Slapping my girlfriend out of her head [MF]

Heads up; this story is about Consensual Non-Consent; I don’t get terribly graphic, but if that’s a yick and not a yum, back out now. Otherwise…

Let me tell you about the time I slapped my girlfriend so hard she fell out of her head. We were doing a CNC scene, in the flavor of hatefuck. Her wrists were tied to the headboard but that was as much bondage as we’d settled on. After some threats, undressing, and manhandling, I left to go to the other bedroom to grab a condom – one of the things we’d negotiated ahead of time was that being left alone for short periods tied up would be a thing that’d be fun for her. I’d intended to go and head right back, but I heard noises while I was in the other room, and so stood in the doorway, out of sight, giving her time to do whatever she was up to.

So when the noises more or less calm down, I walk back in, get back on top of her. She fights me a little bit, but eventually I grab her legs and get inside her. And then I notice the ropes aren’t attached to the headboard anymore, at the exact second she lunges her arms at me, trying to get me with the rope. (Beyond making sure the ropes wouldn’t cut off circulation to her wrists, I had done an admittedly sloppy job securing her to the headboard… my mind was in other places). So now we’re fighting. I manage to grab her arms to pin her with one hand, and get the other around her neck to choke her (which, I also want to be clear, is a thing we’d pre-negotiated; clear consent is SO IMPORTANT in this kinda thing). She’s still fighting me a bit, so I growl something like “will you just fucking behave?” at her, let go of her arms, and slap her across the cheek, a good solid thwack.

And she stops.

Like, I don’t mean the fight went out of her… more like she went rigid. I let go of her neck but otherwise go still too. She opens her mouth to speak, an absolutely vacant look on her face No words come out. I am internally panicking, but do my best to outwardly display calm. Something’s happened, I’m not sure what, I can freak out after I’ve made sure she’s okay. After a few agonizing seconds that felt like an eternity, she gets out “can’t words” (or maybe “can’t talk”; as I said, was a bit panicking). I have no recollection of saying anything to her at this point, but I’m sure I must have said something I’d intended to be soothing at her, along the lines of “you’re okay” or “I’ve got you”. It couldn’t have been too long before she was able to get her senses back about her enough to let me know nothing was seriously wrong, but it felt like another eternity. Finally I feel her relax a bit and let out a breath I hadn’t quite realized I’d been holding. Adrenaline being the hell of a drug that it is, I don’t quite remember how we got from me on top of her with her unable to speak to on our sides cuddling, but we got there somehow.

I remember her asking me what happened, and after giving her the rundown she giddily told me “you slapped me so hard I fell out of my head!”. Even though we wound up not picking the scene up after we tapped out, we still both grin like idiots thinking about it.
