The scent lingers

I was working in the library, putting away books as I usually do.

Recently we’ve been having an influx of randos coming in, using the computers, not really doing anything, not reading anyway.

In comes a man, I smell him from afar. It’s a scent I’m familiar with. I try to place it, touching my tongue to the roof of my mouth. Chives?

The scent evoked such a raw reaction to my body, I could hear myself audibly expand. I could feel my shirt start to get wet. I was prepared to accept this tanker of a ship, coming in full speed ahead.

I gathered myself, looking around to make sure no one noticed my reaction.

I pushed up my glasses, prettied up my skirt and prepared to approach this man.

I noticed he was disheveled, upon closer inspection in fact, he reeked.

I calmly asked if he could leave since he was bothering other patrons.

This was when he pulled out a gun, and waved it at me.

I got on my knees, dear god is this it? What about my student loans?!

He put the gun near my mouth, jammed it in, I could feel the metal scrape my teeth.

He then said “I’ll see you on the other side” and pulled the trigger. For a brief moment I could feel the missing portion of the back of my skull. I’m pretty sure a small amount of poop left my body.

I fell to the side. Did I cum? Are my panties wet? I then woke up, realizing I was just dreaming.

I looked at the clock, it was time to go and pick up my kids.
