried, but the next morning, she woke up and was better except for some nausea.

She took it easy for most of the day. I went out for a run at about 3 in the afternoon. When I came back, Christina threw her arms around me, crying tears of joy.

“What happened?” I asked.

“I’m pregnant!” she cried out happily. She then grabbed the test from the kitchen counter and showed me the bright blue line.

A week later, the doctor confirmed it. Christina was naturally anxious throughout the pregnancy, especially early on since she had miscarried once before in her previous marriage. But, nine months later, she gave birth to our now three year old son. And so ends the story of how a prank and a weekend of passionate sex in Atlantic City led to the creation of our first child!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/pg337v/hookup_in_atlantic_city_the_conclusion_mf

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