A Dish Best Served Hot [Solo Mast] Part 3

After the last part, I decided to start cutting each chapter in half.


The drive back to the park was filled with talks. About how Raissa’s life as an entrepreneur started and how Victor’s many crazy nights working as a nurse. It was filled with laughter and giggles, and his speedometer never went past 65 mph in the highway. He didn’t want this little piece of heaven to stop.

“I have already started talking to my lawyer, I should have the papers ready by next week,” Raissa said as she touched Victor’s shoulder.

“Raissa, I gotta admit your plan is a little fucked up,” Victor said as he tried not to laugh. “It’s a little crazy if I’m being honest.”

“Crazy, yes, but I have had enough of cheating men stomping my heart,” Raissa replied as she felt him pull away from her a little.

Victor considered it as he drove, but ultimately he decided to go along with her plan. “I’ll ask a friend to find out where they stay.”

“Thank you, Victor.”

As they reached the park and Victor settled into the lot, he looked at Raissa again and she looked at him. Raissa took his phone and used the facial recognition to unlock it. She then went and dialed up a number which went into her phone.

“Now you have my number,” she smiled as her shoulders pumped up. Victor leaned in again and kissed her and she clutched his face and leaned into him.

“Next week?” he said breathlessly.

“Next week.” she answered as she took a breath into herself.


Victor took his phone and went into his group chat with his three best friends. Kaz, Greg and Wigs.

Kaz, Greg and Wigs have been friends with Victor since they first met in the first grade. They bonded over their love of Hot Wheels and would often trade cars with one another. This grew into an obsession that eventually became a reality for them. During high school they were referred to as the ‘Tuner Boys’ as they would often spend more time reading car magazines than their textbook. They were their own little clique.

Kaz is Japanese, his nickname short for Kazuya. He is named after a video game character which he feels somewhat conflicted about since he dislikes the character but likes the name. Greg is Black, the oddball of the group because Wigs is Filipino thus making him the only one that’s not Asian. This never really mattered to the little group. Wigs, his real being Danny, got his nickname from when they were younger. Victor, Kaz and Greg walked in on him wearing his mom’s wig and parading it in front of a mirror. Since then, they have started calling him Wigs.

Wigs really isn’t gay, he just wanted to know what he looked like with long, blonde hair.

He sent out the group S.O.S, ***”NACHO, Sunshine Park”*** and immediately replies came, ***”OMW”.***


Kaz’s red 350z thundered in with ferocity as it parked next to Victor’s WRX STI. Soon, Greg’s electric blue Supra slipped into next to Kaz, his engine rumbling loudly as he revved it once before turning it off. Wigs’ and his Lancer Evolution IX finally arrived and parked next to Victor’s own. The two have often been regarded as the brother-sister duo, with the STI retaining its pearl blue color and the Evo IX being recolored into a soft pink.

No, Wigs really isn’t gay. He just likes the color pink.

The three stepped out of their respective vehicle, each carrying a bag of Taco Bell with Kaz holding two, and sat on the bench. Wigs brought over the platter and they each produced a Nacho Bell Grande (no beans) onto the plate. They then gave each other a hug and a pat on the back.

“What’s up boss man, you working tonight?” Greg asked as he took a bite of his nacho.

“I called out,” Victor answered, not bothering to eat any of the food before him, “shit hit the fan for me earlier bro.”

“Why what’s wrong,” Wigs said with concern. He took a little too much nacho but shoved it in his mouth anyway.

Victor looked in each of his friend’s eyes. He knew what he’ll say will shock them as he has managed to integrate Anna into his little square of friends. “Anna is cheating on me.”

Indeed a look of shock befell their visage. Greg began to tear up while Kaz and Wigs just has a look of shock on their face.

“Oh, what the fuck!? Anna!? Cheating on you!? No, man, no! She’s supposed to be the one, your happily ever after! She’s supposed to be the sun to your gloomy ass moon!” Greg hollered, his volume a little too loud and a little too high in pitch. Greg has been the closest to her, with the exception of Victor, and he saw her as a little sister of sort.

“You’re taking this a little harder than I did Greg, calm the fuck down,” Victor almost laughed as he finally took a chip with a little bit of cheese on it.

“That’s because we’re living vicariously through you! It’s like she cheated on all of us, man! We haven’t had any real relationship since high school, sure a few hook ups but no real heart and loving shit like you two have… I’m sorry. Who introduced her to you anyway? Was it Sam? It was Sam wasn’t it”

“Yeah, it was Sam.”

“I knew it, that bitch always brings trouble!”

Greg referred to the former fifth member of their little group, Samantha. They met Samantha in 5th grade as an awkward Vietnamese who was a little chubby, a little short, and with a little more acne covering her face. She was pretty, Wigs thought she was pretty, but when high school came she went on a growth spurt. She grew to 5’6 and evened out so she had big breast, a slim waist and tight, slappable ass and her acne cleared up and she indeed became very pretty. Wigs pursued her, but she shot him down immediately and spitefully, causing a fallout between her and the group. She became one of the popular girls and she never talked to them other than a few half hearted “hello” once a year or so. Two years ago she, in the guise of making up, she came back home and introduced her friend Anna to Victor but then disappeared somewhere and they never heard from her again, though the four knew that Anna is still in contact with her.

“How are you feeling brother?” Kaz said as he gave him a playful slap on the shoulder. “When did you find out?”

“I’m fine, and I found out today,” Victor answered.

“But you’re not a mess? Pare ko (My friend -Tagalog-) we should go to the club tonight, or the beach, or maybe a strip club.”

None of those sounded appealing to Victor. He never really enjoyed clubs as loud music somehow gives him headache. The beach, he corrected, sounds good but judging by the way it’s juxtaposed with ‘club’ and ‘strip club’ he guessed that Wigs is probably looking to trawl the sands for women. Strip clubs also aren’t his thing, as the last time he went to one a dancer came up, ran her hand across his black jeans, and left a film of white something on his thigh and he couldn’t get past that. What is that white film? He dared not touch it. He wasn’t grossed out by it, but he didn’t exactly know *what* it is.

“No I’m fine, really.” Victor laughed, but his friends didn’t believe him, “I actually met the wife of the husband that Anna is fucking.” He pulled out his phone, looked her up on IG and showed them one of the more tame picture of her.

Immediately their eyes widened. The looked at her and then to him. They knew that she is perfect for him.

“Oh, a revenge affair?” Kaz said as he raised his eyebrows. Greg fixed his attention to him as he waited for the answer.

Victor never really thought about that. Raissa is still married, for now, but what the two of them did fall within the realm of cheating. He suddenly felt cheapened as he realized he lowered himself down to their level. But the feeling passed as he remembered the connection he had with Raissa.

But what if its not true? What if Raissa simply turns around after their little ‘plan’ and discard him? Victor decided to re-examine Raissa and his feelings for her. He decided to be a little bit more defensive when dealing with her. In truth, they never really defined their feelings, only speculated to what it is.

“Um, no not a revenge affair. She gave me proof. I’d show but there are…. compromising images.”

Wigs giggled, Kaz is stone faced like usual, and Greg looks like he’s seen a little bird fall out of its nest and onto a hill of hungry ants: horror.

“I do have a favor to ask you three though: They apparently meet up in a motel, but I don’t know where. I need you guys to find out where.”

“So what do you want us to do, follow her after work? With our loud ass cars?” Wigs reasoned with a somewhat pissed off look in his face. “We need like… regular people car if we want to be all secretive and shit.”

“We could just get a rental and use that instead, ” Kaz offered as a solution which Wigs gave a nod to.

“I’ll ask Papa for his car,” Greg offered with tear streaked cheeks and red eyes, still eating. “Man, this girl really did a number on you Victor.”

Victor’s eyes narrowed and his face scrunched up in confusion as he looked at him and then the others, Kaz and Wigs laughed, finding the humor of the situation, then Victor relaxed and started to lightly laugh. “Yeah, I guess she did.”


Victor got home a little after seven and wasn’t even surprised when the lights aren’t on. “She’s probably ‘at the bar’ again,” he mumbled as he shook his head. He opened the garage and drove the car.

He went upstairs and took a shower, letting the warmth envelop him. His mind started to wander as he remembered all the fun events that happened with Anna. He remembered the trip they had in New Zealand, visiting historic placed and even Waikato where the Shire from Lord of the Ring is located in. His mind went back to their visit to Orlando and to it’s theme parks. He remembered looking at her, lovingly, and when she slept soundly he secretly took a measurement of her ring finger.

Then the pain crashed into him, the pain he should have felt hours ago. It hit his heart, like a piercing hot poker with coals embedded into it. He cried then, of grief for the death of his relationship. He cried in the same manner as the day when Steve and Lisa perished, and just like that day he hugged his knees and sat on the floor as water continuously bombarded him.

When he got out of the shower and has dried himself off, he threw on his usual pair of boxer brief and laid on his bed. Again his mind wandered, but this time to what happened between him and Raissa. He imagined her face, looking at him, how his hazel eyes would penetrate into him and his plump lips are irresistible. Then his mind went to her lips encapsulating his throbbing cock as she bobbed up and down his hardness. He imagined her hot, firm, toned body laying on him and her juicy ass gyrating against his crotch. He imagined feeling her soft breast in his hand, perfect as they are, and pinching her hard erect nipple.

His hand went into his brief as he took out his stiff cock. He began to stroke it as his eyes are shut tight against the world. He imagined his cock penetrating her deeply, how sexy her little moans sounded, and how delicious her pussy juice tasted.

He suddenly felt that precious feeling again as his eyes shot open and he ran into the bathroom. He leaned into his toilet, his hand resting against the tank, as he ripped out a few sheets of toilet paper. He kept stroking his cock, his head playing mind movies of him and Raissa’s time together and his strokes went on faster and faster. Finally he felt that surge of pleasure wash over him. He pressed the paper against the head of his penis and it absorbed his batter as he gave stifled grunts. Finally, he wiped off any excess semen and threw the paper into the trashcan as he marveled at how much he came.

He tucked in his dick against his leg and let the boxers hug it, washed his hands, went back into the bedroom and threw on some shorts and a tank top. He went back downstairs, deciding he’s still not hungry, and simply went into the basement where he kept his gaming PC in. He booted it up and was lost in playing some Warzone with his friends soon joining him.


4 AM came like a thief and he didn’t even notice. He turned his PC off and headed on upstairs, realizing he hasn’t flicked on the light switch. He shrugged, however, as the illuminating light of the moon seeped into the kitchen and gave it enough. He took a cup from the cupboards and poured himself a glass of water from the fridge.

Suddenly, headlights shined into the house. “She’s home,” he said to himself and again he felt nothing. He wondered how he’ll get the house key from her, though, but that seems to have to wait for a little bit. He decided to simply stand there in the kitchen as he slowly sipped his water.

The creak of the door echoed into the silent room as Anna walked in. She gave a surprised yelp as her eyes went and met Victor’s own. He glared at her, suddenly feeling some of that anger come back, but he kept it at bay as his face relaxed a little and his balled up fist opened.

“Good morning,” he said as he took another sip of his water.

“Good, uh, good morning,” came her awkward reply as she brushed her hair back. She placed her purse on the couch and took off her blazer as she flicked the light switch on. “Why are you just standing in the dark like that?”

“It’s my home, I can stand in the dark if I want to,” came his reply and he’s surprised at how he sounded honestly. “Why are you just getting home now?”

“It was a very busy workday and the girls and I went out for drinks and I crashed on one of their couch,” she answered, “why aren’t you at work?”

“I thought I was on the schedule, apparently I wasn’t. You really need to cut back on your drinking,” he shot back as he poured himself some more water. “Who’s the friend? Maybe next time you can just uber home.”

“What? A work friend, you don’t know her. I can handle my drinks very well, by the way, and where is this coming from? Why are you asking so many questions?” she asked, irritation lining each word.

“I think I’m allowed to ask questions when my girlfriend doesn’t text me when she’s going out, comes home late, and get’s drunk almost every day.”

Anna walked closer to him and Victor could see specks of white on her black pencil skirt. They looked like stain, a very familiar stain. Anger came for a visit again, but Victor told him to fuck off for now.

Anna gave a frustrated sigh and she stared dagger into him. “I’m allowed to go and have fun! I’m always stressed out from work and you’re just adding to it!”

Ah, the gaslighting. Victor immediately recognized it. He simply looked at her as she stared back.

“Oh, so you’re saying I’m giving you stress? Tell me exactly how?” Victor turned to regard her fully, staring at her face. She met him but her resolve isn’t as strong, so she turned away and leaned against the island table.

“I… I didn’t say you’re making me stressed out,” Anna quipped as she fixed her hair.

“Then how am I ‘adding’ to your stress?” he probed further.

“You’re working too much! You’re inattentive and you go to the gym for hours! You’re cheating on me, aren’t you, with some gym whore!” She cried out as tears began to fall.

Ah there it is, projection. She has all but admitted it. Technically Victor did cheat, he’ll give her that, but this sham of a relationship has already ended a day ago.

“I’m working too much because of the goddamn plague. I go to the gym for hours because I needed to relieve my stress, and since the person I usually talk to about my problems isn’t at home I have to go somewhere else,” he answered with the same ferocity as he walked up to her slowly , like a stalking tiger, and leaned in towards her. “And how dare you accuse me of cheating.” His tone is low, danger dripping with each word. He had to control himself, he felt himself almost explode there and then when she accused him of cheating.

She shook, as she felt a sense of fear overtake her. “*He’s never acted like this before, and did he call me by my name? He hasn’t called me that in 2 years!”* she thought to herself.

“I-I don’t have to take this,” Anna said, as she grabbed her blazer and purse and walked out of the house. Her headlights turned on as she drove out of the driveway.

“Oh no. Anna please come back I’m so sorry,” Victor said flatly as he drank the last bit of water from his cup, washed it, and placed it in the drying rack. He locked his door as her car drove away and killed the lights. He went upstairs and went to sleep. Tomorrow is another day off as he had already cut his hours the week before in order to better care for his mental health. He went back to the usual 3 days a week routine.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/pczfmp/a_dish_best_served_hot_solo_mast_part_3