The deepest massage she has ever received…

***”Deep Massage” by Clit Club***
*(This is a preview of a short erotic story that you can currently read for FREE on Kindle here:*

I typically get through my day by relying heavily on spontaneity. My husband would say this was due to my lack of planning, but I’d say it was to keep my schedule as open as I can. Today, however, I was thoroughly thankful for my early morning decision to book a massage for myself this evening. I had been sent out of state for business, and my company had set me up in a rather nice hotel room for the two weeks I’d be staying. I was surprised when I learned they had complimentary massages for those of us staying on business.
How could I possibly say no to a free massage?
The doorman at the hotel greeted me with a smile and welcomed me back as he opened the door. I returned his smile with a nod and a ‘thank you’ before heading towards the elevator. I was eager to take off the low heels that had seemed like a good idea this morning. As the elevator doors closed, I glanced at my watch to see just how late in the afternoon it was. My massage was scheduled for 5:30, and it would be nice to have time to shower before going down to the spa. My watch read 4:37 pm. Great. I was cutting it closer than I’d like, but I could manage.
When the chime of the elevator signaled that I had reached my floor, I had already started loosening the silk scarf around my neck to save me some time. My feet ached as I approached my door, but with the swipe of a card, I was greeted by a gust of cool air when I entered my room. I must have left the AC on earlier.
I immediately noticed that housekeeping had been in to do their work. The bed had been made and fresh towels supplied. But I was surprised to find a cart had been left behind along with a portable massage table. When I had scheduled the massage, I assumed I would have to go downstairs for my appointment. It was a pleasant surprise to say the least to know I’d be able to relax in the comfort of my room.
I immediately took off my shoes and started to unbutton my blouse. After the day I’d had, I desperately needed a shower to wash the stress away.
A knock at my door stopped me in my tracks. The masseuse couldn’t be here already! I glanced at my watch again. It was only 4:40. Who could it be?
I pinched my now unbuttoned blouse closed as I went to greet my surprise guest.
“Yes?” I asked softly as I peeked through the cracked door. I hid my partially dressed body behind the door out of modesty. Imagine my surprise when I found a rather handsome young man waiting for me on the other side.
“Excuse me,” he said with a smile. “I am a bit early. You requested a massage, yes?”
His short-sleeved shirt hugged his torso tightly, giving me an ample view of just how toned his chest was. His biceps bulged under the confines of his sleeves. It was apparent that he had enough upper body strength to crack me like a glow stick if he chose to. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous to have him as a masseuse.
“Ma’am?” he asked softly and with a little laugh.
Oh jeez. He’d caught me staring, hadn’t he? I immediately snapped my attention to his face as if I wasn’t just gawking at him like a piece of cake in a dessert window. However, the second I met his kind gaze, all my anxieties melted away. His eyes were gentle as he looked down at me, waiting for my response.
“Y-yes! Yes, that was me,” I said with a laugh of my own. I stepped back and opened the door wide enough for him to enter. “Please, come in.”
He did as instructed, but as I closed the door behind him, his eyes lingered on my partially covered chest.
“Sorry,” I said. “I was just about to take a shower before you arrived.”
“By all means,” he said, his eyes lingering on my cleavage for a moment longer, “take all the time you need. I’ll be right here when you want me.”
Did he just wink at me? No, of course not. I must be seeing things.
“I’ll be just a moment,” I responded with a polite smile before slipping into the safety of the bathroom. I fanned myself to cool down the heat that was rising in my cheeks. There was something about the way he looked at me that made my heart rate skyrocket. It felt like he was undressing me with his eyes. It had been an awful long time since someone other than my husband had looked at me like that.
As terrible as it was, my mind was consumed by thoughts of this masseuse as I slipped into the shower.
I didn’t even know his name.
With my mind cleared and my body modestly wrapped in a towel, I stepped out of the bathroom. Just as he promised, the masseuse stood next to the cart which was filled with different oils, rocks, and assorted tools of his trade.
“Please,” he motioned towards the massage table, “make yourself comfortable.” He then politely turned his back to me to allow me some privacy.
I let the towel drop to my ankles before lying down on the table. It took a little awkward maneuvering, but I managed to drape the small modesty towel provided across my bum so I wasn’t so exposed.
“Ready when you are,” I announced.
He turned around with a soft chuckle. Initially I was a little nervous to be practically nude in front of a total stranger, but the way he smiled and spoke so comfortably helped calm my nerves.
“Is this your first time?” he asked softly as he let his hands gently glide along my back before adjusting the towel to cover me more properly.
“Is it that obvious?” I responded with a nervous laugh.
“Don’t worry, ma’am.” I felt the warmth of the body oil drizzle across my shoulder blades and then down my spine. His hands followed in the wake, coating every inch of my skin with a slick lubricant. “I’ll take good care of you.”
His velvety voice sent tingles straight down to my toes. And when his thumbs pressed along either side of my spine, I couldn’t help the soft hum that vibrated past my lips. I tried to hold back, but his hands felt like magic against my sore muscles. He rubbed deep, tight circles in my lower back, eliciting another moan from me.
“My my,” he teased as he focused more pressure a little higher up on my back. “You’re so tight.” His comment sent heat straight to my core. What did he just say to me?
“Your muscles are so tense,” he said. “You must’ve had a long day at the office.”
“You have no idea.”
I had begun to relax a bit, but my muscles tensed when he moved his attention to the backs of my thighs. I silently prayed that he didn’t notice as he began to run the oil into my skin there.
“Is this too much pressure?” he asked as his fingers pressed firmly into the flesh of my thighs. It was slightly ticklish for some reason, but the way he worked my muscles felt heavenly.
“No, that’s perfect.”
“Good.” His voice was just above a whisper as his hands trailed down the back of my legs and across my calves. With my body fully slicked with oil, he pushed his way back up to my thighs. I tried to keep myself from squirming under his touch, but the way his hands inched higher and higher on my thigh made it hard to resist.
I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but I was getting turned on by how sensually his fingers caressed my sensitive skin. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself down. I didn’t want to get carried away. I thought of my husband who was waiting for me back at home to ground myself back in reality.
Despite my efforts, I almost whined in protest when his hands stilled.
“Is it alright if I go higher?” he asked. His fingers patiently waited for my response.
“Of course,” I replied, not really sure what I was consenting to.
True to his word, his massage went higher up my thigh, just underneath the curve of my ass. He squeezed the softer flesh and I could feel the way it made my cheeks jiggle. I couldn’t help the fire that burned in my core as he seemingly toyed with me. Was this typical practice? It felt way too sexual to be considered professional, but there was no way in hell I was going to tell him to stop.
His hands worked high up on my inner thighs. He was so close to my pussy, I could feel the heat radiating off of his fingers.
My heart froze within my chest as one of his fingers just barely grazed against the lips of my pussy. I must have jolted slightly at the contact.
“Sensitive, are we?” he said, sensually purring the question and further inflaming me.

**Read the rest of this short erotic story for FREE here:**
