I fucked the thick chick from the supermarket [FM]

[I haven’t shared stories before but this one happened recently and I can’t get over it so I thought, having read stories here for a while, fuck it! I’d give sharing a shot. Here’s my 2nd attempt since I fucked up the tags on the first try!]

This story begins in a large UK supermarket (as do all great romances) one morning around 8am. One downside of being over 25 is you either start caring about your health more or, eventually, you get some pain-in-the-ass injury that MAKES you start caring about your health more. I wish I could say waking up early to go buy lots of fruits and vegetables felt better than sleeping in and eating garbage all day, but when this story happened I was coming off an injury that meant dietary changes and going for lots of walks (but which prevented running) and you gotta do what you gotta do. Normally I would have at least had some company in the form of my flatmate (a natural early riser), but he was away visiting his gf; this turned out to be very opportune for the sake of both this story and my dick.

As I was rounding the aisles from dairy to juice, I saw another shopper move down the aisle past me, having come from the other direction. Upon seeing her I forgot everything I was there to buy. You better believe I slowed the hell down to take a much closer look at the orange juice options than I normally would. To give a brief description, she was I’d guess mid-thirties and 5’7 with long black hair and dark skin, wearing a lot of fancy athleisure clothes more aligned with athletics than leisure (lucky for me, as it was all pretty taut). This woman had fucking curves on curves on curves. She def exercised as was visible from her arms and calves (plus all the gym clothes) and she had these sculpted shoulders visible through the fabric of her top, but she was also thick. as. fuck. When she stopped and twisted to pick up something from the shelves I saw that she had a little tummy and a big chest (I’d guess E-cups) which were straining against whatever poor sports bra had been given the Herculean task of trying to contain her. Normally that would have been where I was at straight-away, but seriously holy fucking shit this woman’s thighs and ass. She doesn’t actually have an itty-bitty waist but compared with her hips she might as well have had no stomach. As she walked her butt slowly swayed in the thin veneer of her leggings and the rhythm showed her ass was just this perfect combination of fat and bouncy. I don’t know which came first, the curves or the muscles, but they worked together perfectly; the ratio between them definitely favored thick and she was toned in this way that just really showed that off rather than diminishing it. Her leaning forward to push her little cart around—oh my fucking god. I could fucking die. The battle between her tits and her ass over what kind of back pain she gets must be the fucking fight of the century. At the time I had no idea what her face looked like (we were wearing masks) save that her eyes seemed intense—that or she was very focused on the various juice options.

I’ll give a little description of myself here as well. I’m tall (standing more than a head taller than this woman) with paler skin, shaggy black hair, and a short black beard. I should have done more sports when I was younger as I have naturally broad shoulders but I lack the muscle to really show them off—this woman clearly exercised much more than me. That said one upside of getting up early and eating healthy is that I am in decent shape, and with it being so early, I guess I had a better chance of being the hottest guy in the store. It won’t matter for quite a few paragraphs but I think my dick is more or less standard-issue; given my height I think some people I hook up with expect it to be bigger, but I’ve also had quite a few compliments about the thickness of it so I guess I break even!

Back to the story. I tried to keep my complete awe over this woman’s rockin’ bod unnoticeable. Seeing her sashay through the pre-made smoothies could have been the highlight of my day by itself, and I wasn’t gonna try and chat someone up in a supermarket while they’re just trying to live their life and get shit done, so once I’d gotten over the initial shock of her I just went along my way trying to remember my grocery list. I saw her once again while heading to checkout (no pun intended) and god in heaven, her looking like that was certainly one way to not make me mind waiting behind some other customers. Jesus.

A few days went by. I wish I could tell you something very cunning I’d done like spotted something in her shopping cart that I could have clued me into what kind of bars she might go to so I could just show up by chance, but this story is carried by sheer dumb luck; we bumped into each other in the supermarket again and when we ended up in the same line for checkout and she initiated conversation.

She looked just as good this time around, still wearing sporty stuff which didn’t show off a lot of skin but was tight enough that it more or less did. She had her hair in a ponytail this time and had a shopping basket daintily held at the end of her forearm in the crook of her elbow in kind of an above-it-all kind of way. I was surprised when she just nonchalantly started speaking. I managed to not drop anything as I kept loading it onto the whatever-it’s-called, the conveyor thing, and did my best to talk back while keeping my eyes from wandering. The conversation which panned out from there felt pointed but not flirty, though I did learn a lot about her: her name’s Ibi (aka her real name is something quite close to that); she was in town helping her sister with a newborn baby; she liked it here but hadn’t done much; and she was relived to be traveling after so long stuck in one place. I also learned a lot from speaking with her outside of our conversation: she didn’t have a wedding ring; from the way she talked about her sister’s newborn, she def didn’t have kids; and I couldn’t place her accent it but it was like something stacked on top of Welsh.

I made the decision not to leave as soon as I’d paid for my stuff which I felt justified in because we WERE still in the middle of a conversation; I figured it might have made me look a little thirsty but to be fair I was extremely thirsty. When the cashier asked her if she needed any bags, she actually asked me for a bag (as I’d brought some) and I handed one over immediately. If she’d bolted for the exit with my (flatmate’s) bag never to return I would have too distracted by her ass to stop her, but as soon as she’d paid she shouldered the bag and walked out with me. Ibi definitely seemed to know what she was about.

Outside of the store we talked a little more, and it didn’t SEEM flirty to me and I was building up the confidence to go there when she commented on my clothes (as I was also dressed a little sporty). I sheepishly explained my injury and she cooed sympathetically and said it was a shame as she wanted an exercise buddy while she was in town. I said (again a little lamely) that if she didn’t mind a slower pace there were some great walks around. She hadn’t taken off her mask yet (we were literally right outside the store) but I could tell she was keen. She asked me to send her a message on Facebook so we could be in touch “later” (I remember noting “later” and not “soon” which made it seem like hours instead of days).

On the way home I processed all this. Again, there hadn’t been any flirting going on here so I just put it down to her wanting a bit of time outside away from a baby and her presumably very tired sister. However, the fight between “don’t flirt with people who are just trying to go about their day” and the opportunity to fuck this woman was becoming very one-sided. I wasn’t sure Ibi was feeling me the way I’d been feeling her from literally the second I saw her figure, but here I was talking to total fucking bombshell and I was three weeks out from vaccine #2 so I figured fuck it, if we go for a walk and she seems keen I’ll def ask if she’d like to hang out at my place after. Even if I fumbled it I’d never be able to forgive myself for not trying!

Before I could even go home and jerk off to the idea of fucking her I saw she’d already responded to the message I’d sent when we were both outside the store; again nothing big or flirty, just a “so where are these good walks” type of deal. I asked when she wanted to go for a walk and she said she would love to go for one later that day (!!!). I was at this point essentially giddy but still not sure what to make of this and was texting my flatmate like crazy about it in anticipation but also in an AAAAHH kind of way. tbf I did also jerk off before showering and shaving; I wanted to clear my head as much as possible as I was seriously amped up just given how sudden and fast this opportunity seemed to be coming at me.

We talked a little bit more on Facebook but I didn’t want to ham it up given we were gonna see each other in person so soon. As promised, around 4pm that same day she met me at the start of a little nature walk I’d told her about (one super close to my house). This was my first time seeing her without a mask; she had full lips, a cute nose, and a set jaw. She came in the same gear she’d had on in the supermarket save her hair was now down and she had one of those really big pink water bottles and a bag of other shit. I suddenly felt a little stupid for changing and cleaning myself up but conversation flowed pretty naturally. She asked me about my injury (which was a spinal thing), I asked her about what her normal workouts are like. I did wonder in the middle of this if I seemed like a creep given I was leading her into like, a less crowded area, but then remembered she’d asked me about this and she was occasionally getting texts from her sister that’d she’d answer as we walked. Our conversation tuned from being a little more idle into more teasing. She asked me what kind of runs I went on when I could run, and when I told her she joked “oh, so basically just walking then”; I laughed and said I bet she could smoke me in a race and she said she was sure she could, but I had the excuse of a bad back to protect me. At this point I kinda figured fuck it and took the plunge and joked that it WAS surprising, between the two of us, that I would be the one with back pain. She gave me A Look and for a second I thought I’d fucked up but then she said she just powered through her own back pain and that I should get on her level. From here with that initial ice broken we were off to the races; I stopped overthinking it and put the pedal down. I said I’d definitely let her win if we were racing, or at least get a nice head-start. She said she’d heard that one a million times, but she did laugh. I asked straight-up if she was free after the walk and wanted to hang out some more. She asked me straight-up what that meant given I had a bad back. I thought for a second and said I didn’t want to deny her a good workout if she wanted one. She looked me in the eye and said “let’s go” so you better fucking believe we went.

As is common in my experience once the tension got to that point it kinda hung limp for a minute as we got back to my place and I fumbled with the front door, but I managed to bring it back by giving her a smile and an “after you” when we got to the stairs up to my flat. I was rock hard by this point; my hands were practically trembling as I went for the key. Once we were inside I asked her if she wanted something to drink and she smiled and just said “no” and then we were all over each other.

The competitive talk from the walk carried into the hookup. I pressed her up against the wall as we kissed and felt her arms on my back. She said that she’d have to be careful and we both laughed. With that said I had already assumed us fucking could break me in half given my injury but I couldn’t be bothered—at this point if I died, I died. She cooed as we kissed and I felt her midsection pressed up against my cock over what we were wearing. It didn’t take long for us to start pulling one another’s clothes off and oh my god it felt so fucking good to get her out of those clothes holy fucking shit. I pulled down her leggings as she helpfully wiggled against me and her ass felt so good in my hands. I squeezed it and kept her pressed to the wall while her hands were on my shoulders and my chest. Her hands were kneading into my shoulders with a bit of force so I followed her lead and felt her up a little more roughly while kissing her neck and jaw and lips and she responded with more cooing. Ibi was noisy in the best possible way.

We ended up fucking right there by the (thankfully closed) door. I felt her up over her top and she began stroking my cock over my underwear. She let out this little “ooh!” as she started to wrap her hand around it. When she moved to pull it out I turned her around, pressed her back up to the wall, and started getting her out of the rest of her clothes with my cock pushed up on her ass. It felt so good against me that I helped her as she was pawing at my dick; I pulled it out and slapped it against her waist, leaving a little bit of precum on her exposed skin. She stayed noisy and had this way of talking, like a breathy murmur, that made it seem like she was back to being dainty. I kept her like that, enjoying the feeling of her ass against my cock, as I felt her up and got the rest of her clothes off. Before long my hands were moving down her to her clit, and she was pushing her ass back against me while I kept her on the wall.

At this point it basically becomes a blur. I worked her with my hands while keeping her pinned with my cock, but she got needier and needier the more I teased at her; she started playing with her own clit as I repositioned to rub the head of my cock against it (which made things crowded) and after that she more or less ordered me to fuck her. I brought her down to the floor and put her face down and ass up the way I’d fantasized about, but then leaned down and worked her with my tongue before fucking her. God she sounded so fucking sexy. I got her close a couple times to tease her and to bring the bossy back out since it was just as much fun as the dainty, and eventually it won out and she really couldn’t wait any longer so I got her off, put on a condom, and then took her from behind with long deep thrusts. In retrospect I assume I didn’t last long at all that first time we fucked, but I at least lasted long enough that her nice thick thighs buckled from the thrusting and she ended up lying flat on the ground. Fucking a girl with a thick ass while she’s laid out prone like that is An Experience, oh my god. My hands moved from her ass up to her shoulders by the time I was ready to blow. The feeling of pumping into her and feeling her round ass pushed up against me will be with me until I fucking die. She was on cloud nine and had been a bit quieter after she first came but went from more of her signature sultry cooing when I first began fucking her into more ooh-ing and aah-ing as I picked up the pace. By the time I was ready to fill her she was back to the loudest point. I was fucking her with everything I had but she was doing just as much work moving against me and working my cock with her pussy, even while laid out on her stomach and chest. One of the best orgasms I’ve ever had and probably ever will have; I don’t think I remembered how to talk for a couple minutes and we kinda just lay there on the floor laughing and rubbing against each other.

We fucked a few more times that day after a break; she’d texted her sister when we’d been heading to my place and told her she’d be in late so we ordered some very unhealthy food (with the promise we’d ~work out~ some more after to undo it). Between rounds we got some of that behind-the-scenes stuff—“were you planning this all along”, that kind of thing. I admitted to wanting her from the moment I’d seen her (and also to already having jerked off to her earlier) and asked her if she’d noticed me checking her out that first time a few days before; she laughed and said she hadn’t. Ibi told me she had only noticed me that day and hadn’t been sure about this at first. For her own part this was her first time traveling since she was fully vaccinated and she’d been extremely pent up and horny for months and decided to do something while away from home. Out of curiosity she asked my age but coyly kept hers a secret and actually still hasn’t told me. At this point I was basically fawning over her body constantly, which she seemed to find very charming; when I was rubbing her ass and telling her how great it was she jokingly said “praise it and glaze it” which I still can’t get out of my head. I get off to the memory of her laid out grinning at me and telling me that pretty fucking often.

Fucking her the next couple of times was extremely fun, just like round one. She’d said she felt bad for not sucking my cock and I was more than happy to give her the chance; I was ass-obsessed from the jump but she was incredible all-around, so I didn’t want her to finish me with her mouth since there was so much more to do. The way she talked to me as I fucked her tits nearly had me covering her then and there. She was even bustier than I’d first thought given the sports bra and clearly knew what she was doing. I was just all over her and needed to feel her pussy again, and she grinned and asked me about that workout, insisting on riding me this time (though she very sweetly did make sure I could handle it given the injury). On top she was as much fun to watch as to feel; I got the sense she didn’t pay me a lot of attention while she rode me as she was chasing her own proverbial bliss, but the stuff she was saying was hot and she did moan whenever I slapped her ass or leaned up to tease at her breasts. At one point as she was bucking on me she groaned and said “oh, fuck, it’s thick” and then repeated it a few times with her eyes closed and the look on her face and the rhythm of her body was enough that I started pumping her full. She stayed on me as I played with her clit until she came. After that she told me she was pretty exhausted, and I wasn’t sure I had more in me but wasn’t certain I’d get to do this again so wanted to keep at it. I joked that I’d promised her a workout and used my fingers and my tongue to get her worked up again, then fucked her there in missionary until she said she wanted me from behind again. I didn’t get the sense she thought she’d orgasm just from penetration but as I took her from behind again (this time keeping her head pulled up and back instead of pushed down) she started trembling and got VERY quiet, very unlike when she’d cum before, and I jackhammer-fucked her as I felt her pussy rolling. She was essentially KO’d at that point so I pulled out and stroked my cock over her and on her; she asked if she wanted me to finish in her mouth but after what she’d said earlier I couldn’t resist covering her ass. By the time we were all cozied up again both of us were ready to pass out, but Ibi insisted on getting home in case her sister needed her help.

This was 100% the peak of the summer for me. She was in town for a little while longer but had more responsibilities foisted on her. We only hooked up one more time while she was around but still dirty talk and send nudes every so often. I really find myself hoping she visits her sister more often!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/penmif/i_fucked_the_thick_chick_from_the_supermarket_fm


  1. She sounds like a bombshell ;) smooth move picking her up at the supermarket, i could never do something like that lol

  2. To many men won’t even attempt the takedown,you were lucky indeed.

  3. This is one of the hottest stories I’ve ever read. I was so close of cumming while reading it. Hands down, a pic would makes me live this beautiful experience.

  4. Great stuff. She sounds incredibly hot! You stirred up memories of my favourite ever FWB who was similarly curvy and similarly strong, I fucking loved it. Besides the curves, she could get me off orally like nobody I’ve ever met before or since. Sadly she moved interstate for work :-(

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