Nurse Nicole was a new and welcome sight in the IOD clinic for the St. Louis Police Department. Jake had been coming to the clinic for the past month every week and each visit was becoming more mundane than the last. As a St. Louis Police Officer, Jake had been on the job for only two years before he received his first major injury. He received a call for a possible gas leak at a house in a residential area and had beat the fire department there.
He smelled the aerosolized gas before he even made it inside. Kicking the door in, he was able to guide the husband, wife, and two kids out of the house. It was when the fire department arrived that the house unexpectedly ignited. The explosion was massive and concussive. While the family were safe in the back of Jake’s patrol car, the young officer was knocked off his feet from the blast and buried in rubble.
Jake had received second degree burns to his left arm and shoulder as well as a serious concussion that had the potential of becoming a Traumatic Brain Injury. The ER ordered for several check ups and follow up visits from the IOD clinic for treatments to his skin, and tests and scans of his brain.
“If you’ll follow me,” Nurse Nicole said with a smile too bright for 7:00am.
“Anywhere,” Jake said with a playful smirk.
Nurse Nicole glanced over her shoulder and showed a giggle in Jake’s direction, approving of his playfulness. Jake was a good enough looking man. He was not a model by any means, but he was athletic and lifted weights regularly. His short brown hair had a fade along the sides, and since he wasn’t currently ‘active duty’ as an officer, he had grown in a five o’clock shadow.
Nurse Nicole on the other hand was a gorgeous woman who Jake had to question every time he saw her why she was doing what she was doing. Not that it was super easy to be rich, famous, a model, or a movie star. But to see a woman like her completing a menial service job seemed…wrong. She had flowing dirty blond hair that fell just below her shoulders, ample breasts that always had a sliver of cleavage showing, a thin waist, and a firm round ass. It was obvious she sculpted her body in the gym with a purpose every day.
That wasn’t even the best part of her. Her bright blue eyes and clear skin of her face only amplified her bountiful lips that always seemed cracked in a smile in his direction. Even for these rare morning appointments, Jake found himself perking up to see her.
“So are you excited about returning to work? You’re getting pretty close, right?” The nurse asked as they walked.
“You tell me. Your guys’ signature on a form is what’s keeping me out of uniform right now,” Jake replied with a smile.
“Not me. I’m just a nurse,” Nicole said with a smirk. “Trust me, I want to see you back in that uniform as badly as you do.”
“Is that right?”
Nurse Nicole shrugged sheepishly and smiled as she put her hand on a door handle. “What can I say… the best thing about this job is seeing a man in uniform. Almost as good as seeing a man out of uniform.”
The nurse gave him a playful wink as she opened the door to a small changing room. She instructed him to change into the white patient gown after stripping down naked. He thought it was odd because they normally asked him to keep his underwear and socks on at least but not this time. Jake slid his clothes into a cubby and put on his loose fitted gown. He went into the next room and saw the small cylinder tube and table that fed into the MRI machine.
Nurse Nicole was in the partitioned office behind a computer screen, clicking away on a keyboard.
This was going to be Jake’s third MRI since the incident so he was learning the drill. Without instruction, he laid down on his back on the table and adjusted his gown to make sure it pulled down over his crotch. The combination of his new freedom without underwear and having such an attractive nurse nearby stirred his manhood awake. With deep breaths, Jake was doing his best to keep himself from developing an erection.
Nurse Nicole came into the room with him and pressed a few buttons on the MRI device. “You know the drill. Just stay still, look forward, and don’t move.”
“Anything you say,” Jake smiled up at his busty nurse. She pressed a button and the table he laid on was fed into the MRI machine as a mechanical hum grew louder. Maybe it was because he was trying to not think of the claustrophobic machine or because he wasn’t sure if the nurse went back behind her computer or not, but Jake started to feel a stirring beneath his medical gown. By the time he realized what was happening it was too late to reverse the feeling. His erection was growing and tenting his gown over his thighs.
Adjusting his leg and shifting his weight from side to side, he tried to hide the effects and relax his lower body but nothing seemed to work. Even worse, he ended up moving so much that he saw movement below at his leg and heard Nurse Nicole yell over the loud machine that he had to stop moving or they would have to start over again.
Jake sighed, feeling the redness flood his cheeks as he apologized and agreed. He closed his eyes and dealt with the embarrassment quietly for several minutes. Until he felt a small, gentle hand close around his hardening shaft.
Her fingers were small and gentle as they coaxed life into his already waking shaft. The MRI machine encased his upper body in a circular caste, squeezing on the sides of his upper arms. Unable to move even if he wanted to, Jake laid helplessly in his night gown as he felt Nurse Nicole massage his balls gently. Slowly stroking his shaft, the machine began to rumble and click.
Looking down he saw Nurse Nicole’s red lips smiling seductively beside his thighs. Her eyes bounced between his growing cock and inside the MRI tube where Jake laid frozen. Her lips moved as she spoke to him but he couldn’t hear her words over the loud roar of the machine working. Stroking his shaft in long pumps, he felt himself flex and harden stiff. Filling her hand as she stroked from his ball sack to the head of his cock and back down over and over.
Spreading his legs slightly, he didn’t think about much. He didn’t think about his job and how this could get him fired. He didn’t think about how embarrassing it would be to get caught. He didn’t think about anything at that moment except how good this felt. He let go of everything.
He saw Nicole’s teeth bite down on her lower lip as she got lost in a stare at his throbbing shaft. Her light eyes appeared so focused and turned on by the sight and touch of his cock. Her grip tightened on his shaft as she pumped him harder. With a steady pace she pulled him up and pushed him down making him begin to leak pre-cum down his swollen head of his cock.
Jake’s chest was rising and falling quickly as he began to pant harder. He could see Nurse Nicole undoing her shirt and reaching inside the top of the uniform to fondle her own breasts. Her thick lovely breasts that pressed together and formed such amazing cleavage that Jake had stared at so many times without thought. From a distance he could see her pull her left breast out from her top and pinch and pull at her nipple. She squeezed her nipple so hard, her face made pained squints as she pumped him faster.
Jake was moving his hips without thought as felt engorged. Suddenly and without warning, Nurse Nicole licked her lips and stole a devious look up at Jake before bending over. Jake could feel Nicole’s thick, puffy lips surround the head of his cock. Her lips were wet and warm. They didn’t take his shaft all at once. Instead they lingered around the head of his cock. Bobbing on the tip. Lapping at his urethra. Lathering his head in her spit as she lapped up his precum.
Jake groaned a long grunt but the sound was swallowed by the machine that encased him. He felt her warm wet tongue wrap around his head doing circles over and over again. Every time his cock flexed a pushed more precum from the tip, she would quickly swipe her tongue over the head to swallow it.
The sound of the machine paused for a moment and Jake could briefly hear Nurse Nicole’s groans and pants as she pumped his shaft and licked his cock. From his view, Jake could only see the top of her blonde ponytail bouncing up and down on his cock. The noise returned with several loud clicks and humming and Jake felt Nicole slide down his shaft.
Her thick lips parted and surrounded the head of his cock as it travelled down and down. The tip of his cock depressing her tongue sliding deeper into her mouth. The feeling was so overwhelming Jake had a hard time staying still as she slurped up and down his stiff shaft. She went down lower with each pass. Her lips inched down closer to the base of his shaft as he felt the head of his cock touch the back of her throat.
Nicole kept him on the edge for what felt like forever. His eyes flirted with rolling into the back of his head as she sucked his dick with such intensity and wetness he thought he could cum at any moment. He felt Nicole’s hand grip his shaft at the base of his shaft. Squeezing tightly and loosening quickly. Doing so repeatedly kept him on the edge.
Spreading his thighs he felt the orgasm coming before realized it. Nurse Nicole gagged on his shaft, pushing down low so her lips were nearly down at the base of his shaft. He grunted as his cock spasmed and loads of cum shot inside her mouth. He felt Nicole’s lips close tighter on his shaft as he did. Locking around him, she leaned over his legs as she slurped up every drip of cum that spurted from his cock. And when she had drank his balls empty, her lips continued to milk his shaft. Licking and sucking, her wet plush lips surrounded his shaft and worked up and down as he went limp.
Not long after he felt her lips disappear from his shaft did the machine stop thudding and the hum went away. The table he laid on moved out from the machine. Jake felt as though he had just left one world and gone to another. The disorienting experience left him feeling rejuvenated and searching for his nurse.
But Nurse Nicole was gone. The door was closing just as he looked to the computer room. Jake stood, adjusting his gown over his manhood just as a male nurse entered the room. He told Jake he could change into his clothes and they’d have his results for his next appointment next week. Jake put on his clothes and left, having not seen Nicole, again, and it left him wondering if what happened was a fantasy or did it even really happen?
Jake came in for his next appointment with a mix of excitement. The past week he couldn’t stop thinking about the busty nurse that had overtaken his dreams. He woke up thinking of her thick lips on him and went to bed fantasizing about being inside her. As he waited in the waiting room he felt a hard drop of disappointment in his gut when the door opened and his name was called and it was the male nurse waiting for him.
Jake would go the entire appointment without seeing Nicole. The nurse told him they had to redo the MRI due to the previous one being a ‘bad scan.’ Jake couldn’t help but wonder if having an extremely attractive woman suck his dick during the scan affected his brain somehow and what they saw in the scans.
Maybe the doctor was confused why his patient was insanely horny during his MRI?
Jake completed a second MRI with the male nurse and thankfully this scan was much more typical. He’d leave and go home to let another week go by but on his next appointment, yet again, he was greeted by a different nurse. Nurse Cheryl. Cheryl was much older and a nice enough lady, but she was not the lady Jake was hoping for.
Cheryl brought Jake into an exam room and administered his generic tests while making small talk. Eventually the doctor came in and reviewed the MRI tests. The general gist was that everything appeared normal at this point. While the doctor over-explained and repeated himself about the results, Jake found his mind wandering.
Did I make up Nicole? Does she even work here? How can she be here one day and never be here again?
“Alright, lets have a look at those burns,” the doctors said, pulling Jake’s gown down from his shoulders. The burns that were on his shoulders and upper arms had mostly healed, leaving just a scar that looked like stretched skin. He touched them probingly before nodding in approval. “Looks good. We’ve got some cream we can put on it might help scars go away.”
“Sounds good,” Jake nodded.
“I’ll have Cheryl come in with it.” The doctor stood, taking off his gloves and said goodbye as he left.
Jake sat with his gown cinched around his abs covering his naked lower torso except for his underwear and socks. Minutes passed and the door finally opened. It wasn’t Cheryl.
Wearing her tight nurse uniform that revealed her long line of cleavage and busty round ass, Nurse Nicole appeared.
“Well, hello there… how are you?”
Jake smirked, “I’m good. Was starting to think you quit.”
“Nope,” Nurse Nicole said, walking up to him and spreading some cream on to her hands that looked like lotion. “I’m part time right now so my hours change. Why’d you miss me?”
Jake felt her familiar gentle hands rub the lotion over his muscular arms and shoulder, spreading the cream over his scars and rubbing it into his flesh until it disappeared.
“You are probably my favorite nurse here,” Jake smiled up at her and watched her bite down on her red lower lip.
“Oh, really? Just here? What would I have to do to be your favorite nurse anywhere?” Nicole said, batting her eyes down at Jake seductively.
“Well…” Jake blushed as he looked around the room.
Nicole finished rubbing the lotion into his scars and without warning slipped a hand down his center and inside his underwear. Her eyes lit up when she felt how hard he already was. A byproduct of just seeing her. Stroking his shaft, she pushed him backwards onto his back on the exam table and pulled his gown and underwear down with his help.
Nicole straddled Jake’s hips, throwing a leg over him like she was a cowgirl. Kneeling high with her hips, she lowered her bald pussy down on his erect shaft slowly. Reaching between her thighs, she fed his throbbing erect shaft up to her pussy lips. Jake looked down and watched the swollen head of his cock pierce her pussy lips and disappear inside her.
Jake’s hands went up her thighs and up inside her scrub top. He could feel her warm skin as his palms gripped the sides of her hips.
“Oh god, baby…” Nicole cooed as she lowered down on him. Her eyes were closed and eye brows high as she slid down on him. Like she could believe how amazing the moment felt. She leaned forward sliding lower on him as he filled him up. His flexing cock stuffing inside her slowly.
Jake’s hands slid up to feel her thick heavy breasts restrained by her tight breasts. Without opening her eyes, Nicole’s hands slipped behind her back and with a speed Jake couldn’t comprehend, she undid her bra and tossed the white fabric to the side. Jake’s fingers slid up cupping her perfect thick breasts. Mashing them to her chest as he squeezed them, a wicked smile appeared in the corner of Nicole’s lips as her eyes opened inches above Jake’s and he saw the bright emerald greens looking down on him.
“Oh, yeah baby… squeeze my tits, just like that- ahhhh!” Nicole moaned quietly. Jake pinched her nipples just as she sat back on his cock and felt the long shaft fill her up.
“Fuck your so big…. You’re so bi- ahh ah…” Nicole whispered as if she was talking to herself.
Raising her hips she lowered back down immediately as if she was desperate to keep him inside her. Cupping under her breasts, Jake had her shirt pulled up to under her arm pits as Nicole rocked back and forth as she humped him on the examination table. Her breasts dangled over Jake as she raised and lowered on his cock.
“Oh god, yes… fuck, yes…” Nicole groaned.
Flexing her thighs she began to hump Jake more aggressively. Her hips moving almost separately to her body, Nicole’s thick ass jiggled as she humped Nicole’s cock. Jake moaned as he felt her tight wet pussy squeezing his shaft.
Nurse Nicole’s tits bounced in circles, clapping together as she filled herself with Jake’s cock. Clapping her palm over her mouth, Nicole squinted her eyes as she stifled a moan from escaping her lips. Bracing herself with one hand on Jake’s chest, the clapping sound of their bodies slapping together over took the examination room. Nicole groped and squeezed at her breasts, pinching her nipples and mashing her breasts together.
“Ah ah ah ah ahmmm!” Nicole forced her lips together. “Fuck me, fuck me– ahh… harder…”
Nurse Nicole slipped her top over her head and tossed it on the ground. In the brief moment she stopped riding him, Jake’s hands slipped down on her hips, his fingers digging into her thick ass cheeks.
Flexing his arm and chest muscles, Jake pulled Nicole’s hips down onto his lap and felt his cock squish and squeeze inside her dripping pussy. Pressing his heels down on the table, he bucked his hips up into Nicole making her bounce up.
“Ohhh!” Nicole yelped, pressing both of her hands on Jake’s chest to brace herself.
Jake pumped his cock inside the nurse faster and faster. He saw the strain in Nicole’s face as she bit her lip and winced with every thrust. Nicole’s lips parted as she screamed silently as Jake gritted his teeth and jammed his cock hard inside her with strong thrusts. Each thrust made her tits bounce wildly and her whole body to rock back and forth.
With a final thrust, Jake groaned holding his cock inside her and listened to Nicole purr a moan as she panted. “Oh! Oh fuck… oh fuck… yes… yes, baby…” she whimpered.
Biting hard on her lip, an agressive, erotic look formed on Nicole’s face as her body grinded on Jake’s cock. It was as if her body was desperate for me. It had a taste of his cock and demanded more. She was ravenous as she rocked on him, slowly humping down on him.
Sweat formed on her brow as her tits mashed together rocking back and forth. He took her left breast in his lips and sucked on the nipple hard, making Nicole shudder a moan. “Oh god– fuck! That feels so fucking goo– ahhh…”
Slowly, the nurse began rocking on his cock again and Jake began thrust inside her. The wet sound of her pussy sloshing on his cock filled the room with every thrust inside her. Her blond hair draping around her face, Nicole whispered to herself as Jake began to fuck his nurse faster and faster.
“…do it… do it…. yes… yes…” Nicole whispered.
Jake’s lips separated from her breast as he gripped them with his hands, pinching her nipples. Nicole’s thick ass and hips slammed down on Jake’s cock. Flexing his quadriceps, Jake lifted his hips to slam his cock inside her over and over.
“Ah ah ah ah! Oh god, don’t stop! Oh please don’t stop! Fuck– fuck me!” Nicole cried.
Flexing deep inside her Jake felt the climax coming like a train speeding ahead. Nicole winced as her thighs shuddered and her face became a mess of emotions. Her breath and voice was caught in her throat as she mouthed voiceless words.
“Oh god, don’t stop don’t stop don’t-” Nicole’s voice came back to her when Jake clenched his fingers on her ass began fucking her pussy with hard direct thrusts. “Oh Jesus, yes yes! Oh god I’m gunna cum I’m gunna cum I’m gunna- I’m gunna- ah ah ah ah oh my god I’m cumming!”
Nurse Nicole’s body seized as every muscle flexed and her fingertips clenched on Jake’s muscular arms. Jake felt how tight and wet her pussy became as he slid in and out of her, not slowing a bit as she came. It was only when Nicole’s eyes righted themselves and she took a deep gasping breath that Jake let loose a groan as he felt his flexed cock spasm and shoot warm cum inside her wet pussy.
Stuffing deep inside her, he filled her up with warm spurts of cum and his engorged shaft. Nicole collapsed on Jake’s chest and he felt her body tremble as her hips squirmed on his cock. She laid there for a long moment spasming before she slowly raised. Her hair was tossed about and a mess as she pulled it back into place. Standing up she adjusted her clothes and moved towards the door.
“Wait,” Jake whispered, all of a sudden realizing how loud they were and others might have heard. “Can I get your number? Can I see you again?”
Nurse Nicole smiled, “sure, at your next appointment.” With a devious wink she left the room.
Jake would go another three disappointing weeks without seeing this new woman that had enthralled his existence. It wasn’t until his last scheduled appointment, that Jake saw the illustrious Nurse Nicole again. The doctor smacked his knee, thanking Jake for his service and declaring him as ‘healthy as a horse,’ before getting up to leave.
Jake had noticed the lotion that Nurse Nicole applied did in fact fade the scar on his chest and arm, and asked for some to take home with him. Then there she was. The doctor had sent Nurse Nicole in with a small baggy containing the lotion.
“Fancy meeting you here,” Nicole said, setting the bag down beside Jake.
“Fancy that…” Jake smiled. “You know today is my last appointment. Means I won’t be running into you here anymore.”
“Yes, I did know that,” Nicole said, twisting from side to side as she smirked at him. She wore purple nurse scrubs with her gorgeous blond hair tried back in a ponytail. It wasn’t hard to see that Nicole wasn’t wearing any bra today either. Her full breast swaying back and forth beneath her top as she twisted.
“So, do you think i’ll be able to get your number today?” Jake asked.
“Mmmmm… how about I think about it while I’m give you your going away present?”
“My going away present?”
Pulling her shirt off, Nurse Nicole exposed her bare breasts as she went down to her knees. Her hand working his shaft up and down, Jake watched as her warm tongue licked from the base of his balls to the tip of his cock before spreading her lips wide to slide down his shaft. He watched her eyes go wide as she stared up at him as she immediately slid down his shaft, deep throating him.
The pressure he felt on his shaft was immense and the feeling of the wet and warm back of her throat felt heavenly. The wet gagging sound she made didn’t stop the slutty nurse from pulling her head back and sliding his cock back down her throat again and again. Her pony tail of blond hair bouncing back and forth with each bob of her head.
Nicole finally relented as she cleared her throat and Jake’s cock glistened from all the saliva she left on his shaft. Her hand pumped his shaft wildly as he flexed under her grip. It was when they locked eyes that Jake felt the urge to grab her arm and guide her to her feet. Turning her around on the exam room table, Jake bent her over. Immediately, the sexy nurse slid down her uniform pants and stepped out of them revealing she wasn’t wearing any panties.
The perfect, fat round ass protruded as his hard cock as Jake examined her shaved tight pussy lips. Slipping his fingers down between her thighs, he pushed his middle finger between her lips and felt how wet she already was. Sliding up and down, he heard Nicole purr and her body writhe working her ass in in circles to prolong the touch.
By the time Jake slid the tip of his cock inside her pussy, her warm pussy juices were leaking over his shaft. Nicole instantly clapped a hand over her mouth as she leaned on her forearms on the table. Jake shoved the entire length of his shaft inside her pussy and had to groan at how tight she was. Pulling out, he shoved inside her again and again.
“Ohmff–god, yes!” Nicole moaned into her hand. Her muffled cries escaped into her palm with every thrust of Jake’s hips.
Nicole grabbed at the hair tie that held her hair back in a neat ponytail and pulled it loose, shaking her head side to side to let her flowing blond hair fall loose. Looking over her shoulder back at Jake, he saw the seductive under eyed look she gave him as she asked for more.
“Fuck me, fuck me harder,” she cried.
Jake’s cock engorged as he gripped her thick hips and pulled her back as he rammed forward. Filling her up with every thrust, he heard the sanitary paper crinkle as he fucked her over top of it.
“Ah ah ah ah ah fuck me baby, fuck me like a cop, oh yeah!” Nicole moaned barely below a scream.
Jake watched her fat ass jiggle with every thrust. Saw her tits swaying beneath her as he crammed inside her. He reached around her beneath her arm and groped her breast, squeezing and mashing it into her chest.
“Oh Jesus… god…. Yes… don’t stop don’t stop don’t- ah ah!” Nicole said, forcing her entire body back against Jake. Her back against his chest, Jake felt her hair clinging to his five o’clock shadow. Saw her tits bounce wildly with every hard buck of his hips. Both hands gripped her tits and pinched down on her nipples sending her eyes rolling backwards revealing the whites of her eyes. Her mouth hung open with her tongue out like a bitch in heat.
“Oh god, oh fuck, you’re gunna make me cum! You’re gunna make me cum!” Nurse Nicole cried out as she collapsed back down onto the exam table.
Jake felt the edge nearing quickly and the flood of pleasure building in his head as well as his cock.
“Oh. My. God. I’m I’m…” Nicole’s body went rigid as she smacked the table gripping onto it. As the squishing sound of his cock continued to fill the room.
Jake pumped his hard cock harder and harder inside her until her felt the pressure of her juices flood around his shaft and heard the splatter as it poured onto the ground.
“Ohhhhhhmmmmmmm!!!!!” Nicole screamed, clapping both her hands over her mouth as she cried from her orgasm.
Nicole’s whole body lolled and her head bobbed with her hands still over her mouth as Jake pumped her pussy for another minute. Creating another orgasm that squirted out from between her shaking thighs.
“Ahm Ahm aah ah ahhhh god baby!” Nicole cried as Jake gritted his teeth and flexed his hard cock inside her. Shooting his load of cum inside her pussy, Nicole’s wet hole swallowed all of his seed.
They quickly covered themselves, giggling as they realized how loud they were being. Jake tightened his belt and grabbed the bag of lotion as he saw Nicole grab for the door handle.
“Wait, your number?” Jake asked in a whisper.
Nicole smiled seductively as she bounced her round ass in his direction, “I guess you’ll have to just get hurt again if you want me to treat ya,” Nicole said with a wink.
If only I found a nurse like this for my last trip to the hospital! My 5 MRIs would have been a little more tolerable