Free Use Husband 2: Electric Boogaloo [M/F]



I felt horrible making her cry.

She stayed home today on a Monday, my plans of buying some roses for her has all but vanished; I’ll have to do it tomorrow. She’s still curled up in bed in her favorite pajamas. It’s 6AM, the time I usually get up because she leaves work at 7AM so I need to make breakfast.

Her staying in is messing up my routine. No, I can’t think like that.

Regardless, I stuck to what I usually do. I made an omelet with some sliced ham, cheese and mushroom. I topped it with some freshly sliced parsley. She’s one of those people who eat eggs with Ketchup, so I placed made sure to grab it from the cupboard and place it within her reach. I just made myself some fried eggs, buttered toast and a glass of water. Breakfast already felt extravagant to me. I poured a cup of orange juice for herself.

She finally came down, sleep still lingering in her eyes. Before she sat she made sure to give me a kiss and pinched my cheeks, something she hasn’t stopped doing ever since we’ve started to live together. I pulled her chair back for her and pushed it in as she sat down. Her eyes brightened as she saw what I prepared because Omelet has always been her favorite breakfast egg dish. She ate it and her face seems to beam with life. I’m glad I can do this for her. I’ll be honest, she’s gained some healthy weight during the years, with the rest of her body catching up a little with her plump ass and thick thighs. She’s not fat or anything, I make sure to keep that in mind, but her breast has gotten somewhat larger and her waist just a touch wider. I love her as I always have and I find myself loving her even more.

As I cleared the table and start washing the dishes, she wrapped her arms around me. She’s a little taller than me, I’m 5’6 and she’s about 5’8 so it was easy for her. I’m also a little underweight for my height as I’ve gotten used to generally not eating as much.

Then her hands drifted south and I knew what she wanted. I have to keep up with her libido, it’s the only way I feel like I’m earning my keep. I know she doesn’t like the way I think sometimes, but I can’t help it. I didn’t exactly have a ‘normal’ childhood, if I can even call that normal, so I’m not sure what the ‘normal’ is.

She inserted herself between me and the sink and she wriggled her fat butt against me. She knows that I like this and she looked back and pumped her eyebrows at me. I slid her bottoms down to around her knees and pushed her pink panties aside. I took out my dick, spat on my hand and rubbed it around the head as I took the plunge while I fondled her breast under her pajamas. She felt warm around me and her walls hugged me tightly and I pinched and flicked her nipples. I fucked her for a good fifteen minutes, reaching down and around her leg and rubbing her clit and softly nibbling on her neck. I’ve felt her leg shake a few times, I think she came about 4 or 5 times and her pussy walls contracted and squeezed me hard from time to time. I’ll have to do some research on how to tell if your wife is having an orgasm. Usually she’s very vocal and would moan loud, but this morning she moaned very softly and sensual.

“Are you close babe?” she asked and a little moan escaped her afterwards. I nodded and then kissed her neck and she got on her knees and started to suck me off. I gently placed my hands behind her head because I’m afraid she might get too eager and hit the back of her head on the sink, but I guess she took that as a sign because she just shoved herself down and my dick went down her throat. That always felt amazing and she pulled back and I just started coming into her mouth. She always looked up at me with her fierce, blue eyes and it would always make my spine tingle.

“I was still hungry,” she smiled at me and she stroked the last bit of my semen out. She licked it off and giggled as she stood up. “Let’s go out today!” she declared and I just nodded. I’m not sure what she has planned, but if it makes her happy I’ll do it.


I’ve never learned how to swim. I never needed to. But I’m standing in front of the largest body of water and I’m petrified.

I never mentioned this to her, it just never came up. I’m standing there in my swim trunks, which my wife bought for me a few minutes before, and I can feel the sun just hammering down my shoulders.

“We need to put on some sunscreen babe,” she said so I sat down and slathered on some of that weird white goop. “Oh, not so much,” she said but I wasn’t using a whole lot anyway.

She rubbed some on the parts I couldn’t reach and I thanked her for that. Afterwards she laid on her back and asked me to put some on her. I wouldn’t want her pale skin to crisp up after all. I massaged her neck and her back, I’ve always been good with my hands.

Lanie frolicked in the ocean she would splash me with the cool water. At the end, we laid down on a stretched out beach towel.

She came up to me and whispered and she winked. She has that look again, but she didn’t just want me to fuck her. She wanted me to finger-fuck her. I looked around and there are a lot of people, a lot of eyes.

“We’ll get caught,” I said but she really wanted it and she shook her ass again. I couldn’t resist after that, so she laid on her back and I put a towel and kind of bunched it up so it made a little wall around her. I took our stuff, the beach chairs, the towels, the coolers, and made a little fort around me to block wandering eyes. I made sure my fingers are free of sand and salt water, I washed it with water and then licked it thoroughly. Then, I slipped it inside my wife’s wet pussy. It made some squelching sound that I hoped the ambiance drowned out, but she squirmed and wriggled. She bit her lips and then she began to bite her fingers in an effort to not make any sound. I curved my fingers up when I retracted it and would twist it around when I pushed it in. She’s moaning a little now so I had to lean in and start kissing her to silence her.

“God, you’re so good to me honey,” she said with her voice quivering. She looked into my eyes and she just held my face. Finally she started to tremble and her eyes fluttered and I increased my speed to help her come. When she came, I embraced her so that others won’t think she’s having a seizure or something. I sat her up and I embraced her but I kept my hand inside her and applied more pressure. Another orgasm shook her and she started whispering some gobbledygook that I couldn’t understand. She only speaks English, I know that, but maybe her orgasms would just make her randomly speak some ancient tongue or something, I don’t know.

She gave a content sigh and she laid there. I made sure to apply a little bit more sunscreen on her. I know she’s been wanting a tan so I’m helping her with that. I’m a little bit darker and I prefer not to get any more sun time. I helped her on her stomach so her back side can get a tan.

We went home at around 2pm, it was getting too hot for her to handle and the beach was getting just a little more crowded for her and my liking. I’m not much of a talker, I’m more of a listener, and she talked about the work and how she might come home a little later than usual. How late, she isn’t sure but she would call me.

“Sure,” I said, “any food you want me to make for you?”

“Pot roast sounds nice,” she answered as she gave it a long thought, “with garlic mashed potatoes or red skin mashed.”

I’ll have to look up how to make pot roast, it seems.


It’s 11 pm on a Tuesday and I’m starting to worry. She hasn’t called yet and I wondered what’s keeping her. We have a landline, I haven’t really gotten used to smartphones so I asked her not to activate it yet and I would try to get around to learning it. The pot roast has been sitting in the bowl for a while, it was fairly easy to do, and it’s starting to develop a skin from the fat hardening because the temperature dropped. The mashed potatoes, red skinned is what I decided to make, has started to grow a harder outer layer as well. I’m starting to worry.

Wednesday came and she hasn’t been back yet. I guess my mind is working through some stuff right now. I tried to stay busy, I cleaned the house but I find that it was still clean from yesterday. There was barely any dishes for me to do because the only one that ate and I just ate a buttered toast and a cup of coffee for breakfast. I’ve already done the laundry yesterday, folded it and put it away. Overall, the house is immaculate. It’s late morning and Lanie hasn’t shown up. The day went by slow. I didn’t need to cook nor clean. I just sat by the window and did some light reading.

I should be more worried, I really should, but I guess my upbringing has turned me into such a cynical person. I mentioned before that I had fears of her leaving me for a better life, so now that fear, in my head, is starting to materialize. I find that my worry has started to drift away, replaced by an emotion that I didn’t really understand. Acceptance? Acceptance that I’m being replaced?

Maybe she did find someone else. Maybe she’s with him right now, wrapped around his arms. I can only hope he treats her right.

Suddenly those bills of $100’s is starting to look good. I don’t have a lot of stuff, enough for it to fit in a backpack, a few changes of clothes that fits in one half of a drawer. I left the clothes that she bought for me, I didn’t feel like they really belonged to me so I kept the ones that I bought. The shoes that she bought me stayed in our closet, the dress pants, everything. If I was to leave, my items would fit in a backpack. I have my bicycle that I saved up for, that would be my mode of transportation.

Thursday came and still nothing. I turned the lights off, I wanted to conserve electricity, and I just sat in the living room with nothing to do. I dusted a little bit and vacuumed the carpet but there is generally nothing for me to do. I could have started drinking, my wife did keep a good amount of wine, but I found alcohol to make my head worse so I stopped. I looked out the window and saw that the night is getting deeper as the street lights came on. I sighed, I felt it was time. I kept my bicycle in the back and I took it and rolled it past the gate and into the streets. I got on and pedaled, I just pedaled. I made sure to take the bills with me, the old phone and I left my notepad behind. I just scribbled a little message on it.

“Happiness? What is happiness? I’m not sure what the answer to that is, but I find it’s different depending on the person. For me, I’ve found that I’m happy when my wife is happy. I’m not sure when my wife stopped becoming happy, I certainly didn’t notice it, but if I couldn’t make her happy then I do not deserve to be with her. I am sorry that I couldn’t make you happy. I am sorry that I couldn’t be that man for you. I hope that you find someone that can make you happy. Maybe I’ll try and find something else that makes me happy, we’ll see.”

I don’t have any friends, I mostly kept to myself, so I don’t have anywhere to crash. I don’t have anyone to stay with. I still have the key to the old restaurant, but the new owners haven’t been friendly with me. I keep it around as a keepsake really.

I lived on the streets before but times have changed and I think I’ve gotten too soft to stay in the streets again. Do I need to spend some of my own money for a motel? I guess so. I found a Motel 6 and rented a room, $45 so it wasn’t as bad.


I woke up a little later than I usually do, at 8 am. I turned the key in, thanked the clerk, and started riding my bike in a random direction. The air is nice and fresh and took a more scenic route as I find myself heading north. I’ve never been north on our before, maybe this is a nice adventure that I’m starting out. I still miss my wife. It took me a long time to fall asleep because we would talk a little before bed. I mentioned before that I like routine, and this entire day has been a massive deviation from my routine. I had some breakfast from a nearby diner and continued on my way.

It’s starting to get a little dark and I think I’m still in the city limits. I’ve been rolling around trying to get to the edge of the city and so far I’ve failed at it. Somehow I’ve ended up where the clubs, bars and strip clubs are. Their neon lights and loud atmosphere were never my liking. I remember my wife, when she was my girlfriend at the time, took me to a club and it was an interesting experience. The loud music made it so hard for me to think straight and communicate properly. She was 21 at the time so she danced and drank with her college friends and I was the stick in the mud that just sat and drank cola the entire night.

So I tried to get away from the area. As I biked away I heard some whimpering sound, muffled a bit. Curious, I tried to look for it and found a young lady currently in the process of being raped. The poor excuse of a human had his mouth around her mouth and I just saw red. I pushed him off and punched him across the jaw.

“Please call the police,” I shouted at her and she nodded as she tried to get her clothes back on. A few minutes have passed and the police came and arrested him. I was taken in too and she was taken in an ambulance. I asked the officer if he could grab the bike and the backpack for me and he was cordial enough to do so, putting it on an empty bike rack on his police SUV.

“Not him, he helped me!” she pleaded to the officers who nodded and reassured her that this is part of the process.

So I spent a good portion of the night sitting in the police station giving my statement. He asked what I was doing in that part of town and I answered that I had gotten lost. He agreed with that, seeing as I’m riding a bike and everyone drives nowadays. He asked for an ID from me and the only thing I can produce is my drivers learners permit. I mentioned that I didn’t drive, but lately I’ve made an effort to learn how to so I can drive my wife around. He accepted it, punched in something in his computer and stepped away. Moments later he came back and handed me my card.

An hour passed and the door opened. I expected some more hooligans trotting along in cuffs but was unexpectedly surprised when my wife came in and leapt into my arms.

‘Where were you!?” Lanie’s brittle voice asked as she buried her head into my neck, “I’ve been looking for you since yesterday! I tried the restaurant and they said they haven’t seen you in weeks. How could you just leave!?”

“Honey, I… you didn’t come home on Tuesday and Wednesday, and you didn’t call the house or anything. I thought that you… well…”

“What, you thought I was cheating on you?! That I’m in another man’s arms?! That he’s taking care of me!? Is that what you thought!? So instead of talking to me you decide to just leave!?”

She slapped me across the face and the officers were about to move in on her, but she just sunk down onto my chest, her face against it, and I held her, stroking her head. She just cried and soaked my shirt.

“What else am I supposed to think? You’re a beautiful woman. Smart, affectionate, sexy. I’m sure that someone has feelings for you. I guess in my messed up head, infidelity is the first thing it went to, but I’m not sure what else to think.”

“You could have called me. You could have asked me when I’m coming home.”

“I didn’t want to bother you,” I said as I wiped away a little snot that was dribbling from her nose and wiped it on my shirt.

“Honey, you’re never a bother to me, how many times do I have to say that?”


She drove us home with the bike managing to fit into the SUV. We were quiet for the most part and I just watched as we passed the street lights. We went into the house and she made a beeline for the stairs and climbed it. I looked around and saw the house a mess. What happened while I was gone? I sighed and began cleaning up.

A few minutes later I heard her calling my name. I dropped what I was doing and went upstairs. I opened the door to see my wife in a sexy red lingerie sitting on the bed, her arms outstretched. I took my shirt and my pants off and went to her, allowing her to wrap her arms around me.

“Honey, make love to me,” her silvery words came. She didn’t asked to be fucked, that was a normal physical thing, she’s asking for something emotional from me.

I kissed her deeply and slowly, letting her taste linger in my lips just a little bit longer. She undid her bra and I moved in to suckle her breast and her nipples. She pushed me down to my back and took my cock out from my straining underwear. She gave me a slow blowjob, not like her usual fast paced ones, but this time she let her lips linger around my cockhead and her tongue would swirl and lick while she sucked. It’s a little bit more intense and I could already feel myself coming, so I did. She gulped it down and found that I’m coming more than usual and her shocked eyes widened, finally relaxing into a smile as she moaned and took me all in.

“Honey, promise me that you’ll never leave me.”

“I won’t leave you if you won’t leave me,” was my offer and she smiled as she gave my cock a few more slurps and strokes. I leaned in and kissed her and now it was my turn to push her down. I spread her legs and looked her straight in the eye as my dick went into her sopping wet pussy. Slowly I pushed it in, I felt her pussy stretch to accommodate me and I slowly rubbed her warm clit.

“Why didn’t you come home?” I started to ask, feeling a little bit braver than I usually am.

She looked at me and took a deep breath in while I thrusted into her, “The upper management needed more hands,” she started until a moan interrupted her, “I volunteered to assist in another project that has so many problems that I didn’t know how to start.”

“Why didn’t you call?” I requested further.

“I was going to call but when I looked at the time it was already 3 am. You’re probably asleep and we didn’t have any voicemails or anything for the landline. I should’ve gone home, but I had to be back to work by 8 am so I decided to sleep in my office.”

“So why didn’t you come home on Wednesday or even called at a reasonable time.”

She looked exasperated, spent almost, but not at me as I soon find out. “Upper management really wanted that stupid — oohhn, right there honey — project to work. They decided in no interruptions and no distractions. So we lost our phones for the day and we worked our asses off. They gave us food, thankfully, but I really craved something else. So when I was driving home on Thursday afternoon, I was so happy to finally—”

She started crying at this point and I had to stop. She brought me in closer and just hugged me close, letting her tears flow freely. “I was so happy to I finally see my husband and taste the food I asked for so long ago. I called the house when I was driving and you didn’t pick up. I was scared! What if you got hurt and I wasn’t there to answer your call for help! When I got home and found that our house is so immaculate I was happy, but you never answered me no matter how many times I called your name. I got to our bedroom and I saw the note and when I read it, I got really sad. Sad and angry at me, because I know what I did and what it looked like to you because I know you have this fear of me leaving you. So I drove around the entire night and looked for you. I couldn’t sleep, but was so tired that I just collapsed on the couch.”

She sniffled and wiped away some of her tears as she pulled back and she looked at me then she continued, “This morning, I was looking for anything that might tell me where you went to. I was so sad the entire day. I ate your pot roast too, honey, and it’s so good by the way! Then when the police called, I was afraid at first and then he explained what you did, how you saved that girl. I was so happy to know you were ok! I’m sorry, honey, I’m so sorry!”

I wiped away her tears and rubbed her head gently. I started moving again, slowly at first but deeper and I would grind my hips when I hilted her. She gently moaned as I rest my forehead against hers. She kissed me and I gave her the same passionate kiss. Eventually I had to increase my tempo with my thrust and my fingers teasing her clit. She wrapped her legs around me as I pounded my pelvis against hers, shouting expletives every time my dick went into her.

“Don’t stop babe, I’m about to come don’t stop! I haven’t come in three days, please let me come, please, please!”

I nodded at her and with each thrust I would gently rub her asshole. I’ve watched a few erotic videos and I noticed that the male stars would either stick a finger into the asshole or rub it. I decided that sticking my finger in there is something I might do later on, so for now I’m gently rubbing it.

When she felt my fingers circling her brown button she yelped a little then she started moaning. She started to come and she’s gasping for air and when she found it she screamed as she breathe out. “Baby, do that again. Please, do it again,” she begged as she kissed me.

So I did, but this time I let her straddle me. She bounced her perfect ass on my dick and I suckled on her breast. My hands cupped her ass and one of my finger would press and tease her asshole while she bounced. She came again and again as I played with her asshole, but then I decided to stick half of my middle finger in. I’m feeling a little bit brave tonight and I wanted my wife to be satisfied. I have three days to make up for.

She’s hollering and writing against me. Her thighs are spasming and close and open randomly and she started to curl up and just lay down against me. She held her breath as her orgasm worked their magic and when one would leave she would breathe out and scream. I started thrusting into her now and would slide my finger into her and she would give guttural moans that I haven’t heard of before.

“Honey, slow down I’m still — ugh oohhh godddd — coming.” her hands were flailing around like they were trying to find something to do. I learned to ignore this part of her so I kept pumping into her and this time I slid my thumb in. With my thumb being wider she started moaning a lot louder than usual and she’s coming again. “S–slow down, hunggghh, please… I’m coming again” she said meekly.

I started feeling it. I started to fuck her faster and harder, by this time she’s limp but moaning. I thrusted into her a final time and just stayed there as my dick twitched inside her, dropping my shipment. She’s smiling.

“Thank you… thank you baby… thank you.” she said softly with a gentle smile on her face.

I kissed her and hugged her, feeling my softening dick slide off of her. I took rolled her on her back and she just gave me a sigh of contentment.

I’ll have to clean the sheets tomorrow, and the living room. It’s also a Saturday.


I fiddled around the smartphone a little. I realized that I needed to adapt to how the world is now. I’m more comfortable with older technology because of its simplicity, but I find that the convenience provided by the newer tech often makes it the better choice. The phone has a lot of functionality to it, far more than my old razor. I managed to get some of the basic functions, how to make and receive a call at least, and my wife is happy that I’m finally joining 2021. She also placed me in her phone plan and set up a new number for me.

She made sure that I know that this phone is mine. That I own it, and I have to keep it with or near me at all times. She walked away and into the bathroom and I continued fiddling around my phone. Then I hear a chime from my phone along with a green box with her name on it. So I clicked on it and received a photo message.

She’s standing in our bathroom and her photo is her fully nude along with a the caption “Come here sweetie.”

She cracked her door open and she’s looking at me from behind the opening and I just looked at her.

“What if someone steals my phone and they see this?”

She just laughed. I love her so much.



  1. Teososta, congratulations on your writing & story telling. You have 2 amazing characters with miles of future tales before them. I hope you enjoy writing them as much as I enjoy them.

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