Serving without a bra [F]

I am just toying with the idea of wearing no bra for my next shift as a [restaurant waitress]( Love the idea of feeling the uniform brush against my nipples the whole night.

But somehow I fear somebody might notice and it might get me into trouble. Anny opinions, suggestions or hints?

You think you would notice? How would you react, what would you think?



  1. Honestly, I might notice, if I notice, I’ll enjoy from afar without staring to long or while you’re close. Would be concerned about you feeling uncomfortable and would not want to be disrespectful.

  2. What size are they? Would it be really obvious? If I were to take some cutlery from you and accidentally brush the back of my hand across a nipple would it instantly harden for me and make me comment on how excitable you were?

  3. You would get so many tips. Also could do pasties and have no perk but still show your not wearing a bra. Also a lot of tips

  4. It’s honestly becoming so common and is more socially acceptable now than it ever has been. I work within a handful of college towns every week and I swear the female bra to braless ratio is 50/50. People will always look. Men and women alike. It’s just natural. So…join the movement and just fucking do it. We as men do it every day. Why can’t you if you want to?

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